, 348 Christina of Sweden and the Jesuits, 282, 283 Church of England agitated by Catholic aggression, 163 —— Evangelical, of Cracow, attacked by the Jesuits, 280 —— of Rome, decline of the, 8, 9; doctrines of, 14, 15, 40; condition of, in the 16th century, 30, 31; supremacy of, 195; restoration of, in Austria, 201; in Sweden, 203; arrogance of, towards England, 467 Churches of America, 299 Civilization, progress of, 7 Civita Vecchia, arrival of French troops at, 475; becomes a French port, 477 Classes of Jesuits, 46, 462 Clement VIII, Pope, 231, 232 —— XIII, 338; his partiality for the Fathers, 339; protects the Jesuits, 357, 359; death of, 360; monument of, by Canova, 361 —— XIV, 371; character of, 372, 383, 420; is elected Pope, 375; policy of, 376, 378; hesitates to suppress the Jesuits, 381-384; death of, 412; mysterious cause of the, 414-420 Clergy, Roman Catholic, two classes of, 178 n.; subjected to the Jesuits, 272 Coadjutors, 44, 49, 50 Code of legislature for Jesuit schools, 213-215 —— moral of the Jesuits, 230-252 Coimbra, first college of the Jesuits founded at, 62 College of Cardinals, 253 Colleges of the Society, 39, 48, 62, 90; endowed by Gregory XIII, 150; class of education imparted in, 214; rules for the admission of pupils to, ibid.; internal life of the, 219; discipline in, 221; education of English youths in, 136, 145, 149, 256 —— of Popes, party struggles for the, 362, 367, 369 Electors, 408 Elizabeth, Queen, persecuted by the Jesuits, 153, 284; character given her by the Catholics, 154; projected assassination of, 164, 165; excommunication of, 162; her opinions on the apostacy of Henry IV of France, 183 n. Elliot, conspirators betrayed by, 161 Emancipation Act, tendency of, to check the Jesuits, 462 Emperor, attachment of the Romans to the title, 366 Emperors of Austria, 278, 450 —— of France, 436, 438, 447, 448, 455 —— of Germany, 75, 365, 368 Emeute des Chapeaux, 350 Emmanuel Sa on the “Political Creed” of the Jesuits, 191, 192 EncyclopÆdists, 329; attempt to reform the Order, 347; the French revolution ascribed to, 437 England, dawn of the Reformation in, 8; mission of the Jesuits to, 63-70, 151-156; conduct of the Jesuits in, 158-162, 283; peace of, disturbed by them, 169, 284, 292; present relation of the Jesuits to, 194; their plots in, 284-296; position of, during their suppression, 453; Jesuits, refugees, admitted to, 459; causes which tend to check their progress in, 462; efforts to restore Romanism in, 464; destruction of, intended by the Jesuits, 465, 466; Italy abandoned by, 476; Jesuit emissaries in, 464 Epitome of the history of the Jesuits in Portugal, 332-335 Equivocation, Jesuit doctrine of, 244 Escobar, on the moral doctrines of the Jesuits, 236 Estates in England given to the Jesuits, 459; consequences of, 460 Establishments of the Order, 366, 410
lic@vhost@g@html@files@59723@59723-h@59723-h-8.htm.html#Page_253" class="pginternal">253; moral code of the, 231; principal seat of their power, 254; commerce of, 277, 335-338; conduct of, during the Thirty Years’ War, 278, 279; causes of the discord between them and other orders, 311; causes of their decline, 315, 326-329; attachment of, to the Order, 321; golden age of, 322; condition of, in the seventeenth century, 323; downfall of, 326-329; expelled from Portugal, 343; from France, 348, 349; from Spain, 350, 351, 358; refused admission to the Papal dominions, 357, 358; received into Corsica, 358; abolition of the, 376; suppressed by the Pope, 380, 387; condition of the, after their suppression, 422-435; re-establishment of, 436-467; the natural enemies of liberty, 438; present designs of, 454; their position in and after the year 1848, 469, 491 Jesuits in America, 398, 301, 333 —— in Austria, 200 —— in England, 155-168, 170, 194, 283, 284, 291 —— in France, 176-179, 182, 184-189, 224, 271-274, 328-330, 349 —— in Germany, 194, 198-202, 278, 327 —— in Great Britain, 153 —— in Poland, 202, 203, 253, 280, 282 —— in Portugal, 171, 172, 253, 275, Mary of England receives the Jesuits, 152 —— of Scotland, 162 Mass, benefits procured by, 46 Massacre of the Huguenots, 271 —— —— on St. Bartholomew’s Eve, 159; consequences of the, 179 Maynooth, college of, 461 Mazzarini, 267 Memorial of the Jesuits in England to the Pope, 163, 285 Mercurianus elected General, 149; character and death of, 150; submission of the Jesuits to, 209 Metternich refuses to admit the Jesuits to Austria, 452 Missionaries, Jesuit, first sent to England, 64-66 Missions of the Jesuits in America, 301-313 —— —— in China, 105, 297 —— —— in England, 151, 171 —— —— in Europe generally, 62 —— —— in France, 179 —— —— in Germany, 75 —— —— to the Holy Land, 24, 25 —— —— in India, 96-129, 297 —— —— in Ireland, 152 —— —— in Portugal, 171-175 —— —— in Scotland, 152, 169 —— —— political, of the Jesuits to England, 63 Modena, Jesuits in, 469 Mohilow, Bishop of, 431 Molina, on the doctrine of Free Will, 231 Molinism, 231 Monastery of Port Royal, destruction of, 274 Monasteries, 369 n. Monks, Benedictine, 466 Month of Mary, or period consecrated to the worship of the Virgin, 249 Morality of the Jesuits, 238 Morals, Jesuit Code of, 230-252 N. Nantes, edict of, passed, 270; revoked, 271 Naples, political reform encouraged in, 331; Jesuits expelled from, 358; re-established in, 485; government of, 486 Napoleon, fall of, 436; causes of the, 447, 448; Jesuits encouraged by, 455 —— Louis, his connection with the Jesuits, 438, 454, 18 Relics, restoration of, in Germany, 199, 200 Religion of the Jesuits, 194; taught in schools, 216; superstitions of the, 308 Republic, veneration of the Romans for the, 366 —— Venetian, Jesuits expelled from the, 227 Reservation, mental, encouraged in confession, 244 Restrictions imposed on the Jesuits in France, 177 Revolution of 1688, in England, 294; causes of the, ibid. —— of 1830, prepared by the Jesuits, 454; causes of the, 457 —— French, conduct of the Jesuits in the, 436, 455 Revolution in Rome, 170, 171; causes of the, 475; results of the, 476, 477 Rheims, Jesuit college at, 168 Ricci, General, 348; efforts of, to save the Society, 357; denies the wealth of the Jesuits, 410; is sent prisoner to the Castle of St. Angelo, 411; death of, 430 Richelieu, Cardinal, 233; Jesuit influence under, 266, 267 Riots in England, 169 Rochelle, siege of, 270 Rodolph II, persecutes the Protestants in Germany, 201 Rodriguez, conversion of, to Jesuitism, 23; mission of, to Portugal, 59; recall of, 82 Romanism, restored in Germany, 201 —— in Poland, 202 —— in Sweden, 203 Romans, opposition of, to the Jesuits, 472; gallant defence of their country by, 476 Rome, charitable institutions of, 59; opposition to the Jesuits in, 89; Jesuit influence in, 384; return of the Jesuits to, 447; the ruin of England desired by, 465; Jesuits expelled from, 473; civil wars in, 475; entered by the French, 478, 479 Rosaries, use of, vindicated, 249 Rossi, mission of, to Rome, 457, 458 Rules for the admission of Postulants, 31, 32, 37 —— for the expu
, Cardinal, 339 Tournon, Cardinal, Pope’s Legate to India, 114; decree of, forbidding Malabar rites, 115-117; mission of, to China, 123; banishment of, 125; imprisonment and death of, 127 Transgression, doctrine of, 238 Trials, political, in the Roman States, 482-484 Tuscany, Jesuits in, 486; persecution of Christians in, 487 U. Universities, Jesuit, 196 University of Cracow, letter of, addressed to the University of Louvain, 281 —— of Louvain, 281 Urban VIII, Pope, 233 V. Vasquez, Gabriel, on the “Political Creed” of the Jesuits, 192 Venice, Jesuit power in, 227 Verger de Hauranne, Abbot of St. Cyran, 232 Verona, persecution of Protestants at, 477 Vicar-General, appointment of, 320 —— —— of Russia, 431 Vienna, Jesuit schools of, 197 Virgin Mary, the worship of, taught by the Jesuits, 247-250 Vitelleschi elected General of the Order, 256; character of, 316; influence of the General’s decline during his Generalate, 317 Voltaire, character of, 347 Vows of the Coadjutors, 56 —— Jesuits, 24, 26; formula of the, 47 —— Novices, 46 —— Professed, 51, 52 —— Scholars, 46 Voyages of Lainez, 143 W. Waldenses, characteristics of the, 206; persecution of, by the Jesuits, 207, 453 Wall, Minister of Spain, 431 Walsingham aids Parry’s conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth, 166 War between Sweden and Poland, 205 —— declared against Rome, 422 Wars of the Jesuits, 278, 279, 422 Wars, Civil, in France, 179; origin of the, ibid.; projected by the Pope, 182; termination of the, 183 —— in Rome, 475-480 —— in Switzerland, 206, 458; instigated by the Jesuits, ibid. Wealth of the Jesuits, 39, PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, LONDON GAZETTE OFFICE, ST. MARTIN’S LANE. |