- Seeds and Herbs for the Kitchen.
- ?1. Avens.
- ?2. Betony.
- ?3. Bleets or beets, white or yellow.
- ?4. Bloodwort.
- ?5. Bugloss.
- ?6. Burnet.
- ?7. Borrage.
- ?8. Cabbages, remove in June.
- ?9. Clary.
- 10. Coleworts.
- 11. Cresses.
- 12. Endive.
- 13. Fennel.
- 14. French Mallows.
- 15. French Saffron, set in August.
- 16. Lang de beef.
- 17. Leeks, remove in June.
- 18. Lettuce, remove in May.
- 19. Longwort (Lungwort).
- 20. Liverwort (probably Agrimonia Eupatoria).
- 21. Marigolds, often cut.
- 22. Mercury (Chenopodium Bonus Henricus).
- 23. Mints, at all times.
- 24. Nep (Nepeta Cataria).
- 25. Onions, from December to March.
- 26. Orache or arache, red and white (Atriplex hortensis).
- 27. Patience.
- 28. Parsley.
- 29. Penny-royal.
- 30. Primrose.
- 31. Poret (a leek or small onion according to some writers, Garlick).
- 32. Rosemary, in the spring time, to grow south or west.
- 33. Sage, red or white.
- 34. English Saffron, set in August.
- 35. Summer Savory.
- 36. Sorrell.
- 37. Spinage.
- 38. Succory.
- 39. Siethes (Chives).
- 40. Tansey.
- 41. Thyme.
- 42. Violets of all sorts.
- Herbs and Roots for Salads and Sauce.
- ?1. Alexanders at all times.
- ?2. Artichokes.
- ?3. Blessed Thistle, or Carduus Benedictus.
- ?4. Cucumbers, in April and May.
- ?5. Cresses, sow with lettuce in the spring.
- ?6. Endive.
- ?7. Mustard-seed, sow in the spring, and at Michaelmas.
- ?8. Musk, Mellion, in April and May.
- ?9. Mints.
- 10. Purslane.
- 11. Radish, and after remove them.
- 12. Rampions.
- 13. Rocket, in April.
- 14. Sage.
- 15. Sorrell.
- 16. Spinage, for the summer.
- 17. Sea-holy.
- 18. Sparage, let grow two years and then remove.
- 19. Skirrets, set these plants in March.
- 20. Succory.
- 21. Tarragon, set in slips in March.
- 22. Violets of all colours.
These buy with the penny Or look not for any. - ?1. Capers.
- ?2. Lemons.
- ?3. Olives.
- ?4. Oranges.
- ?5. Rice.
- ?6. Samphire.
- Herbs and Roots, to Boil or to Butter.
- ?1. Beans, set in winter.
- ?2. Cabbages, sow in March and after remove.
- ?3. Carrots.
- ?4. Citrons, sow in May.
- ?5. Gourds, in May.
- ?6. Navews, sow in June (Brassica Napus).
- ?7. Pompions, in May.
- ?8. Parsnips, in winter.
- ?9. Runcival Pease, set in winter.
- 10. Rapes, sow in June.
- 11. Turnips, in March and April.
- Strewing Herbs of all Sorts.
- ?1. Basil, fine and busht, sow in May.
- ?2. Balm, set in March.
- ?3. Camomile.
- ?4. Costmary.
- ?5. Cowslips and Paggles.
- ?6. Daisies of all sorts.
- ?7. Sweet Fennell.
- ?8. Germander.
- ?9. Hyssop, set in February.
- 10. Lavender (Lavendula vera).
- 11. Lavender Spike (L. spica).
- 12. Lavender Cotton.
- 13. Marjoram, knotted, sow or set in the spring.
- 14. Maudeline.
- 15. Pennyroyal.
- 16. Roses of all sorts, in January and September.
- 17. Red Mints.
- 18. Sage.
- 19. Tansy.
- 20. Violets.
- 21. Winter Savory.
- Herbs, Branches, and Flowers for Windows.
- ?1. Bays, sow or plant in January.
- ?2. Bachelor’s Buttons.
- ?3. Bottles, blue, red, and tawny.
- ?4. Columbines.
- ?5. Campions.
- ?6. Cowslips (Tusser here meant Oxlips).
- ?7. Daffodils or Daffodondillies.
- ?8. Eglantine or Sweet-Brier.
- ?9. Fetherfew.
- 10. Flower Amour, sow in May (Amaranthus).
- 11. Flower de Luce.
- 12. Flower-Gentle, white and red (Amaranthus).
- 13. Flower Nice.
- 14. Gillyflowers, red, white, and Carnations, set in spring and at harvest in pots, pails, or tubs, or for summer, in beds.
- 15. Holyoaks, red, white, and Carnations (Hollyhocks).
- 16. Indian Eye, sow in May, or set in slips in March (Dianthus Plumarius).
- 17. Lavender of all sorts.
- 18. Larksfoot (Larkspur).
- 19. Laus tibi (Narcissus Poeticus).
- 20. Lillium Convallium.
- 21. Lilies, red and white, sow or set in March and September.
- 22. Marigolds, double.
- 23. Nigella Romana.
- 24. Pansies, or Heartsease.
- 25. Paggles, green and yellow (Cowslips).
- 26. Pinks of all sorts.
- 27. Queen’s Gilliflowers (Hesperis Matronalis).
- 28. Rosemary.
- 29. Roses of all sorts.
- 30. Snapdragon.
- 31. Sops in wine (Pinks).
- 32. Sweet Williams.
- 33. Sweet Johns (Dianthus Barbatus).
- 34. Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum Umbellatum).
- 35. Star of Jerusalem (Tragopogon pratensis).
- 36. Stock Gilliflowers of all sorts.
- 37. Tuft Gilliflowers.
- 38. Velvet flowers, or French Marigolds (Tagetes patula).
- 39. Violets, yellow and white.
- 40. Wall Gilliflowers of all sorts.
- Herbs to still in Summer.
- ?1. Blessed Thistle.
- ?2. Betony.
- ?3. Dill.
- ?4. Endive.
- ?5. Eyebright.
- ?6. Fennel.
- ?7. Fumitory.
- ?8. Hyssop.
- ?9. Mints.
- 10. Plantane.
- 11. Roses, red and damask.
- 12. Respies (Rubus IdÆus).
- 13. Saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga or Saxifraga granulata, or perhaps, Carum Carvi).
- 14. Strawberries.
- 15. Sorrel.
- 16. Succory.
- 17. Woodroffe, for sweet waters and cakes.
- Necessary Herbs to grow in the Garden for Physic, not rehearsed before.
- ?1. Anise.
Thus ends in brief, Of herbs the chief, To get more skill, Read whom ye will; Such mo to have, Of field go crave.