

Abercromby, General Ralph, in Flanders, 95, 114;
in Egypt, 123
Abercromby, General Robert, 78
Abraham, the heights of, 39
Abu Klea, action at, 135
Abyssinia, expedition to, 370
Acland, General, in Peninsula, 161
Adams, Brigadier, at Bhurtpore, 212
Aden, capture of, 235
Afghanistan, first war, 252;
second war, 378
Afridis, expeditions against, 404
Afridis soldiers, 398; 405
Agra, capture of (1803), 151;
action at (1857), 324
Ahmadabad, capture of, 70
Ahmad Khel, action at, 389
Ahmadnagar, capture of, 151
Albemarle, Earl of, at Havana, 105
Albuera, Battle of, 172
Ali Masjid, capture of, 381
Alison, General Sir A., in Egypt, 132
Aliwal, Battle of, 281
Alli Ghur, Battle of, 147
Alma, Battle of, 297
Almaraz, action at, 173
Alumbagh, defence of, 327
Amboyna, capture of, 221
Ameer Khan, 200
Amherst, the Earl of, at Louisburg, 37 et seq.
Amirs of Afghanistan: Dost Mohammed, 255;
Shah Sujah, 255;
Shere Ali, 385;
Yakub Khan, 388;
Abdul Rahman, 388
Amirs of Scinde, 266
Amoy, capture of, 337
Anstruther, General, in Peninsula, 160;
killed at Corunna, 164
Arabia, expedition to, 223, 231
Arab pirates, 225
Arcot, capture of, 51
Argaum, Battle of, 150
Armiger, General, in West Indies, 100
Arnaud, Marshal St., 296
Arracan, operations in, 245
Arrah, defence of, 333
Arroyos dos Molinos, action at, 174
Assaye, 149
Atbara, Battle of, 141
Auchmuty, General Sir S., at Monte Video, 42;
in Java, 228
Austria, Emperor of, 91
Austria, subsidies to, 194
Ava, expedition to, 240
Badajos, storming of, 178
Badara, Battle of, 57
Bailie, Major T. M., at Aden, 235
Baillie, Colonel, 68
Baird, Captain David, 69;
afterwards Sir David, 85;
in Peninsular War, 162
Baker, Colonel Valentine, in Egypt, 136
Baker, Major T. D., 369;
afterwards General Sir T., 385
Balaclava, Battle of, 300
Baluchis, the, 256
Banda, capture of, 224
Barabuttee, action at, 151
Baring, Sir Evelyn (afterwards Lord Cromer), 139
Barnard, General, at Delhi, 312
Barrington, Admiral, at St. Lucia, 100, 109
Barrosa, Battle of, 170
Barrow, Brigadier, at Guadeloupe, 120
Bassein, capture of, 244
Basse Terre, 100
Bath, grant of the Order of the, 197
Battles and campaigns:
Abu Klea, 135
Abyssinia, 370
Aden, 234
Afghanistan (1839), 252;
(1879), 378
Agra, 151, 324
Ahmad Khel, 389
Albuera, 172
Ali Masjid, 381
Aliwal, 281
Alli Ghur, 147
Alma, 297
Almaraz, 173
Amboyna, 220
Arabia, 224
Arcot, 50
Argaum, 150
Arracan, 245
Arrah, 332
Arroyos dos Molinos, 174
Ashantee (1874), 372
Ashanti (1900), 376
Assaye, 149
Atbara, 141
Ava, 239
Badajos, 177
Badara, 57
Balaclava, 300
Banda, 224
Bangalore, 79
Baroda, 220
Barrosa, 170
Beaumont, 92
Behar, 332
Belleisle, 440
Beni Boo Alli, 233
Betourah, 81
Bhurtpore, 211
Bladensburg, 46
Blenheim, 16
Bourbon, 226
British East Africa, 376
Budli ka Serai, 313
Burmah, 240 et seq.
Busaco, 168
Bushire, 237
Buxar, 63
Cabool (1842), 263
Candahar (1842), 261
Canton, 339
Cape of Good Hope, 348
Carnatic, 67
Central India, 329
Ceylon, 216, 217, 445
Charasiah, 386
Chillianwallah, 289
China, 336-347
Chitral, 393
Chumar, 215
Ciudad Rodrigo, 176
Cochin, 154, 218
Condore, 55
Coorg, 446
Copenhagen, 364
Corunna, 162
Corygaum, 208
Cuddalore, 72, 216
Cutchee, 265
Deig, 151
Delhi (1803), 148;
(1857) 312
Detroit, 44
Dettingen, 24
Dominica, 116, 441
Douai, 438
Douro, 166
Egmont-op-Zee, 95
Egypt (1801), 122
Egypt (1882-1884), 129, 454
Emsdorf, 28
Ferozeshah, 277
Fuentes d'Onor, 171
Ghuznee (1839), 254;
(1842), 262, 389
Gibraltar (1704), 3;
(1779), 10
Goojerat, 291
Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
(1810), 120
Guzerat, 69
Hafir, 139
Havana, 104
Hindoostan, 214
Hyderabad, 268
India, 218
Inkerman, 302
Java, 228
Jelalabad, 260
Kabul, 387
Kahun, 257
Kalunga, 214
Kamounah, 215
Kemmendine, 242
Khartoum, 141
Khelat, 255
Kimberley, 422, 456
Kirbekan, 135
Kirkee, 203
Koosh-ab, 239
Kutra, 66
Ladysmith, 425
Laswaree, 150
Lille, 20, 437
Lincelles, 90
Louisberg, 36
Lucknow, 316, 329
Maharajpore, 270
Maheidpore, 207
Maida, 10
Malakand, 398
Malplaquet, 21
Mandora, 125
Mangalore, 73
Manilla, 441
Marabout, 127
Martinique (1762), 102;
(1794), 111;
(1809), 118
Masulipatam, 56
Mauritius, 445
Mediterranean, 11
Meeanee, 266
Menin, 19, 437
Miami, 45
Minden, 26
Modder River, 417
Monte Video, 40
Moodkee, 276
Moro, 108
Multan, 291
Mysore, 77
Nagpore, 206
Namur, 12
Naval Crown, 362
Nepaul, 446
New Zealand, 368
Niagara, 45
Nieuport, 91
Nile, 133
Nive, 186
Nivelle, 184
Nowah, 209
Nundy Droog, 79
Orthes, 187
Oudenarde, 19
Paardeburg, 423
Paniani, 72
Pegu, 247
Peiwar Kotal, 382
Pekin, 343;
(1900), 346
Peninsula, 190
Persia, 236
Persian Gulf, 230
Plassy, 52
Pondicherry, 60
Poona, 204
Punjab Frontier, 396, 448
Punjaub, 286
Punniar, 272
Pyrenees, 182
Quebec, 38
Queenstown, 44
Quilon, 218
Ramillies, 18
Reshire, 238
Rohilcund (1774), 178
at Badara, 57
at Balaclava, 302
at Bangalore, 79
at Baroach, 220
at Baroda, 220

at Barrosa, 170
at Beaumont, 92
in Behar, 334
at Beni Boo Alli, 225, 234
at Betourah, 82
at Bhurtpore, 211, 213
at Bladensburg, 48
at Blenheim, 17
at Bourbon, 227
in British East Africa, 376
in Burma (1824), 246;
(1852), 248;
(1885), 251
at Busaco, 169
at Buxar, 65
in Cabool, 265
in Cambay, 219
in Cannanore, 216
at the Cape of Good Hope (1795), 349;
(1806), 351
in Central India, 331
at Charasiah, 386
at Chillianwallah, 290
in China (1840-1842), 338;
(1860), 343, 344
in Chitral, 394
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 177
in Cochin, 155
at Condore, 56
at Copenhagen (1801), 364;
(1806), 366
at Corunna, 164
at Corygaum, 209
at Cuddalore, 72, 216
at Deig, 154
at Delhi (1803), 148;
(1857), 315
at Detroit, 44
at Dettingen, 26
at Dindigul, 216
in Dominica, 117, 441
at Douai, 438
at the Douro, 166
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96
in Egypt (1802), 128;
(1882), 130
at Emsdorff, 29
at Ferozeshah, 280
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171
at Gawilghur, 150
at Ghuznee (1839), 255;
(1842), 263
at Gibraltar (1704), 4;
(1727), 8;
(1779-1783), 10
at Goojerat, 294
at Guadeloupe (1702), 98;
(1759), 102;
(1794), 99;
(1810), 121;
(1815), 121
in Havana, 107
at Hyderabad, 269
at Inkerman, 304
in Java, 230
at Jelalabad, 260
at Jemlanabad, 219
