Abbot, General, 25.
house, 78, 109, 153.
Adam brothers, 98, 103, 128, 140, 215.
Adams, Abraham, 95, 138.
family, 95, 138.
John, 88.
the decorator, 69.
Albree, John, 152.
Alden, John, 111.
Allen, John Fiske, 51.
house, 51, 52.
of Lowestoft, 182.
Amesbury, Mass., 37.
Andirons, 67-69.
Andrews, John, 21, 101.
house, 13, 21, 84, 85.
"Angel Gabriel" (ship), 102.
Appleton, John, 163.
Architects, English, 8.
Architecture, Dutch, 2.
Gothic, 4.
Architrave, decoration of, 18.
Argand, Mons., 168.
Assembly house, 18, 24.
Atkinson collection, 200.
Ausberg, Germany, 212.
Austria, 197.
Bagnall, Benjamin, 147.
Samuel, 148.
Barcelona, Spain, 213.
Barnard, Dr. Thomas, 81.
Bartol, Dr. Cyrus, 81.
Bavaria, 196.
Bay of Biscay, 135.
Bedrooms, 122, 125.
Beds, accessories of, 124.
Adam, 128.
antique, 120.
bunk, 126, 127.
carved, 27.
Chippendale, 127, 128.
cupboard, 122, 126.
Egyptian, 121.
Field, 131.
Flemish, 121.
folding, 127.
four-poster, 123-131.
"Great Bed of Ware," 122, 123.
Greek, 121.
hangings, 124.
Hepplewhite, 128, 130.
inlaid, 128.
mahogany, 127.
oak, 122.
paneled, 127.
"Presse," 126, 127.
primeval, 121.
Queen Anne, 126.
Roman, 121.
Sheraton, 128.
"slaw-back," 127.
"Wild Bill" or one-poster, 126.
Benson house, 109.
Bigelow collection, 219.
Billingsley, William, 187.
roses, 187.
Bishop, Bridget, 26.
Black Point, Maine, 43.
Blankets, home-made, 124.
Bloor, Robert, 188.
Bohemia, 196, 197.
Boston, Mass., 5, 43, 71, 74, 147, 148, 149, 217, 219.
Bottles, 203, 205-209.
arched, 206.
bases of, 205.
calabash, 206.
canteen, 207.
circular, 206.
curio, 209.
decorated, 207-209.
designs on, 206.
flask, 207.
Jackson, 208.
Jenny Lind, 207.
Kossuth, 207.
liquor, 208.
Moses, 209.
oldest American, 207.
oval, 206.
rim of, 206.
Santa Claus, 209.
signs of age in, 205.
spherical, 206.
Taylor and Bragg, 207.
Venetian, 209.
Bow, England, 183, 186.
Bradford, Governor, quoted, 42.
Bricks, Dutch, 9.
gray-faced, 13, 14.
Briot, Francis, 212.
Bristol, R.I., 12, 60, 101, 131.
Brown Inn, 173.
Bumstead, 6, 80.
Byfield, Mass., 95, 126, 138, 173.
Cabins, log, 2.
Cabot, Mr., 141.
house, 7, 22, 53.
Joseph, 7, 22.
Caliga collection, 220.
Cambridge, Mass., 37.
Candelabra, 167, 169, 170.
Candle, 231.
bowl, 232.
cup, 232.
spoon, 231.
Candles, 159, 160-165.
bayberry, 164.
dip, 165.
makers, 166.
making, 163, 164, 165.
molds, 165.
sperm, 163.
suet, 161.
tallow, 161, 165.
wickless, 161.
Candlesticks, 159, 167.
brass, 167.
iron, 167.
pewter, 167.
silver, 167.
tin, 167.
Cape Cod, 42.
Capen house, 55.
Carving, art of, 18.
Ceilings, low, 3.
raftered, 66.
Cellar, large, 10.
Chairs, arm, 94, 98.
banister-back, 94.
brass mounted, 101.
carved, 95, 98, 99, 100.
Chinese type, 98, 99.
Chippendale, 97, 98.
comb back, 97.
