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- Bacon, “Sylva Sylvarum; or, a Naturall Historie.”
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- Coles, “Art of Simpling.”
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- De la Quintinye, “The Compleat Gard’ner.”
- Dillon, Nineteenth Century, April 1894.
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- Friend, “Flowers and Flower-Lore.”
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- Fuller, “Antheologia; or, the Speech of Flowers.”
- Gerarde, “The Herball,” 1596.
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- Guillim, “Heraldry.”
- Hakluyt’s Voyages, “Remembrances for Master S.,” 1582.
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- Hogg, “The Vegetable Kingdom and its Products.”
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- I. W., i.e. John Worlidge, Systema AgriculturÆ, printed (London) for Thos. Dring, 1681.
- Jones, “Crowns and Coronations.”
- Lambert (Miss), Nineteenth Century, September 1879, and May 1880.
- Le Petit Albert, from the “Secrets of Albertus Magnus, of the Virtues of Herbs, Stones and Certaine Beasts,” 1617.
- Loudon, “EncyclopÆdia of Gardening.”
- Lupton, “Book of Notable Things,” 1575.
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