at Jersey, 360
at Kabul, 388
at Kamounah, 215
at Kandahar, 390, 392
at Kemmendine, 243
at Khartoum, 143
at Khelat, 257
at Kimberley, 423
at Kirbekan, 136
at Kirkee, 204
at Koosh-ab, 239
at Kutra, 66
at Ladysmith, 426, 427
at Laswarree, 151
at Lincelles, 90
at Louisburg, 37
at Lucknow—Defence, 320;
Relief, 328;
Capture, 329
at Maharajpore, 271
at Maheidpore, 207
at Maida, 11
at Malakand, 401
at Malplaquet, 23
at Mandora, 128
at Mangalore, 76
at Marabout, 128
at Martinique (1762), 104;
(1794), 112;
(1809), 119
at Masulipatam, 57
at Meeanee, 268
at Miami, 45
at Minden, 27
at Modder River, 417
at Monte Video, 43
at Moodkee, 277
at Mooltan, 292
at Nagpore, 206
at Namur, 14
in New Zealand, 368, 369
at Niagara, 45
at Nieuport, 91
at Nive, 187
at Nivelle, 185
at Nowah, 210
at Orthes, 188
at Oudenarde, 21
at Paardeburg, 425
at Paniani, 73
at Pegu (see Burmah)
at Peiwar Kotal, 383
at Pekin, 344
in the Persian Gulf, 233;
(see Arabia, Beni Boo Alli)
at Plassy, 55
at Pondicherry, 61, 63
at Poonah, 204
at Punniar, 272
at Pyrenees, 183
at Quatre-Bras, 195
at Quebec, 40
at Queenstown, 44
at Quilon, 218
at Ramillies, 19
at Reshire, 238
at Rohilcund, 66, 82
at Roleia, 158
at Sahagun, 162
at St. George's Battle, 66
at St. Lucia (1778), 110;
(1796), 115;
(1803), 115
at St. Sebastian, 184
at St. Vincent, 363
at Salamanca, 179
at Samana, 403
at Sattimungulum, 215
at Schellenberg, 16
in Scinde (see Meeanee, 266; Hyderabad, 268)
at Seedaseer, 84
at Seetabuldee, 205
at Seringapatam, 81, 87
at Sevastopol, 307
at Sierra Leone, 374
at Sobraon, 285
in South Africa, 359, 431, 432
at Surinam, 116
at Taku Forts, 343
at Talavera, 168
at Tangier, 2
at Tanjore, 444
at Tarifa, 176
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132
at Ternate, 223
at Tirah, 407
at Tofrek, 138
at Toulouse, 189
at Tournay, 94
at Umbeyla, 449
at Villers-en-Couches, 91
at Vimiera, 159
at Vittoria, 181
at Wandewash, 60
at Warburg, 31
at Waterloo, 195
in West Africa, 374, 375
at Wilhelmstahl, 34
at Willems, 93
Cathcart, General Sir G., 296, 354
Cathcart, General the Lord, 365
Cavan, General the Earl of, 95, 123
Cawdor, the Earl of, at Fishguard, 363
Cawnpore, action at, 326
Central India, operations in, 329
Ceylon, capture of, 216, 452
Chakdara, defence of, 401
Charasiah, action at, 386
Champion, Colonel, in Rohilcund, 66
Chandernagore, capture of, 53
Chaplin, Lieutenant, V.C., in China, 343
Chard, Lieutenant, V.C., at Rorkes Drift, 3 57
ChÂteaugay, medal for, 44
Chatham, General the Lord, 95
Cheduba, occupation of, 241
Chelmsford, General the Lord, in South Africa, 355
Childers, Brigadier, at Bhurtpore, 212
Chillianwallah, the Battle of, 290
China, war in (1842), 336 et seq.;
(1860), 341
Chinhut, reverse at, 319
Chitral, defence and relief of, 393
Christler's farm, medal for, 44
Chusan, capture of, 337
Cintra, convention of, 159
Ciudad, Rodrigo, Battle of, 176
Clarke, General, Sir Alured, at the Cape, 349
Clavering, Brigadier J., at Guadeloupe, 100
Cleveland, Major, 100
Clibborn, Major, 259
Clive, Lord Robert, 50, 51, 53 et seq.
Cochin, defence of, 154
Cochrane, Admiral, at Bladensburg, 46
Codrington, General Sir W., in Crimea, 296
Coles, Captain, R.N., at Banda, 224
Colville, Brigadier, at Martinique, 118
Combermere, General the Lord, at Bhurtpore, 211
Condore, the Battle of, 55
Coote, General Sir Eyre, at Plassy, 54;
at Wandewash, 59;
at Pondicherry, 60;
at Sholinghur, 71
Coote, Major-General, at Egmont-op-Zee, 93;
in Egypt, 123
Copenhagen, 364
Cornwallis, General the Lord, 78, 81
Corunna, Battle of, 162
Corygaum, the Battle of, 208
Cotton, General Sir W., 253
Cradock, General, 123
Craig, Major-General, at the Cape of Good Hope, 349
Craigie, Captain, at Khelat-i-Ghilzai, 261
Crawford, General, 158, 163
Crealock, Major-General H. H., 358
Crimean War, the, 295-310
Cromer, the Lord, 139
Crump, General, at Guadeloupe, 101
Cuddalore, Battle of, 72
Cutchee, expedition to, 265
Cutts, General the Lord, 15
Dalhousie, Lord, in India, 318
Dalrymple, General, at Vimiera, 160
Darby, Admiral, at Gibraltar, 9
Daulhat, Major, at Warburg, 30
Deig, Battle of, 151;
siege and capture of, 154
Hamilton, General, in Persia, 237
Hamley, General Sir G., in Egypt,

Hampshire Regiment, its service in India, 219
Handscomb, Brigadier, murder of, 319
Harcourt, General, at Guadeloupe, 120;
in Mahratta War, 146
Hardinge, the Viscount, 275
Harris, General the Lord, at Seringapatam, 85
Hattrass, capture of the Fort of, 218
Havelock, General, in Persia, 237;
at Lucknow, 321;
death of, 323
Havilland, General, at Martinique, 103;
at Havana, 105
Helena, the Island of St., the Regiment of, 41, 349
Hervey, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288
Hesse, Prince George of, at Gibraltar, 3
Highland Light Infantry, the, services in India, 216, 449
Hill, Colonel R., 125;
afterwards General, in Peninsula, 157 et seq.
Hindoostan, the battle honour, 214
Hislop, General Sir T., in second Mahratta War, 202
Hoggan, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288
Hoghton, Brigadier, at Martinique, 118
Holkar, the Maharajpore, war with, 151;
the army, 201
Honnor, General, in Persia, 237
Hood, Commodore, at Surinam, 116
Hope, Brigadier Adrian, 326
Hopson, Brigadier General Sir Peregrine, 100
Hoti Mardan, 398
Hudson, Brigadier Sir J., at Suakim, 137
Hunter, General Sir. A., in Egypt, 142
Hunt-Walsh, Brigadier, 103, 105
Hutchinson, General, in Egypt, (1802), 126
Hyderabad, battle at, 268
Hyder Ali, ruler of Mysore, 67
Hyslop, General, at Guadeloupe, 120
Innes, Colonel P. R., the historian, 69
India, the battle honour, 218
India, the Mutiny in, 311, 335
Inkerman, the Battle of, 302
Invicta (see 12th Pioneers), 261
Isandhlwana, Battle of, 357
Jacob, Brigadier, in Persia, 237
Java, the expedition to, 228
Jelalabad, the defence of, 260
Jemlanabad, the capture of, 219
Jersey, French invasion of, 360
Jersey Militia, 361
Jervis, Admiral Sir J., 111, 113
Jhansi, the capture of, 330
Joassma tribe, the operations against, 230
Joseph, King of Spain, at Talavera, 167
Junot, Marshal, in Portugal, 156
Kabul, capture of, and operations around, 386 et seq.
Kaffirs, the, wars with, 351 et seq.
Kahun, the defence of, 257
Kalunga, attack on, 214
Kamounah, capture of, 214
Kandahar, Battle of, 392
Kane, Colonel, at Gibraltar, 5
Kassassin, action at, 130
Keane, General the Lord, in Afghanistan, 253
Keatinge, Colonel, at Bourbon, 226
Keir, General Sir Grant, 202, 231
Keith's Highlanders at Warburg, 30;
at Wilhelmstahl, 33
Kekewich, Colonel, at Kimberley, 412
Kelly, Colonel H. Harvey, at Chitral, 395
Kemmendine, defence of, 242
Keneh, on the Nile, 127
Kent, H.R.H. the Duke of, 111-113 et seq.
Keyes, Lieutenant R., in China, 345
Keyes, Major, at Umbeyla, 449
Khalifa, the, 140
Khelat, the capture of, 255
Khelat-i-Ghilzai, the defence of, 261
Khyber Pass, the, 260, 379
Kimberley, 412
Kingsley, Brigadier, at Minden, 27
Kinloch, Brigadier A. A., in Chitral, 395
Kirke, Colonel, at Tangier, 1
Kirkee, Battle of, 203
Kitchener, General Sir Herbert, in Egypt, 139;
in South Africa, 419
Knox at Badara, 58
Koosh-ab, action, at, 239
Kosseir, British troops disembark at, 127
Kuram Valley, the, 379, 382, 385
Kutra, Battle of, 66
Ladysmith, 425
Lake, General the Lord, at Lincelles, 90;
in India, 145 et seq.
Lawrence, Brigadier, at Louisburg, 36
Lawrence, Sir Henry, at Lucknow, 318
Lawrence, St., the River, 39
Legion of Honour, the Order of, 305, 308
Leith, General, in the Peninsular War, 163
Leith, Major-General, at Guadeloupe, 121
LiÈge, capture of, 15, 437
Lille, capture of, 20, 437
Little, Brigadier Sir A., 325
Littler, General Sir J., at Maharajpore, 271;
in the Sutlej campaign, 273, 277, 283
Lockhart, General Sir William, 405
Lockhart, Lieutenant, at Malakand, 399
Losses, Regimental (see Casualties)
Louisburg, capture of, 36
Low, General Sir R., in Chitral, 395
Lucan, General the Earl of, in the Crimea, 295
Luckner, General, at Wilhelmstahl, 32
Lucknow, Defence, Relief, and Capture of, 320 et seq.
Lynedoch, Lord (Colonel Graham), 125
Lyttelton, General the Hon. N., 142, 415
Macan, Brigadier, at Ally-Ghur, 145
MacBean, Captain, R.A., at Minden, 26;
at Warburg, 29
McCaskill, Brigadier, in Afghanistan (1842), 264;
killed, 286
McCombe, Brigadier, at Bhurtpore, 212
McCreagh, Brigadier, in Burmah, 241
Macdonald, Brigadier, at Ally-Ghur, 145
Macdonald, Brigadier Hector, in Egypt (1897-98), 143
Macdonald, Sir Claude, in Pekin, 345
MacKay, Lieutenant, R.N., at Mangalore, 73
McLean, Brigadier, at Guadeloupe, 120
McLeod at Paniani, 72;
at Mangalore, 76
MacNair, Colonel, at Martinique, 118
MacNeill, Major, afterwards General, Sir John, in Egypt, 137;
in New Zealand, 369
Maestricht, the capture of, 15
Maharajpore, the Battle of, 270
Mahdi, 134 et seq.
Maheidpore, the Battle of, 207
Mahrattas, wars with the, 144, 200
Maitland, Major-General, at Martinique, 118
Maitland, Sir P., at the Cape, 353
Maiwand, reverse at, 390
Malwa Field Force, the, 331
Malcolm, Sir John, in Second Mahratta War, 202
Malakand, the defence of, 398
Mandora, Battle of, 125
Mangalore, the defence of, 73
Manners, Major-General, in Flanders, 95
Manningham, Major-General, at Corunna, 163
Mansell, General, killed at Beaumont, 92
Maoris, the, wars with, 368
Marabout, capture of Fort, 127
Maria Theresa, the Order of, 91
Markham, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288
Marlborough, the Duke of, 15 et seq.
Martaban, capture of, 244
Matthews, General, at Bednore, 73
Maxwell, Major, at Warburg, 30;
at Wilhelmstahl, 33
Maya, action of, 183
Meadows, General, in Mysore, 78;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109
Mediterranean (see Battle Honours), 11
Medjidieh, the Order of, 305, 308
Meeanee, the Battle of, 266
Meiklejohn, Brigadier, at Malakand, 398
Menin, capture of, 19, 437
Methuen, General the Lord, 415 et seq.
Milford, the Earl of, 363
Minhla, capture of Fort, 250
Minto, Lord, in Java, 228
Modder River, Battle of, 417
Mohmunds, expeditions against, 401
Monckton, General, at Quebec, 39;
at Martinique, 103
Moncrieff, Colonel, 125
Monson, Colonel, the Hon. G., 145
Montcalm, Marquis of, at Quebec, 39
Montressor, Colonel, at Seedaseer, 83
Moodkee, Battle of, 276
Mooltan, capture of, 291
Moore, General Sir John, 95, 114, 123, 161-164
Morrison, Brigadier, in Arracan, 241
Mostyn, General, at Warburg, 30
Munro, Sir Hector, 60, 62, 64, 68
Murray, Brigadier, at Quebec, 39;
at Bhurtpore, 212
Murris, the tribes of, 258
Muy, General de (see De Muy), 29
Myers, Brigadier, at Martinique, 111
Nagpore, the army of, 201;
the Battle of, 206
Napier, General Sir Charles, in Scinde, 266
Napier, Major, afterwards Lord Napier of Magdala, 287, 332, 342, 370
Neill, Colonel, at Lucknow, 321
New Zealand, operations in, 367
Nicholson, Brigadier John, at Delhi, 314
Nightingale, General, in Peninsula, 158
Nightingale, Miss Florence, 297
Ninetieth Light Infantry at Buxar, 64
Nive, the Battle of, 186
Nivelle, the Battle of, 185
Nixon, Captain, at capture of Banda, 224
Nizam, the, his armies, 201
Norman, Brigadier F. B., in Burmah, 250
Nott, General Sir William, 253 et seq.
Nowah, the attack on fort at, 209
Nundy Droog, assault of, 79
Ochterlony, Colonel, General Sir David, 152
Oman, Professor, his work referred to, 161
Omar Pasha in the Crimea, 296
Onore, defence of, 73
Opium War, the, 336
Orange, the Duke of, at Malplaquet, 22
Orthes, Battle of, 187
Osman Digna, 136
Osmanieh, the Order of, 133
Outram, Major James, in Scinde, 267;
afterwards General, 236, 318
Paardeburg, the Battle of, 423
Paget, General Lord, 162
Paget, General Sir Edward, in the Peninsular War, 163
Pagham, Burmese defeated at, 245
Palamcottah, action at, 155
Palamcottah, Light Infantry, the, (see 63rd P.L.I.)
