E. LEONARD'S TEA, COFFEE, & SPICE WAREHOUSE, (Established upwards of a Century) 25, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. In enumerating the following list of articles, I shall not adopt the system most general of quoting prices, which are only calculated to delude, but respectfully solicit a trial, at the fair remunerating prices charged for them. Quality is the first consideration—Economy with regard to price the second. Select Family List. TEAS GENUINE AS IMPORTED. BLACK TEAS.
Cocoa and Chocolate.—These articles, so beneficial to invalids, require great care in obtaining qualities pure from adulteration: this has been my principal study. I have always on hand a stock from the most celebrated Manufacturers, in plain and soluble descriptions, Fresh roasted Cocoa Nibs; Refined and Moist Sugars; Foreign Fruits of all kinds; Pickles and Sauces of every description; Orange, Quince, and Lemon Marmalade; Jordan, Bitter, and Shell Almonds. Coffee.—This being an article of such increasing consumption, has claimed a large share of my attention, both in selection and the most approved plan of roasting, whereby the aromatic property so essential is preserved. HUNTLEY & PALMER'S CELEBRATED READING & FANCY BISCUITS. Wax, Sperm, and Composition Candles, Kensington Moulds and Store Dips. BOTTLED FRUITS, JAMS, JELLIES, &C. GINGER, ORANGE, RAISIN, COWSLIP, & All OTHER BRITISH WINES. Every description of KENT, SUSSEX, FARNHAM, AND WORCESTER HOPS. Families residing in the county will find an advantage in dealing at the above Establishment, as the Proprietor has entered into arrangements for supplying general Family Orders (for prompt payment) Carriage Free. Orders per Post or Carrier carefully and promptly attended to. HAIR CUTTING EXTRAORDINARY. HADLEY, THE LONDON HAIR CUTTER. His practice in Hair Cutting now exceeds 400 Hair Cuttings per month. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who really value a good Head of Hair, and otherwise approve of being respectfully served without flattery or deception, will do well by giving him a call at 72, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER. LADIES' ORNAMENTAL HAIR, EQUAL TO THE BEST HOUSES IN LONDON. COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, &C. LOOKING GLASSES! LOOKING GLASSES! PICTURE FRAMES! PICTURE FRAMES! E. F. JOHNSON, CARVER AND GILDER, 17, MEALCHEAPEN STREET, (Near the Music Hall, one minute's walk from the Cross) WORCESTER, Continues to supply every article in the trade at the lowest possible prices consistent with good materials and workmanship. ARTISTS, AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL, SUPPLIED AS USUAL. SEEDS, FRUIT, AND GAME. THOMAS BLAND ATKINSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEEDSMAN, FLORIST, FRUITERER, AND DEALER IN GAME, VENISON, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c., 64, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER, (Next Door to the Old Bank, the Shop lately occupied by James Beese) PURVEYOR OF FRUIT, GAME, &c., To her late Majesty Queen Adelaide, HAS ON HAND WHEN IN SEASON, Fruit.—Apricots; Apples and Pears, in variety; Almonds, Jordan; Ditto in shell; Figs, Green and Dried; Grapes, English and Foreign; Honey, dripped; Ditto, in comb; Jellies, Jams, &c.; Kent Cobs and Filberts; Worcestershire Ditto; Melons; Nectarines; Peaches; Pine Apples, English; Ditto, West India; Pickles and Sauces; Preserved Fruit, in bottles; Preserved Ginger; Raisins; Walnuts, English and Foreign. Game.—Grouse, Hares, Ptarmigan, Partridges, Pheasants, Plover, Rabbits, Snipe, Woodcock and Wild Fowl, Venison. Seeds, &c.—Agricultural Seeds; Asparagus Knives; Cuba Matting; Cucumber Glasses; Dried or Everlasting Flowers; Dried Grasses; Dutch Flower Roots; Flower Gatherers; Flower Seeds, English; Ditto, Foreign; Flower Pots, plain and fancy; Garden Seeds; Ditto, Implements; Gloves, of sorts; Hyacinth Glasses; Crocus ditto; Tulip ditto; Knives, of sorts; Mats, Russian; Pruning Scissors; Ditto Saws; Ditto ditto, Grecian, with handles from 1 to 6 ft.; Sets of Garden Implements for ladies and children. SUPERIOR HOME-MADE RASPBERRY VINEGAR. BOUQUETS MADE TO ORDER. Catalogues of Garden and Flower Seeds, Implements, &c., Agricultural Seeds and Bulbous Roots, may be had on application. Importer of Dutch Flower Roots & German Flower Seeds. A Spring Seed Catalogue is published in January; Agricultural Seed List in April; and Dutch Flower Root List in September. HATS AND CAPS. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST EVER SOLD ARE TO BE HAD AT CHAPLIN'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRENCH AND ENGLISH HAT MANUFACTORY, 79, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER, AND AT LONDON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, DUDLEY, Where every article in the trade is kept, and rendered at such prices as must satisfy the most economical. Orders from the country, enclosing size round the head, depth of crown, width of brim, &c., in inches, will insure a good fit, and be promptly attended to. CAPS OF ALL KINDS IN PROFUSION. LIVERY HATS. GOLD AND SILVER LACE. ALL NOVELTIES AS SOON AS THEY APPEAR. OBSERVE! CHAPLIN, 79, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER. J. WELLS, (SUCCESSOR TO W. HUNDLEY) Fishmonger, &c., (Next door to Mr. Newton's) 23, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER, DEALER IN SEVERN SALMON, BARREL OYSTERS IN SEASON. A regular supply of all kinds of Fish from the first Fisheries and Markets in the Kingdom. HENRY TYLER, GROCER AND TEA DEALER, 23, MEALCHEAPEN STREET, WORCESTER. OIL, PAINT, AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1795. FURNITURE. Purchasers are respectfully requested to inspect the LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK OF CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE, CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. AT FREAME'S OLD-ESTABLISHED MANUFACTORY, 11, ST. SWITHIN STREET, WORCESTER. ?THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE COUNTY, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. J GRAY, CUTLER AND GENERAL DEALER, 43, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. (Established upwards of a Century.) TABLE CUTLERY OF THE FIRST QUALITY, IN IVORY, STAG-HORN, AND BLACK HANDLES. Pen & Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, &c. SPECTACLES OF EVERY FOCUS, In fine Elastic-steel and other Frames. A GREAT VARIETY OF SHEFFIELD AND BIRMINGHAM GOODS. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON THE LOWEST TERMS. T. B. BURROW, SADDLER & HARNESS MAKER, 70, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. The general stock at 70, Broad Street, comprising Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Riding and Driving Whips, Canes, Rugs and Horse Clothing, Railway Wrappers, Spurs, Brushes, Sponge, &c., &c., is well selected, and will receive continued augmentation as novelties are introduced. AGENT FOR LONG'S IRON POISONOUS SHEEP AND CATTLE DRESSING COMPOSITIONS. STRATFORD, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND MUSIC SELLER, PUBLIC LIBRARY AND NEWS ROOM, CROSS, WORCESTER. THE BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, AND MUSIC BUSINESS, Conducted in all its branches, on the most liberal terms. PIANOFORTES, HARPS, AND GUITARS, By the most eminent Makers, for Sale or Hire; With all other Musical Instruments, and a constant supply of New Musical Publications. PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, & ENGRAVING Executed in the best style. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES AND STAMPS. The Musical Profession, Artists, and Schools, dealt liberally with. INSURANCES AGAINST FIRE ARE EFFECTED ON ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS BY THE BIRMINGHAM FIRE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1805. HEAD OFFICES—UNION STREET, BIRMINGHAM. WORCESTER COMMITTEE OF SUPERINTENDENCE.
The business of this old-established Office has been successfully conducted on the principle of charging moderate rates of premium, and dealing in a prompt and liberal spirit with all Losses by Fire. As some evidence of the desire of this Office to contribute in the most effectual manner to the security of the Insured and the Public, it may be mentioned that this Company maintains no less than twenty-seven First Class Fire Engines, all stationed in the Midland Districts, of which the following are the ENGINE STATIONS IN WORCESTERSHIRE.
AGENTS. Worcester—STANLEY PUMPHREY, Angel Street.