Dutch, 95, 98.
early colonial, 93.
Empire type, 101, 102.
fan back, 97.
forms, 93.
French types, 98, 100.
heart-back, 100.
Hepplewhite, 97, 99, 100.
inlaid, 100.
japanned, 100.
Louis the Fifte
enth type, 98.
Martha Washington, 101
painted, 95, 97, 102.
ribbon-back, 98.
rocking, 94.
rush seated, 95.
settles, 93.
Sheraton, 97, 100, 101.
shield-back, 100.
slat-back, 94.
stuffed easy, 96.
turned, 93.
Windsor, 96, 97.
Chandeliers, 169.
Chelsea, England, 183, 186.
Chests, 105-110.
drop handle, 109.
hand-carved, 107.
highboys, 109, 110.
imported, 106, 107.
legs of, 108.
linen, 108.
lowboys, 109, 110.
"magic," 107.
mahogany, 106.
on frames, 108.
"owld pine," 106, 107.
size of, 106.
use of, 106.
with drawers, 107.
Chimney pots, 19.
Chimneys, catted, 2.
central, 7.
China, Empire of, 80, 181, 184, 185, 211, 229.
China, 172, 216.
caddies, 229.
cream ware, 191.
Crown Derby, 182, 186-188.
Delft, 177-180, 185.
jasper, 191.
Lowestoft, 22, 25.
pineapple, 27.
Downing, Emanuel, 4.
George, 4.
"Dr. Grimshawe's Secret," 24.
Dressing tables, 109.
Duesbury, William and son, 186, 187, 188.
Duke of Baden, 220.
Duke of Devonshire's house, 39.
Dummer, Governor William, 225.
house, 173.
Jeremiah, 225.
Dunbarton, N.H., 8, 130, 151.
Dunn, Cary, 226, 233.
Dutch architecture, 2.
East India Company, 185.
ware, 177, 178, 179, 180.
East Windsor, Conn., 150.
Edinburgh, Scotland, 212, 216.
Elector of Brandenburg, 200.
Elizabethan period, 4.
Embargo, the, 11.
Enderlein, Gasper, 212.
Endicott, Governor John, 2, 4, 44, 105.
farm, 44.
house, 10.
England, 2, 3, 8, 9, 35, 39, 41, 43, 64, 80, 82, 86, 128, 134, 135, 136, 139, 142, 147, 152, 157, 161, 167, 174, 183, 185, Fenders, 75, 76, 77.
Fireback, 71-72.
Firedogs, 66.
Fire frames, 73-74.
Fireplace, accessories, 65, 66, 67.
brass, 77.
colonial, 64, 65.
construction of, 65.
Elizabethan, 64.
Gove, 70.
inglenook, 64.
Louis Sixteenth, 64.
modern, 63, 64.
of Middle Ages, 63.
of Renaissance, 63, 64.
Queen Anne, 64.
Robinson, 71.
soapstone, 78.
tiled, 76.
Fire sets, 66, 67.
Flint and steel, 170.
Floor, sanded, 66.
Forrester house, 21.
France, 80, 86, 135, 167, 212.
Franklin, Benjamin, 94.
stores, 73, 74, 75, 76.
Gardens, 11, 13, 41.
Allen, 51, 52.
at Indian Hill, 48.
at Oak Knoll, 47.
Cabot, 53.
Captain Peabody's, 46.
Derby, 50.
features of old-fashioned, 44, 45.
Humphrey Devereux, 52.
location of, 45, 46, 51.
Mrs. Perry's, 48.
nucleus of, 43.
of George Heussler, 49, 50.
Salem, 49.
Gardiner house, 21.
George house, 141.
George II, 96.
George III, 69, 100, 230.
Georgetown, Mass., 83, 107.
Georgian period, 127.
Gerard, quoted, 44.
Germantown, Mass., 163.
Germany, 197, 212.
Gibbon (designer), 143.
Glasgow, Scotland, 212.
Glass, baluster stem, 202.
beads, 203.
blown, 205.