Pampeluna, capture of, 183, 186
Paniani, the action of, 72
Paton, Brigadier, at Bhurtpore, 212
Patterson, Colonel, at Bladensburg, 46
Peel, Captain Sir William, R.N., 323, 326
Peishwa, the armies of, 201
Peiwar Kotal, action at, 382
Pekin, occupation of (1860), 343;
in 1900, 346
Pembrokeshire Yeomanry, 368
Peninsular War, the, 156 et seq.;
casualties in, 191;
honours for, 197
Penny, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288
Pennycuick, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288

6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers)—At Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Warburg, 29;
at Willems, 93;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Delhi, 312;
in Afghanistan, (1879-80), 378;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
7th (Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guards—At Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
in South Africa (1846-47), 352;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 130;
in South Africa (1900-02), 408
1st (Royal) Dragoons—At Tangier (1662-1680), 1;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Beaumont, 92;
at Willems, 93;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)—At Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Willems, 92;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
3rd (King's Own) Hussars—At Dettingen, 24;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Cabool (1842), 263;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
in South Africa (1902), 408
4th (Queen's Own) Hussars—At Dettingen, 24;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuera, 172;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
in Afghanistan, 252;
at Ghuznee (1839), 254;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306
5th (Royal Irish) Lancers—At Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Suakin (1885), 136;
in South Africa, (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426
6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons—At Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Willems, 93;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408
7th (Queen's Own) Hussars—At Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Beaumont, 92;
at Willems, 93;
at Orthes, 187;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Lucknow, 316;
in South Africa (1901-02), 408
8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars—At Leswarree, 150;
in Hindoostan, 214;
in Nepaul, 446;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Central India, 329;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers—In the Peninsula, 192;
at Punniar, 272;
at Sobraon, 283;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
at Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Charasiah, 386;
at Kabul (1879), 387;
at Kandahar (1880), 392;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Modder River, 417;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
10th (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars—At Warburg, 29;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
in Egypt (1884), 129;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars—In Egypt, 122;
at Warburg, 29;
at Beaumont, 92;
at Willems, 93;
at Salamanca, 178;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Bhurtpore, 211;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306
12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers—In Egypt, 122;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
in South Africa (1851-2-3), 353;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
13th Hussars—At Albuera, 172;
at Vittoria, 180;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
14th (King's) Hussars—At the Douro, 166;
at Talavera, 167;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at Orthes, 187;
in the Peninsula, 190;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
in Persia, 236;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
15th (the King's) Hussars—At Emsdorff, 28;
at Villers-en-Couches, 91;
at Willems, 93;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 95;
at Sahagun, 161;
at Vittoria, 180;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
16th (the Queen's) Lancers—At Belleisle, 440;
at Beaumont, 92;
at Willems, 93;
at Talavera, 167;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Nive, 186;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Bhurtpore, 211;
in Afghanistan 252;
at Ghuznee (1839), 254;
at Maharajpore, 270;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers—At Monte Video, 43;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1900-1902), 408
18th (Victoria Mary, Princess of Wales's, Own) Hussars—In the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426
19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars—At Assaye, 149;
at Mysore, 77;
at Niagara, 45;
in Egypt (1882-1884), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 130;
up the Nile (1884-85), 133;
at Abu Klea, 135;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426
20th Hussars—At Monte Video, 43;
at Vimiera, 159;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Suakin (1885), 136;
in South Africa (1901-02), 408
21st (Empress of India's Own) Lancers—At Monte Video, 43;
at Khartoum, 141
Grenadier Guards—At Tangier, 1;
at Gibraltar (1704), 3;
at Namur, 12;
at Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Gibraltar (1727), 8;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Wilhelmstahl, 33;
at Lincelles, 423
The King's Own Royal Lancasters (4th Regiment)—At Tangier, 1;
at Namur (1695), 12;
at Gibraltar (1704), 3;
at Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Copenhagen (1807), 364;
at Corunna, 162;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at St. Sebastian, 184;
at the Nive, 186;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Bladensburg, 46;
at Waterloo, 191;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Northumberland Fusiliers (5th Fusiliers)—At Gibraltar (1727), 8;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 159;
at Corunna, 162;

at Busaco, 168;
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Afghanistan, 378;
at Khartoum, 141;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Modder River, 417
The Royal Warwick (6th Royals)—At Namur (1695), 12;
at Martinique (1794), 111;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 159;
at Corunna, 162;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Niagara, 45;
in South Africa (1846-47), 352;
(1851-2-3), 353;
at Atbara, 141;
at Khartoum, 141;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408
The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment;
7th Fusiliers)—At Namur (1695), 12;
at Copenhagen (1807), 364;
at Martinique (1809), 118;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuera, 172;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Afghanistan, 378;
at Kandahar, 392;
in South Africa, 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The King's Liverpool Regiment (8th Kings)—At Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Menin, 19, 437;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Martinique, 118;
at Niagara, 45;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Copenhagen (1807), 364;
at Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Afghanistan, 378;
at the Peiwar Kotal, 382;
in Burmah, 248;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 425
The Norfolk Regiment (9th Regiment)—At the Havana, 104;
at Belleisle, 440;
at Martinique, 111;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Corunna, 162;
at Busaco, 168;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at St. Sebastian, 184;
at the Nive, 186;
in the Peninsula, 190;
in Cabool (1842), 263;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Kabul, 387;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Lincolnshire Regiment (10th Regiment)—At Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
in Egypt, 122;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Sobraon, 283;
in the Punjaub, 386;
at Multan, 293;
at Goojerat, 292;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Atbara, 141;
at Khartoum, 141;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Devonshire Regiment (11th Regiment)—At Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Salamanca, 178;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Tirah, 404;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Suffolk Regiment (12th Regiment)—At Dettingen, 24;
at Minden, 26;
at Gibraltar, 8;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Seringapatam, 84;
in India, 218;
at Quilon, 218;
in Cochin, 154;
in the Mauritius, 445;
in South Africa (1851-2-3), 353;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
in South Africa, 408
The Prince Albert's (Somersetshire Light Infantry) (13th Regiment)—At Gibraltar (1704), 3;
(1727), 8;
at Dettingen, 24;
in Egypt, 122;
at Martinique, 118;
at Guadeloupe, 120;
in Burmah (1824-1826), 239;
in Afghanistan (1839-1842), 251;
at Ghuznee (1839), 253;
at Jelalabad, 260;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in South Africa (1878-79), 355;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Prince of Wales's Own West Yorkshire Regiment (14th Regiment)—At Namur (1695), 12;
at Gibraltar (1704), 3;
(1727), 8;
at Tournay, 94;
at St. Lucia, 115;
at Corunna, 162;
at the Mauritius, 445;
in Java, 228;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Hattrass, 218;
in India, 218;
at Bhurtpore, 211;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The East Yorkshire Regiment (15th Regiment)—At Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Belleisle, 440;
at Louisburg, 36;
at Quebec, 38;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
(1794), 111;
(1809), 118;
at Havana, 104;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Guadeloupe, 120;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in South Africa, 408
The Bedfordshire Regiment (16th Regiment)—At Namur (1695), 12;
at Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Lille, 20;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Surinam, 115;
in Chitral, 394;
in South Africa, 408
The Leicestershire Regiment (17th Regiment)—At Namur (1895), 12;
at Louisburg, 36;
at Martinique, 102;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at the Havana, 104;
in India, 215;
in Nepaul, 446;
in Afghanistan, 252;
at Ghuznee, 254;
at Khelat, 255;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
in South Africa (1899-1892), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426
The Royal Irish Regiment (18th Royal Irish)—At Namur, 12;
at Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Menin, 19;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Lille, 20;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Gibraltar (1727), 8;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
in China (1842), 336;
in Burmah (1852), 246;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 130;
at the Nile, 133;
in South Africa, 408
Alexandra, Princess of Wales's, Own Yorkshire Regiment (19th Regiment)—At Namur, 14;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Guadeloupe (1702), 98;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Tirah, 404;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423;
at Douai, 438
The Lancashire Fusiliers (20th Regiment)—At Guadeloupe (1702), 98;
at Gibraltar (1727), 8;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Minden, 26;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
in Egypt, 122;
at Maida, 10;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Corunna, 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425;
at Douai, 438
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (27th and 3rd Madras Europeans)—At Namur, 12;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
at Havana, 104;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at St. Lucia (1796), 115;
in Egypt, (1802), 122;
at Maida, 10;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
in South Africa (1835, 1846-47), 351;
(1899-1902), 408;
in Central India, 329;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Gloucester Regiment (28th and 61st Regiments)—At Ramillies, 18;
at Louisburg, 36;
at Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
at Quebec (1759), 38;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
at Havana, 104;

at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
(1796), 115;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Maida, 10;
at Corunna, 162;
at Talavera, 167;
at Barrosa, 170;
at Albuera, 172;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
at Waterloo, 192;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Delhi, 312;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Worcester Regiment (29th and 36th Regiments)—At Ramillies, 18;
(1 June, 1794), 362;
at Gibraltar (1727), 8;
at Belleisle, 440;
in Mysore, 77;
at Pondicherry, 62;
at Bangalore, 79;
at Seringapatam (1792), 81;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 159;
at Corunna, 162;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuhera, 172;
at Salamanca, 178;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in Hindostan, 214;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 281;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
East Lancashire (30th and 59th Regiments)—At Gibraltar (1704-5), 3;
(1727), 8;
(1778-1780), 10;
at Belleisle, 440;
at the Cape of Good Hope 122;
at Corunna, 162;
in Java, 227;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at St. Sebastian, 184;
at the Nive, 186;
at Waterloo, 192;
at Bhurtpore, 211;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Canton, 339;
in Afghanistan (1878-80), 378;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Chitral, 394;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
East Surrey (31st and 70th Regiments)—At Gibraltar (1704-5), 3;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Martinique (1794), 111;
at St. Lucia (1796), 115;
at Guadeloupe (1810), 120;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuhera, 172;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Cabool (1842), 263;
at Moodkee, 267;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at the Taku Forts, 342;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
at Suakin (1885), 136;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (32nd and 46th Regiments)—At Gibraltar (1704-5), 3;
at Dettingen, 24;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Dominica, 116;
at Copenhagen (1807), 364;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 159;
at Corunna, 162;
at Salamanca, 178;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Waterloo, 192;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Multan, 291;
at Goojerat, 292;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 130;
at the Nile (1884-85), 133;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at Paardeburg, 423
Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment (33rd and 76th Regiments)—At Dettingen, 24;
at Warburg, 29;
in Mysore, 77;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Martinique (1762), 104;
at Bangalore, 79;
at Seringapatam (1799), 84;
at Ally-Ghur, 147;
at Delhi (1803), 148;
at Laswarrie, 150;
at Deig, 151;
at Bhurtpore, 210;
in Hindostan, 214;
at Corunna, 162;
at the Mauritius, 435;
at the Nive, 186;
at Waterloo, 192;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Kimberley, 422;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Border Regiment (34th and 55th Regiments)—At Gibraltar (1727), 8;
at Havana, 104;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Albuera, 172;
at Arroyos dos Molinos, 174;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
in Coorg, 446;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Lucknow, 316;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425;
at Douai, 438
The Royal Sussex Regiment (35th and 2nd Bengal Infantry)—At Guadeloupe (1702), 98;
at Gibraltar (1704-5), 3;
at Louisburg, 36;
at Quebec (1759), 38;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
at Havana, 104;
at the Moro, 106;
at St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Maida, 10;
in Egypt (1882-1885), 129;
at the Nile (1884-85), 133;
at Abuklea, 135;
in South Africa, 408
The Hampshire Regiment (37th and 67th Regiments)—At Schellenberg, 15;
at Blenheim, 16;
at Ramillies, 18;
at Oudenarde, 19;
at Tournay, 22;
at Malplaquet, 21;
at Dettingen, 24;
at Minden, 26;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 33;
at Belleisle, 440;
at Tournay, 93;
at Barrosa, 170;
in India, 216;
at the Taku Forts, 342;
at Pekin, 343;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
at Charasiah, 386;
at Kabul, 387;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408;
at Paardeburg, 423
The South Staffordshire Regiment (38th and 80th Regiments)—At Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
at Martinique, 102;
in Egypt (1802), 122;
at the Cape of Good Hope, 248;
at Monte Video, 40;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 159;
at Corunna, 162;
at Busaco, 168;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at St. Sebastian, 184;
at the Nive, 186;
in Burmah (1826), 239;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Burmah (1852), 246;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1878-79), 355;
(1900-1902), 408;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at the Nile (1884-85), 133;
at Kirbekan, 136
The Dorsetshire Regiment (39th and 54th Regiments)—At Plassey, 52;
at Gibraltar (1727), 8;
(1779-1783), 10;
at Martinique (1794), 111;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at the Marabout, 127;
at Albuera, 172;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
in Burmah (1826), 239;
at Maharajpore, 270;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Tirah, 404;
in South Africa, 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The South Lancashire Regiment (40th and 82nd Regiments)—At Louisburg, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in Burmah (1826), 239;
in South Africa (1846-47), 252;
(1899-1902), 408;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Central India, 329;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Egypt (1882), 129
The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment (47th and 81st Regiments)—At Louisburg, 36;
at Quebec, 38;
at Maida, 10;
at Monte Video, 43;
at Corunna, 162;
at Tarifa, 175;
at Vittoria, 180;
at St. Sebastian, 184;
at the Nive, 186;
in Arabia, 224;
in the Persian Gulf, 233;
in Burmah (1826), 239;
at the Alma, 297;

at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Kimberley, 456
The Northamptonshire Regiment (48th and 58th Regiments)—At Louisburg, 36;
at Quebec, 38;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
(1794), 111;
at Havana, 104;
at Gibraltar (1778), 10;
at St. Lucia (1796), 115;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Maida, 10;
at the Douro, 166;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuera, 172;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in New Zealand, 367;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1899-1902), 408;
in Tirah, 404;
at the Modder River, 417
The Royal Berkshire Regiment (49th and 66th Regiments)—At St. Lucia (1778), 109;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at Copenhagen (1801), 364;
at the Douro, 186;
at Talavera, 167;
at Albuhera, 172;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at Queenstown, 45;