By order of the Directors, WILLIAM SUCKLING, Secretary. By Special Appointment to Her late Majesty Queen Adelaide, and H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent. ROYAL PORCELAIN HOUSE AND CUT GLASS MANUFACTORY, No. 7, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. JOSEPH SPARKS & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO GEORGE SPARKS) Beg most respectfully to solicit a continuance of the favours so long conferred upon the late Proprietor by the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Public generally, of this and the neighbouring Counties. BEING MANUFACTURERS, J. S. & Co. can state with the utmost confidence that all orders will be executed with the greatest care and attention, and with more than usual accuracy, and at the same time at much lower prices than can be afforded by the Trade generally. J. S. & Co. are Agents to the far-famed Coalport China Works, the Proprietors of which have just had a First Class Gold Medal awarded them by the Emperor of the French; they are also the manufacturers of the magnificent Turquoise Dessert Service, purchased at the French Exhibition by Mons. Heine, the eminent Banker of Paris, for One Thousand Guineas. Many choice Specimens of this rare manufacture now on view at No. 7, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER, where is also collected an immense Stock of every article connected with the China, Glass, and Earthenware Trade. MATCHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED WITH THE UTMOST DESPATCH. J. GRAY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOSIER AND HABERDASHER, 43, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. (Established upwards of a Century.) LAMBS' WOOL, MERINO, WORSTED, & COTTON HOSE, HALF HOSE, &c. VESTS, PANTALOONS & DRAWERS, LONG CLOTH SHIRTS, collars & fronts, ties, gloves, braces, &c. Umbrellas and Parasols in Silk, Alpaca, and Cotton. LAMBS' WOOL AND MERINO YARNS, KNITTING WORSTEDS, &c. HABERDASHERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW FISH SHOP. SAMUEL JAMES Respectfully informs the Public of Worcester and Vicinity that he has REMOVED his FISH BUSINESS from NEWPORT STREET to those Central Premises, 13, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER, AS A FISH SHOP, where he will constantly have on hand a Supply of all kinds of Fish in Season, at reasonable prices. Daily Supplies of Fresh Fish from Billingsgate and the Fisheries of England, Scotland, and Ireland. SAMUEL JAMES continues to carry on the Business of Curer of Bloaters, in which department he has now been well known for some time as a Wholesale and Retail Dealer. At the Premises in Broad Street, in a few days, S. JAMES will be prepared with PRIVATE OYSTER ROOMS, which will be found convenient and comfortable in all respects. 13, Broad Street, Worcester. THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART. F. C. EARL, 42, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER, Respectfully announces that he practises the above Art in all its various departments, viz.: CHROMO-COLLODIOTYPE PORTRAITS ON GLASS; PORTRAITS ON PAPER, PLAIN OR COLOURED; PORTRAITS FOR THE STEREOSCOPE, ON GLASS OR PAPER, TAKEN. LANDSCAPE, ARCHITECTURAL, or other description of Out-door Photography, executed with despatch, on reasonable terms, daily, from Nine a.m. until dusk. A Selection of Local Views for the Album or Stereoscope always on Sale. Agent for the Sale of Archer's Registered Folding Camera. Amateurs' Negatives printed from in a superior manner. STERRY & DOE, LOOKING GLASS & PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, 42, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER, Having perfected great Improvements in the Manufacture of PICTURE FRAMES, are enabled to execute all orders connected with the Trade at economical prices and in the best style. N.B. The Trade supplied with Gilt and other Mouldings, Room Borderings, &c. PICTURES CLEANED. WORKS OF ART PACKED, &c., &c. ?42, HIGH STREET. JOHN SMITH, (From Cornhill, London; and upwards of the last nine years Watch Maker to the late Mr. W. Manning, of the Cross) 8, FOREGATE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE STAR AND GARTER HOTEL) WORCESTER. DUPLEX, LEVER, AND HORIZONTAL WATCHES CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED FOR TWELVE MONTHS.
WITH ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, AND WARRANTED. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JEWELLERY AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. ALFRED BARNETT, CROWN FAMILY HOTEL AND COMMERCIAL INN, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. POSTING, HEARSE, AND MOURNING COACHES. EXTENSIVE STABLING AND LOOSE BOXES. LOCK-UP COACH HOUSES. ?Orders received for Horses to meet the Trains at Spetchley, punctually attended to. THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN GENERAL IN THE COUNTY AND CITY OF WORCESTER IS The Worcester Herald, Established in 1794. The Worcester Herald has been for years at the head of the Worcestershire Press, having a circulation nearly double that of any other paper published in the County; and contains a complete digest of the news of the week, with ample details of interesting local events. The Herald is entirely independent of political party, and circulates among all classes and individuals of every shade of opinion. AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE Forms an important feature in its columns, and besides the principal Markets of the week the LONDON AND LIVERPOOL CORN MARKETS OF FRIDAY ARE REPORTED BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 72, HIGH STREET, WORCESTER. J. M. SKARRATT, CHURCH, TURRET, AND RAILWAY CLOCK MANUFACTURER, 2, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. ALL REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES. GENUINE DURHAM MUSTARD, WEIGHED FRESH FROM THE CASK. J. GRAY, (LATE OLDNALL AND CO.) WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER, 43, BROAD STREET, WORCESTER. (Established upwards of a Century.) T. WITHERINGTON, DISPENSING CHYMIST, 7, FOREGATE STREET. AGENT FOR THE PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, SOCKS, ABDOMINAL BELTS, &c. WATER BEDS & CUSHIONS OF EVERY SHAPE & SIZE. EDWIN GARDNER & SON, MALTSTERS, Corn and Seed Factors, 16, BRIDGE STREET. ?Agent for the West of England Fire and Life Insurance Office. OFFICE—SOUTH PARADE. Printed by Josiah Allen, Jun., 10, Livery Street, Birmingham. Transcriber's Notes: Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected. Punctuation normalized. Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed. |