Bohemian, 195, 197-199, 204.
bonbon dishes, 200.
bottles, 203, 205-209.
bowls, 203, 204.
cameo incrusted, 199.
choiceness determined, 103.
colored, 197, 201.
cutting of, 198.
decanters, 200, 201, 202.
drinking, 201.
English, 201.
engraved, 196, 197, 198, 202.
etched, 199.
factories, 197, 198, 204.
first made, 194.
French, 199.
gilded, 196, 197.
goblets, 204.
green German, 196.
historic flasks, 206.
legend of, 196.
making in Rome, 195.
origin of, 195.
painted, 196, 197.
Portland Vase, 192, 195.
ruby colored, 199-200.
Russian, 203.
salt cellar, 199, 200.
toddy, 201, 202.
tumblers, 201-202.
vases, 198, 199.
Venetian, 195, 198.
white twist stem, 202.
wine, 202.
Glastonbury Abbey, 146.
Gothic architecture, 4.
Gove house, 70.
Governor's Field, 4.
Island, 42.
Grafton, Mass., 148.
"Guild of St. Luke," 179.
Hallway, Capen house, 55.
colonial, 54.
eighteenth and nineteenth century, 56, 57.
entry, 61.
finish of, 59.
"Hey Bonnie Hall," 60, 61.
Lee, 58, 60.
Old English, 55, 58.
paneled, 56, 57, 59.
papered, 59.
spacious, 57, 58.
Stark, 56.
Warner, 56, 57, 90-91.
Wentworth, 58, 59.
Hamilton, Mass., 71.
Hamilton Hall, 141, 166.
Hangings, bed, chintz, 124.
linen, 124.
patch, 124, 130.
Harland, Thomas, 150.
Harris, Mrs. Walter L., 136.
Harrod house, 138, 203.
Hartford, Conn., 147, 148.
Harvard College, 4.
Haverhill, Mass., 76, 129.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 24, 26, 37, 102, 224.
Heard house, 93.
Hearth accessories, 66, 67.
Hepplewhite (designer), 92, 97, 99, 100, 110, 112, 114, 115, 128.
"Hermitage," 87.
Heussler, George, 49.
"Hey Bonnie Hall," 11, 60, 61, 101.
Higginson, Governor, 161.
Rev. Francis, quoted, 41.
"Highfield," 95, 126, 138.
High Rock, Mass., 95.
Hillsboro, N.H., 89, 90, 115, 151.
Hinges, wrought-iron, 9.
Hingham, Mass., 93.
"History of Essex," 125.
Hoadley, Silas, 155.
Hoffman, Captain, 52.
span class="c39">Holland, 2, 9, 41, 43, 80, 96, 135, 177, 179, 180, 182, 184, 185, 196, 212.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 130.
Hosmer collection, 147.
"House of Seven Gables," 37.
Houses, Abbot, General, 78, 109, 153.
Albree, 152.
Allen, 52.
Andrews, 13, 21, 84, 85.
Assembly, 18, 24.
Bell or Brick, 190.
Benson, 109.
brick, 3, 13, 14, 19, 56.
Brown Inn, 173.
Cabot, 7, 22, 53.
Capen, 55.
Cogswell, 125.
colonial, 7.
Craigie, 37.
Crowninshield, 38, 71.
Derby, 77, 78.
Devereux, Humphrey, 52.
Devonshire's, Duke of, 39.
Dexter, 99.
Dummer, 173.
Endicott, 10.
finest, 8.
Forrester, 21.
frame, 2, 55.
gambrel-roofed, 3, 10, 19, 55.
Gardiner, 21.
George, 141.
Gove, 70.
Hamilton Hall, 29.
iron, 7, 30, 33, 36.
lion and ring, 35.
London, 38-39.
May house, 37, 38.
medieval, 33.
Mexican, 36.
plate or escutcheon, 33, 34.
price of, 34.
Renaissance, 33, 37.
reproductions of, 34.
thumb latch, 8, 22, 35, 38.
types of, 29.
Knox, General, 25.
Henry, 138.
Kunckel (artist), 200.
Lafayette, General, 24.
Lamps, Betty, 162.
glass, 168.
unique specimen, 162.
whale-oil, 166.
wick, 162.
with glass prisms, 169, 170.
Lanterns, 162.
gilded, 168.
painted, 168.
Larcom, Lucy, 6.
Latches, thumb, 8, 22, 35, 38.
Lean-to, 3, 7.
Lee, Colonel Jeremiah, house, 8, 58, 60, 87, 89.
Leghorn, Italy, 131.
Lehmann, Gasper, 198.
Leslie's Retreat, 7, 81.
Leverett, Governor John, 115.
Thomas, 15.
Lightfoot, Peter, 146.
Lights, candelabra, 167, 169.
candle, 159, 160, 161, 163-London, 167, 214, 215, 225.
London Guild or Worshipful Company of Pewterers, 215.
Long, Hon. John D., 93.
house, 93.
Longfellow, Anne Sewall, 95.
Lord, Nathaniel, 23.
house, 22, 138, 139, 142.
Lowestoft, 181, 186.
coat-of-arms, 183.
controversy, 185.
decoration of, 183, 184.
factory, 182, 184, 185.
first ware, 182.
Holland, 182.
Oriental, 181.
red, 183.
Luster ware, 191.
copper, 192, 193.
gold, 192, 193.
jugs, 192.
silver-tinted, 192.
Sunderland, 192.
Lynn, Mass., 72, 95, 175, 193.
Macpheadris, Captain, 9.
Mary, 9.
McIntyre, Samuel, 18, 47, 69, 70, 71, 77, 140.
Manchester, Mass., 56, 199, 200.
Mannheim, Germany, 204.
Pa., 204.
Mansfield, Mrs. Nathaniel B., 71.
collection, 109.
Mantlepieces, 63, 64, 70.
in Little house, 70.
marble, 70.
narrow, 64.
Oliver house, 77.
Renaissance, 64.
Salem Club, 70.
Sanders house, 70.
Manwaring (designer), 98.
Marblehead, Mass., 8, 60, 81, 87, 135.
Historical Society, 89.
Marseilles, France, 146.
Maryland Manor, 11.
"Mayflower," the, 111.
Mayhew (designer), 98.
May house, 37.
Merchant princes, 19.
Metropolitan Museum, 209.
Mexican War, 207.
Meyer, Hon. George von L., 71.
Middleton, Moses, 11.
collection, 11, 131.
house, 131.
Militia, first company of, 7.
Mills, Henry, 153.
Mirrors, Adam, 140.
Bilboa, 135.
bull's-eye, 140.
Chippendale, 136, 140.
Constitution, 137.
"Courtney," 143.
frames, 134.
girandole, 140, 141.
glass, 134.
knobs, 137.
Lafayette, 143.
late colonial, 141, 142.
mantel, 139-140.
metal, 133, 134.
origin of, 133.
paneled, 141, 142, 143.
Queen Anne, 136.
Venetian, 134, 142.
with cornice overhanging, 138, 141.
Mitchell collection, 199-200.
Money, first paper, 225.
Mount Vernon, 131.
Mullikin, Samuel, 150.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 211.
Myers, Myer, 225.
Nashville, Tenn., 87.
Newburyport, Mass., 48, 49, 73, 87, 88, 99, 113, 138, 180, 203.
New England Historical Genealogical Society of Boston, 147.
Newton, Mass., 37, 138, 139, 142.
Nichols house, 200.
North Andover, Mass., 142.
Noyes house, 113.
Nuremberg, Germany, 212.
Oak Knoll, 47, 60.
"Old Christmas," 65.
Old Tom, Indian chieftain, 12.
Oliver, Henry K., house, 77.
Osgood house, 109, 143, 168.
Page, Colonel Jeremiah, 6.
collection, 175, 180.
house, 5, 6.
Mistress, 6.
Panels, hand-made, 9.
Parties at Salem, 167.
Peabody, Captain Joseph, 11, 46, 70.
Elizabeth, 24.