in China, 336;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
at Kandahar (1880), 392;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Suakin (1885), 136;
at Tofrek, 138;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408
The Queen's Own Royal West Kent (50th and 97th Regiments)—At Gibraltar (1778), 10;
at Warburg, 29;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Belleisle, 440;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Copenhagen (1807), 364;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Corunna, 162;
at Arroyos dos Molinos, 174;
at Almaraz, 173;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Punniar, 272;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Lucknow, 316;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at the Nile (1884-85), 133;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (51st and 2nd Madras Infantry)—At Minden, 26;
at Warburg, 29;
at Corunna, 162;
at Wilhelmstahl, 32;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
at Waterloo, 192;
in Burmah (1852), 246;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Modder River, 417
The King's Shropshire Light Infantry (53rd and 85th Regiments)—At Belleisle, 440;
at Nieuport, 91;
at Tournay, 93;
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
at St. Lucia (1796), 115;
at Talavera, 167;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Toulouse, 188;
at Bladensburg, 46;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 383;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Goojerat, 292;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Suakin (1885), 136;
in South Africa (1889-1902), 408;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Middlesex Regiment (57th and 77th Regiments)—At Belleisle, 440;
at Martinique (1762), 104;
in Mysore, 77;
at Bangalore, 79;
at Seringapatam (1792), 81;
at Seedaseer, 84;
at Seringapatam (1799), 84;
at Albuera, 172;
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in New Zealand, 367;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1900-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The King's Own Royal Rifle Corps (60th Rifles)—At Louisburg, 36;
at Quebec (1759), 38;
at Martinique (1762), 102;
(1809), 118;
at Havana, 104;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Talavera, 167;
at Busaco, 170;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Albuera, 172;
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Multan, 291;
at Goojerat, 292;
at Delhi, 312;
in South Africa (1851-52-53), 353;
(1879), 355;
(1899-1902), 408;
at the Taku Forts, 342;
at Pekin, 343;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Egypt (1882-84), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
in Chitral, 394;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Wiltshire Regiment (62nd and 99th Regiments)—At Louisburg, 36;
at the Nive, 186;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Pekin, 343;
in New Zealand, 367;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1900-1902), 408
The Manchester Regiment (63rd and 96th Regiments)—At Guadeloupe (1759);
at Egmont-op-Zee, 96;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Martinique (1809), 118;
at Guadeloupe, (1810), 120;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426
The North Staffordshire Regiment (64th and 98th Regiments)—At Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
at Belleisle, 440;
at Martinique (1794), 111;
at Surinam, 115;
at St. Lucia (1803), 115;
in China, 336;
in the Punjaub, 286;
in Persia, 235;
at Reshire, 236;
at Bushire, 235;
at Koosh-ab, 239;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Hafir, 139;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
The York and Lancaster Regiment (65th and 84th Regiments)—At Guadeloupe (1759), 99;
at Martinique (1794), 111;
(1762), 104;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Mauritius, 435;
at Poona, 203;
at Bhurtpore, 120;
in India, 216; in Arabia, 224;
at the Persian Gulf, 232;
at Beni Boo Alli, 233;
at Lucknow, 316;
in New Zealand, 367;
in Egypt (1882-1884), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Durham Light Infantry (68th and 2nd Bombay Infantry)—At Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Persia, 235;
at Reshire, 236;
at Bushire, 235;
at Koosh-ab, 237;
in New Zealand, 367;
in South Africa, (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Highland Light Infantry (71st and 74th Highlanders)—At Gibraltar (1780-1783), 10;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Cuddalore, 72;
at Pondicherry, in South Africa, 408
The Royal Irish Fusiliers (87th and 89th Regiments)—In Egypt (1801), 122;
at Monte Video, 40;
at Barrosa, 170;
at Tarifa, 175;
in Java, 227;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Mauritius, 435;
in Nepaul, 446;
at Niagara, 45;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 187;
in the Peninsula, 190;
in India, 216;
in Burmah (1826), 239;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Egypt (1882-1884), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Connaught Rangers (88th Regiment and the Scots Brigade)—At Seringapatam (1799), 84;
in Egypt (1801), 122;
at Talavera, 167;
at Busaco, 168;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;

at the Nivelle, 185;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Sevastopol, 306;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1878-79), 355;
(1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (91st and 93rd Regiments)—The Cape of Good Hope (1806), 348;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Corunna, 162;
at the Pyrenees, 182;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at the Alma, 297;
at Balaclava, 300;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at Lucknow, 316;
in South Africa (1879), 355;
(1899-1902), 408;
at the Modder River, 417;
at Paardeburg, 423
The Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) (100th Regiment and 3rd Bombay Infantry)—At Niagara, 45;
in Central India, 329;
in South Africa (1900-1902), 408
The Royal Munster Fusiliers (1st and 2nd Bengal Fusiliers)—At Plassey, 52;
at Condore, 56;
at Masulipatam, 56;
at Badara, 57;
at Buxar, 63;
in Rohilcund, 66, 81;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Sholinghur, 71;
at Guzerat, 69;
at Bitourah, 82;
at Deig, 151;
at Bhurtpore (1804 and 1824), 210;
in Afghanistan (1839), 251;
at Ghuznee (1839), 253;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
in Burmah (1852), 246;
at Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408
The Royal Dublin Fusiliers (1st Madras and 1st Bombay Fusiliers)—At Arcot, 51;
at Plassey, 52;
at Condore, 56;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Pondicherry, 61;
at Buxar, 63;
at Wandewash, 60;
at Sholinghur, 71;
at Cuddalore, 72;
in Mysore, 77;
at Nundy Droog, 79;
at Seringapatam (1792), 81;
(1799), 84;
at Deig, 154;
at Amboyna, 220;
at Ternate, 222;
at Banda, 223;
at Pondicherry (1795), 61;
in Guzerat, 69;
at Maheidpore, 206;
at Kirkee and Poona, 203;
at Beni Boo Alli, 232;
at Aden, 233;
at Burmah (1826), 239;
at Kemmendine, 241;
in the Punjaub, 286;
at Multan, 291;
at Goojerat, 292;
in Burmah (1852), 246;
at Lucknow, 316;
in South Africa (1899-1902), 408;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
The Rifle Brigade (95th Rifle Corps)—At Copenhagen (1801), 364;
(1807), 364;
at Monte Video, 40;
at Roleia, 157;
at Vimiera, 158;
at Corunna, 162;
at Busaco, 168;
at Barrosa, 170;
at Fuentes d'Onor, 171;
at Ciudad Rodrigo, 176;
at Badajos, 177;
at Salamanca, 178;
at Vittoria, 180;
at the Nivelle, 185;
at the Nive, 186;
at Orthes, 187;
at Tarbes, 188;
at Toulouse, 188;
in the Peninsula, 190;
at Waterloo, 192;
in South Africa (1846-47), 352;
(1851-52-53), 353;
(1899-1902), 408;
at Sevastopol, 306;
at the Alma, 297;
at Inkerman, 302;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Ashantee, 372;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
at Khartoum, 141;
at the Defence of Ladysmith, 426;
at the Relief of Ladysmith, 425
Royal Marine Light Infantry—In Egypt (1882), 130
Militia Battalions—
The Buffs, 3rd Battalion, 11
King's Own Lancaster, 3rd Battalion, 11
Northumberland Fusiliers, 3rd Battalion, 11
Royal Fusiliers, 5th Battalion, 11
West Yorkshire, 3rd Battalion, 11
South Stafford, 3rd Battalion, 11
Oxford Light Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 11
Loyal North Lancashire, 3rd Battalion, 11
Northampton, 3rd Battalion, 11
Royal Berkshire, 3rd Battalion, 11
Royal West Kent, 11
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 11
Wiltshire, 3rd Battalion, 11
Seaforth Highlanders, 11
Royal Munster Fusiliers, 5th Battalion, 11
Royal Jersey Light Infantry, 11
King's Own Malta Militia, 11
Regiments, Indian Army:
Governor-General's Bodyguard—In Mysore, 77;
in Java, 227;
in Ava, 239;
at Maharajpore, 270;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283
Governor's Bodyguard, Madras—At Seetabuldee, 204
1st Duke of York's Own Lancers (Skinner's Horse)—At Bhurtpore, 211;
at Candahar (1842), 261;
in Cutchee, 265;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
at Pekin (1900), 343
2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse)—In Arracan, 244;
at Sobraon, 283;
in the Punjab, 286;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132
3rd Skinner's Horse—In Afghanistan, 251;
at Ghuznee (1839), 253;
in Cutchee, 265;
at Maharajpore, 270;
at Khelat, 255;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Kandahar (1880), 392;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
4th Cavalry—In Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
5th Cavalry—In the Punjab, 386;
at Multan, 291;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
