_233" title="Go to page 233" class="pginternal">233, 237, 252, 269, 274, 280, 281 Burgh, William de, 138, 139, 141, 142 Caermarthen, Rees and John at, 25 Cambridgeshire ravaged, 257, 278 Camville, Gerard de, 31, 33, 35 Canterbury, John at, 118; disputed election to see, 119–121; archbishops of, see Baldwin, Hubert, Langton Carlisle attacked by Alexander, 260; siege of, 273 Carrick, Duncan, lord of, 152 Carrickfergus, siege of, 152 Casamario, abbot of, 94, 100 Casinghem, William of, 280 Castles in John’s lands, 26, 27; disputes between John and Longchamp about, 31–35; royal, John’s designs on, 39, 41; the barons’, demanded by John, 80 Cathal Carrach O’Conor, king of Connaught, 139 Cathal Crovderg O’Conor, king of Connaught, 139, 142 ChÂlus, siege of, 56 Charter of Henry I., 211, 219–221; the Great, 233–236; quashed by the Pope, 246 ChÂteau-Gaillard, 55, 94; siege of, 95; attempted relief, 96, 97; fall, 100 ChÂteauroux, siege of, 20, 21 Chester, muster at, 158 Chester, Ralf, earl of, 50, 250, 252162; helps William the Lion, 163; orders inquests into services, etc., ib.; seizes men of Cinque Ports, ib.; alliance with Otto, 164–166; league against France, 166, 167; prepares to go to Gascony, 167; to Wales, 169; hangs Welsh hostages, ib.; returns to London, ib.; interview with Peter of Pontefract, 170; demands hostages from the barons, 171; and a quit-claim from the clergy, 172; relations with barons in Ireland, ib., 173; renews negotiations with Rome, 174; preparations for defence of England, 176–178; offers terms to Innocent, 178; agreement with Pandulf, 179; homage to the Pope, 180; alleged embassy to Morocco, footnote 806; league with Flanders, 185, 186; receives Langton, 187; his expedition checked, 188, 189; schemes of vengeance, 189; homage to legate, 190; conference with barons and bishops, 191; orders elections to churches, 192, 193; truce with the Welsh, 193; comment on Geoffrey Fitz-Peter’s death, 194; summons “men of the shire” to council, 195; receives homage of count of Flanders, 196; goes to Poitou, ib.; success in Aquitaine, 197; negotiations with the Lusignans, 197–199; victory at Nantes, 200; wins Angers, ib.; betrayed at La Roche-au-Moine, 201, 202; his continental allies, 202; their defeat, 203; summons forces from England, ib.; truce with Philip, 204, 205; returns to England, John lands at, 114 Leicester, Robert, earl of, 25, 100 Leinster granted to Earl Richard de Clare, 12; to William the Marshal, 149 Le Mans, Henry II. and John at, 22; Arthur and Philip at, 61; regained by John, 63 Leominster burnt, 150 Limerick, city, struggles of Irish and Normans for, 13, 15; won by the “English,” 138; William de Burgh custodian of, ib.; transferred to De Braose, 141; resumed by the Crown, 144; restored to De Braose, 145 Limerick, kingdom of, 14, 15 Limerick, honour of, granted to William de Braose, 139, 140; confiscated, 154 Limoges, Guy, viscount of, 76, 87 Lincoln, William of Scotland does homage at, 78; taken by barons, 232, 273; castle besieged, 31, 276; bishop of, see Hugh Lincolnshire ravaged by barons, 273; by John, 279 Llywelyn ap Jorwerth, prince of North Wales, 135, 157–159, 167 Loches surrendered to Philip Augustus, 113 London supports John against Longchamp, 39; election of mayor granted to, 228, 229; joins the barons, 229; suburbs fired, 258; interdicted, 262, 270; welcomes Louis, 270; councils in, 42, 100, 103, 125, 189, 190, 206, 211; mayor of, see 595 Planes, Roger de, footnote 129, 39, footnote 595 Plough-tax, 73 Poer, Robert le, 14 Poitou, its feudal position, 69; attacked by the Lusignans, 79; submits to Philip Augustus, 103; John in, 114 Pommeraye, Jocelyn de la, 14 Popes, see Alexander, Innocent, Lucius, Urban Porchester, muster at, 186 Port, Adam de, 150 “Port Alaschert,” 115 Portsmouth, musters at, 107, 113 PrÉaux, Peter des, 89, 99, 101, 102 Presentation, inquiry concerning rights of, 163 Puiset, Hugh of, bishop of Durham, 42, 46 Quincy, Saher de, earl of Winchester, 254, 257, 292 Radepont, sieges of, 85, 97, 98 Raymond the Fat, 13, 16, 138 Reading, meeting of king and bishops at, 191 Rees ap Griffith, prince of South Wales, 25, 26 Reginald, sub-prior of Canterbury, 119, 120 Richard, duke of Aquitaine, 1, 9; king of England, 24, 25, 44, 47–56, 164 Richard, son of King John and Isabel, footnote 575, 284 Richard, son of King John, 196 Richard, bishop of Chichester, 285 Richard of London, constable of Cork, 15 Ridel, Stephen, footnote 272 Warwick, earl of, 65 Waterford held by Henry II., 12, 14; county of, 153 Wells, Hugh of, 106 Wexford held by Henry II., 12, 14 Whitchurch, muster at, 158 William the Lion, king of Scots, 36, 66, 73, 78, 132–134, 162, 169 Winchester, meetings of John and Longchamp at, 31, 32; John absolved at, 187; burnt, 271; taken by Louis, ib.; bishop of, see Roches Winchester, earl of, see Quincy Windsor, council at, 42; castle betrayed to John, ib.; sieges of, 46, 276, 277 Woodstock, homage of Welsh princes to John at, 136 Worcester, Philip of, 17 Worcester, John buried at, 285 Wrotham, William de, 193 York, John at, 124; rising at, 259; siege of, 263; mayor of, ib.; archbishop of, see Geoffrey THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark Limited, Edinburgh.