Joseph Augustus, 46.
Sophia, 24.
Peacock Inn, 4.
Pearson, Ebenezer, 73.
Perkins, Dr. George, 74.
Perry, Mrs. Charles, 48.
Pewter, 71, 162, 167, 168, 194, 210.
American, 217.
chargers, 210, 219.
collections of, 219, 220.
composition of, 210.
development in France, 212.
Dutch, 212.
ecclesiastical, 213, 218.
English, 213, 215, 217.
flagon, 212.
French, 216.
German, 212.
guilds, 215, 216.
historic teapot, 220.
household, 213, 214, 219.
imitation, 218-219.
in Rome, 211.
in sixteenth century, 214.
Japanese, 211, 221.
lamps, 219, 220.
marks on, 214-221.
old, 211.
origin of, 211, 213.
plates, 210, 219, 221.
rarest in existence, 221.
salver, 212.
Scotch, 212, 216.
seals, 211.
Spanish, 213.
tankards, 210, 219.
use discontinued, 216.
value of, 217.
where used, 213-214.
Pewterer's Hall, London, 215.
Philadelphia, Pa., 28, 51, 75, 208.
Phipps, Governor, 90.
Pickering, Alice, 72.
house, 4, 5, 72, 76, 109.
John, 4, 5, 72.
Rev. Theophilus, 76.
Timothy, 5, 109.
Pierce, Franklin, 89.
Governor, 89.
house, 89, 115, 151.
Mr., 25.
Pierce-Jahonnot house, 25.
Pierce-Nichols house, 139.
Pilasters, fluted, 22.
Pilgrim Hall, 93.
Pillars, carved, 8.
packed with salt, 14.
Pitcher, Moll, 95.
Planche, Mons., 186, 188.
Plants and flowers, 41, 42.
azaleas, 52.
camellias, 52.
night-blooming cereus, 50.
oxeye daisy, 44.
peonies, 53.
pitcher plant, 43.
tulips, 53.
Victoria Regia, 51.
whiteweed, 44.
wild, 42.
woadwaxen, 44.
Plymouth, Conn., 155.
County, 217.
Mass., 93.
Poore, Major Benjamin Perky, 48.
Porcelain, Chinese, 179, 185.
Japanese, 179.
Lowestoft, 184.
Porch, Andrews, 21.
Assembly House, 24.
circular, 13, 17, 21.
n class="c40">beaker, 224.
bowls, 225, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235.
caddy, 229, 232.
cake basket, 234.
candle bowl, 232.
candlesticks, 225.
cans, 226.
chased, 232, 233.
communion service, 223.
creamer, 234.
cruet stand, 234.
English, 224.
engraved, 226, 232.
hallmarks on, 224, 226, 230, 231.
"hog" bowl, 235.
of Paul Revere, 225.
pitcher, 233.
plates, 225.
snuffbox, 232, 236.
spice box, 236.
spoons, 226-232.
table utensils, 236.
tankards, 232, 233.
teapots, 226, 233, 234.
tongs, 235.
Simpson, Dr. James E., 52.
Snuffer boats, 168.
Snuffers, 168.
Sofas, 97, 102.
Adam, 103.
Chippendale, 103.
Cornucopia, 103.
Darby and Joan, 103.
Empire, 104.
haircloth, 103.
Louis XV, 103.
Sheraton, 103.
Spain, 135, 212, 213.
Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 73.
Spoons, "Apostle," 227, 228.
"caddy," 228, house, 8, 56, 115, 130, 151.
State House, Boston, 15.
Stearns house, 6.
Steigel Baron, 204.
house, 204.
Stogumber Church, Somerset, 39.
Stoves, "Cat Stone," 75.
Franklin, 73, 74, 75, 76.
hub grate, 75, 76, 77.
Summer house, 44.
on Peabody estate, 46-47.
Susquehanna Valley, 75.
Sutton Mills, Andover, 47.
Swampscott, Mass., 152.
Switzerland, 212.
Tables, butterfly, 116.
card, 118.
chair, 117.
dining, 117, 118.
dish-top, 117.
Dutch, 117, 118.
Empire, 118.
hundred-legged, 117.
Kidney, 117.
Pembroke, 118.
pie-crust, 118.
Pied, 118.
pouch, 117.
Sheraton, 117.
table-top, 117.
tea, 117.
telescopic, 118.
writing, 117.
Terry, Eli, 150, 153, 154, 155.
family, 150.
Thomas, Seth, 155, 156.
Tiles, 76, 180, 181.
Tobies, Bennington, 177.
Dutch, 175.
French, 175.
German, 175.
Napoleon, 175, 176.
old, 176.
Staffordshire, 175.
teapot, 177.
young, 176.
Topsfield, Mass., 55.
Tracy, John, 49.
Tragees (silversmith), 226.
Trees, on Derby farm, 50.
on Indian Hill, 48.
on Peabody estate, 46.
Turgot, Mons., 216.
Van Dyck, Richard, 225.
Vineyard and orchard, 42.
Wall papers, "Adventures of Telemachus," 87.
"Bay of Naples," 88.
block printing of, 80, 81.
chariot race, 88.
"Cupid and Psyche," 85.
"Don Quixote," 84.
English, 86, 87.
English hunt, 84.
foreign scenes, 86, 88.
French, 86, 87.
importation of, 82.
landscape, 88, 89.
made to order, 83, 89.
origin of, 80.
panels of, 81.
Parisian views, 88.
picture, 79, 81.
roll, 81.
Roman ruins, 89.
squares of, 81.
Venetian scenes, 88.
Walls, painted, 81-83, 90, 91.
thick, 9.
unplastered, 66.
Ware, Isaac, quoted, 72.
Ware, wooden, 213.
Warner, Hon. Jonathan, 10, 169.
house, 9, 56, 90, 109, 169.
War of 1812, 143, 234.
Warren, Russell, 11.
Washington, George, 10, 25, 88, 130, 138.
quoted, 25.
Washingtonian period, 19.
Waterbury, Conn., 155.
Waters, Fitz, 202.
collection, 93, 102, 108, 202.
house, 38, 77, 202.
Wayland, Mass., 35.
Webster, Daniel, 23, 111.
Fletcher, 23.
Wedgwood ware, 189.
cream, 191.
jasper, 191.
Portland Vase, 192, 195.
Queen's ware, 190.
Wedgwood, Josiah, 189, 190, 191, 192.
Well room, the, 12.
Wentworth, Governor Benning, 10, 115.
house, 10, 58.
Sir John, 12.
West, Mrs. William C., 189.
collection, 189, 202.
Westminster Abbey, 146.
Westmoreland County, England, 211.
West Newbury, Mass., 12, 48.
Wheelwright, William, 88.
house, 88.
Whieldon, Thomas, 189.
Whipple, Major George, 87.
house, 7, 23, 87.
White, Captain Joseph, 22.
Stephen, 23.
White House, Washington, 11.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 47, 73.
garden, 47.
house, 37, 47, 160.
Wilkes-barre, Pa., 75.
William and Mary, 127.
Willard, Aaron, 148.
Benjamin, 148.
Simon, 149.
Windows, bull's-eye, 57.
diamond paned, 13.
dormer, 9.
fanlight, 61.
leaded, 5.
Lutheran, 9.
Windsor, England, 96.
Winthrop, Governor, 42, 161.
Wise, Rev. John, 76.
Witchcraft days, 26.
Woods used, apple, 101, 112.
cherry, 108, 111, 112, 148.
forest trees, 106.
hard, 59, 95.
harewood, 129.
holly, 114.
mahogany, 59, 61, 99, 100, 101, 102, 106, 108, 112, 114, 115, 127.
maple, 109, 114.
oak, 108,
pine, 147.
rosewood, 101, 102.
satinwood, 100, 101, 114, 129.
soft, 59, 95.
sycamore, 129.
tulip, 101, 114.
walnut, 60, 108, 111, 112, 129, 147.
white, 2, 129.
Yule log, 64.