6th King Edward's Own Cavalry—At Punniar, 272;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
7th Hurriana Lancers—In the Punjab, 386;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248
8th Cavalry—In Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
9th Hodson's Horse—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Suakin (1885), 137;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
10th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (Hodson's Horse)—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 16;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
11th King Edward's Own Lancers (Probyn's Horse)—At Lucknow, 316;
at the Taku Forts, 342;
at Pekin, 343;
at Ali Musjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1878-79), 378;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
at Malakand, 398
12th Cavalry—In Abyssinia, 370;
at the Peiwar Kotal, 382;
at Charasiah, 386;
at Kabul (1879), 387;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
13th Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers (Watson's Horse)—In Afghanistan, 378;
in Egypt, 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 130;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
14th Murray's Jat Lancers—At Charasiah, 386;
in Kabul (1879), 387;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
15th Lancers (Cureton's Multanis)—In Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
16th Cavalry—In China (1900), 344
17th Cavalry—In Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
18th Prince of Wales's Own Tiwana Lancers—In Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
19th Lancers (Fane's Horse)—At the Taku Forts, 342;
at Pekin, 343;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
20th Deccan Horse (1st Hyderabad Cavalry)—In Central India, 329
21st Cavalry, Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry (Frontier Force, Daly's Horse) (1st Punjab Cavalry)—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378
22nd Cavalry, Sam Browne's Cavalry (Frontier Force) (2nd Punjab Cavalry)—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan, 378
23rd Cavalry (Frontier Force) (3rd Punjab Cavalry)—At Kandahar (1880), 392;
in Afghanistan, 378
25th Cavalry (Frontier Force) (5th Punjab Cavalry)—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
at Charasiah, 386;
in Kabul (1879), 387;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
26th Prince of Wales's Own Light Cavalry (1st Madras Cavalry)—In Mysore, 77;
at Seringapatam, 84;
in Ava, in Central India, 329;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
at Kandahar, 392;
in Burmah, 248;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404;
in Chitral, 394
1st Brahmins (2nd Batt. 9th B.N.I. at Laswarree;
21st B.N.I. at Bhurtpore)—At Laswarree, 150;
at Bhurtpore, 211;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 349
2nd Queen's Own Rajput Light Infantry (2nd Batt. 15th in the earlier wars;
31st B.N.I. from Bhurtpore to Central India;
2nd L.I. from 1861)—At Delhi (1803), 148;
in Laswarree, 150;
in Deig, 151;
in Nepaul, 446;
at Bhurtpore, 210;
in Khelat, 254;
in Afghanistan, 251;
in Maharajpore, 270;
in the Punjab, 286;
in Chillianwallah, 289;
in Goojerat, 292;
in Central India, 316;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248;
in China (1900), 344
3rd Brahmans (32nd B.N.I. at Bhurtpore)—At Bhurtpore, 210;
in Afghanistan, 378
4th Rajputs (2nd Batt. 16th B.N.I. at Laswarree;
33rd B.N.I. from Bhurtpore to Sobraon;
4th B.N.I. from 1861)—At Laswarree, 150;
at Bhurtpore, 210;

in Cabool, 263;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248
5th Light Infantry (2nd Batt. 21st B.N.I. in Arracan;
42nd B.N.I. from 1824 to 1861;
5th from 1861)—In Arracan, 244;
in Afghanistan, 251;
in Candahar (1842), 261;
at Ghuznee (1842), 262;
in Cabool (1842), 263;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 238;
in Afghanistan (1880), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248
6th Jat Light Infantry (1st Batt. 22nd B.N.I. at Nagpore;
43rd B.N.I. from 1824 to 1861)—At Nagpore, 205;
in Afghanistan, 251;
at Candahar (1842), 261;
at Ghuznee (1842), 262;
in Cabool (1842), 263;
at Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Afghanistan, (1879-80), 378;
in Burmah, 248
7th Rajputs, Duke of Connaught's Own Rajputs (47th B.N.I. from 1824 to 1861)—At Moodkee, 276;
at Ferozeshah, 277;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sabraon, 283;
in China (1858-59), 340;
in Egypt (1882), 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
in Pekin (1900), 343
8th Rajputs (59th B.N.I. at Sobraon, then 8th B.N.I.)—At Sobraon, 283;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
9th Bhopal Infantry—In Afghanistan (1878-99), 378
10th Jats (65th B.N.I. in China)—In China (1858-59), 340;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 248
11th Rajputs (70th B.N.I. until 1861)—In the Punjab, 286;
at Chillianwallah, 289;
at Goojerat, 292;
in China (1858-59), 340;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
in Burmah, 248
12th Pioneers—At Khelat-i-Ghilzai (1842), 261;
at Candahar (1842), 261;
at Ghuznee (1842), 262;
in Cabool (1842), 263;
at Maharajpore, 270;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
in Burmah (1885-1887), 249;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
13th Rajputs—At Aliwal, 281;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
in Chitral, 394
14th (King George's Own) Ferozepore Sikhs—At Lucknow, 316;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan (1879-80), 378;
the Defence of Chitral, 393;
at Chiua (1900), 344
15th Ludhiana Sikhs—In China (1860-1862), 340;
at Ahmad Khel, 389;
at Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
at Suakin (1885), 137;
at Tofrek, 138;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
16th Rajputs (the Lucknow Regiment)—At Lucknow, 316;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 248
17th Loyal Regiment—In Afghanistan, 378;
at Suakin, 137;
at Tofrek, 138
18th Infantry—In Burmah (1885-1887), 248
19th Punjabis—Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan, 378
20th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Brownlow's Punjabis (formerly 8th Punjabis)—At Taku Forts, 342;
in Pekin, 343;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Egypt, 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in China, 344;
at Umbeyla, 449
21st Punjabis—In Abyssinia, 370;
in Afghanistan, 378
22nd Punjabis—In China (1860-1862), 340;
in Afghanistan (1878-1880), 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
23rd Sikh Pioneers—At the Taku Forts, 342;
in Pekin, 343;
in Abyssinia, 370;
at Peiwar Kotal, 382;
at Charasiah, 386;
at Kabul, 387;
at Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
at Chitral, 394
24th Punjabis—At Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Malakand, 398;
in Pekin, (1900), 346
25th Punjabis—At Ahmad Khel, 389;
at Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Chitral, 394
26th Punjabis—In Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 248
27th Punjabis—In China, 340;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 248
28th Punjabis—At Charasiah, 386;
at Kabul, 387;
in Afghanistan, 378
29th Punjabis—At Peiwar Kotal, 382;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Chitral, 394
30th Punjabis—In Afghanistan, 378;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier 396;
in Tirah, 404
31st Punjabis—In Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Malakand, 398
32nd Sikh Pioneers—Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Chitral, 394
33rd Punjabis—In Burmah (1885-1887), 248
34th Sikh Pioneers—In Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in China (1900), 344
35th Sikhs—On the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Malakand, 398
36th Sikhs—On the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Samana, 403;
in Tirah, 404
37th Dogras—In Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
38th Dogras—On the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Malakand, 398
39th Gharwal Rifles—On the Punjab Frontier, 396
42nd Deoli Regiment—In Afghanistan (1879-80), 378
44th Merwara Infantry—In Central India, 329;
in Afghanistan, 378
45th Rattray's Sikhs—Defence of Arrah, 332;
at Behar, 332;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Malakand, 398
51st Sikhs (late 1st Sikh Infantry)—In the Punjab, 286;
at Ali Masjid, 381;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Pekin (1900), 346
52nd Sikhs (late 2nd Sikh Infantry)—In the Punjab, 286;
in Ahmad Khel, 389;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378
53rd Sikhs (late 3rd Sikh Infantry)—In Kabul, 387;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
54th Sikhs (late 4th Sikhs)—At Pegu, 246;
at Delhi, 312;
in Chitral, 394
55th Coke's Rifles (late 1st Punjab Infantry)—At Delhi, 312;
in Afghanistan, 378
56th Punjabi Rifles (late 2nd Punjab Infantry)—At Delhi, 312;
in Lucknow, 316;
at Peiwar Kotal, 382;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
57th Wilde's Rifles (late 4th Punjab Infantry)—At Delhi, 312;
at Lucknow, 316;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in China, 344
58th Vaughan's Rifles (late 5th Punjab Infantry)—At Peiwar Kotal, 382;
at Charasiah, 386;
in Kabul, 387;
in Afghanistan, 378
61st (King George's Own) Pioneers (late 1st Madras Infantry)—In the Carnatic, 67;
in Mysore, 77;
at Seringapatam, 81, 84;
at Seetabuldee, 204;
at Nagpore, 205;
in Burmah, 240, 246, 248;
in Central India, 329;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in China, 344
62nd Punjabis (late 2nd Madras Infantry)—At Pondicherry, 61;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Mysore, 77;
at Assaye, 149;
at Nagpore, 205;
in China, 336
63rd (Palamcottah) Light Infantry (late 3rd Madras Infantry)—In the Carnatic, 67;
at Sholinghur, 71;
in Mysore, 77;
at Maheidpore, 206;
in Burmah, 239, 248;
in China, 344
64th Pioneers (late 4th Madras Infantry)—In the Carnatic, 67;
at Sholinghur, 71;
in Mysore, 77;
at Cuddalore, 72;
at Assaye, 149;
in Afghanistan, 378
66th Punjabis (late 6th Madras Infantry)—In the Carnatic, 67;
at Sholinghur, 71;
in Mysore, 77;
at Seringapatam, 81, 84;
at Bourbon, 225;
in China, 336
67th Punjabis (late 7th Madras Infantry)—At Pondicherry, 61;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Cuddalore, 72;
in Mysore, 77;
in Ava, 239
69th Punjabis (late 9th Madras Infantry)—At Pondicherry, in the Carnatic, 67;
in Sholinghur, 71;
in Mysore, 77;
in Ava, 239;
at Pegu, 246
72nd Punjabis (late 12th Madras Infantry)—At Pondicherry, 61;
in the Carnatic, 67;
at Sholinghur, 71;
at Cuddalore, 72;
in Ava, 239;
in Burmah, 248
108th Infantry (late 8th Bombay Infantry)—In Mysore, 77;
in Hyderabad, 268;
in Afghanistan, 378
109th Infantry (late 9th Bombay Infantry)—In Mysore, 77;
at Seringapatam, 84;
in the Punjab, 286;
at Multan, 291;
in Afghanistan, 378
110th Mahratta Light Infantry (late 10th Bombay Light Infantry)—Central India, 329;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Afghanistan, 378
112th Infantry (late 12th Bombay Infantry)—At Kirkee, 203;
at Meeanee, 266;
in Hyderabad, 268;
in Central India, 329
113th Infantry (late 13th Bombay Infantry)—In Egypt, 122;
at Kirkee, 202;
at Beni Boo Alli, 232;
in Central India, 329;
in Afghanistan, 378
116th Mahrattas (late 16th Bombay Infantry)—In Afghanistan, 378;
in British East Africa, 376
119th Infantry (late 19th Bombay Infantry) (the Multan Regiment)—At Ghuznee (1839), 253;
in Afghanistan, 251;
in the Punjab, 286;
at Multan, 291;
at Goojerat, 292;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378
120th Rajputana Infantry (late 20th Bombay Infantry)—In Persia, 235;
in Reshire, 236;
in Bushire, 235;
in Koosh-ab, 237
121st Pioneers (late 21st Bombay Infantry)—In the Persian Gulf, 229;
at Beni Boo Alli, 232;
in Burmah, 240;

at Aden, 234;
in Hyderabad, 268;
in the Punjab, 286;
in Abyssinia, 370
122nd Rajputana Infantry (late 22nd Bombay Infantry)—In China (1900), 344
123rd Outram's Rifles (late 23rd Bombay Light Infantry)—In Kirkee, 202;
in Persia, 235;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 249
124th Baluchistan Infantry (late 24th Bombay Infantry)—At Aden, 234;
in Central India, 329;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in British East Africa, 376
125th Napier's Rifles (late 25th Bombay Infantry)—At Meeanee, 266;
in Hyderabad, 268;
in Central India, 329;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Burmah, 248
126th Baluchistan Infantry (late 26th Bombay Infantry)—In Persia, 235;
in Koosh-ab, 238;
in China, 344
127th (Queen Mary's Own) Baluchistan Light Infantry (late 1st Beloochees)—At Delhi, 312;
in Abyssinia, 370;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 348;
in British East Africa, 376
128th Pioneers (late 28th Bombay Infantry)—In Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
at Suakin, 137;
at Tofrek, 138;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
129th (Duke of Connaught's Own) Baluchis (late 2nd Beloochees)—In Persia, 235;
in Reshire, 236;
in Bushire, 235;
at Koosh-ab, 237;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Egypt, 129;
at Tel-el-Kebir, 132
130th Buluchis (late Jacob's Rifles)—In Afghanistan, 378;
in China, 344
1st Gurkha Rifles—At Bhurtpore, 210;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
2nd Gurkha Rifles (the Sirmoor Rifles)—At Bhurtpore, 210;
at Aliwal, 281;
at Sobraon, 283;
at Delhi, 312;
in Kabul, 387;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Kandahar, 392;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
3rd Gurkha Rifles—At Delhi, 312;
at Ahmed Khel, 389;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Burmah, 248;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404
4th Gurkha Rifles—At Ali Masjid, 381;
in Kabul, 367;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
in Chitral, 394;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396;
in Tirah, 404;
in China, 344
5th Gurkha Rifles (late 5th Goorkhas)—At Peiwar Kotal, 382;
at Charasiah, 356;
in Kabul, 387;
in Kandahar, 392;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
6th Gurkha Rifles—In Burmah, 249
8th Gurkha Rifles—In Burmah, 249
9th Gurkha Rifles—At Bhurtpore, 210;
at Sobraon, 283;
in Afghanistan, 378;
on the Punjab Frontier, 396
The West India Regiment—At Bladensburg, 46;
at St. Lucia, 114;
at Surinam, 115;
at Dominica, 116;
at Martinique, 118;
at Guadeloupe, 120;
in Ashantee, 376;
in West Africa, 374;
in Sierra Leone, 373
West African Regiment—In Sierra Leone, 373;
in Ashantee, 376
1st Royal Jersey Light Infantry Militia—In Jersey (1781), 360
2nd Royal Jersey Light Infantry Militia—In Jersey (1781), 360
3rd Royal Jersey Light Infantry Militia—In Jersey (1781), 360
Regnier, General, at Maida, 10
Reid, Major John, at Delhi, 315
Reshire, action at, 238
Residency, the, at Lucknow, 319
Richards, General, in Assam, 241
Richmond, the Duke of, 157
Roberts, Brigadier, at Seringapatam, 85
Roberts, Brigadier A., in Afghanistan, 253
Roberts, Major F. S., in Abyssinia, 372;
Major-General, in Kabul, 387;
at Peiwar Kotal, 382;
Lord Roberts in South Africa, 418
Robertson, Sir G., in Chitral, 394
Rodney, Admiral the Lord, at Gibraltar, 9;
in the West Indies, 103, 362
Rodriguez, capture of, 227
Rogers, Lieutenant, V.C., in China, 341
Rohilcund, war in (1774), 66;
(1794), 81
Rohillas, the war with the, 66, 81
Roleia, Battle of, 157
Rollo, General Lord, 103, 106
Roncesvalles, action of, 183
Rooke, Admiral Sir John, at Gibraltar, 3
Rorke's Drift, Defence of, 357
Rose, General Sir Hugh, 330
Ross, General, at Bladensburg, 46
Rowley, Commodore, at capture of Bourbon, 227
Runjeet Singh, 251;
war with, 273
Russia, subsidies to, 194
Sackville, Lord George, at Minden, 27
Sadoolapore, action at, 289
Sahagun, action at, 161
St. Arnaud, Marshal, 296
St. George's Battle, 66
St. Helena, the battle honour, 410
St. Helena Regiment, 41, 349
St. Leger, Brigadier, 145;
in Mahratta War, 145
St. Lucia, the capture of, 109, 114, 115
St. Sebastian, Siege and capture of, 184
St. Vincent, Battle of, 362
Salamanca, the Battle of, 178
Sale, Major Robert, in Burmah, 244
Sale, Brigadier, in Afghanistan, 253;
at Jelalabad, 260;
killed at Moodkee, 286
Saltoun, General the Lord, in China, 337
Samana, operations at, 403
Sardinian troops in the Crimea, 296
Sardinian War medal, 305, 308
Saugor, the Defence of, 334
Savoy, Prince Eugene of, 16
Scarlett, General Sir J. Yorke, at Balaclava, 295, 301
Schellenberg, the Battle of, 15, 16
Schoedde, General, in China, 337
Scinde, operations in, 266
Scindia, army of, 201;
war with, 270
Scott, Brigadier, at Seringapatam, 85
Scott, Colonel Hopeton, at Seetabuldee, 204
Scott, Major, at Louisberg, 37
Seedaseer, Battle of, 83
Seetabuldee, action at, 204
Sekukuni, operations against, 358
Seringapatam, capture of (1792), 80;
(1799), 84
Sevastopol, Siege of, 299;
losses at, 307
Seymour, Admiral Sir Edward, in China (1900), 345
Seymour, Admiral Sir Michael, in China (1857-58), 339
Seymour, Lord Hugh, at Surinam, 115
Shaw, Lieutenant, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, at Dettingen, 26
Sherbrooke, Brigadier, at Seringapatam, 85
Shere Ali, the Amir of Afghanistan, 384
Sherpur, the Defence of, 388
Shipp, Sergeant, 153
Sholinghur, Battle of, 71
Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, at Tangier, 2
Sierra Leone, operations in, 373
Sikhs, wars with, 273, 294
Simpson, General Sir James, 304
Skerritt, General, at Tarifa, 176
Skinner, General, at Guadeloupe, 118
Smith, General Sir Harry, in South Africa, 352;
at Aliwal, 281
Smith, General Sir Lionel, 202, 225, 233
Sobraon, Battle of, 283
Soult, Marshal, in the Peninsula, 161
South Africa, 351 et seq., 408;
medals for, 409
Spanish Horse at Tangier, 2
Spanish Succession, War of, 14
Speke, Captain, at Chandernagore, 54
Speke, midshipman, killed at Chandernagore, 54
Sporcke, General, at Wilhelmstahl, 32
Stair, General, the Earl of, at Dettingen, 24
Stalker, General, in Persia, 237
Staunton, Captain, at Corygaum, 208
Stephens, Captain, R.A., at Warburg, 30
Sterling, Admiral, at Monte Video, 42
Stevenson, Brigadier, in First Mahratta War, 146
Stewart, General Sir Donald, in Afghanistan, 384 et seq.
Stewart, General Sir Herbert, in Egypt, 133
Stewart, General Sir Norman, in China, 346
Stewart, General the Hon. W., at Dominica, 117
Stopford, Admiral, in Java, 228
Stopford, Colonel, killed at Reshire, 238
Stuart, Brigadier, in Central India, 331
Stuart, General James, 90th Light Infantry, at the Moro, 106;
at Sholinghur, 71;
at Cuddalore, 72
Stuart, General James, 71st Highland Light Infantry, at Seedaseer, 83;
at Seringapatam, 86
Stuart, General John, at Maida, 10;
in Egypt, 123
Subsidies to Austria, 194;
to Prussia, 194;
to Russia, 194
Surajah Dowlah, 54
Taku Forts, capture of, 342
Talavera, Battle of, 167
Tangier (1662-1680), 1;
casualties at, 2
Tantia Topee, the rebel leader in Central India, 332
Tarifa, Defence of, 176
Tennant, Brigadier, in the Punjab, 288
Ternate, capture of, 223
Thackwell, General Sir Edward, in Afghanistan, 253;
at Maharajpore, 271;
in Sutlej campaign, 284;
in Punjab War, 288
Theodore, King of Abyssinia, 372
Tippoo, Sultan, 72 et seq.
Torrens, Brigadier-General, in the Crimea, 296
Torres Vedras, the lines of, 168
Torriano, Captain, his defence of Onore, 73
Toulouse, Battle of, 188
Tournay, 22, 93
Townshend, Brigadier, at Quebec, 39
Trapaud, General, at Guadeloupe, 100
Travancore, rebellion in, 154
Tucker, Captain, at Amboyna, 222;
at Ternate,



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