17; excommunicates Falkes, 233; absolves him, 246; asked to divorce him, ib.; bids clergy give aid to the King, 263 Cardigan, castle of, 91, 192, 193, 197, 260 Carlisle, 87 Carucage, 82, 85, 144, 158, 159, 249 Casinghem, William de, 18, 22, 28 Castles, troubles about, 99; royal rights over, 147; during Henry’s minority, 283–285; oath of barons about, 146, 283; Pope’s letters about, 146, 147, 153, 205, 206; general surrender of, 210; changes in custody of, 211–213, 291, 292 Chanceaux, Andrew de, 17 Chancellor, see Marsh Charter of Henry III, first, 10–15; second, 78–81; third, 250; demand for confirmation of, 214, 215; of the Forest, 81, 250 Charters, Henry’s proclamation about, 265–267 Chester, Ranulf, Earl of, 3; relations with the Marshal, 6; at battle of Lincoln, 33, 34, 43; goes on crusade, 98; quarrel with Salisbury, 181; mediates between King and Llywelyn, 192; heads opposition to Hubert, 204; attempt on the Tower, footnote 655 Gascony, 137, 251, 252, 254, 255; seneschals of, see Neville, Pons; see also Aquitaine Gauler, William, 137 Gernon, Ralf de, 211 Gloucester, 2, 3, 91; castle of, 205, 211 Gloucester, Isabel, countess of, 89, 227 Gloucester, Gilbert, Earl of, 183, 204 Goodrich castle, 6 Gouy, Robert de, 99–102 Gray, Richard de, 222, 234 Gray, Walter de, see York Gregory IX, Pope, 268 Gruffudd, son of Llywelyn, 193, 195 Gualo, Legate in England, 2, 4; persuades Marshal to undertake regency, 7; summons a council, 9; lays interdict on Wales, 10; on lands of rebels, 15; proclaims the war a crusade, 25; absolves Louis, 60; punishes contumacious clergy, 77, 78; resigns the legation, 103; leaves England, ib. Gwenwynwyn, prince of South Powys, 89 Gwynedd, 87 Haringot, Nicolas, 31 Haye, Nicolaa de, 20, 37, 147–149 Hedingham castle, 19 Henry, son of King John, 2, 3; meeting with the Marshal, 3; knighted, 4; crowned, ib., 5; placed in care of Peter des Roches, 114, 284 Marshal, William, the elder, his origin and early life, 63–65; marriage, 65; Earl of Pembroke, 66; character, 67–70; at burial of John, 2; meeting with Henry, 3; knights him, 4; made guardian of the King, 6–8; at council of Bristol, 9; takes Farnham, 26; besieges Winchester castle, ib.; sends party to besiege Mountsorel, 27; orders castles to be razed, 29; proposes to relieve Lincoln castle, 32; at battle of Lincoln, 34, 37, 39–42; musters fleet at Sandwich, 49, 51; blockades London, 55; negotiates with Louis, 55–57; his style and position as regent, 70–72; his seal used instead of the King’s, 14, 72, 73; arrangements for indemnity to Louis, 83–85; dealings with Scotland, 87; with Wales, 90–92; with Ireland, 93–95; orders concerning tournaments, 96, 97; ordinance about Jews, 97; grants Plympton to Falkes, 224; last days, 104–106 Marshal, John, 5, 8, 9; at battle of Lincoln, 33, 86, 44; chief justice of the Forest, 96; seneschal of Cork, etc., 218; of Ulster, 258 Marshal, Richard, 168 Marshal, William, the younger, rejoins the King, 25; besieges Winchester, 26; at battle of Lincoln, 33, 42; warden of Marlborough castle, footnote 964, 248, 288 Payne, Reginald, 52 Pembroke invaded by Llewelyn, 161 Pembroke, Earls of, see Marshal Perche, Count of, 29, 36, 41, 42 Perpetuity, grants in, forbidden during minority, 73, 102 Philip Augustus, King of France, his opinion of the Marshal, 48, 67; death, 188 Pierepunt, William, 257 Pipe Rolls, 83 Pleshy, castle of, 19 Plympton, castle of, 183, 223, 224, 245 Poissy, Simon of, 44 Poitou, 131, 138, 175–177, 233, 234; see Aquitaine; seneschal of, see Burgh Pons, Reginald de, 131, 134 Porchester regained for the King, 26 Powys, 88 Puy, Bartholomew de, 134, 135, 137 Quincy, Saer de, see Winchester Ragnald, King of the Isles, 92 Regency, the first in England, 61–63, 70 RÉole, La, 252, 254 Richard, brother of Henry III, 18, 76, 127, 252, 265 Richard, half-brother of Henry III, 24, 50–52 Rivers, Baldwin de, 223 Rivers, Margaret de, 223, 224, RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LTD., BRUNSWICK ST., S.E., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK.