The present period is so distinguished for historical research, that the publication of an English Chronicle, written in the fifteenth century, will not it is presumed require any other prefatory remarks to recommend it to attention, than a brief account of the MSS. from which it has been transcribed. Two copies are extant in the British Museum; the one in the Harleian MS. 565, the other in the Cottonian MS. Julius B. i. and the material variations between them are either alluded to, or inserted in the Notes. The copy in the Harleian MS. ends with the 22nd year of the reign of Henry the Sixth, Anno 1442, about which time the volume was evidently written: but the other transcript, which is in a much later hand, is continued to the death of Edward the Fourth, Anno 1483, though after the accession of that monarch the narrative is barren and unsatisfactory. It may therefore be inferred that the original compiler did not survive the death of Henry the Sixth, and that the continuation was by another person. With the events of that period the writer is consequently to be deemed contemporary; and all which he relates of the reigns of Henry the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth, are peculiarly deserving of notice; for some curious facts are mentioned, many of which have never, it is believed, been so fully detailed, even if they were previously known; whilst of earlier times his statements are as worthy of credit as those of other Chroniclers who did not live in the ages of which they respectively treat.
This volume is called “A Chronicle of London” in the title-page, from the author having so particularly confined himself to the Metropolis; and still more, because he has, like his successor Fabian, commenced each year with the election of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London, whose names are uniformly recorded, but unfortunately no clue exists by which the name of the writer can be ascertained.
To the history of England however, no less than to that of London, this Chronicle will, it is confidently expected, be considered a valuable addition; and the laudable avidity evinced by the Corporation, under whose patronage it appears, as well as by numerous natives of the metropolis, to possess every work relating to its early history, justifies the hope that by them at least it will be favourably received.
Towards the end of the volume the following Illustrations are introduced, the most important of which have, with the obliging permission of Henry Woodthorpe, Esq. the Town Clerk, been copied from the invaluable muniments in the City Archives.
A curious Latin Poem on the dispute between King Edward the First and the King of France, relative to some lands in Gascony in 1295. From the MS. in the Town Clerk’s Office, marked Liber Custumarium.
A fragment of a French Poem on the treacherous conduct of Sir Thomas Turbeville, in 1296. From the Cottonian MS. Caligula A. xviii.
A Letter from King Edward the Third to Edward Prince of Wales, giving an account of the Battle of Scluyse, dated 28th June, 14 Edward III. 1340. From the MS. in the Town Clerk’s Office, marked Letter F.
A Letter from Edward the Black Prince to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of London, dated 22nd of October 1356, detailing the proceedings of the English Army under his command, and informing them of the Battle of Poictiers. From the MS. in the Town Clerk’s Office, marked Letter G.
A Letter from a Priest, named Robert Prite, to some Nobleman, dated 8th of December 1356; in which he speaks of the Battle of Poictiers, and relates other news of the times. From the original in the Cottonian MS. Caligula D. iii.
A Declaration of Bernard Du Troy, a Gascon gentleman, made on his death-bed, 1st of July 1361, that he was the individual who took John King of France prisoner at the Battle of Poictiers. Also from the Cotton MS. Caligula D. iii.
A Proclamation of Richard II., dated at Chelmsford on the 5th of July 1381, to the Earl of Warwick and others, denying that Wat Tyler and his followers were supported by his authority; and commanding them to use all possible means for the preservation of the peace in Warwickshire, and the places under their jurisdiction. Also from the Cottonian MS. Caligula D. iii.
A Poem, by Lydgate, describing the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, the Battle of Agincourt, and the magnificent Pageant prepared by the City of London, in honour of his return to the Metropolis. From the Harleian MS. 565.
Another Poem, by Lydgate, describing the Pageant and Reception of Henry the Sixth into London on the 21st of February 1431, after his coronation as King of France. Also from the Harleian MS. 565.
Two copies of a Poem on the reconciliation of the Lords of the Yorkist faction with King Henry the Sixth and his adherents; the one from the Cottonian MS. Nero A. vi., and the other from the Cottonian MS. Vespasianus B. xvi.
A Ballad sent by a Pursuivant to the Sheriffs of London and their Brethren on May Day at Bishop’s Wood, at an honorable dinner; each of them bringing his dish: by John Lydgate. From Ashmole’s MS. No. 6943.
Two copies of a Ballad, also by Lydgate, entitled “London Lickpenny;” the one from the Harleian MS. 542, and the other from the Harleian MS. 367.
A short Ballad, also by Lydgate, upon the Emptiness of his Purse. From the Harleian MS. 2255.
Another Ballad, by Lydgate, in ridicule of the Forked Head-dresses of Females. From the Harleian MS. 2255.
A Ballad on Fraudulent Millers and Bakers; likewise by Lydgate. From the same MS.
The whole of these articles were written at the periods to which they relate, and the greater part of them are for the first time printed; whilst the few that have been before published, are inserted either because more correct copies have been discovered, or because they are so intimately connected with some of the others that they could not with propriety be omitted.
Most of the pieces enumerated have escaped the notice of Historians; and as they tend in an important degree to illustrate the Manners and Customs of the Metropolis, their appearance in this volume cannot fail, it is hoped, to be acceptable to those who are interested in the early History of London or of this Kingdom.
February 1827.
Destruccione of the Jewes.
T HE same day that the king was crowned and the nyght folwynge alle the Jewes that myghte be founden weren for the moste partie slayne and brent. And in this yere began the ordre of seynt Tonyes in Pruce. Will’m’ rex Scotie fecit homagiu’.In that yere in the monthe of Decembre cam kyng William of Scotlande to Caunterbury and dede homage to kyng Richard.
Custodes.— | Herry Cornhill. | Anno primo. |
| Richard Fitz Reyvery. | |
This same yere the emperor Frederyk with an huge ooste wente to Jerusalem.
Custodes.— | John Herlyonn. | Anno secundo. |
| Roger le Duke. | |
This yere the emperor Frederyk deyde in his goynge to Jerusalem; and in this yere began the orde of oure lady in Pruce, that is to sey in the yere of oure lord a ml’clxxxx.
Custodes.— | William Hav’hille. | Anno tercio. |
| John Buknote. | |
The popes legat put oute al the monkes of the p’orye of Coventry and put yn seculer chanons.
This yere the kyng with many lordes of Engelond wente over the see in to the holy land and toke the strong citee of Acres and killed manye Sarasygnes. And in this yere Hugo Nonant bysshopp of Coventre and Lychefelde, thanne beynge the popes legat, putte out alle the monkes of the priorye of Coventre and putte in seculere chanons.
Custodes.— | Nicholl Doket. | [Anno quarto.] |
| Pers Newelyne. | |
This yere the kyng toke the Ile of Cipre; and the prynce of the same ile he lete folowe hym in sylver cheynes.
Custodes.— | Roger Duke. | Anno vto. |
| Ric’ the sone of Aleyne. | |
| | |
| William Fitz Isabell. | Anno vjto. |
| William Fitz Arnulf. | |
Kyng Richard was taken p’son’ and raunsoned at an c m’ li’.
This yere the kyng comynge homward fro the holy lond was taken of the duke of Ostrich and brought to the emperor, and there he was emprysoned and afterward raunsoned at an c ml’ li’, whiche somme to pay everych other chalys in Engelond was broken and coyned into moneye, and the monkes of Cisteux’ solden there bookes for to paye the kynges raunsone.
Custodes.— | Robert Besaunt. | Anno vijo. |
| Jokell le Josne. | |
| | |
[Custodes.]— | Gerard de Antiloche. | Anno viijo. |
| Robert Duraunt. | |
An heretike with the long berde.
In this yere the kyng come in to Engelond, and tok the castell of Notynghame, and disherited John his brother. And the same yere kyng Richarde was crowned ayeyne at Westm’. And in the same yere an heretyke called with the longe berd was drawen and hanged for heresye and cursed doctrine that he had taughte
[Custodes.]— | Roger Blount. | Anno ixo. |
| Nicholl Doket. | |
Ordre of the Trynyte.
The same yere, the yere of oure lorde a ml’clxxxxviij, began the ordre of Trynyte. The same yere deyde pope Celestyne; and thanne succeded Innocent. Slewe the frenche king.And in this yere kyng Richard seiled over the see into Normandye and sclewe the kyng of Fraunce.
[Custodes.]— | Constantyne Fitz Arnulf. | Anno xmo. |
| Robert le Beale. | |
Rex Ric’us int’fectus fuit ap’d Castru’ Gaillard in France.
In this yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a ml’cxxxxix, the kyng was sclayne atte the castell Gaillarde in Fraunce with schot of a venemed quarelle in the heed. Neverthelees or he deyde the castell was wonne and his body setthe entered at Pount Ebrarde with hys fadir Henry the secounde. Whan the kyng Richard was thus hurt, with his owne hand he pulled out the quarelle, and anon the wonde rancled; and whan the kyng wyste that his wounde was dedly, he comaunded anoone his peple scharply assawte the town, and so it was wonne: and the kyng dede his will with them that were withinne: among othere he lete comaunde hym to be brought before hym that schotte that quarrelle; and whanne he cam the kyng asked his name. Bertram Gordon.Sire, seide he, my name is Bertram Gordone. Wherfore, seide the kyng, have ye sclayne me? dede y yow ever ony harme? Nay, sire, q’d Bertram; but, sire, with youre owne hond ye sclowe my fadir and my brothir, the whiche y have quytte yow. Now thanne, q’d the kyng, he that deyde for us on the crosse he save us from helle, he foryef yow my deth, and y foryef it yow. And the kyng comaunded hym an hundred schillynges of silver, and chargyd upon lyf and membre that no man schulde dow hym non harme: natheless certeyn persones of the kynges hous sued after hym and sclow hym after his departyng. And so kyng Richard obite is the vj day of April.
[Custodes.]— | Arnold Fitz Arnulf. | Anno primo. |
| Ric’us Fitz Berthi. | |
In this yere kyng John loste all Normandye and Angoye be werre; and he toke of every plowe lond in Engelond iiis. toward hise werres.
[Custodes.]— | Roger Desert. | Anno s’c’do. |
| Jacob’ Fitz Barthi. | |
Parlement at Londoun.
This yere the kyng held his parlement at Londone, and asked of the clergye the stynte of every chirche in Engelond for to conquere ayen Normandye and Angoye. And in this yere deyde Huberd erchebisshop of Caunterbury; and thanne the priour and the covent of Caunterbury chosen in there chapytre hous the noble clerk Stephen of Langeton, ayens the kynges will, whome the pope sacred at Viterke. S’cus Hugo de Lincoln isto anno monebat’. And this yere deide seynt Hughe of Lincoln; also the erchebysshopp of Caunterbury; and the priour of Cricherche, and all the monkes weren exiled.
[Custodes.]— | William Fitz Alice. | Anno tercio. |
| Simon de Aldermanb’y. | |
This same yere, be the avyse of wyse men of the citee of London that were chosene xxxv men whiche were sworne to holde and mayntene with the maire the assyses.
[Custodes.]— | Normane Bloundene. | Anno iiijto. |
| John of Ely. | |
Hailstones grete:
In this yere of oure lord a ml’ccij, there fallen grete reynes, and hailstones as gret as an ey medlyd with reyn, where thorugh trees, vines, cornes, al manner frutes were moche distroied; and the peple were sore abaysshed, and foules were seyn berynge fyer in the eyr in there billes.for there were seyn foules fleynge in the eyre berynge in there billes brennyng coles, whiche brenden manye houses. And in this yere Engelond and Walys were enterdited, and stood so vj yere and more, for the kynges trespas.
[Custodes.]— | Wat’ Broune. | Anno quinto. |
| Will’m’ Chamb’leyne. | |
A quart’ of whete at xxv s.
In this yere of oure lord a ml’cciij a quarter of whete was worth xxv s., and a cistern of wyn was worth iiij s.
[Custodes.]— | Thomas Hav’yll. | Anno sexto. |
| Hamo Bonde. | |
In this yere were too mones seyn. Frere P’chours ordre began. A gret wynt’ and long durynge.
In this yere were seyn at oones too fulle mones in the firmament. And in this yere of oure lord a ml’cciiij began the ordre of Frere P’chours, in the cuntre of Tholomeis, undir duke Domynyk. Also in this yere was a strong wynter and an hard, fro the circumcisione of oure lord til the annunciation of oure lady.
[Custodes.]— | John Walg’ve. | Anno vij. |
| Ric’ Wynchestre. | |
The plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour.
This same yere the plees of the coroune were pleted in the tour of London, and Hugh of Cisell was drawe and hanged.
[Custodes.]— | John Holylond. | Anno viij. |
| Edward Fitz Gerard. | |
| | |
| Rog’ de Wynchestre. | Anno ix. |
| Edmond Hardell. | |
This yere the enterdytynge of the reaume was new proclamed thorugh out Engelond. Also in this yere was born Herry the kynges sone; and in this yere the kyng wan Irlond.
Henr’ Fitz Aldewyne, P’mus maior. | Petrus Duke. | Anno xo. |
Thom’ Neell. | |
P’m’s maior. Sent Mary Overy was begonne.
In this yere was the firste maire of London; and seynt Marie Overeye was that yere begonne.
Id’m maior. | Petrus Josne. | Anno xio. |
| Will’m’ Elande. | |
The cessyng of the enterdytyng of this land. London brigge was first begonne to make.
In this same yere the land was reconsyled, and the enterdytyng cesed: and in this yere the stone brigge of Londone was first begonne to make.
Id’m maior. | Adam Whateley. | Anno xiio. |
| Stephen le Grace. | |
In this yere an eretyk was brent for eresye, the whiche be craft quenchyd ofte the fire.
Id’m maior. | Joys Fitz Piers. | Anno xiijmo. |
| John Gerland. | |
A gret parte of London was brent.
In this yere was gret discencione be twen the kyng and hise lordes; and Lowys the kynges son of Fraunce was waget to come into Engelond with manye Frensshmen, whiche dede moche harme in the reaume or they wenten home; and the kyng wente with his hoost to Berham Downe. And in this yere, on seyn Benettes day, Southwerk, Londone brigge, and the moost part of London was brent.
Id’m maior. | Rauf Eylond. | Anno xiiijmo. |
| Constantin’ Josne. | |
In this yere was Castell Baynard cast done and distroied.
Rog’ Fitz Aleyn, maior. | Martin Fitz Alice. | Anno xvo. |
Peter Bate. | |
In this yere, on candelmasse even, the kyng seyled unto Peytowe.
Id’m maior p’p’ anni, et Cerle, m’c’ p’ residuo. | Salamon Basynges. Hugo Basynges. | Anno xvjo. |
The ordre of Frere Menors began.
In this yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a ml’ccxiiij, began the ordre of seynt Fraunceys, besyde the assise of Frere Menours. And in this yere, in the fest of Gordiam in Septembre, the barons entred the citee of Londone, and strong werre was betwen the kyng and the lordes: and Rog’ Fitz Aleyn, maire, was discharged of his meiralte be the forsaid barons, and afterward they chosen Cerle meire, and the schirreves as it folwith: and yet lasted the werres.
William’ Hardel, drap’. | John Travers. | Anno xvijo.[1] |
| Andr’ Newlond. | |
This yere, on seynt Lukes day, the kyng deyde and was beried at Westm’.
Jacob’ Alderman maior p’ p’te anni, et Salamon Basyng p’ residuo. | Benet Seynturer, goldsmyth. Will’s Blounitners. | Ao. po. |
In this yere Walys was entirdited: also Eustache the Monk wyth manye Frensshemen as he was comynge into Engelond ward, for to helpe Lowys the kynges sone of Fraunce, was taken in the see be Hubert of Burgh and the V portes; and Eustache heed was smeten of, and the schippes drowned. And in this yere Lowys retorned home ayene with his meyne, and he hadde a ml’ mark of sylver.
Cerle, merc’, maior. | Thomas Bokerell. | Ao s’c’do. |
| Rauf Guylond. | |
In this same yere the barons were take at Lincoln.[2]
Id’m maior. | John Vyell. | Ao. t’cio. |
| John Spyc’. | |
Translacio’ s’c’i Thome archie’pi Cantuar’.
This yere the kyng hadde of every plough land in Engelond ij s. And in this yere seynt Thomas of Canterbury was translated the l yere after his martirdome.
Id’m maior. | Ric’ Wymbulden. | Anno iiijto. |
| John Vyell. | |
This yere the kyng was crowned ayeyn at Westminster, and Hubert of Burgh was mad the kynges chief justice.
Id’m maior. | Ric’ Reng’. | Anno vto. |
| John le Josne. | |
This yere of oure lord a mlccxxiiij,[3] the emperour Baldewyn which whanne he wente to bataile to fyghte with Godes enemyes he hadde a croos boren before hym, whiche crosse seynt Eleyne made of the crosse that Cryst deyde upon; and there was an Englyssh prest that tyme with hym that was called Sr. Hughe, and he was borne in Norfolke, the whiche preest broughte the same crosse to Bromholm in Norfolke. Plees of the crowne. Castell of Bedf’ was stroid.Also in this yere the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London. Also in this yere was the castell of Bedford beseged, whiche endured fro the ascencione of oure lord unto the assumpcion of oure lady; at whiche day be greet crafte and strong assaught it was wonne and distroid: and sithe it was not beldyd ayeyne because it was rebell to the kyng. Ordre of Frere Carmes began.
A gret wynd.Also in this yere began the ordre of Frere Carmes. Also in this yere upon seynt Lukes day there blew a gret wynd out of the north, whiche caste doune manye houses, steples and torrettes of chirches, and turned up so downe trees in wodes and in orchardes, at whiche tyme Firy dragons were seyne.fyry dragons and wykkes spirytes grete noumbre were seyn openly fleyng in the eyre.
Id’m maior. | Ric’ Reng’. | Anno vito. |
| Th’ Lambard. | |
This yere a gret discencione aros in London be empechement of Walter Bokerell, so that Constantyne Fitz Arnulf the morwe aftere oure lady daye, the assumpcion, was drawe and hanged. And in this yere the kyng was purposed to have cast down the walles of London.
Ric’ Reng’, maior. | Will’s Joynour. | Anno vijo. |
| Thomas Lamberd. | |
Frere Meno’, ven’ in Angl’.
In this yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a mlccxxiiij, in the feste of seynt Bertylmewe the apostell, the ordre of Frere Menours[4] cam ferst into Engelond. Also in this yere a man of Alderbery feyned hym Cryst, whiche was brought to Oxon’, and there he was crucifyed.
Id’m maior. | John Travers. | Anno viijo. |
| Andrew Bokerell. | |
Alyens put out of the ream.
The same yere were alle the alyens put out of the reaume.
Id’m maior. | Martin Fitz William. | Anno ixo. |
| Rog’us Duke. | |
Plees of the crowne.
In this yere the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London; and John Harleon failed of his lawe for the deth of Lambard his liege.
Id’m maior. | Roger Duke. | Anno xmo. |
| Martin Fitz William. | |
Rog’us Duke, maior. | Steph’us Bokerell. | Anno xjmo. |
| Henr’ Cobham. | |
This yere the schirrevehood of London and Midd’ weren leten to ferme to the schirreves of London for cccli be yere, whiche was graunted the xviij day of Feverere in this sayd yere. Weres in Tempse were stroid.Also the same day it was graunted be the kyng that alle the weres in Thamyse schulde ben broken up and distroied, and never after schulde be set ayene. Also the xvj day of March in this yere the kyng graunted be his chartre to hise citezeyns of London, that The citezeynes of London scholde paye noo toll on this syde the see, no beyonde the see.no toll schulde be taken of them in no kynges lond, as well on this syde the see as beyonde the see; and yf ony toll were taken of ony citezeyn of London, that thanne the schirreves of London schulde taken at London distresse of the folk of the contre, what tyme that they myghte be founden in London notwithstondynge. Also the xviij day of August suynge the kyng graunted to the maire of London waryne.
Id’m maior. | Steph’us Bokerell. | Ao. xijo. |
| Henr’ Cobham. | |
In this yere, the viij day of Juyn the libertes and the fraunchises of London were ratified; Clerkes and seriaunts of the schirreve.and also the kyng graunted that every schirreve of London schulde have too clerkes and too seriauntes and no mo for that office. Also the kyng graunted the same tyme to the citezeyns of London that they schulde have A comown seal.a comown seal, whiche schulde ben in kepynge of too aldermen and too commons of the citee: and the forsaid seal scholde nought be denyed nor warned to poure no riche of the same citee whanne thei hadde nede, yf there cause were resonable; and that no mede schulde be take no payed of eny man in no manner wyse for the said seall.
Id’m maior. | Walt’ Wynchestre. | Anno xiijmo. |
| Rob’ Fitz John. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | Ric’ Fitz Walter. | Anno xiiijmo. |
| John Wobourne. | |
In this yere it was be the maire and be the aldermen, with the counseill and assent of alle the citee, and be othe sworne on the Evaungelies, that fro this tyme forth there schull never schirreves of London abyde leng’ in that office thanne on yere. And in this yere the same Roger was discharged of the office of the meiralte.
Andrew Bokerell, m’. | Mich’ of Seynt Eleynes. | Ao. xvo. |
| Walt’ Senford. | |
In this yere aroos a gret discord betwen the kyng and Hubert of Burgh; which Hubert fledde to the chapell of Brendewode, and there he was taken and thanne imprisoned in the tour of London, and after he was exiled. Also this yere was a gret harm done in the citee of London for the fyere of dame Jonet Lumbarde.
Id’m maior. | Herry Edelmetone. | Anno xvjo. |
| Gerard Batte. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | Simon Fitz Marie. | Anno xvijmo. |
| Rog’ Blounte. | |
In this yere Sr. Edmond was sacred erchebysshop of Caunterbury, whiche now is called seynt Edmond of Pounteney, whiche Edmonde dede afterwarde revoke Hubert of Burgh, that com ayene into Engelond and submitted hym to the kynges grace. This yere, in the iiij idus of Feverer’, was a gret wynd, a gret erthequake, and a gret thondyr. Quarantisme parte.Eodem anno idem rex accepit ab om’ib’ reb’ mobilib’ le quarantisme p’ totam Angl’ in adjutor’m sibi in suis bellis.
Andrew Bokerell, m’. | Ric’ Assheby. | Ao. xviijo. |
| John Norman. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | Gerard Batte. | Anno xixo. |
| Robert Hardell. | |
In this yere, the morwe after seynt Hiller day Edmond the erchebisshop of Caunterbury spoused the kyng and dame Elianore the erles doughter of Provynce togidere at Caunterbury; and on the viij day of seynt Hillar sche was crowned at Westminster, and thanne the statut of Mertone was mad.
Andrew Bokerell, m’. | Herry Cobham. | Ao. xxmo. |
| Jordan Coventre. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | John Colsan. | Ao. xxjmo. |
| Gerveys Cordewan’. | |
| | |
Ric’ Reng’, maior. | Joh’nes Wyghale. | Ao. xxijmo. |
| Joh’n Saundres. | |
This yere on seynt Botolf even was borne Edward the kynges sone. Trantesime parte.It’m in cest an prist le roy en son eide le xxxme des moebles p’ tout la terre.
William Joynour, m’. | Renerus Bungey. | Ao. xxiijo. |
| Rauf Asshewy. | |
Eod’m anno d’n’s Simon Mountfort desponsavit Alianoram sororem d’m reg’ H. et comitissam Pembr’. Et anno sequ’ fecit d’c’m d’n’m comitem Leyc’. Edwardus long’ femorib’.Et eodem anno, i.e. anno iiijto natus fuit filius eius Edwardus, int’ ip’m et Alianoram reginam, qui postea vocab’ Edwardus longis femorib’.
Gerard Bate, m’ | John Gysors. | Ao. xxiiijto. |
| Michael Tony. | |
Seynt Poules was halwed.
In this yere seynt Poules chirche was halowed.
Renerus Bungey, m’. | John Vyell. | Ao. xxvto. |
| Thomas Durh’m. | |
Obiit Rog’us ep’us London’.
This yere deide Rog’ bysshop of London: and William of the Marche was drawen and hangyd.
Id’m maior. | John Fitz John. | Anno xxvjto. |
| Rauf Asshewy. | |
In this yere seyled the kyng on the see ryally to Burdeux.
Rauf Asshewy, m’. | Hugo Blount. | Ao. xxvijo. |
| Adam Basynges. | |
The plees of the crowne.
The kyng did cu’ frome Burdeux.
This yere the kyng com into Engelond fro Bordeux; and the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London before William of York, Richard Paschelewe, Herry Braha and Jerome of Saxton, justices. Also werre began betwen the kyng and Thlewelyn prince of Walys; also Griffith Thlewelyn sone fel out of the tour of London and brak his nekke.
Mich’ Tony, m’. | Ric’ Spyc’ | Ao. xxviijo. |
| Nich’s Batte. | |
| | |
John Gisors, m’ p’ | John Cornehull. | Ao. xxixo. |
maiore p’te ann’. | David Benteley. | |
This yere Mich’ Tony meire of London, and Nicholl Batte schirreve, were convicte before the kyng of periuracion be the othe of alle the aldermen, for as muche as Nicholl Batte lefte schirreve over his yere; wherefore Michael Tony was deposed fro the meiralte and Nich’ Batte fro the schirevehod, and another chosen as it is aforeseid.
Idem maior. | Simon Fitz Marie. | Ao. xxxmo. |
| Laurens Frowyk. | |
Renovacio Westm’.
Eod’m anno idem rex renovavit eccl’iam Westm’ ult’ med’m p’ unam archam. And this same yere was seynt Edmond of Pounteney translatyd.[5]
Petrus Fitz Aleyn, m’. | John Vyell. | Anno xxxjmo. |
| Nicholl Batte. | |
Mon’ de Hayles.
Eod’m anno s’c’us Edmundus fuit canonizatus eciam frat’ reg’ H. et comes Cornub’ incept fundamentu’ monast’ij de Hayles.[6]
Mich’ Tony, m’. | Nicholl Jocie. | Ao. xxxijdo. |
| Geffrey Wynchestr’. | |
| | |
Rog’ Fitz Rog’, m’. | Rauf Hardell. | Ao. xxxiijcio. |
| John Tholosan. | |
| | |
John Norman, m’. | Humfrey Bras faber. | Anno xxxiiijto. |
| Will’m Fitz Richard. | |
In this yere, the Thorsday before the feste of Simond and Jude was a gret wynd and an horrible tempest whiche dede muche harme thorugh all Engelond; and Lodowyke the kyng of Fraunce tok Damaske the iiij kal. of Juyne.
Adam Basynges, m’. | Laur’ Frowyk. | Ao. xxxvto. |
| Will’s Fitz Richard. | |
Ordre of frere Austyns began.
In this yere of oure lord a mlccl began the ordre of frere Austyns; also in this yere the kyng wente into Scotlond to marie his doughter to Alisaundre the kyng of Scottes.
John Tholosan, m’. | Will’m Durham. | Ao. xxxvjto. |
| Thomas Wyborne. | |
vijli is allowed for the office of the schirrefs of London.
This yere the kyng graunted be his chartre on the xij daye of Juyne, that the schirreves of London schulde yerly ben allowed in the Eschequier for there office of the schirrevehood vijli. Also that after the meire be chosene he schulde be presented to the barons of the Escheker. And in this yere the kyng schipped at Portesmouth toward Burdeux.
Nicholl Batte, m’. | John Northampton. | Ao. xxxvijo. |
| Richard Pychard. | |
This yere the quene, and Edward here sone, and Boneface the erchebysshop of Caunterbury sailed over the see toward Burdeux. Also this yere, the day of St. Paulyne the bysshop, fell manye mervailes be the watres of the see, as full grete hete and droughte.
Ric’ Hardell, m’. | Robt. Lyntone, drap’. | Ao. xxxviijo. |
| Will’m Asshwy, merc’. | |
In this yere Edward the kynges sone spoused the kynges suster of Spayne. Also in this yere the kyng com from Burdeux thorugh Fraunce, and arryved at Dovore on Cristemasse day: and on seynt John day he com to London, and enprisoned the schirreves in the tour of London a monyth and more, for on John Frome that was undyr there warde whiche escapyd out of Newegate, the whiche John was taken in warde for the deth of a priour that was the kynges alye; and new schirrefs mad, as it folowith.
Id’m maior. | Stephan Distergate.[7] | Ao. xxxixo. |
| Herry Walmode. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | Matheu Bokerell. | Anno xlo. |
| John le Mynour. | |
Obiit R. Grosted ep’us Lincoln’.
This yere deyde Robert Grostede bysshop of Lyncoln, in the vij idus of Octobre. And in this yere, the Soneday before the translacion of seynt Edward, the wyf of Sr. Edward the kynges sone com into Engelond and to London; and Sr. Edward com hymself on seynt Andrew evene to London. The crucifienge of a child.And in this yere a litell child called Hughe of Lincoln was taken of Jewes and crucified.
Id’m maior. | Ric’us Ewell. | Anno xljo. |
| Will’m Asshby. | |
Eodem anno fuit Ric’us comes Cornub’ et frat’ reg’ H. coronatus in regem Almiaine.
Id’m maior. | Th’ Fitz Richard. | Anno xlijdo. |
| Robt. Catelongre. | |
Ric’ comes Cornubie elect’ est imp’ator.
In this yere Ric’us erle of Cornub’ was chosen emperor; and Thlewellyn prynce of Walys held werre ayens the kyng. Also this yere, abougte the convercion of seynt Poule, A gret compleynt made to the kyng of the citee of London.tydynges comen to the kyng that the cite of London was nought trewly, no in due maner gowerned: wherupon was mad an inquisicion be xxvj men of every warde; and John Mauncell, examyned be the kynges counseill, tolde the tale for alle the companye, and seyde that Richard Hardell mair, Robert Catelongre schirreve, John Tholesone, Nich’ Batte, Nich’ Fitz Jocy, Mathew Bokerell, John le Meynoure, Arnold Tednore, and Herry Walmode, aldermen, were worthy to be prevyd of there offices, and never after to bere stat in the citee. The parlement at Oxon.Also in this yere after Trynyte Sonedaye was the parlement at Oxenford, where aroos a gret discord betweye the barons on the too partye, and Audymere eslyte of Wynchestre, William Valence, Geffrey of Wynchestre, and the kynges brethren, on the other partie, for divers trespaces and transgressions; wherefore the kynges brethren were somond to come to the parlement at Wynchestre; and whanne the parlement was begonne, the forsaid kynges brethren wolde nought obeye to the lawe; wherfore two of them weren exiled, whiche passed the see at Dovorre.
John Gysors, m’. | John Adryan. | Ao. xliijcio. |
| Rob’ Cornhill. | |
This yere scutage was gadered in Engelond of every knyghtes fee xl s. The same yere, the morwe after Al Sowlen day, Ric’ of Gravesende at Caunterbury was sacred bysshop of Lincoln be Bonoface erchebysshop of Caunterbury. And in this yere, that is to seye the yere of our lord a mlcclviij, Jewe.there fel a Jewe into a pryve at Teukesbury upon a Satirday, the whiche wolde nought suffre hym selfe to be drawe out of the preve that day for reverence of his Sabot day: and Sr. Richard of Clare, thanne erle of Gloucestre, herynge therof, wolde nought sufrre hym to be drawe out on the morwe after, that is to say the Soneday, for reverence of his holy day; and so the Jewe deyde in the preve. A quart’ of whete at xxiiij s.Also in this yere was a gret derthe of corn, for a quarter of whete was worth xxiiij s. And in this yere Richard the erle of Cornewaille was crowned emperour of Almayne.
Will’m Fitz Richard, m’. | Adam Brounyng. | Ao. xliiijto. |
| Ric’ Coventre. | |
In this yere, abougte Alhalwen tyme, the kyng with the quene, with other barons and lordes, seyled over the see to the kyng of Fraunce, and dwelled there half yere and more with gret honoure and love, so that he hadde no wil homward; but he was thretned be the co’e counsaill of Engelond that but if he come home here sounne they wolde chesyn them a newe kyng: and there was gret discord, and a rysynge betwen Edward the kynges sone and Richard thanne erle of Worcestre,[8] so that all Engelond was meved to werre; for whiche, a lytel before Whitsonday the kyng come into Engelond, an cam into London, and lay in the bysshopes palys of London besyde Poules, unto the tyme that pees was stablisched thorough alle Engelond.
Id’m maior. | John Northt’. | Ao. xlvto. |
| Ric’ Pychard. | |
| | |
| John Tallour. | Ao. xlvjto.[9] |
| Ric’ Walbrooke. | |
Note:—That no record makes mention of an earle of Worcester in this time.
This same yere, abought the fest of the traunslacion of seynt Thomas, the kyng with the quene sailled over the see into Fraunce, and the erle of Worcestre[10] deyde.
Th’ Fitz Thomas, m’. | Philip Walbrok. | Ao. xlvijmo. |
| Ric’ Taillour. | |
The barons werres.
In this yere began the barons werres, in whiche there were many ful worthy lordes sclayn, and moche myschief and sorwe was that time in Engelond.
Id’m maior. | Robert Mounpylers. | Ao. xlviijo. |
| Osbert Vynt’. | |
In this yere the town of Northampton was taken, and manye of the men that were founden withinne were sclayn, forasmoche as thei hadde ordeyned wyldefeer for to abrent the citee of London. Also this yere, after the purificacion of oure lady, the kynges litell halle at Westm’ with the chaumbre were brent. Also in this yere, at Whitsontyde, there aroos a grete discord betwen the kyng and his barons, and the bysshop of Hereford was taken and lad into Walys into a castell. Also in that discord Elianore the quene was foule repreved and almost sclayn upon London bregge: and after this, a litel before Mighelmesse, the kyng and the quene sailed into Fraunce, to the kynges parlement of Fraunce.
Id’m maior. | Th’ de la Ford. | Ao. xlixo. |
| Gregor’ Rokesley. | |
A parlement at Redyng.
This yere the kyng com fro Fraunce and held his parlement at Redyng, fro which parlement the kyng and the lordes departed in wrathe; and the kyng wente ayene to the parlement into Fraunce: and after this, for werre and defaute, the stretes of London were cheyned. And abought the purification of oure lady the kyng com home fro Fraunce; Barons werre.and the barons token the town of Northt’ the Satirday nest before Passion Sonday; and the Wednesday nest folwynge there were manye Jewes sclayn and distroyd. And in the morwe of seynt Pancras, in the monthe of May, was the Bellum de Lewes.bataile of Lewes, betwen the kyng and the barons of the reaume, in whiche bataile manye men were sclayn on both parties: and in this bataile the kyng was taken and Sr. Edward his sone, and Richard erle of Cornewayle and manye othere were lad into diverses castelles. Stella comata.And in the same yere appered stella comata whiche endured xv dayes.
Id’m maior. | Edwardus Blount. | Ao. lmo. |
| Petrus Aunger. | |
In this yere Edwarde the kynges sone brak oute of warde of Sire Simond Mountford erle of Leycestre and of Hereford, and he wente to the barons of the March, and they reyceyved hym withe moche honour. And on the Satirday in the myddes of August he scomfited Simon of Mountford at Kelyngworth. Bellu’ de Evesham.And on the Wednesday nest after was the batall of Evesham; and there was sclayn Simond of Mountford erle of Leycestre, the lord Spenser, Sr. Rauff Bassett, Sr. Thomas Asteley, William Maundevyle, Sr. John Beauchamp, Sr. Guy Bailliof, Sr. Roger Roule, &c. and the barouns discomfited.[11]
William Fitz Ric’, custos. | John Lynde. | Ao. ljo. |
| John Walravyn. | |
In this yere Sr. John Savylle was taken with strong hond at Cesterfeld; atte whiche tyme the lord Ferrers fledde, and be a woman was betrayed in the chirche, and so taken. And Octobon the popes legat held a counseill at Northt’, where he accursed alle thoo that stoden with the erle of Leycestre Simond, or hym helpith or favoureth.
Aleyn South, custos. | John Adryan. | Ao. lijdo. |
| Lucas Batencourt. | |
The greate Caem.
This yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a mlcclxvij, began the empire of Tartaryn, the whiche emperour is called the grete Cane; and he is now holden grettest and most myghty lord of alle the world. In this yere the kyng held his parlement at Marleburgh, in the octaves of seynt Martyn, where, be the assent of alle the nobles and choson comoners of Engelond, were mad the statuts called the Statuts of Marleburgh.
Id’m custos. | Walter Hervy. | Ao. liijo. |
| Wiliam Duremsone. | |
This yere Octobouns the popes legat held his counseyll at seynt Poules in London.
Hugo Fitz Thom’s, custos. | Th’ Basyng. | Ao. liiijto. |
| Rob’t Cornhill. | |
T’us s’c’i Edward.
This yere the kyng lete translate ayeyne the body of seynt Edward into a precious schryne; and there weren alle the lordes spirutuelx and temporelx of Engelond. And in the xvj day of March the kyng ordeyned that no man schulde gon ought of the citee of London be water no be londe to regrate ony Hoc Ao concessit civib’ Londo’.vitaile. Also in this yere after Estren the kyng graunted to the citezens of London alle there liberties and fraunchises. And on the morwe of seynt Lucye the virgyne was T’re mot’.gret erthequake aboughte evesong tyme.
John Adryan, m’. | Walter Potter. | Ao. lvto. |
| John Taillour. | |
In this yere Edwarde the kynges sone, in the feste of Philip and Jacob, tok his vyage into the holy lond with manye othere grete lordes bothe of Engelond and of other londes.
Id’m maior. | Gregorius Rokesley. | Ao. lvjto. |
| Herry Waleys. | |
Bowe stepil fil doun.
In this yere, the V kal. of Feverer’, the yere of oure lord a mlclxx, the stepil of the chirch of seynt Marie at the Bowe fel down in Chepe, and perysshed moche peple. The Sowdon sente l’res to Edward the kynges sone be a Sarasyn, whiche wolde a sclayn the said Edward, whiche Edward strangled the Sarasyn.And in this yere Edwarde the kynges sone was wounded of a Saresyn at Acres, whiche broughte hym lettres fro the Sowdone, the whiche Sowdone menynge tresone hadde sent the same Sarasyn with the lettres unto the said kynges sone Edward, whiche for hete of the contrey eyre satt on a bedde in his doublet, and opened them. Whiles the lettres weren in redynge, the said Sarasyn, knelynge befor hym, drowe out a knyf yvenymed, and wolde have smyten the sayd Sr. Edward in the bely, and failed; but he smot hym in the arm and eft ayeyne in the foot: whiche Saresyn he stranglyd betwen his too handes to the deth; and sithens he was cured therof, blessyd be God. Also in this yere the said Sr. Edward comynge hom thorough Fraunce, he dede the tornement at Chalons, whiche was proposed for his distruccion for envye.
Sire Wat’ Hervy Miles, m’. | Robert Milborne. | Ao. lvijo. |
| Petir Cosyn. | |
The schirreves were deposyd for takynge mede of the bakers.
These two scherreves were convict before the barons of the Escheker, in the fest of seynt Andrew; forasmoche as they token mede of the bakers of London, and wolde nought leten them be corrected and justified: wherefore they were deposyd of there offices; and in there stedes were seet John Bedle and Richard Parys. And in this yere, on seynt Edmondes day the bisshope, in the yere of oure lorde a mlcclxxij, kyng Herry the thridde deyde, and rially was beryed at Westm’.
Sire Wat’ Hervy Miles, m’. | John Horn’. | Ao. po. |
| Walter Pott’. | |
This yere Thlewyne the prynce of Walys rebelled ayens the kyng; and the kyng scomfited hym in bataile, and drof hym to so muche myschief that he cam and yeld hym, and paied to the kyng l ml marc of silver for to have his pees, and made hys othe for to comen to the kynges parlement too tymes in the yere. Eod’m anno f’res in vestimentis saccor’ in exules mitabant’. It’m stat’ erat concessum p’ bigamis; it’m p’ p’sonis p’motis non consecratis ad eccl’ias.
Herry Waleys, m’. | Nicholl Wynchestre. | Ao. s’c’do. |
| Herry Coventre. | |
This yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a mlcclxxiij, the xiiij kal. of Septembre, the kyng Edward was crowned at Westm’ of Robert Kilward thanne erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in this yere the kyng confermed to the citezeins of London alle there liberties and fraunchises. For chastyse bakers and mellers.Also he yaf them a chartre for to chastyse bakers and mellers; that is to seye, for bakers that make nought breed after the assise, and for mellers that stelen mele and corne, the herdell; and for nyght walkers the toune. Et eod’m anno reveniebat a t’ra s’c’a et coronabat’ cu’ sua regina Alianora filia reg’ Hispanie apud Westm’.
Gregory Rokesley, m’. | Luk Batencourt. | Ao. t’cio. |
| Herry Frowyk. | |
In this yere the kyng helde his parlement at Westm’; and at Estre next suynge he sente be his lettre to Thlewelyne prynce of Walys that he schulde comen to his parlement: wherof Thlewyne hadde gret dispite, and rebelled ayeyne: and thanne the kyng made newe werre to Walys so scharply that of verry nede the prynce of Walys yald hym to the kyng; and longe tyme he knelyd before the kyng, and the kyng dede hym grace. Tr’e motus.And in this yere, the day of seynt Parthi and Racmeti was a grete erthe quake aboughte the houre of prime.
Id’m maior. | John Horne. | Anno iiijto. |
| Rauf Blount. | |
And in this yere of oure lord a mlcclxxv, Mich’ Tony, for manye trespasces and defautes be hym in the werre tyme done, he was accused, jugged, and dampned, and was drawen and hanged.
Id’m maior. | Robert Bras. | Anno vto. |
| Rauf Fynore. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | John Adrian. | Anno vjto. |
| Walt’ Langley. | |
The remevyng of the kynges benche and the Eschqer to Schrovesby.
In this yere, in the fest of seynt Michell, the kynges benche and the echeqer were removed fro Westm’ to Schrovesbery, and in the xv day of seynt Hillere next folwynge thei were brought ayeyn to Westm’.
Id’m maior. | Robert Basynges. | Anno vijmo. |
| Will’s Maiser. | |
Rex Scotie veniebat ad p’liamentu’ R’.
Jewes and Englisshmen weren arested for clippyng of money and for byenge of plate of silv’.
In this yere of oure lord a mlcclxxviij, the kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges parlement at London. Also in this yere, the viij day of seynt Martyn, alle the Jewes of Engelond were taken for clippyng of money: and in the feste of seynt Lucie alle the goldsmythes of London, and alle thoo that kepten the Change, and manye other men of the citee weren arested and taken for beyenge of plates of sylver, and for chaunge of grete money for smal money, whiche were indited be the wardes of the citee. And on the Monday next after the Epithanie the justyces setene at the Yeldhalle to make delivreaunce; that is to seyn, Sr. Stephen of Pencestre, Sr. John of Cobham, and other which that them lust to assocye to them. The hous of the Frere P’chours was founded at Castell Baynard.
The town of Boston was brente 1275 [In a modern hand].And there were forjugged and drawen and hanged iij Englyssh Jewes.[12] And in the same yere the hous of the Frere Prechours began to be founded at Castell Baynard. Also Robert Kylwardby the erchebysshop of Caunterbury in this yere was mad cardenall, and frere John Pecche, a Frere Menour, was thanne made erchebysshop of Caunterbury. And in this yere the town of Booston was brent.
Id’m maior. | Thomas Box. | Anno viijo. |
| Rauf Atte More. | |
Hafpence and q’ were first mad.
In this yere the kyng made newe money of silver called half penys and farthynges, alle rounde, of whiche were none sen before. Also in this yere upon seynt Denys day fel A gret snowe.a gret snow, of whiche cam grete floodes and huge. Eod’m anno s’c’us Hugo Lincoln’ ep’us t’nslatus fuit.
Id’m maior. | Will’s Faryndon. | Ao. ixo. |
| Nicholl Wynchestre. | |
This yere Martyn the forthe was sacred pope at Rome.
Herry Waleys, m’. | William Masere. | Ao. xmo. |
| Ric’ Chikewell. | |
The werre aroos betwen the kyng and the prynce of Walys.
In this yere the werre aroos ayeyne betwen the kyng and the prynce of Walys upon Palm Sonday; on whiche day David the princes brother tok Sr. Roger Clyfford at Hawardyn, and sclowe and tok manye of his mene, and beseged the castell of Flynt and Rothelan, and tok the toun of Claupautern[13] and caste adowe the walles.
Id’m maior. | Rauf Blount. | Anno xjmo. |
| Hub’t Botevyle. | |
Prynce of Walys sclayn.
In this yere the kyng with a gret oost wente into Walys and remeved and brak the sege of the castell of Flynt and Rothelan. And in this yere in the iij idus of Decembre, Thlewelyn prince of Walys was sclayn, and his hed smyten of be Sr. Edmond Mortymer, and sente it to the kyng, whiche that tyme lay at Rothelan; and the kyng sente it to London, and comaunded that it schulde be sett upon the tour of London. And that said prynce of Walys before or he was sclayn, come into the landes of the forsaid Sr. Edmond Mortymer, and occupied manye of hise lordschippes, wherfore the said Sr. Edmond manly with meyne fillen on hym as it is before seyd. And it was seid that yif the forseid prince hadde lyved too dayes longere than he dede, alle the Walssh tonge hadde holly ben enclyned to hym. And in this yere, on seynt Leonard day, Sr. Roger Clyfford the yonger was droughned betwen Snowdon and Englessey, and manye othere also, whiche because there myghte nought abyde the comynge of the Walsshe men, unwysly, withoughten hors, passed the bregge of Penbroke.[14] S’cus Thom’ Hereford’ ep’us obiit.Also in this yere deide seynt Thomas the bysshop of Hereford, whiche was called Thomas Cantel’. After hos disses succedyd into the bysshopriche, Richard of Swynfeld.
Id’m maior. | Jordan Goodchief. | Anno xijmo. |
| Martyn Box. | |
The brother of the prynce of Walys was taken and afterward hanged.
In this yere aboughte the feste of Natyvyte of seynt John Baptiste, David the brother of Thlewelyn was taken and holden in pryson at Rothelan, unto the fest of seynt Mighell, and thanne lad to Schrovesbury, and there he was dampned to be ded; and first he was drawen thorugh the citee with hors unto the galowes, thanne hanged, and afterward beheded; and thanne his bowels brent, and the laste his bodye quarterd in iiij quarters, whiche were sent to be sett up in iiij parties in Engelond; and be the kyng comaunded that his hede schulde be seete on the tour of London. And fro that tyme forth the kyng occupied alle the lond of Walys. And thanne he dyvyded it into schires and hundredys, in maner as it is in Engelond; and at Abbercouewe[15] he made a gret and a strong castell, fro whiche place the monkes of Cisteux remeved; and in another place a mancion edified for them. He made there a fair toun, and he lete make the castell of Carnarvan in Snowdon, where that his sone was born: and also he lete make the castell of Plaupautuvouc.[16] The kyng of Aragon occupied the kyngdom of Cecile, and put out kyng Charles.And also in this yere Petir kyng of Aragon occupyed the kyndom of Cecilie, ant putte out kyng Charles, whiche anon after mad an ende of hys lyf; wherfore the pope Martyn accursed the said Petir, and the kyngdom of Aragon he yaf to the kynges sone of Fraunce. And in this yere aroos werre betwen the kyng of Fraunce and the kyng of Spayne; and the kyng of Fraunce with a gret ooste wente into Spayne, whiche dede nothyng worthy to be preysed. Laur’ Doket was hangen in Bowe chirche.Also in this yere Reynold of Lanfare,[17] Robert Pynot, Poule of Stebenhithe, Thomas Corewener, John Tholosan, Thomas Russell, and Robert Scot, weren accused of the deth of Laur’ Doket, whiche was hongen in Bowe chirche: and they were dampned, drawe, and hanged; and on Alyce a woman was brent for the same cause: and Rauf Crepyn, Jordan Gret conduyt in Chepe.Goodcheppe, Gilbert Clerk, and Geffrey Clerk, weren atteynt and sent to prison into the tour of London. Also in this yere the grete conduyt in Chepe was newe begonne to maken.
Id’m maior[18] usq’ f’m ap’lor’ Petri et Pauli. | Stephanus Cornhull. Robt. Rokesley. | Ao. xiijo. |
The fraunchise of London is sesed into the kynges hond.
This yere upon seynt Petyr day and Poule the fraunchise of London was sesed into the kynges hand; forasmoche as Gregory Rokesby maire yelde up the seal at Berkynge chirche, and toke it to Rauf Asshewy; and thanne was Rauf Sandwych mad wardeyn of the citee. And in this yere the kyng of Fraunce wente into Aragon with a gret powere. Edward the kynges sone was born.Also in this yere Edward the kynges son was borne.[19] And the kyng dwelled in Walys tyl ayens Cristemasse, and he held his Cristemasse at Bristoll.
Rauf Sandwyche, custos, drap’. | Walt’ Blount. | Ao. xiiijmo. |
| Joh’es Wade. | |
This yere kyng Philipp of Fraunce com out of Aragon, where he loste the most part of his oost, and deyde: and Philipp his sone was crowned kyng in the feste of the Epithanie. And in this yere deyde kyng Petyr of Aragon. Also in this yere, in the feste of the Nativite of oure lady, Sr. Edmond Mortymer receyved the ordre of knyghthod of kyng Edward at Wynchestre. Also, this seid Sr. Edmond wedded Margarete the doughter of Sire William de Fowles,[20] cosyn to the quene, at Additamenta Glouc’.London. And in this yere were mad at London, the statutes whiche ben seid additamenta Glouc’.
John Breton, wardeyn. | Thomas Cros. | Ao. xvo. |
| Will’ Hauteyne. | |
Alle the Jewes of Ingelond were put to a gret tribute.
To hym was rendred certeyn lond.
In this yere, alle the Jewes of Engelond were put to a gret tribute, to be payed to the kyng. Also this yere the kyng passed the see into Fraunce, aboughte the Invencion of the Holy Cross; and of the kyng of Fraunce he was worthyly resceyved, and so yorned a certeyn time with the kyng of Fraunce at Parys, whiche yald up certeyn londes of Gascoigne to the kyng Edward, whiche long tyme hadde wrongfully be withholden out of his handes. Grete haylstones.Also in this yere, in the March of Walys fel the grettest hailstones that evere were seyn in that countre, whiche dede grete harme to beestes and to houses and to corn.
Rauf Sandwych, custos. | Will’ Hereford. | Ao. xvjo. |
| Thomas Staunes. | |
This yere seynt Thomas of Hereford was translatyd. Also, aboughte Pentecost, Rys ap Geredith began partie ayeyns the kynges pees, and werred in the kynges londes.
Id’m custos. | Will’m Beteyne. | Ao. xvijmo. |
| John Caunterbury. | |
This yere was so gret plente of whete that men solden a quarter of whete for xvjd. And in this yere was a passyng hoot sommer, and specially in hervest.
Id’m custos. | Fulco de S’c’o Ed’o. | Ao. xviijo. |
| Salamon Langford. | |
This yere kyng Edward cam out of Gascoigne into Engelond upon oure lady day, the Assumpcion. And in this yere Sr. Thomas Weylond justice, Adam of Skretton, and alle moost alle other justices were convicte of false domes yevynge, and grevously punysched; some of lesyng and forfaityng of alle there goodes, and some be redempcion of moche money.
Id’m custos. | Thomas Romayn. | Ao. xixo. |
| Will’m Leyre. | |
Alle the Jewes were exiled out of Engelond.
In this yere alle the Jewes were exiled out of Engelond, to voyde the reaume of Engelond be Alhawen tyme, upon peyne of lesynge of there heedes or eny of them mighte be founden withinne the reaume; The vth of ther moveable goodes.and for to have this graunted of the kyng don and performed, the co’es of the reaume grauntyd for to yeve the kyng the V parte of there moveable goodes. This same yere Gilbert the erle of Gloucestre wedded dame Johanne the kynges doughter. And in this yere forthwith the dukes sone of Braban wedded dame Margrete the kynges other doughter. Obiit regina Elianora.And in this yere, on seynt Andrew even, deyde quene Elianore kyng Edward wyf. Also in this yere aroos a grete stryf betwen the V Portus and Flaundres. The staple of wolles was ordeyned at Sandwych.Also this yere the kyng ordeyned the newe feyre and market at Sandewych, where alle the wolles of Engelond schal be brought, and there sold.
Id’m custos. | Rauf Blount. | Anno xxmo. |
| Hamond Box. | |
In this yere Acres was wonne of the Sarasynes the xv day of Maii, and utterly destroid, and alle tho that dwelden withinne that myghte be founden were sclayn. Natheles manye escapid awey be schippes. Also quene Elianore the kynges modyr deyde. And in this yere the kyng prisoned his sone for mayntenaunce of diverses traitoures.
Id’m custos. | Herry Bele. | Anno xxjmo. |
| Ely Russel, drap’. | |
In this yere the kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges parlement to London. Also that type iij men token away too prisoners fro Baskle seriaunt of London; wherfore the ryghte handes of the same iij men weren smyten of at the Standard in Chepe. mors.Also in this yere, iiij nonas April, deyde pope Nicholas. mors.Also in this yere deyde Sr. Robert Burnell bysshop of Bathe, and thanne chaunceler of Engelond. mors.Also in this yere frere John Pecche erchebysshop of Caunterbury deyde. And in this same yere anon after Whitsonday, the justices of eyr saten at Hereford. And in this yere anon after the feste of seynt Michel, they saten at Schrowesbury.
Id’m custos.[21] | Robert Rokesley the younger. | Ao. xxijdo. |
| Martyn Ambresbury. | |
A gret snowe.
In this yere fel the grettest snowe that evere was seyn before this tyme; wherfore a vercyfyer made in metre thise vers:
“C’stino tiburci s’c’or’ Valariani Nix cadit innanis vent’ vehemens Borial’ Emulsit silvas ussit quas rep’it herbas Edes dampnose detexit et impetuose Quas clam p’stravit sic plurima dampna patravit.”
A weddyng.
And in this yere the erle of Barre wedded dame Elianore the kynges doughter at Bristoll, aboughte the Exaltacion of the Holy Crosse.
Sire John Bryton, knyght, custos. | Ric’ Glouc’. | Ao. xxiijcio. |
| Herry Box. | |
A gret rysyng in Walys.
In this yere was a gret rysyng in Walys, wherfore the kyng wente into Walys and made pees and reeste. Also the townes of Bloy and Bayone werre wonne be Sr. John Seynt John and other worschepful bachelers of Engelond. The Normanes arryved at Dovorre.Also the same yere the Normaunes arryved at Dovorre and brent a gret part of the towun and martyred an holy man that was clepyd Seynt Thomas of Dovorre: but the Normaunes were sclayn every modir sone, ther eschapid none. Also in this yere the kyng was defraunded of his lond in Gascoigne in this manner, sothly: the kyng hadde yoven the forseyd lond of Gascoyne to the kynges suster of Fraunce, for that sche schulde be yoyned to hym in fre mariage, and be some of his counseill enfeffed here in the sayd lond of Gascoigne; whiche lond of Gascoigne sche yaf to Charles here brother and to other, and the matrymoigne betwen here and kyng Edward sche sette at noughte, and wolde noughte stonden therto. Wherfore kyng Edward sente hyse ambassatours to the kyng of Almaigne, Spayne, and of Aragon, and to manye other dukes and erles beyonde the see, preyenge and askynge counseill and helpe of the seid matier: of whiche some because of affynyte and for yeftes yeven, and some for good and faire beheste of yeftes, graunted the kyng his axynge.
Id’m custos. | John Dunstable. | Ao. xxiiijto. |
| Adam Halyngbery. | |
Alle the wolles and felles of Engelond arested.
In this yere the kyng lete areste alle the wolles of Engelond, wolle felles and hydes; and he tok to hym alle the money to hym graunted of the pope in subsidie of the holy lond, and collecto’s[22] of the same dysme thorugh Engelond, and he dede for to be born to London into his Eschequer: also the convocacion of the clergye of alle Engelond beynge at London the Wednesday nest after the fest of seynt Mathy, the kyng asked a gret some of the clergye toward his werres whiche he hadde with diverses regiones and provynces; The clergye of Engelond graunted moche good to the kyng for his werres.
And the lay peple graunted the x p’t of there goodes.and the clergye graunted hym halven dele there goodes sp’uelx and temp’elx, oughtake benefices not passynge x marc: and the said taske the kyng let gadere at iij tymes evenly of the yere. Also in this yere[23] the kyng hadde of lay peple of Engelond the x part of there goodes, whiche he let gadere at two tymes of the yere be even porcions. The same yere the werre aroos betwen the kyng and the Walssh peple, in whiche werre was sclayn greet multitude of peple: and that werre began aboughte the feste of seynt Cosine and Damyan. And in this yere a worthy marchaund callyd Laurence of Lodolowe was dreynt in the see to Flaundres ward. Also in this yere Sr. Thomas Turbevyle for treson was drawen and hanged. And in this yere Sire John Seynt John discomfyted the erle of Artoys; but in the seconde bataile the said Sr. John was taken and enprisoned in Fraunce. And in this yere Sr. Herry Mortymer resceyved the ordre of knyghthoode at Portesmouth. Also this same yere the kyng Edward, magre alle the Scottes of Scotlond, xxv ml and viiic Scotts.he toke the toun and the castell of Berewyk, and killed there xxv ml and viij c Scottes; and there were taken Sr. William Douglas, Sr. Symond Freshell, and the erle Patryke. And in this yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a mlcclxxxxvij, The kyng tok the castell of Edenburgh with alle the regalies of Scotlond.the kyng tok the castell of Edenburgh, where he fond the regalyes of Scotlond, that is to seye the kynges see, his crowne of gold, and his ceptre, whiche regalyes the kyng offred sithens to seynt Edward at Westm’, in the morwe after seynt Bothulphes day: and at Myssomer, John Bailhol kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges pees to London. Also this yere Edward the kynges sone was admirall upon the see.
Id’m custos. | Thomas Suffolk. | Ao. xxvto. |
| Adam Fulham, drap’. | |
The kyng lete gadere in Engelond cml quart’ of corn for to send to Gascoigne.
This yere the kyng lete gadere in Engelond in diverses schires an hundred thousand quarters of corn, and sente it over the see into Gascoigne: and the kyng passed the see in August, and with hym xxti ml[24] Walsh men and too ml Englysshmen and too ml Irysshmen; and there aroos a stryf betwen the kyng and his lordes, that non of them wolde passen with hym over the see; and the kyng arryved in Flaundres: and there was taken trewes for too yere betwen kyng Edward and kyng Philipp of Fraunce; and Sr. John Seynt John and other prysoners were frely delyvered out of pryson.
Id’m custos. | Will’m Stortford. | Anno xxvjto. |
| John Stortford. | |
Certeyn men were arested for brekyng of the toune of Cornhull.
In this yere, in the feste of seynt Andrew, the kyng graunted to the lordes all there axynge of the poyntes of the olde chartre: also the Scottes areysed werre ayeyns the kyng of Engelond: also the viij day of Paske, Thomas Romayn, Richard Romayn,[25] Richard Gloucestre, Nicholl Faryndon, Adam Halyngbery, Thomas Cely, John Dunstale, Richard Asshwy, John Wade and William Storteford, weren aresteed for brekyng of the toune in Cornhull. And in the viij day of May[26] in this yere the kyng faught with the Scottes at Fowkyrk, in which bataile xxiij ml[27] Scottes were sclayn, and of Englysshmen but xxviij, honoured be the highe Godes grace.
Herry Wallys, maior. | Ric’ Sop’lane. | Anno xxvijo. |
| Thomas Cely. | |
The fraunchise of London was graunted ayeyn.
This same yere the fraunchise of London was graunted ayeyn for ij ml marc, whiche was sesed ayeyn into the kynges hond; and for to make leve of that some, the servauntes bowys in the citee were sette at the tallage as well as the maistres. Also in this yere men of London wenten and sercheden the chirche of Seynt Martyns in the feld for tresoure of gold, thorough the wordes of a gardyn’, whiche seyde how there was a gold hord; but they founde nought: wherfore the dene of Poules of London, be comaundement of the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, denounced them alle accursed openly at the Crosse of Poules that sergeden as above seyd. A maryage betwen the kyng and Margarete the kynges sust’ of Fraunce.
He wan all Scotland.Also in this yere Robert Wynchelsee erchebysshop of Caunterbury spoused the kyng Edward and Margarete the kynges suster of Fraunce togidere: and also pees was mad betwen bothe kynges. And in this yere the kyng wente the thridde tyme beyounde the see into Scotlond, and thanne wan it alle.
Ely Russell, maior. | Henry Fyngreth. | Ao. xxviijo. |
| John Armentires. | |
The Traylbaston.
This yere come the kyng to London and ordeyned the Trailbaston, whiche wente thorough the reaume, and arrered therby moche tresour. And this yere quene Margarete com into Engelond.
The kyng enprysoned his sone Edward.And in this yere the quene Margarete com into Engelond; and the citeizens of London reden ageine here in good aray, abought cc persones atte the leeste. Also this yere the kyng enprysoned his sone Edward, because that Waulter Langeton bysshop of Chestre hadde compleyned that the forsaid Edward, be counseill of Pers of Gavaston, esquyer of Gascoigne, hadde broken his parkes; and forasmoche as the said Edward the kynges sone was ladde and governed be the said Pers, the kyng dede exile the forseid Piers for evere.
Id’m maior. | Lucas Hav’yng. | Anno xxixmo. |
| Ric’ Champenes. | |
| | |
John Blount, drap’, | Rob’t Gallere. | Ao. xxxmo. |
maior. | Pet’ Bosynho. | |
A parlement at Caunterbury.
In this yere the kyng held his parlement at Caunterbury, and the werre aroos betwen the kyng of Fraunce and of Flemynges.
Id’m maior. | Herry Pourte. | Anno xxxjmo. |
| Simon Parys. | |
| | |
Id’m maior. | Will’ Combemartyn. | Ao. xxxijdo. |
| John Burford. | |
The templers were stroid.
This same yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a mlcccv, were alle the Templers distroyd in oo day thorugh out alle Cristendome.
Id’m maior. | Rog’ Parys. | Ao. xxxiijcio. |
| John Lyncoln. | |
In this yere William Waleys, that was sworne liege man to the kyng of Engelond, presented hymselfe to be kyng of Scotlond, and rebelled ayens kyng Edward: nevertheles he was taken and sent to London, where he was dampned, drawen, and hanged and beheded, and his bowels brent and the body quarterd; and his hede sette upon London brigg, and hys foure quarters sent into the foure beste townes in Scotlond: and this was don upon seynt Bertilmewes even. A parlement at Westm’.
R. le Bruz.And in the fest of seynt Myghell the kyng held his parlement at Westm’; to the whiche parlement come ought of Scotlond the bysshop of seynt Andrew, Robert le Bruz erle of Caryk, Simon Frysell, and John erle of Athelles, whiche weren sworne to be trewe lieges to kyng Edward.
Id’m maior. | Reg’lus Underley. | Anno xxxiiijto. |
| William Cosyn. | |
Roberte le Bruz.
This yere Robert Bruz made hym kyng of Scotlond, and Sr. John Comyn was sclayn atte Grey Freres in Donfres, because he wolde not falsen his othe that he made to kyng Edward; wherefore the kyng sente after alle the bachellarye of Engelond that thei schulde comen to Westm’ at Whitsontyd thanne nest folwyng; and there he doubbed cclxxx knyghtes: and the Fryday[28] nest before the assumpcion of oure lady, the kyng mette with Robert le Bruz be syde seynt Jones towne, and killed of his meyne vij ml; and Robert le Bruz fledde: and Simond Frissell was take, and on oure lady even the Nativite he was drawen and hanged at London, and beheded. Bysshoppe of Boston.And in the forsaid bataille were taken the bysshop of Boston, the bysshop of seynt Andrewes, the abbot of Stone, alle armed, whom the kyng sente to the pope, to do with them what he wolde. Also Sr. John the erle of Athelles was taken also at the same bataille; and at the request of the quene, because he claymed kynrede of kyng Edward, his drawynge was relesed; nevertheles he was Bisshoppe of Burdeux made pope.honged and his body brent alle to asshes. And also in this yere the erchebysshop of Burdeux was mad pope.
Id’m maior, drap’. | Simon Benet. | Ao. xxxvto. |
| Geffray atte Conduyt. | |
In this yere deyde the noble and most doughted prynce kyng Edward the firste, in the day of translacion of seynt Thomas of Caunterbury, whos body lith worthyly entered at Westm’.
Transcriber’s Note: Edward I actually died in 1307, the 36th year of his reign.
John Blount, maior. | Will’o Furneys. | Ao. p’mo. |
| Nygel Drury. | |
Kyng Edward wedded the kynges doughter of Fraunce, Isabell.
This yere the kyng Edward wente into Fraunce and wedded Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce, the xv day of Januer’, in oure lady chirche at Boloigne; and the xx day Fever’ sche was crowned at Westm’: and there was so gret prees of peple that Sr. John Bakwell was crowsed to the deth. Also in the same yere the kyng anon after the deth of his fadir sente into Gascoigne for Pers of Gavaston; and he yaf hym the lordschipe of Walyngford and the erledom of Cornuwayle: and this same yere prophecyed the chanon of Bridlyngton.
Nicholl Faryndone, | William Basyng. | Ao. s’c’do. |
goldsmyth, m’. | Pers Blakeney.[30] | |
| | |
Thomas Romayn, m’. | Simon Merewode.[31] | Ao. t’cio. |
| Ric’ Willeford.[32] | |
Templers were distroyd.
The ordre of the Crowched Freres began.
In this yere the schirreves of London paid for the accomptes of London and Middlesex ccccli. Also in this yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a ml cccmo xmo, the ordre of Templers were distroid on oo day thorugh alle Cristendome, whiche ordre began in the yere of oure lord a ml lxxxxviij. Also in the same yere began the ordre of Paulyns, that is to say Crowched Freres.
Ric’ Reff’m, m’. | Simon Crop. | Ao. iiijto. |
| Petir Blakeney, drap’. | |
| | |
John Gysors, m’. | Roger Palmere.[33] | Ao. vto. |
| Jacob Seynt Ed’ust.[34] | |
Edward of Wyndesore was born.
In this yere was borne the kynges sone Edward at Windesore.
Id’m maior. | John Lambyn. | Ao. vjto. |
| Ric’ Lucekyn.[35] | |
| | |
Nicholl Faryndon, m’. | Adam Burden. | Ao. vijo. |
goldsmyth. | Hugo Garton. | |
This yere of oure lord a ml cccxiiij the kyng Edward with a ryall oost wente into Scotlond; and upon Missomer day faught with the Scottes at Strywelyn; and there he was discomfited and fledde, and moche of his peple sclayn.
John Gysors, m’. | Stephen Abyndon. | Ao. viijo. |
| William Bedyngham. | |
In this yere it befell that there was a rebaude called John Tannere, the whiche wente aboughte and seyde that he was the goode kyng Edward sone, and called hymself kyng Edward of Carnarvan, and seide thorugh necligence of his noryce, whil he lay in his cradel a sowe com in and foule rente hym, and the noryce durste nought tellen it, but toke a tannere sone[36] and kepte hym in hys stede, and so he was putt to kepyng of another noryce, be whiche he was preved of his rewme: and for to make this the more certeyne to be belevyd, he schewed the places of the woundes which that he seyde the sowe hadde mad. And he seyde that kyng Edward maners were acordyng with the maners of his fadyr the water-berere,[37] for as moche as he loved swyche rude werkes: and for this seyenge moche peple yaf credence to hym and leved his wordes. Also the same John Tanner chalangyd the chirche of the Frere Cannes at Oxenford, whiche was somtyme the kynges halle, and kyng Edward hadde yeve it to them to make thereof there chirche. But natheles at the last he was preved fals, and was taken and brought to Northampton, and there he was drawen and hanged; and before that he was put to his penaunce he confessed before the peple that the devell be hyghte hym that he schulde be kyng of Engelond, and knowloched that he hadde served the devell iij yere and more.
Step’us Abyndon, | Hamo Goodchepe. | Ao. ixo. |
drap’, m’. | William Golith.[38] | |
The toune and the castell of Berewyk was lost thorugh treson.
Too cardenals comen into Engelond to make pees.
The same yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a mlcccxvj, upon Midlentyne Soneday, the toun and the castell of Berewyk was lost thorugh treson of Piers of Spaldyng, thanne beynge kepere of the same toun and castell. In this yere too cardenales comen into Engelond for to make pees betwen Engelond and Scotlond, whiche weren robbed upon the more of Wygelysdon; of whiche robbery Sr. Robert of Middelton was ateynt, and jugged to be drawe an hanged and beheded at London, and his hede sett up at Neugate; and hise quarters were sent to iiij principale citees of Engelond. And in this yere was an orible moreyn of beestes.
John Wyng’ve, m’. | William Causton. | Ao. xmo. |
| Rauf Balmere. | |
A gret derthe of corn and othere vitailes.
This yere was a gret derthe of corn and other vitailes, for a busshell of whete was worth vs: and the poure peple eten for hunger cattes and hors and houndes; and too yere and an half a quarter of whete was worth ii marc; and the poure peple stal children and eten them, and thanne anon after there fille a gret pestilence among the peple.
Id’m maior. | John Prions. | Anno xjmo. |
| William Furneux. | |
The Scottes come into Engelond and distroyde Northumb’.
This yere the Scottes comen into Engelond and distroyden Northumbr’: and the citee of London sente to Yorke cc men of armes; and Scotlond was entyrdyted.
Id’m maior. | John Pulteney. | Anno xijo. |
| John Dallyng. | |
A parlement at Yorke.
This yere the kyng held his parlement at Yorke; and Sr. Hugh Spencer[39] was mad chaumberleyn of Engelond. And in this yere was Thomas the erle of Lancastre beheded.
Hamo Chikell, m’.[40] | Simon Abyndon.[41] | Ao. xiijmo. |
| John Preston.[42] | |
This yere were the Spencers bothe the fadyr and the sone exiled out of Engelond; after they were ayeyne revoked be the kyng.
Nycholl Faryndon, m’. | William Prodhom.[44] | Ao. xiiijmo. |
goldsmythe.[43] | Arnold Conduyt.[45] | |
The rysynge of erles and barons of this land.
This yere of oure lord a mlcccxxj was strongly the barouns werre; and Thomas erle of Lancastre the xij kal’ of Aprill was beheded. And in this yere was the rysynge of the erles and barons of this lond; and they token Sr. Piers of Gaveston, the kynges sworn brother, and smot of his hed; for which the kyng afterward in oo day dede do beheded xx/iiij lordes and gentyles for the deth of the seid Piers.
Hamo Chikewell, m’. | Ric’ Constantyn. | Ao. xvo. |
drap’. | Ric’ of Hakeney. | |
The sonne was turned into blod.
In this yere of oure lord a mlcccxxij, the laste day of Octobre, the sonne was turned into blod, and so endured fro the morwe of the day unto xj of the belle[46] befor noon.
Id’m maior. | John Grantham. | Anno xvjo. |
| Rog’ of Ely. | |
The vith peny of moveables.
An ordynance what the kynges offycers schulde taken in every degre.
This same yere the kyng hadde the syxte peny of moebles goodes thorugh out Engelond. Also in this yere in the monthe of Juyne, forasmoche as the officers of the kynges houshold have ben alwey behynden, and in no certeynte of that they ought to don, nor in no certeyn what thei schulde taken of the kyng be resone of there offices, whereof examination of the saide offices ne myghte not be done, ne the officers charged as they oughte to ben, to gret damage and dishonor to the kyng, and the governaunce of his houshold not wel disposed, the kyng havynge reward to the state above seyd, and hise goodes in other manner dispendid thanne they oughte, comaunded Sire Bertilmewe Badlesmere styward of his houshold, Sire Hugh Spencer chamberleyn, Sire Roger of Norbury tresorer, and Sire Gilbert of Wyghton countroller, that thei schulde ordeyne thereupon remedie; whiche be the vertu of the kynges comaundement, ordeyned alle manere officers of houshold, and what service every officer schulde have, and what every officer schulde take, and what servaunts every officer schulde have, and what the servaunts schulde take: and whan alle the ordinaunce was made and rad before the kyng in presence of the worschipfull fadres William Milton erchebysshop of Yorke, Maistre Walter Stapilton bysshop of Excestre, the bysshop of Ely chaunceler of Engelond, the bishopp of Norwych, the bysshop of Salisbury, Sire Herry le Scrop, Sire Herry Sprignell, justices, it was assentyd and contentyd perpetuelly to be observed.
Nicholl Faryndon, m’. | Adam Salesbury. | Anno xvijo. |
goldsmyth. | John Oxenford. | |
This yere the quene wente into Fraunce; and after wente Sr. Edward the kynges sone to his modir into Fraunce; and the kyng of Fraunce made hym duke of Guyon: wherfore kyng Edward was wroth with quene Isabell his wyf, and with Edward hys sone; and thorugh counseill of the Spensers the kyng dede exile the quene his wyf and Edward his sone, and tok into hys handes alle there landes and lordschippes that they hadden in Engelond.
Hamo Chikewell, m’. | Benet Fulham. | Anno xviijo. |
drap’. | John de Causton. | |
In this yere quene Isabell and Edward hire sone beynge in Fraunce, and knowyng the malyce of the kyng, thorugh entisement of the Spensers, sente for the lordes and gentiles that were exiled out of Engelond for Thomas cause of Lancastre, that is to sey, Sr. Roger Mortymer, Sr. William Trussell, Sr. John Cromwell, and manye othere, A mariage betwen the kynges sone Edward and the erles dought’ of Henowde.whiche alle togideres ordeyned to make a maryage betwen Edward the kynges sone and the erles doughter of Henowde. And whan that maryage was acorded to be mad, the erle of Henawde graunted to quene Isabell and to Edward here sone, and to othere lordes of there companye, to brynge them with strong pouere into Englond. And whanne tydynges thereof comen to the kyng Edward, he and the Spensers made moche sorwe, and ordeyned to kepe the see cost, and withstanden them that they schulde nought londen. And at the fest of the decollacion of seynt John Baptyst, the citezeins of London sente to the kyng to Porchestre an C men of armes: and the kyng lete do crye thorugh every good market of Engelond, that whoso myghte take Sr. Roger Mortymer, he schulde have an cli for his trawaile. And the Wednesday nest before the fest of seynt Mighell, whiche was thanne the Monday, the quene and Edward hire sone, Sire Roger Mortymer, the erles brother of Henawde, and othere grete in there companye, arryved at Orewelle in Essex, faste be Herewych: and whanne they were landed the contre alle aboughte fel to them be there owne fre wylle. And the quene and Sr. Edward hire sone senten a lettre to the maire and the comonalte of London, requyryng them that they schulde be helpynge to them in the quarell and cause that the quene and Edward hire sone, heir of the ream of Engelond, hadde begonne; that is for to seye, for to distroye the traytours and enemyes of the sayd reaume. But non ansuere was sente ayeyne, for doughte of the kyng and of the too Spensers, the fadyr and the sone, at that tyme weren in the citee of London, with manye othere lordes with them. And forasmoche as non answere was sent ayeyn fro the meire and the comons of London of the said lettre, the quene and Edward here sone senten another lettre therupon, with hangynge seall, to the citee of London, whiche lettre, in the dawnyng of the day was takked upon the newe crosse in Chepe; and manye copies of the same lettre were takked upon wyndous, dores, and othere open places in the citee of London, that alle men myghte rede them that wenten be the weye: and this was done on seynt Denys day, that is to seye the ix day of Octobre.[47] And as the kyng was at his mete, tydynges comen to hym therof: and anoon the kyng, the Spensers bothe the fadir and the sone, the erle of Arundell, and maister Walter Baldok, fledden into Walys; and the kyng lefte maister Walter Stapilton bisshop of Excestre to have the governaunce of the citee of London; whiche bysshop axed to have the keyes and governaunce of the citee be vertu of the comission: where thorugh debate aroos betwen hym and the citee, so that he was taken and lad to the standard in Chepe, and his hede was there smyten of, and his hede sette in his right hand: and too of hyse squyers were beheded the same tyme, that is to sey the xiiij day of Octobre, the yere of oure lord a mlcccxxvjti.
Id’m maior p’ p’te a’ | Gilbert Moredon. | Ao. xixo. |
Ric’ Beteyn p’ residuo. | John Cotton. | |
In this yere the kyng and bothe Spensers, Robert Baldok chaunceler, and the erle of Arundell, were taken in the hilles of Walys, and the kyng was put into sauf warde; but Sr. Hugh Spenser wolde never after that he was taken eten mete, wherfore at Hereford he was drawen, hanged, beheded and quartered: and then was the sone of Sr. Hugh Spenser the fadyr was drawen,[48] hanged and beheded at Bristoll. Also in this yere, be the assent of alle the lordes of Engelond spirituelx and temperelx, and be alle the comonalte of the reaume, be fre eleccion of them alle, and resyngnacion of kyng Edward the fadyr, Sire Edward his sone was chosen kyng of Engelond.[49]
Ric’us Betayn, maior, | Ric’ Rotyng. | Ao. p’mo. |
goldsmyth. | Rog’ Chauntecler. | |
Too mones and too popes.
In this yere were seyn in the firmament too mones, and in this yere were too popes. Also in this yere, the vj day of March, the kyng confermed the lettres and the fraunchises of London. Also he graunted that the meire schulde ben on of the justices at Newgate. Also he graunted to the schirreves of London and Midd’ the ferme of the schirrevehode for cccli be yere, as it was in old tyme. Also he graunted that the schirreves of London ne the citezens schulde nought be charged with men that fledden to holy chirche, ne they schulde not be constreyned to gone out of the citee of London to eny werre. Also the same tyme the kyng graunted that the liberties and fraunchises of London schulde nought after that tyme for no cause be taken into the kynges hond: Southwerk was graunted to ferme.and the same tyme Suthwerk was graunted to the schirreves of London to have to ferme: also the same yere, after the fest of Pask’, the kyng ordeyned an huge oost for to feighte ayens the Scottes; and Sr. John of Henaude come into Engelond with[51] men of armes for to helpe the yonge kyng Edward. And the Scottes comen into Engelond and deden muche harme, and distroyden the contreye tyl they comen to the park of Stanhope in Wyrdale, where they helden them in a busshement in the parke. And the kyng besette the park alle aboughte that the Scottes schulde never escaped: but thorugh treson of the Mortymer they escapid everych on, and so the kyng was disceyved. And also in this same yere of oure lord a mlcccxxvj, be treson of Sire Roger Mortymer, kyng Edward[52] was sclayn in the castell of Berkele.[53] Also in this yere, in the[54] conversion of seynt Poul after Cristemesse, the kyng spoused dame Philip’ the erles doughter of Henawde at York. The foundacion of Garlykhithe chirch.Et id’m Ric’us Rothyng’ tunc vic’ fundavit eccl’iam de Garlykhithe s’c’i Jacobi et dotavit.
Hamo Chikewell, m’. | Herry Darcy. | Ao. s’c’do. |
| John Hawteyn. | |
This yere, in the feste of Pentecost, the kyng helde his parlement at North’; at whiche parlement, thorugh counseill of the Mortymer, the kyng of yonge age and withinne age accorded with the Scottes, and foryaf and relesed them al the homage and feautee that they oughte to do to the crown of Engelond be chartre ensealed and an endenture, in whiche were conteyned alle the homages and feautes that the kyng of Scotlond and the lordes of the same lond schulde do to the kyng of Engelond, which was ensealed with alle the seales of alle the grete lordes of Scotlond spirituelx and temporelx, and other chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and hise barons hadde of right in the lond of Scotlond; with the blakke crosse.which alle, thorugh counseille of quene Isabell the kynges modir, and Sr. Roger Mortymer, were delyvered to the Scottes with the blak crosse of Scotlond, the whiche goode kyng Edward the kynges ayell[55] hadde conquered in Scotlond and broughte it fro the abbeye of Stone, whiche was a precious relyke, the whiche was also delyvered to the Scottes: also the kyng, thorugh counseill of his modir and of the Mortymer, relesed and foryaf alle that right that the barons out of Engelond hadden in ony londes of Scotlond of olde conquest.
John Grantham, m’. | Simon Fraunceys. | Ao. iijcio. |
| Herry Combemartyn. | |
This same yere David Bruz the sone of Robert Bruz, be ordynaunce of the kynges modir and of the Mortymer, spousyd at Berewyk dame Johanne of the Tour, the kynges suster, upon Marie Magdaleyn day, in the yere of oure lord a mlcccxxviij: and whanne the maryage was done, the A p’lement at Salesby. Rog’ Mortemer was made erle of Marche: Sr. John Eltham the k’ brother erle of Cornewalle.Scottes called here in despyte of Engleyssh men “make pees”;[56] but the kyng bar the blame wrongfully. This yere the kyng helde his parlement at Salesbury; and at that parlement Sire Roger Mortymer was mad erle of the March, and Sr. John Eltham the kynges brother was also mad erle of Cornwayle. Also this same yere Sire Edmond Wodestoke erle of Kent, the kynges uncle, was beheded at Wynchestre, thorugh procurment of the quene, the kynges modir, and of the Mortymer. Dyd homage to the kyng of Fraunce.Also in this yere the kyng seyled into Fraunce, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a mlcccxxviij, and dede homage to the kyng of Fraunce for the ducherye of Guyene and for the counte of Pountyf.
Simon Swaynlond, m’. | Rob’t of Ely. | Anno iiijto. |
| Th’ Harewold. | |
Prynce Edward was born.
This yere Edward the firste begeten sone of kyng Edward the thridde was born at Wodstoke, the day of seynt Viti and Modest’.
John Pounteney, m’. | Rob’t of Ely. | Ao. vto. |
| Tho’s Harewold. | |
In this yere Edward Bailloil, the sone of John Bailloil sumtyme kyng of Scotlond, come into Engelond chalangynge his right heritage of the kyngdom of Scotlond, and arreyved at Dounfermelyne; where, faste be the abbeye, ii ml Englysshmen scomfited and xl ml Scottes.[57] Sr. Rog’ Mortim’ was hanged.In the same yere Sire Roger Mortymer was hanged upon a theves galowes, on seynt Andrew even, in the yer of oure lord a mlcccxxxti.
Id’m maior. | John Mokkyng. | Anno vjto. |
| Andr’ Aubrey. | |
Sege of Berwyk.
The same yere kyng Edward beseged the town and the castell of Berewyk: and upon seynt Margeretes even the Scottes in wondyr grete noumbre comen for to remove the sege, with whom the kyng faughte and discomfyted them: and there were sclayn of the Scottes viij erles and a ml and ccc knyghtes and squyers, The yeldyng of the castell of Berewyk and the town.and of footfolke mo thanne xxxv ml; and of Englysshmen there were dede a knyght and a squyere and xij footfolke. And so upon seynt Margarete day the town and the castell were yolde to the kyng, in the yere of oure lord a mlcccxxxj.
John Preston, m’. | Nicholl Pyk. | Anno vijmo. |
| John Housbonde. | |
Also in the same yere the kyng Edward sclough many Scottes, and he recovered the castell of Kilbrigge.
John Pounteney, m’. | John Hamond. | Ao. viijto. |
| Will’ Hansard. | |
The kyng of Scotland did homage: and allso the duke of Bretayn.
In this yere the kyng of Scotlond come into Engelond to the newe castell upon Tyne: and aboughte the feste of the Nativite of seynt John baptiste, there he dede homage to kyng Edward. The same yere the duke of Bretayne dede homage also to the kyng for the counte of Richemond.
Reynald at the Conduyt, m’. | John Kyngeston. | Ao. ixo. |
| Walt’ Turk. | |
A gret moreyn of men and of bestes.
xl s. j quart whete.
This same yere was a gret moreyn of beestes and of men also, and gret habundance of reyne, where thorugh there was so gret derthe of corne that a quarter of whete was worth xl s.
Id’m maior. | Walt’ Moordon. | Anno xmo. |
| Ric’ Upton. | |
In this yere the Scottes offendeden ayeyne: and the kinge wente over the Scottyssh see and werred upon the Scottes, and overcame them myghtyly, at whiche tyme the erle of Morre was taken.
John Pounteneye, m’. | Will’ Bikkesworth. | Ao. xjmo. |
| John Northale. | |
Stella comata.
j q’rt’ of whete ij s; and a fat oxe for di’ marc; and vj pegons for a peny.
This same yere, in the monthe of Juyne and July, in diverses parties of hevene appered stella co’mata. Also in this yere was gret plente of vitaile, that a quarter of whete was sold at London for ij s; and a fat oxe for vj s. viijd; and vj pegons for a peny: but natheles it was ful gret scarste of money. Also this yere deyde Sr. John of Eltham.
Herry Darcy, m’. | Walt’ Neel. | Anno xijmo. |
| Nicholl Grave. | |
The counte of Cornwayle was made a duche.
Sergeaunts of the maire and the schirreves of London schulde b’re maces of silv’.
In this yere kyng Edward made of the counte of Cornwayle a duche, which he yaf to Edward his firste begetyn sone, withe the erledom of Chestre. Also, the kyng graunted that the seriaunts bothe of the meire and the schirreves of London schulde beren before the maire and the schirreves of London maces of silver and over gilte, withe the kynges armes.
Id’m maior. | Will’ Pomfreyt. | Anno xiijo. |
| Hugo Marleberer. | |
In this yere the kyng and the quene seyled to Braban; and at the town of Andewarp the quene chylded Sr. Leonell. And this same yere in Braban the kyng made first cleyme to the crowne of Fraunce.
Andr’ Aubrey, m’. | Will’ Thorney. | Anno xiiijmo. |
| Rog’ Forsham. | |
A p’lement at London.
The kyng asked moche good for his werres.
The coyne of the noble, half noble, and ferthyng.
This same yere the kyng held his parlement at London; and he axed to begynne hise werres the fyfthe part of alle the moeble goodes of Engelond, and the custume of wolles, and the ix schef of every manere of corn, the which was graunted. And in this yere the kyng changed hise armys: and also the kyng made the coyne of goold; that is for to seyne the noble, the half noble, and the ferthyng. And this yere was called the firste yere oft oure kyng of the regne of Fraunce.
Id’m maior. | Adam Lucas. | Anno xvo. |
| Barth’us Mareys. | |
The bataill of Scluse.
This same yere the kyng faught with the Frensshmen at Scluse, where there were sclayn of Frensshmen xxx ml; and the kyng toke and scomfyted at the sayd bataill of Scluse cccx schippes. And in this yere the kyng began the bataill of Torneye, and the town of seynt Amandys was distroied. And in the same yere, on seynt Andrewes even, kyng Edward come fro beyonde the see be nyghte to the tour of London, and there tok manye lordes and peres of the reaume and putte them into preson. And in this yere of kyng Edward began the firste yere of his regne of the kyngdom of Fraunce. The comaundement of the Emp’or of Tartary.Also in this yere of oure lord a m ccc xlti, there was sente out a maundement fro the emperor of Tartarye into alle hise londes and kyngdomes, that every man schulde use what lawe and beleve that he wolde, be so that he schulde worschep non idoles but only everelyvynge God.
John Oxenford maior p’ p’te ai. et Simon Fraunceys p’ alia p’te. | Ric’ Berkyng. John Rokesley. | Ao. xvjo. |
In this yere the kyng lefte the sege of Turney.[58]
Simon Fraunceys, m’. | John Lovekyn. | Ao. xvijo. |
| Ric’ Kelsyngby. | |
T’re motus magnus.
In this yere was a gret turnement at Dunstaple of alle the chivalrye and gentyles of Engelond. And in this yere was a gret erthequake.
John Hamond, m’. | John Syward. | Ao. xviijo. |
| John Aylesham. | |
This same yere the noble kyng Edward held his parlement at London, in whiche parlement he made Edward his oldest sone prynce of Walys.
Id’m maior. | Geffrey Whityngham. | Ao. xixo. |
| Thomas Legge. | |
Knyghtes of the Garter.
In this yere the kyng began the rounde table at Wyndesore, that is to seye, the ordre of Knyghtes of the Garter.
Ric’ Lacere, m’. | Edmond Hampenale. | Ao. xxmo. |
| John Gloucestr’. | |
This yere the kyng sailed over the see into Bretayne and into Guyen, and come ageyn this same yere.
Geffrey Whityngham, m’. | Will’s Clopton. | Ao. xxjmo. |
| John Croydon. | |
This same yere kyng Edward seyled into Normandye; and in the xij day of Juyll he arryved at Hogges; and the xvj[59] day of Juyll the kyng faught with the Normaundes at the brigge of Cadoun, where there were taken the erle of Ewe, the lord Tankervyle, and an hundred knyghtes, and of men of armes vij[60] c; and moche peple of Normandye were sclayn. The bataile of Cressy.Also in this same yere in the xxvj day of August, the yere of oure lord a mlcccxlvj, was the bataile of Cressy, in whiche bataill were sclayn the kyng of Beame, the duke of Loreyne, the erle of Alaunson, the erle of Flaundres, the erle of Bloys, the lord of Harecourt, the lord of Awmarle, the erle of Navers, and manye othere knyghtes and barons to the noumbre of xvc xlij; and kyng Phillip fledde. Sege of Caleys.And the thridde day of Septembre folwynge the kyng began the sege of Caleys, whiche sege he contynued unto the thridde day of August next folwynge. Also the same yere, durynge the forsaid sege, David kyng of Scotlond was taken at the bataille of Derham, the xvj kal’ of Novembre, whiche kyng was raunsoned at an hundred ml marcs, to be payed in x yere, that is to sey every yere x ml mark.
Thomas Legge, m’. | Adam Brakson. | Ao. xxijdo. |
| Ric’ Basyngstoke. | |
This yere durynge the segee of Caleys the kyng Phillip of Fraunce, purposynge to remeve the sege, cam the xxvij day of Juyll, and proposed bataille to kyng Edward, and assigned day and place; and kyng Edward accepted it with a glad chere: and kyng Philipp undirstondynge of this thinge, the nyghte folowynge he brende the tentes and cowardly fledde awey: Caleys was yolden.and so the peple withinne the town, seynge no comfort of rescues, yolden the town to the kyng with the castell the ixe day of August. And aboughte the feste of seynt Mighell kyng Edward, which dede a glorious tryumphe, retorned ayene into Engelond.
John Lovekyn, m’. | Herry Picard. | Ao. xxiijcio. |
| Simon Dolcelle. | |
In this yere began the grete pestilence among the Sarazynes, that unethes it lefte the x man alyve. A gret reyn.And this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a ml cccmo xlviijo, it reyned contynuelly for the moste partye fro the Nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristemasse next folwynge.
Walt’ Turk, maior. | Adam of Bery. | Ao. xxiiijto. |
| Rauf Lynne. | |
Gret pestylence.
This same yere of oure lord a mlcccxlviijo[61] was the grete pestylence at London, which endured fro the feste of Myghelmesse unto the monthe of August sewyng.
Ric’ Kylsyngby, m’. | John Notte. | Anno xxvto. |
| Will’s Worcetr’. | |
Bellu’ sup’ mare int’ regem E. et les Spaynardes.
In this yere of oure lord a mlcccl the kyng faughte with the Spaynardes on the see, besyde Wynchelse and Romeneye: and thankyd be God the kyng hadde the victorye, and wan there manye a faire vessell.
Andr’ Aubrey, m’. | John Wroth. | Ao. xxvjto. |
| Gilb’t Steynethorp, goldsmythe. | |
New moneye of grotes and half grots and pens.
In this yere of oure lord a mlccclj the kyng made newe moneye; that is to seye grotes, and half grotes, and penyes: natheless the weyte was lasse be v s. in the pound than the olde starlyng. Also in this yere two fysshmongers were beheded at the standard in Chepe.
Adam Fraunceys, m’. | John Pecche. | Ao. xxvijo. |
| John Stodeye. | |
The dere Somer.
In this yere was a gret derthe of vitailes in somer tyme. In this yere was a gret droughte, whiche endured fro the begynnyng of March unto the laste ende of Juyll.
Id’m maior. | Will’ Welde. | Anno xxviijo. |
| John Lytele. | |
The first duk of Lancastre.
The same yere after Estre the kyng held his parlement at Westm’, in whiche parlement Herry erle of Lancastre was mad duke of Lancastre, whiche was the firste duke of Lancastre.
Thomas Legge, m’. | Will’ Totenham. | Ao. xxixo. |
| Ric’ Smelte. | |
In this yere kyng Edward and kyng Phillip of Fraunce were sworne to kepe pees; and kyng Edward schulde have in pees, withoute homage doyng, alle the londes of Guyon, Angeoy, and Normandye, and othere that longen to hym be heritage of olde tyme. The staple of wolles were ordeyned.Also this yere the kyng revoked the staple of wolles out of Flaundres, and ordeyned it to be in diverses places of Engelond; that is to seye, at Westm’, Caunterbury, Chichestre, Bristoll, Lincoln, and at Hull.
Simon Fraunceys, m’. | Th’ Forst’. | Ao. xxxo. |
| Walt’ Brandon. | |
This same yere deyde kyng Philip of Fraunce, and John his eldest sone was crowned kyng of Fraunce. And the same yere kyng Edward seyled over the see and landed at Caleys, whiche with all his oost rood forth into Fraunce to mete with kyng John, that wykkedly hadde broken the pees. And anon kyng John wyste of his comynge, cowardly he fledde: and he dede all his peple ’carie awey there vitailes and goodes, that kyng Edward and his peple’[62] in nothing schulde be refresshed. Also the The custume of wollys was graunted to king E.same yere the Scottes token the town of Berewyk, but the castell was kepte stille be Englysshmen. Also the same yere was graunted to kyng Edward the custume of wolles; that is to say, l s. of the sakke for the terme of vj yere folwynge.
Herry Picard, m’. | Ric’ Notyngham. | Ao. xxxjmo. |
| Thomas Dolcell. | |
Kyng of Scotlond gave upp the realme of Scotlond.
Kyng of Fraunce John was taken at the bataill of Peyters, and othere lordes with hym.
This yere Sr. John Bailloil kyng of Scotlond yaf up the reaume of Scotlond and the crowne to kyng Edward at Rokesburgh. Also in this yere the town of Berewyk was yolden up to kyng Edward. And in this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a ml ccclvjto, the xix day of Septembre, kyng John of Fraunce was taken at the bataill of Peyters be the doughty prynce Edward the firste sone of kyng Edward. Also Sire Philip his sone was taken with hym; and the erle of Pountys, the erle of Ewe, the erle of Longeville, the erle of Tankervyle, with othere viij erles and thre bysshoppes: and there were sclayn the duke of Burbon, the duke of Daceus constable of France, and the bysshop of Chalons, and manye othere grete lordys of Fraunce; and the dolphyn fledde.
John Stodeye, m’. | Steph’us Caundyssh. | Ao. xxxijdo. |
| Barth’us Fretlyng. | |
Prynce Edward with kyng John, with alle the p’soners, comen into Engelond.
Grete justes in Smythfelde, beynge there thre kynges.
In this yere prynce Edward, with kyng John of Fraunce and with alle hise presoners, comen into Engelond the xxiiij day of May, aboughte iij of the belle at afternoon he rod over London brigge toward the kynges paleys at Westm’. Also the same yere were ryall justes in Smythfeld, there beynge present thre kynges, that is to say the kyng of Engelond, the kyng of Fraunce, the kyng of Scotlond; and manye othere grete lordys of diverses regyons.
John Lovekyn, fysshmong’, m’. | John Bures. | Ao. xxxiijo. |
| John Bernes. | |
This same yere the kyng helde ryally seynt George feste at Wyndesore, there beynge kyng John of Fraunce; the whiche kyng John seyde in scorn, that he sawe never so ryall a feste and so costelewe mad with tailles of tre, withoughte payeng of gold and sylvere.
Simon Dolcelle, m’. | Simon Bedyngton. | Ao. xxxiiijto. |
| John Chichestre, goldsmythe. | |
This yere, in the xiiij kal’ of Juyn, Sire John erle of Richmond, the kynges sone, wedded dame Blaunche.[63] Also in this yere kyng Edward seyled to Caleys, and rood up into Fraunce, because Charles regent of Fraunce thanne meved werre.
John Wroth, m’. | John Deynes. | Ao. xxxvto. |
| Walt’ Berneye. | |
This same yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a mlccclx, the xiiij day of Aprill thanne beynge the morwe after Estre day, kyng Edward with hys oost lay aboughte Parys; Blak Monday.whiche day was a foul derk day of myst and of hayl, and so bitter cold that manye men deyde for cold: wherfore unto this day manye men callen it the blake Moneday. This same yere were rovers on the see, undyr the governayle of the erle of Seynt Poule; whiche the xv day of March distroied the townes of Rye and Hastinge and othere be the see syde, and sclewen manye men. Also in this yere the pees was made betwen the kyng Edward and kyng John of Fraunce, the xv day of May: and kyng Edward sente hise ambassatours into Fraunce, and toke the othe of Charles regent of Fraunce, whiche othe was plight undir this forme: Charles dede lete solempnely a masse to be songen; and whanne Agnus Dei was thries seyd, Charles leyde his right hand upon the patene, whereupon lay Godes body, and his lefte hond pressyng don upon the masse bok, seyenge, We swern upon the holy precious Goddes body, and upon the Evaungelies, fermely to holden anentes us pees and concord fourmed betwen the too kynges of Fraunce and of Engelond, and in no manere to do the contrerie. Also in this yere mennes, bestes, trees, and housynge were alle to smyte with violent lyghtnynge, and sodeynly peresshyd; and the devell in mannes lyknes spak to men goynge be the weye.
John Pecche, m’, | Will’ Holbeche. | Anno xxxvjto. |
drap’. | Jemes Tame. | |
A blody reyne and a blody crosse.
s’c’da pestilencia.
John the erle of Richm’ was made duke of Lankaster.
Also in this yere, in the kal’ of Juyn, fell a blody reyne in Burgoyn, and a blody crosse apered in the eire fro the morwe unto myd day at Boloyne, the whiche afterward moved hym and fel down into the see. And in this yere prynce Edward wedded the countesse of Kent. And in this yere was the seconde gret pestilence, in whiche good Herry of Lancastre deyde, and Sr. John erle of Richemond, the kynges sone, was mad duke of Lancastre. And in the same yere began the grete companye.
Steph’us Caundyssh, m’. | John of Seynt Albons. | Ao. xxyvijo. |
| Jacob Andrewe. | |
Magnus ventus.
This same yere upon seynt Maurys day, the yere of our lord a mlccclxj, was the gret wynd whiche caste doun tres, houses, pynacles and steplees of chirches and manye places in Engelond. Lyonell the k’ son duke of Clarence.Also this yere Sr. Leonell the kynges sone was mad duke of Clarence, and Sr. Edmond of Wodestoke was made erle of Caumbregg.
John Notte, m’. | Ric’ Croydon. | Anno xxxviijo. |
| John Hyktost. | |
Thre kynges comen into Engelond.
In this yere comen thre kynges into Engelond to vysyte and to speke with kyng Edward; that is to seye, kyng John of Fraunce, the kyng of Scottes, and the kyng of Cipre.
Adam of Bery, maior, | Simon Mordon. | Ao. xxxix. |
skynnere. | John Medford. | |
The bataill of Orrey.
This same yere of oure lord a mlcccmolxiiij was the batell of Orrey in Britayne, where Sr. Charles de Bloys chalanged to be duke John kyng of Fraunce deide at Saveye.
A gret frost that longe dured.of Bretayne was sclayn, and Sr. Bertram Claykyn was take with manye othere lordes and knyghtes. Also this same yere, at Saveye besyde Westm’, deyde John kyng of Fraunce. And also in the same yere was a strong cold frost, whiche endured fro seynt Andrewes day unto the kal’ of Aprill.
Id’m maior usq’ xxviiij diem Januar’, quo die p’ p’ceptu’ reg’ illo amoto, Joh’es Lovekyn el’tus fuit in maiorem p’ residuo ai. | John Brikelesworth. John Irland. | Anno xlmo. |
E’ p’mogenit’ E’ princip’ nat’ est.
Bataile of sparwes.
Men and bestes weren enfect with pokkes.
This same yere, the vij kal’ of Feverer, Edward the firste sone of prynce Edward was born; whiche in the age of vij yere endyd hys lyf. Also in this yere was grete and stronge batailes of sparwes in Engelond in diverses places, whereof the bodyes were founden in the feldes dede withoughte noumbre. And in this yere manye men and bestes were enfect with pokkes where thorugh they deyden. And in this yere on seynt Barnaby day was Cornwayle hanged.
John Lovekyn, m’, | John Warde. | Ao. xljmo. |
fysshmong’. | Th’ atte Lee. | |
Natus fuit Ric’ fil’ p’cipis E.
In this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was born at Burdeux.
Jamys Andrew, maior, | John Thorgold. | Ao. xlijdo. |
drap’. | Will’m Dykeman. | |
Stella comata.
The bataille of Nazers.
This same yere, that is to say the yere of oure lord a mlccclxvij, in the monthe of March appered stella comata. Also in this yere was the bataille of Nazers in Spayne, where prince Edward with his companye scomfyted the bastard of Spayne, and restored kyng Petir ayeyn to his reaume that was put out be the forseid bastard; and there was taken the erle of Dene, Sr. Olyver Claykyn, and manye othere; thankyd be God.
Simon Mordon, m’. | Adam Wymondham. | Ao. xliijcio. |
| Rob’t Girdelere. | |
In this yere Sire Leonell duke of Clarence with a fayre meyne sailled over the see toward Melane; whiche aboughte the natyvyte of oure lady the same yere deyde. iij pestilencia.In this yere was the thridde pestilence,[64] in whiche deyde dame Blaunche of Lancastre. And in this yere the Frensshmen meved ayeyn werre.
John Chichestr’, m’, | John Pyell. | Ao. xliiijto. |
goldsmyth. | Hugh Holbech. | |
j bus’ whete xl d.
In this yere was so gret derthe of corne in Engelond that a busshell of whete was worth xl d. And in this yere was the grete vyage into Fraunce be Sr. Robert Knolles. And in this yere Mortherer of Pembrok in Cristemasse weren at the countesse hous; and the same Mortherer sclewen of men, women, and children in the cradell, xiij; and this was don be a fysshmongre that the countesse hadde founde to scole and brought up of a child. And in this yere, the day of the assumpcion of oure lady, the yere of oure lord a mlccclxix, deyde dame Philip quene of Engelond.
John Bernes, drap’, m’. | Will’ Walworth. | Ao. xlvto. |
| Rob’t of Gayton. | |
In this yere the houses and gardynes were drowe doun aboughte Poules. And in this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled over the see and rood thorugh Fraunce: and Sr. John Haukewod florysshed that tyme in Lumbardie. And in this yere the prynce with hys wyf and hise meyne comen into Engelond, levynge behynden hym the duke of Lancastre in Gascoigne, and the erle of Cambregge.
Id’m maior. | Rob’t Hatfeld. | Anno xlvjto. |
| Adam Stable. | |
The tresorer, chaunceller, and pryve sell were discharged.
In this yere the chaunceller, the tresorer of Engelond, bysshopes, and the pryve seall were discharged of there offyces, and in there stede were put seculere lordes.
John Pyell, m’. | John Philpot. | Ao. xlvijo. |
| Nicholl Brembre, groc’. | |
This same yere, at Awrastelynge, John Northwold, mercer, was sclayn at the blak heth, wherethorugh aroos a gret discencion and debate among the craftes of London. And in the same yere the duk of Lancastre and Too cardinalx were sent fro the pope into Engelond for to trete for pes.
A bataill upon the see betuen Englysshmen and Flemynges.the erle of Cambregge come out of Gascoyne into Engelond, and wedded the doughter of kyng Petyr. And the same yere too cardinalx were sent fro the pope to entrete for the pees betwen the two reaumes. And in this yere was a bataill upon the see betwen Englisshmen and Flemynges, where there were taken of Flemynges xxv schippes lade with salt of the bay. Also in this yere the erle of Pembroke was taken at the Rochell be the Spaynardes, on the even of the nativite of seynt John baptiste.
Adam of Bery, skynn’, m’. | John Aubray. | Ao. xlviijo. |
| John Fyfhede. | |
In this yere the duke of Lancastre seiled into Flaundres, and passed be Parys thorugh Burgoyne and alle Fraunce into Burdeux, withoughte ony withstondyng. And in this yere Sire Alex’ Neville was mad erchebysshop of Yorke, and Thomas Arundell bysshop of Ely, maistre Herry Wakefeld bysshop of Worcestre.
Will’m Walworth, fysshmong’, | Ric’ Lyons. | Ao. xlixo. |
maior. | Will’ Wodehous. | |
In this yere, at the town of Bruges in Flaundres, was tretyd upon diverses articles hangynge betwen the pope and kyng Edward. Also the same yere was treted at Bruges for the pees betwen the too reaumes. Ladyes ledde lordes bridel.Also in this yere rood dame Alice Perrers, as lady of the sune,[65] fro the tour of London thorugh Chepe; and alwey a lady ledynge a lordys brydell. And thanne began the grete justes in Smythefeld whiche endured vij nyght.
John Warde, m’. | John Hadley, groc’. | Anno lmo. |
| Will’s Newport. | |
iij pestilencia.
In this yere was the thridde grete pestilence, in whiche dyed the honorable knyght Edward lord Spenser, and lythe beryed at Tewkesbery.
Adam Stable maior usq’ xxjm diem Marcij, quo die p’ p’ceptu’ regis amotus fuit, et Nich’s Brembre el’tus fuit p’ res’ ai. | John North, drap’. Rob’t Launde. | Ao. ljmo. |
Obit’ Edwardi principis.
In this yere, upon Trinite Soneday the viij day of Juyn, withinne the kynges paleys of Westm’ deyde the noble flour of knyghthood, that is to seye, the goode prince Edward, whoos body lith worthily entered at Caunterbury a for yeyns seint Thomas schryne. Also in this yere oon Prentyng of Norfolk was enprisoned in the erles place of Northumbr’, for whiche the peple of London aroos and wolde a sclayn the erle and cast down his place. Also in this yere Richard the sone of prynce Edward was mad prynce of Walys.[66]
Nicholl Brembre, groc’, m’. | Andr’ Pykeman. | Ao. lijdo.[67] |
| Nicoll Twyford. | |
In this yere was graunted to the kyng of every persone, man and woman, above the age of xiiij yere, iiij d; and of every man of holy chirche avaunced xij d; and of every man nought avaunced iiij d. freres only except. And this same yere the cardynall of Engelond was smyten with the palsye and loste his speche, and upon Marie Magdaleyne day he dyde. Also in this yere, the xij day of Aprill, Sr. John Mynstreworth knyght was beheded. Also in this yere, in the xij kal’ of Jull, that is for to seye on seynt Albones even, at Schene, deyde the moost excellent and doughted prynce Edward the thridde: the whiche Richard, the sone of goode prynce Edward the sone of the sayde kyng Edward, at the age of xj yere began to reigne: the whiche forsaid kyng Edward lyth ryally entered at Westm’.
John Philpot, wolman, m’. | John Boseham. | Ao. s’c’do. |
| Th’ Cornwayle. | |
In this yere of oure lord a mlcccmolxxviij, in the morwe after seynt Laurence day, was Robert Hawle sclayn in the chirche of Westm’ be Sr. Aleyn Boxley, Sr. Rauf Fereres and Markle, whiche was sithen a sergeaunt of armes. Also the same yere was ordeyned that every persone undirgrowe schulde pay iiij d. to the kyng; and this cause was most cause of the rysyng after, for in Kent they began to serche first maydens and othere.
John Hadley, groc’, m’. | John Heyleston. | Ao. t’cio. |
| Will’ Baret. | |
This yere the parlement was at Northt’; and there was Kirkeby drawe and hanged for the deth of a marchaunt of Jene, and a whit frere was punysshed for wordes that they hadde seyde be the duke of Lancastre. And in this yere were galeys in Thamyse, and brende Gravesende and Tilbury; for which cause Sr. Rauf Ferrers was apeched. And in this yere was the bataill betwen Sr. John of Audeslay knyght, and Thomas Kat’ynge esquyer.
Will Walworth, m’. | Walt’ Coket. | Ao. iiijto. |
fysshmong’. | Will’ Knyghtcote. | |
This yere was the rysyng of the co’es of Essex and of Kent, for a talaye ordeyned that every man and woman betwen the age of lx and xvj yere schulde paye to the kyng xij d.; the whiche comones brenden the chirche and the houses of seynt Jones at Clerkenwelle, and at the Tour hill they beheded maistre Simond Sudbury, than erchebysshop of Caunterbury and chaunceller of Engelond; and frere Robert Hales priour of seynt Jones hous, thanne tresorer of Engelond; and frere William Appulton a grey frere, because he was phisicion to the duke of Lancastre, and Roger Leche sergeaunt of armes; and Richard Lyons was beheded at the standard in Chepe; and Richard Somere was beheded at the Milende; and Legat of Holbourn was beheded at Goterlane ende in Chepe; and manye questmongers, jorours, men of lawe, Flemynges, and othere aliens as they comen to honde they were beheded in diverses places. They brende Saveye.And thise said arrysers brenden the dukes place of Lancastre called Saveye, and wolde fayn an had the duke of Lancastre, but as grace was he myghte not be founden: and this was don on Corpus Cristi day, thanne beynge on the xj day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a mlccclxxxj. And on the morwe after, that is to saye Fryday, and thanne on the Satirday after Corpus Cristi day, the kyng anon after rood into Smythfeld, and William Walworth thanne beynge maire of London, Sr. Robert Knolles and also aldermen and othere citezeins of London with hym: and there they metten with Jake Strawe ledere of the uprysers. And this Jake Strawe spak to the kyng heded as it hadde be to his felawe: and John Blyton that bar the maires swerd of London bad hym don of his hode while he spak to the kyng; wherfore Jake Strawe wax an angred, and mynte to caste his daggere to Blyton. Jake Strawe was sclayn.And thanne William Walworth, maire of London, drewe his baselard and smot Jake Strawe on the hed: and with that, Rauf Standyssh, that bar the kynges swerd, roof Jake Strawe thorugh the body with a swerd; and there he fyll doun ded. And anon his hede was smeten of and sett on a pole. And there the kyng made knyghtes, that is to seye, William Walworth maire of London, Rauf Standyssh, Robert Launde, Nicholl Brembre, Nicholl Twyford, and John Philpot. And anoon they wenten into seynt Jones feld, and there they founden alle the arrysers. And anon they were besett aboughte with the peple of London, so that they might non of them escape away: and thanne the kyng dede crye that no man schulde don them bodyly harme; and they were fayne to escape awey with there lyfves, and left there wepenys behynde them. Nevertheles afterward manye of them weren arrested, and be the lawe don to the deth in diverses schires of Englond, some drawen and hanged, and some hanged, and some beheded.
John Northampton, | John Hende, drap’. | Ao. vto. |
draper, maior. | John Roote. | |
Kyng Richard wedded the emperours dought’ of Almayne, Anne.
T’re mot’.
This yere kyng Richard wedded quene Anne the emperours doughter of Almaygne, that was a gracious lady. And in this yere of oure lord a mlccclxxxij, in the xxj day of May upon Wednesday anon after noon, was a gret erthequake in Engelond.
Id’m maior. | Adam Bamme, goldsmyth. | Ao. vjto. |
| John Cely. | |
The bysshop of Norwych wente into Flaundres.
This yere sire Herry Spenser bysshop of Norwich seyled into Flaundres with a croceryd to werre on the Flemynges. In that vyage wente Sr. William Elmham, Sr. William Faryndon, Sr. Thomas Trevet, and othere; and on seynt Urbanes day the pope, there were sclayn besyde Dunkirke xj ml and v hundred Flemynges. Also in this yere fill debate in London betwen John Northampton, William Essex, John Moore, and Richard Norbury on that on partye, and the fysshmongers on the othere partye.
Nicholl Brembre, m’. | John Moore, m’c’. | Ao. vijmo. |
drap’. | Simon Wynchecombe. | |
In this yere John Northampton, John More and Richard Norbury were dampned into the tour of London, to be drawe and honged for certeyn congregacion mad ayeyns the pees in the citee of London. And in this yere Sr. Nicholl Brembre was chosene maire of London be stronge hand of certeyne craftes of London.
Id’m maior. | Nicholl Exton. | Anno viijo. |
| John Frossh’, m’c’. | |
In this yere were called ayeyne to there ansuere John Northampton, John More, and Richard Norbury in the tour of London, before Sr. Robert Tresylyan justice, and before Sr. John Deverose thanne styward of the kynges houshold, and before Sr. Nicholl Brembre thanne maire of London. Sr. Edmunde Langeley erle of Cambrygge made duke of Yorke.In this yere the kyng at parlement be assent of the comounes made Sr. Edmond Langeley, thanne erle of Caumbregge, duke of Yorke; Sire Thomas Wodestoke, thanne erle of Notyngham, duke of Gloucestre; Sr. Robert le Veer, thanne erle of Oxenford, duke of Irlond; and sitthe he made hym marqwys of Develyn, Sr. Mychel Pole was made erle of Suff’.and yaf hym alle the comodites of Irlond, terme of hys lyf, to mayntene the werres of Irlond: also Sr. Mighell of Pole was mad erle of Suffolke, and Sr. John Urmonde was mad erle of Urmond. In this yere kyng Richard, the duke of Lancastre, with a grete powere redyn into the north, and distroied into the Scottes see. A gret bataill in the palys of Westm’.And in this yere was the bataille in the palys at Westm’, betwen Martigo Novyle of Naverne apeler, and John Walssh defender; the whiche Martigo apeled the said John that he schulde have p’posyd and sold the castell of Chirburgh: the whiche John there hadde the victorye and was mad knyght, and the said Martigo was drawen and hanged. Also in this yere Sr. Nicholl Brembre was chosen maire ayeyne, be the said craftes and be men of the contre at Harowe and the contre there aboughte, and not be fre eleccion of the citee of London as it owith to be: and the oolde halle was stuffed with men of armes overe even, be ordinaunce and assente of Sr. Nicholl Brembre for to chese hym maire on the morwe; and so he was.
Id’m maior. | John Oghgon. | Ao. ixo. |
| John Chircheman. | |
Lordes ledde ladies be the bridell.
In this yere was a gret rydynge fro the tour of London to Westm’; and evere a lord ledde a ladyes bridell. And on the morwe began the justes in Smythefeld, whiche lasted too dayes. There bar hym well Sr. Herry of Derby, the dukes sone of Lancastre, that othere was the lord Beaumond, the thridde Sr. Simond of Beuerley, the ferthe Sr. Piers Courteneye.[68]
Nicholl Exton, maior, | Will’ More, vynt’. | Ao. xmo. |
fysshmong’. | Will’ Staundon, groc’. | |
A bataill on the see betwen the erle of Arundell and the Flemynges.
This yere the erle of Arundell admirall of Engelond faught on the see with the Flemynges, upon oure lady day in lenten, and scomfyted them, and tok manye schippes lade with Rochell wyn; among whiche schippes was oo schipp called Mewes Colman,[69] and that schipp was the admyrall of Flaundres, the whiche was taken and manye othere prisoners. The some of schippes grete and smale, at that tyme take, were lxxxvj schippes, in whiche were accompted xvijm tounes of wyne. Also the duke of Lancastre in this yere, with his duchesse dame Constance, sayled over the see into Spayne with a gret peple, to clayme his wyfves right: and he tok with hym John Northt’, for doughte elles he myghte have be sclayn whiles he hadde ben oughte of the reaume.
Id’m maior. | Will’ Venor, groc’. | Anno xjmo. |
| Hugo Fastolf. | |
The rysyng of the lordes.
In this yere was the rysyng of lordes of Engelond; that is for to seye, Sr. Thomas of Wodstok duke of Gloucestre, Sr. Herry erle of Derby, Sr. Richard erle of Arundell, Sr. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, Moubray the erle marchall, and Sr. Thomas the erle of Notyngham, ayens othere certeyn lordes, that is to weten, Sr. Robert de Veer erle of Oxenford, that was mad markys of Develyn and after duke of Irlond, whiche fledde into Loveyne in Braban, and there he deyde; Sire Mich’ of Pole erle of Suffolk, whiche also fledde to the same place, and there deyde; Sire Alexander Nevyll erchebysshop of York, the whiche fledde to Scotlond, and there deyde; Robert Tresilian the kynges justice and Nicholl Brembre knyght were drawe to Tyborne and hanged. Also the same tyme Sire Johan Beauchamp, Sr. James Diverses knyghtes were hanged, and diverses justices were exiled for everemore.Berners, and Sire Simond of Beuerle, knyghtes, were beheded at the Tour hill; but Sr. John of Salisbury was drawen and hanged; and also Robert Bealknap, John Holt, Robert Cary, William Burgh, Robert Fulthorp, and John Lokton, justices, weren exiled into Irlond, there for to dwelle alle there lyf tyme.
Nicholl Twyford, goldsmyth, | Adam Karlyll,[70] groc’. | Ao. xijo. |
maior. | Th’ Austyn, m’c’. | |
Justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Not’ and the erle of More and othere.
This yere, in the moneth of May, weren the justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Notyngham and the erle of More, Scott.; also betwen the lord Welles and Sr. David Lyndesey, Scott.; also betwen there Nicholl Bemenere and John Bron, Scott.
William Venor, groc’, m’. | John Loveye. | Ao. xiijmo. |
| John Walcote, drap’. | |
In this yere were justes betwen Sr. Piers Courtenay and Sr. William Danyell, Scott. And in this yere John Northampton cam home and posseded his goodes.
Adam Bam, goldsmyth, | Th’ Vyvent. | Anno xiiijmo. |
m’. | John Fraunceys, goldsmyth. | |
A gret scarcete of corn.
This yere was scarcete of corn. Neverthelees the seide meire, be good counseill, sente his men over the see with gold into divers contres and broughte home corn, so that the prys was well amendyd.[71]
John Hende, drap’, m’. | John Schadworth, m’c’. | Ao. xvo. |
| Herry Vaun’e, drap’. | |
whiche John Hende occupied the office of the meire into the morwe after the natyvyte of seynt John baptist, Edward Dalyngreg’ and Baldewyn Radyngton were mad kepers of the citee of London.the whiche was put down be the kyng and his counseill at Notyngham, and ordeyned Sr. Edward Dalyngregy, knyght, kepere of the citee; and on the xxij day of Juyll the said Edward was discharged of his office, and Sr. Bawdewyn Radyngton at Wyndesore was mad kepere of the citee of London, and so stod in office into the feste of seynt Symond and Jude; at whiche day, be leve of the kyng, they chosen officers in the Yelde halle of London for the yere folwyng as it folwith. The remevyng of the court to Yorke.And in this yere the courtes were remeved, and withdrawe fro London to York fro the feste of the nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristemasse folwynge; and all this disese above seyd was for this cause. In this yere Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of York was thanne chaunceler of Engelond, and Waltham bysshop of Salesbury was thanne tresorer of Engelond; For an hors loof.the serwauntes of whiche tresorer arrered a grete debate in Fletestrete ayens men of the towne for an hors loof, for whiche the tresorer pleyned upon the citee to the kyng, and wykkedly enformed the kyng; thorugh whiche enformacion and procurment of the chaunceler, the kyng sesed the fraunchise and the liberte of London into hys hond: and the kyng hadde of London x ml lib’ or he wolde be plesyd.
Will’m Staundon, | Gilb’t Maunfeld. | Ao. xvjmo. |
groc’, maior. | Th’ Newenton. | |
In this yere was the pley of seynt Katerine.[72]
John Hadley, groc’, | Ric’ Whityngton, m’c’. | Ao. xvijmo. |
m’. | Grugo Barentyn, goldsmyth. | |
Anna reg’na Angl’ obiit.
In this yere, that is to seye in the xij day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a mlccclxxxxiiij, the goode lady quene deyde at Shene, and lith entered worthyly at Westm’.
John Frossh, m’c’, m’. | Th’ Knolles, groc’. | Ao. xviijo. |
| Will’ Brampton, fysshmongre, with the longe berd. | |
In this yere kyng Richard wente first into Irlond.[73]
Will’s More, vynt’, m’. | Rog’ Elys. | Ao. xixo. |
| Will’ Scheryngham. | |
Kyng Richard wedded the kynges doughtre of Fraunce, Isabell.
In this yere, aboughte the feste of Al Halwen, Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce was spoused to kyng Richard at Caleys, whiche afterward, on the viij day of Januer, was crowned quene at Westm’; at whos comynge to London the priour of Typtre in Essex, with othere viij persones, upon London bregge in the gret prees weren crowsed to the deth.
Adam Bamme, goldsmyth, | Th’ Welford, drap’. | Ao. xxmo. |
m’. | Will’ Parkere, m’c’. | |
The whiche Adam Bamme deyde the vj day of Juyn; and Richard Whityngton occupyed the office of the mairalte the remenaunt of the yere be patent of the kyng; and thanne after, on seynt Edwardes day, he was chose maire for the yere folwynge. Also in this yere the xxj day of Juyll, the regne of the kyng xxjti yere begynnynge, Sr. Thomas of Wodestoke duke of Gloucestre was arested at Paske;[74] and Sr. Richard erle of Arundell, and Sr. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, the lord Cobham, and Sr. John Cheyne weren also arested. And in the monthe of Septembre nest folwynge the kyng helde hys parlement at Westm’, The makynge of lordes.at whiche parlement Edward erle of Roteland was made duke of Awmarle, Herry erle of Derby was mad duke of Hereford, Thomas earl Marchall was mad duke of Norfolk, Sr. John erle of Huntyngdon was mad duke of Excetre, the erle of Kent was mad duke of Surry, the erle of Somerset was mad marquys of Dorset, Sr. Thomas Percy was mad erle of Worcestre, the lord Spenser was made lord[75] of Gloucestre, the lord Nevyle was mad erle of Westmerland. Also the parlement was enyourned to Schrovesbury into the xv day of seynt Hillar. The erle of Arundell was condempned.And in the forsaid parlement was mad a gret hale in the paleys of Westm’, in whiche Richard the erle of Arundell was dampned to the deth, and he was beheded at the Tour hill.[76]
Richard Whytyngton, | Will’ Askham, fysshmong’. | Ao. xxjmo. |
m’c’, m’. | John Wodecok, m’c’. | |
The mordryng of the duke of Glouc’ at Caleys.
In this monthe of Feverer was the parlement at Schrovesbury, at whiche parlement was ordeyned the deth of the duke of Gloucestre the kynges uncle, whiche was foule mordred at Caleys, in the prynces inne, with two towayles made in snare wyse, and put aboughte his nekke; and so was that worthy knyght strangled to the deth. Also the lord Cobham was jugged to perpetuel prison: and forasmoche as the erle of Derby thanne mad duke of Hereford was of counseill and assent of the deth of lordes and knyghtes don to dethe in the xj yere of the kyng, he was also exiled. There schulde a ben a bataill at Coventre betuen the duk of Hereford and the duk of Norf’, and anon in the same place they were exiled.
Thomas Arundell erchebisshop of Caunterbury was exiled. Rog’ Walden made erchebysshop.Also in this yere schulde a ben a bataile at Coventre betwen the duke of Hereford and the duke of Norfolke, withinne lystes: and whanne they were assembled in the place, the kyng toke up there quarell into his hand: and anoon in the same place they were bothe exiled; that is to seye, the duke of Hereford for x yere, and Thomas duke of Norfolk for an hundred yere, whiche debate was for wordes of treson whiche schulde have ben spokyn be these too lordes of the kyng. Also in this yere Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of Caunterbury was also exiled and translated to another bysshoperiche, and Sr. Roger Walden was made erchebysshop of Caunterbury; and thanne the kyng thorugh wykked counseill disherited the heirs of the lordes that were put to dethe, as it is above seyd, and dampned to perpetual prison. And he sente to Rome, to have the statutes and the ordinaunces mad in the parlement begonnen at Westm’ and ended at Schrovesbury, confermed of the pope; the whiche was doun and graunted be the pope and be hym confermed, which confirmacion was proclamed at the crosse in Powles and at seynt Marie Spitele in Estre woke before alle the peple. The kyng hadde the citee of London and othere schires in grete hate.Also the kyng thorugh his counseill hadde the citee of London and othere diverses shires of Engelond in grete hate and grete indignacion, and lete enditen them as for rebelles: and he toke to hym Chestreschire men whiche were most famulier with hym, wherfore the citizeins of London and the peple of the said schires so endited as before is seid, were full hevy and sorwefull; and thanne the citizeins of London for plesaunce of the kyng thorugh counseill and helpe of Roger Walden the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, and of Braybroke, &c.[77] Moreover in this yere, for alle that, Chestreschire men maden a grete fray in Blank chartres were seled, &c. whiche coste London a ml li’.Fryday strete on a nyght in there innes; the whiche weren well beten and hurte with arowes and brought thanne to the countor. Also this yere, be selyng of blank chartres,[78] the citee of London paied to the kyng a ml li’, and othere schires as they myghte beren.
Drugo Barentyn, | John Wade. | Anno xxijdo. |
goldsmyth, m’. | John Warv’. | |
Ye schull wete that Thomas the son and heyre of Richard the erle of Arundell, whiche Thomas after the deth of his fadir was duellynge in houshold with Sr. John Holand duke of Excetre, and holden at no reputacion but alwey in gret repref and dispite, in moche disese and sorwe of herte, thorugh helpe of William Scot mercer of London privyly in a gromys clothynge, sailed over the see and cam to his uncle the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, that tyme beynge at Coloigne. Obiit Joh’es duk Lancastr’.Ferthermore in this yere deyde the duke of Lancastre, and lith entered at seynt Poules at London. Also in this yere after Estren, in the lattere ende of the yere of the conquest of kyng Richard, Kyng Richard seyled the seconde tyme into Irlond.the same kyng Richard sailed the secounde tyme into Irlond; and he hadde with hym amonges othere Herry the eldeste sone of the duke of Hereford, whom he made knyght[79] in Irlond; and the saide kyng Richard was there too monthes and sumwhat more. The duke of Hereford with othere lordes exiled landed at Ravenspore in Yorkschire.And in the mene tyme cam in Herry duke of Hereford, for his fadir the duke of Lancastre was ded, for whiche he cam to cleyme his heritage, and broughte with hym Thomas of Arundell the erchebysshop of Caunterbury whiche was exiled; and also he broughte with hym hys sone Thomas, and also Thomas the erles son of Arundell to cleyme his herytage; and they landed in the north contre, at a place that is clepyd Ravenspore besyde Bedlyngton. And anon as they were landed there comen to hym hastyly the erle of Northumberlond and Sr. Herry his sone, and the erle of Westmerland, Robert of Watton, and manye othere lordes and gentiles of the north contre. And thanne the seid duke of Hereford with alle tho above seid reden to Chestre with gret strenkthe. And anon as the kyng herde telle that duke Herry was come, he hied hym out of Irlond into Engelond, in hope to be strong ayens hys enemys: The kynges mene turned ayens hym.and as sone as the peple of the kynges herde telle that the duke was landed, alle the kynges meyne into lytell turned ayens the kyng, and wenten ayeyns his adversaryes, that seynge the kyng withdrowe hym to the castell of Flynt. And the duke with his lordes and gentiles comen to the castell of Bristoll, and there they token Sr. William Scrop thanne erle of Wyltshire and tresorer of Engelond, Sr. Herry Grene, Sr. John Busshy, and Perkyn of Lee: and on the xxxti day of Juyll they were beheded as for traytours. And whanne they hadde so don they reden ayeyne to Chestre, and thider to them cam kyng Richard in pees. And thanne the kyng and the duke and the othere seid lordes reden in fere to Londonward: and in the firste day of Septembre they comen to London everych on: Kyng Richard was put into the tour of London, and anon after he resigned his dignyte.and in the morwe suynge kyng Richard was put into the tour of London tyl tyme that the parlement, whiche began at Westm’ on seynt Jeromys day the laste day of Septembre;[80] whiche day, in the tour of London, kyng Richard resigned his dignyte in this yere of his regne xxiij; and duke Herry was be generall accorded in parlement chosyn kyng, his regne thanne begynnynge, and sithen crowned. Thanne was Sr. John Slake at Westm’, dene of the kynges chapell, arested and put in prison in Ludgate, and othere certeyn monkes of Westm’. Also Sr. William Bagot, knyght, was arested besyde Develyn in Irlond, and brought to London.
Thomas Knolles, groc’, m’. | Will’ Waldern, m’c’. | Ao. po. |
| Will’ Hyde. | |
Lordes purposed to a sclayn the kyng.
This yere, on the twelfthe day after Cristemasse, the erle of Kent, the erle of Hunt’, the lord Spenser, Sr. Rauf Lumley, and manye othere knyghtes and squyres were purposyd to have sclayn the kyng and hise children at Wyndesore, and thoo that helde with them be a mommynge; but, as it fortuned, the kyng hadde warnynge; and anon he rood to London in gret haste, and made hym strong to ryde on hise adversaries afore said; the whiche lordes were assembled at Redynge, purposyng for to do as they hadde ment; and fro thens they come to Wyndesore, and deden moche harme thereaboughte. And whanne they hadde aspied that the kyng was forth to London, they token there wey to Surcetre, and made cryes be the weye, and at Surcetre also, seyenge that kyng Richard was up with alle Walys and Chestyrschire; and kyng Herry fledde to the tour of London: but for all that the toun aroos and toke them with grete strenkthe; Decapitacio d’nor’.and there they beheded the erle of Kent and the erle of Salesbury; also the erle of Huntyngton was beheded at Plasshe in Essex, the whiche was fled and wolde a passed the see to have brought in Frensshmen for to distroye Engelond; and he myghte have no wynd to brynge hym over, and he was take and beheded as it ys above seid. Also at Sucetre the same tyme was beheded Sr. Rauf Lumley; and at Oxenford were beheded Sr. Thomas Blount, Sr. Benet Cely, Thomas Wyntreshull squyer, and othere aboughte xxvij persones, and the hedes of the lordes sent to London. At Bristowe was beheded the lord Spenser, and there his hed sett up: afterward was taken Sr. Bernard Brocas, Sr. Thomas Schelley, Maudeleyn parson, Sr. William Fereby prest; and there were drawen, hanged, and beheded, at Tyborne. And anon after deyde kyng Richard in the castell of Ponfreyt, whos body was beryed at Langeley. Also in this yere of oure lord a mlcccc, the kyng rood into Scotlond. And in this yere began the werre in Walys be Oweyn of Glendore.
John Fraunceys, | Will’ Cnote, drap’. | Ao. s’c’do. |
goldsmyth, m’. | John Wakeley, vynt’. | |
In this yere a quarter of whete was worth xvj s. Also this yere kyng Herry rood into Wales be the excitacion of the lord Grey Ruthyn, for to distroye Owan of Glondere. In this yere was here the emperor of Constantynnoble: and the kyng helde his Cristemasse at Eltham; and men of London maden a gret mommyng to hym of xij aldermen and there sones, for whiche they hadde gret thanke. And the same yere Sr. William Sautre prest was degraded of his presthood, and brent in Smythefeld for an heretyk.[81]
John Schadworth, | William Veno’, groc’. | Ao. t’cio. |
m’c’, maior. | John Fremyngham, skynn’. | |
This same yere was dame Johanne duchesse of Breteyne spoused to kyng Stella comata.Herry with moche solempnyte at Westm’. Also in Lenten this yere schewed in the west in the sky a sterre called Stalla Comata, whiche The bataill of Humbelton hill.
The conduyt in Cornhill.endured v wokes. Also in this yere the prior of Launde, Sr. Roger Claryndon knyght, and viij frere Menours weren drawen and hanged at Tyburne. Also this yere, the xiiij day of Septembre, was the bataill with the Scottes at Humbledon hill, where there were taken and sclayn wol ny alle the gentyles of Scotlond. Also this same yere was mad the conduyt in Cornhull.
John Walcote, | Rob’t Chichelegh, groc’. | Ao. iiijto. |
drap’, m’. | Ric’ Merlawe, fysshmong’. | |
The bataill of Schrovesbury.
This same yere, on Maudelyn even, betwen Englysshmen and Englysshmen was the sory bataill of Schrovesbury, that is to seye betwen kyng Herry and Sr. Herry Percy sone of the erle of Northumberland; the whiche Sr. Henry Percy was there sclayn and there beryed; and on hys syde manye another man also sclayn; and on his syde the erle Douglas of Scotland lost his on eye; and Sr. Thomas Percy brother to the said Sr. Herry Percy was there taken and kept too dayes after on lyve; and for he was embassator before the batall betwen the kyng and Sr. Herry Percy, manye a good man loste there hys lyf, wherfore they seyde Sr. Thomas was drawen, hanged and beheded, and his hede[82] sett upon London brigge: also in the said bataille the prynce was schot in the heed wyth an arowe; and the erle of Stafford sclayn undyr the kynges banere, and Sr. William Graunsell, with manye othere knyghtes and squyers:[83] and forasmoche as som peple seyde that Sr. Herry Percy was alyve, he was taken up ayen out of his grave, and bounden upright betwen to mille stones, that alle men myghte se that he was ded.
Will’m Askam, fysshmong’, | Thomas Faucon’, m’c’. | Ao. vto. |
maior. | Th’ Polle, goldsmyth. | |
This William Askam was prentys to William Walworth, sume tyme maire, that was prentys sum tyme with John Lovekyn; and alle schirreves and meires ech after other in on house. The takyng of William Cerle.In this yere William Cerle yoman of the robys with kyng Richard, whiche was on of them that mordred the goode duke of Gloucestre at Caleys, was taken in the march of Scotlond and brought to London, where that he was drawen, and hanged, boweld, and his bowels brente before hym, and thanne beheded and quartered at Tyburne. In this yere the lord Castell, with gret peple of Bretouns and Normaundes, londed at the Blake Pole, too mile fro Dertmouth, and there he was sclayn; and the peple fledde.
John Hende, drap’, | Will’ Louthe, goldsmyth. | Ao. vjto. |
maior. | Stephan Spylman, m’c’. | |
In this yere Thomas the kynges sone was admirall of the see and seiled into Flaundres, and he landed at Scluse and yaf theretoo a grete sawte, and he brente bothe in Cahaunt and in Flaundres. Also he toke the carykes of Jene, whiche he broughte to Wynchelsey; and there, thorugh mysgovernaunce, the carikes[84] with alle the good therinne was brent. Richard Scrop the erchebysshop of York and the lord Moubray were beheded.
The children of the erles of March were stole out of the castell of Wyndesore.Also in this yere of oure lord a mlccccv, Richard Scrop erchebysshop of York, and the lord Moubray[85] were beheded a lytel out of York, upon Whitson Moneday. Also the same yere were the children of the erle of Marche stolen out of the castell of Wyndesore, aboughte mydnyght as it was seid, and were led into Walys to Owayn of Glendore, for he was a rebell to oure kyng that tyme, and alle Walys for the more partye be v yere before. Also the forseid children were brought ayene to the kyng; and the lady Spenser was accused, and here brother, that was called duk of York, of gret treson for the forseid children; and the cause was, for they seyden that the eldere chyld was trewe kyng. Also the forseyd duke was in kepynge of Sr. John Pelham at Pevensey, in the castell, unto the parlement nest folwynge.
John Wodecok, | Will’ Crowm’e, drap’. | Ao. vij. |
m’c’, m’. | Herry Barton, skynn’. | |
The weres were stroyd.
Travers yoman of the kynges chaumbre was hanged, poysonyng his wyffe.
This same yere, be the comaundement of the kvng, alle the weres betwen London and Midweye were pulled up and distroyed be the meire of London and the comonalte. Also in this yere was Travars, yoman of the kynges chaumbre, arestyd for poysonyng of hys wyf in Northamptonschire; and on Jonet Legge was also arested for the consentynge of poysonynge of the same woman: and the said Travars was hongen, and his bowels brent, and thanne quarterd; and the said Jonet hadde here lyf.
Ric’ Whytyngton, | Nicholl Wotton, drap’. | Ao. viijo. |
m’c’, m’. | Geffrey Brook, groc’. | |
In this yere, the xvij day[86] of Juyll, the erle of Kent wedded the dukes doughter of Melane, at seynt Marie Overey: and in this yere deyde the good Sr. Robert Knolles. Rempston was dreynt.In this yere Sr. Thomas Rempston, knyght, was dreynt faste be London bregge: and in this yere was the bataille in Smythfeld betwen John Walssh clerk, and Percyval Sondon.
Will’m Staundon, | Herry Pounfreyt, sadeler. | Ao. ixmo. |
groc’, m’. | Herry Halton, groc’. | |
The erle of Northumberland and the lord Bardolf were taken in the North.
In this yere the erle of Northumberland and the lord Bardolf, whiche arysyn ayeyns the kyng, were taken in the north cuntre and beheded; and the hed of the forsaid erle and a quarter of the lord Bardolf were sent to London, and sett upon London brigge. Also in this yere was a strong wynter whiche endured xiiij wokes. Also this yere the erle of Kent was sclayn, thorugh his owne folye, at Bryak in Bretayne, for he rood withoughte basnet, and was marked with a quarell. In this yere greyn was suych plente that smal greyn was at xij d., xiiij d., and xvj d. the beste civile greyn.
Drew Barantyn, | Will’ Norton, drap’. | Anno xmo. |
goldsmyth, m’. | Th’ Duke, skynnere. | |
The pley at the Skynnere well.
Grete justes in Smythefeld.
This yere was the pleye at Skynners Welle,[87] whiche endured Wednesday, Thorsday, Fryday, and on Soneday it was ended; and thanne began the fetees of werre in Smythfeld for diverses chalanges. First it began be the seneschall of Henawde and the erle of Somerset, for the Henawde soughte hyder to seke awntures, the whiche fight lasted iij dayes; and on the Moneday, Sr. John and another Henawde; and on the Tuwesday, Sr. John Philipp with another; and on the Wednesday, John Grey and his adversarie: and on the Fryday the kyng wolde suffre nothing to be don. On the Satyrday, Standyssh and his adversarie: on the Moneday suynge, Styward and his adversarie: on the Tuesday, Souche and his adversarie. On the Moneday after, Sr. John Grene, Cornewayle, and his felawes;[88] and on the Satirday, tho too broughten hise brethren and there adversaries: and, as God wolde, evere the Englyssh partye hadde the victorie.
Richard Merlawe, | John Lane, m’c’. | Ao. xjmo. |
Irmong’, maior. | Will’ Chichele, groc’. | |
An heretyk was brent.
This same yere there was a clerk that beleved nought on the sacrament of the auter, that is to seye Godes body,[89] which was dampned and brought into Smythfeld to be brent, and was bounde to a stake where as he schulde be brent. And Herry prynce of Walys, thanne the kynges eldest sone, consailed hym for to forsake his heresye, and holde the righte wey of holy chirche.[90] And the prior of seynt Bertelmewes in Smythfeld broughte the holy sacrament of Godys body, with xij torches lyght before, and in this wyse cam to this cursed heretyk: and it was asked hym how he beleved; and he ansuerde, that he belevyd well that it was halowed bred and nought Godes body; and thanne was the toune put over hym, and fyre kyndled thereinne: and whanne the wrecche felte the fyre he cryed mercy; and anon the prynce comanded to take awey the toune and to quenche the fyre, the whiche was don anon at his comaundement: and thanne the prynce asked hym if he wolde forsake his heresye and taken hym to the feith of holy chirche, which if he wolde don, he schulde have hys lyf and good ynowe to lyven by: and the cursed schrewe wold nought, but contynued forth in his heresye; wherfore he was brent, and a versyfyer made of hym, in metre, thise too verses:
Hereticus credat ve p’ustus ab orbe recedat Ne fidos ledat satel hunc baratro sibi p’dat.
Also in this yere the stokkes betwen the Cornhull and the Pultrye was begonne to make, and in the yere nest folwynge it was ful complet and made. In this yere was a fray mad in Estchepe, be the kynges sones Thomas and John, with men of the town. Also this same yere there went the duke of Clarence, the duke of Yorke, the erl of Dorset, to the duke of Orlions, ageyn the duke of Burgoyne, and landed at Hogges.
Thomas Knolles, groc’, | Thom’s Pyke, drap’. | Ao. xijmo. |
maior. | John Penne, skynn’e. | |
A gret feight in Smythfelde betuen Glouc’ and Arthur.
This yere was the fight in Smythefeld betuen Gloucestre and Artour, for wordes that Gloucestre hadde appeled Arthur of: and whanne they hadde well foughten, the kyng tok the bataille into his hond, and wolde lete them feighte no more. Also this yere, on seynt Petres even, was gret debate in Brigge street betuen the lord Thomas men and men of London. Also in this yere comen ambassatours to the kyng fro the duke of Burgoyne, for to have men out of Engelond to helpe hym in werre ayeyns the duke of Orlyons: but the kyng wolde no men grauntte, for which the ambassatores spaken therof to the prynce: and he sente to the duke of Burgoyne the erle of Arundell and the lord Cobbeham, with othere lordes and gentyles, with a faire retenewe and well arrayed peple. The Yeldhalle was begone to make newe.Also this yere the Yeldhalle of London was begonne to make newe. Also in this yere the duke of Burgoyne, with help of Englysshmen, sclewe moche peple of the dukes of Orlyons at the brigge of Seyntclowe. Also in this same yere was Rys Dye, squyer, of Walys, drawen, hanged, and beheded, and quartred, and the quarters salted.
Rob’t Chicheley, | Will’[91] Reynwell, fysshmong’. | Ao. xiijo. |
groc’, maior. | Walt’ Cotton, m’c’. | |
iij flodes were sen in Tempse upon o day.
This yere the xij day of Octobre, the yere of oure lord a mlccccxj, there weren in Themyse iij flodes upon a day. Also the same yere the lord Thomas, the kynges sone, was mad duke of Clarence. Also in this yere comen into Engelond ambassatores out of Fraunce fro the duke of Orlyons, to have men over in helpynge hym ayens the duke of Burgoyne[92] before seid in that other yere. And in the comemoracion of seynt Poul, the laste day of Juyn, come prynce Herry, the sone of kyng Herry the forthe, to London, with moche peple of lordes and gentyles: and the kyng lay thanne at seynt Jones hous til the Soneday nest folwynge; and thanne he remeved to the bysshopes paleys of London, and lay there fro Satirday tyl Friday after; and thanne he remeved to Rotherhithe. And prynce Herry lay at the bysshoppes inne of Dorham, fro the seid day of his comynge to towne unto the Moneday nest after the feste of Septem fratrum. And thanne rood Thomas the kynges sone duke of Clarence, and with hym the duke of York, and Beauford thanne erle of Dorset, toward Hampton with a gret retenewe of peple: and on the Tuesday rood the erles brother of Oxenford, and on the Wednesday rood the erle of Oxonford; and they alle lay at Hampton, and aboden the wynde tyl on the Thorsday the firste day of August; the whiche Thorsday, Fryday, and Satyrday, they passed out of the haven the noumbre of xiiij schippes: and on the Soneday they were dreven inne ayeyne with the wynd: and after, on seynt Laurence even and seynt Laurens day, they arreved at Seynt Fasters, faste be Hogges in Normandye. And on the xxiij day of Septembre prynce Herry come to London to the counseyll, with an huge peple. The newe coyn for nobles.Also in this yere the kyng lete coynen newe nobles; and they were lesse of weyghte than the olde noble be the peys of an half peny weighte; so that[93] be juste weyghte liij nobles, j d, and an halpeny weighte, schulde maken a pound weighte of Troye.
Will’m Waldern, | Rauf Lobenham, drap’. | Ao. xiiijo. |
m’c’, maior. | Will’ Sevenok, groc’. | |
Obit’ Henr’ nup’ Regis Angl’ iiijti.
In this yere of oure lord a mlccccxij, the xxj[94] day of March, on a Moneday, deyde kyng Herry the forthe, at Westm’. And lyghth entered at Caunterbury, on the north syde of seynt Thomas schryne the martyr. Thanne Herry, the sone and heire of the sayd kyng Herry the forthe, began to reigne, and com to London; and ayens hym was a gret rydynge of men of London, and broughte hym to the tour of London upon the Fryday; and on the morwe he rood thorugh Chepe with a gret roughte of lordes and knyghtes, the whiche he hadde newe made in the Toure on the nyght before, unto Westm’. Coronac’o H. quinti.And on the morwe, that is to say Passion Soneday, the whiche was a ful trobly wet day, he was crowned at Westm’ with michel ryalte. And in this yere, the firste day of Septembr’, it hayled strongly. In this yere my lord of Dorset lay at the sege of the castell of Mount Andre in Gyan; and Blounte was capitayn of the castell of Sobyre. Also another companye of Englysshmen lay in the town of Barbesey; and there was don a jorney betwen Englysshmen and Frensshmen be syde Mount Andre, in the monthe of August: and thorugh the grace of God iij c Englysshmen xvij lesse, toke and sclewe viij m of Frensshmen: and there were take the lord Hayle, the lord Morlet, the bastard of Clynton, the lord en le Sale de Mary, the maire of Rochell, the capytayn of Tholomonde, the capitayn of Ryons, the capitayne of seynt John the Evangelist, the capitayn of Racheford, the capitayn of Urlound, and manye othere capitaynes and gentiles whiche were to longe to telle. Sr. John Oldcastle was arested, put into the Tour of London, and after brak out.In this yere was the lord Cobbeham, called Sr. John Oldcastell, arested and put into the Tour of London, for certeyn poyntes of heresye whiche he held ayens the beleve of holy chirche: and after he brak prison and wente away.
Will’ Crowm’e,[95] | John Nicholl, vynt’. | Anno primo. |
drap’, maior. | John Sutton, groc’. | |
In this yere, on seynt Edmondes day the kyng, there was a gret convocacion of clergye at Poules in London, whiche contenued tyl the iiij day of Decembre; Kyng Richard boones were feet fro Langeley and beried at Westm’.and thanne was the kyng and his counseill accorded to fette the bones of kyng Richard fro Langele to London, and to berye them at Westm’;[96] and there was don a dirige ryally; and on the morwe the masse was solempny songon. And on the Soneday sewyng, Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of Caunterbury and manye othere bysshoppes, at the crosse of Poules accursed Sr. John Oldcastell lord of Cobbeham and alle hise mayntenours. And in the xix day of Decembre cam the Frensshe ambassatours to London, fro the kyng of Fraunce to the kyng of Engelond. Morover in the twelfthe day in Cristemasse it was certefied the kyng, that Sr. John Oldcastell was up with a stronge peple ayeyns hym. Wherfore the kyng be hys counseill cam to London the viij day of Januar’; and with hym cam hise brethren, and the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, and Courtenaye the bysshop of Norwych, and manye othere lordes and bachelers. And the nexte nyght the kyng with hyse brethren and the bysshopes token the feld ayeyns Sire John Oldcastell, beyonde seynt Gyles in Holborne, betwen Westm’ and the highe weye toward Tyborne; and there the kynges peple token diverses men as they comen be the weye, of whiche on was a squyere of Sr. John Oldcastell, and othere diverses men also: and there was muche folk arested and put into the Tour of London, of whiche folk there were xij men drawen fro the Thoure of London as a Fryday at nyghte thorughe the town to Neugate, and there they were tyl on the morwe; and they with othere xxv men, that is to seye xxxvij persones, were drawen, hanged, and brent; and tho that were drawe were said arrysers ayeyns the kyng: and certaynly the said Sr. John Oldcastell with gret multitude of Lollers and heretykes were purposyd with ful wyll and myght for to have distroyed the kyng and hyse brethern, whiche ben protectours and defendours of Holy Chirche, and them also that ben in degre of holy ordre in the service of God and of his chirche, the which will and purpos, as God wolde, was lette; and Sr. John Oldcastell fledde and escaped. Obiit Thomas Arundell arch’ep’us Cantuar’.
A parlement at Leycestr’.
John the K. brother duke of Bedforthe.
Humferey the K. brother duke of Glowcester.Forthermore in this yere the xix day of Feverer, deyde Thomas Arundell the erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in this yere was a parlement at Leycestre, and there was the lord John the kynges brother mad duke of Bedeford and erle of Kendale, and the lord Humfrey hys brother was mad duke of Gloucestre and erle of Pembroke, and Sr. Richard the dukes brother of York was mad erle of Caumbregge. And in this yere in the monthe of Juyll wente oure ambassatours into Fraunce, and some of the ambassatours wenten into Constaunce to chesen the pope: and some wenten to the emperor; that is to seye, to the emperor wente the erle of Warwyk, the lord Fitz Hugh, Sire Walter Hungerford, Sr. Rauf Rocheford, Maistre Philipp Morgan, Maistre John Henyngham, with comission. And to the cytee of Constantyne wente the bysshop of Bathe, the bysshop of Salesbury, the bysshop of Chestre, the abbot of Westm’, the abbot of York, the abbot of Gerseye, with othere doctours. Also into Fraunce wente the bysshop of Dorham, the bysshop of Norwych, the erle of Salysbury, the lord Grey Codonore, Sr. John Pelham, Robert of Waterton, and othere. Forthemore on the Monday the xxiij day of Septembre began a grete counseill at Westm’; and on the neste Monday after, that is to seye the firste day of Octobre anno d’ni mill’mo ccccmoxv. Chicheley B. of seynt De’ mad archebissh’ of Canterbury.
Nyauncer took seynt Anne chirch for scleyng of Sr. John Tybbay.Also the same yere was Sr. Herry Chicheley bysshop of seynt Davyes mad erchebisshop of Caunterbury, and Sr. Richard Courtenay mad bysshop of Norwych. And in the same yere on seynt Marie Maudeleyn day, John Neauser squyer, and his men, sclowen Maistre John Tybbay clerk, as he passed thorugh Ladlane; for the whiche deth the same John Nyauncer and iiij of his men fledden into seynt Annes chirche withinne Aldrichgate; and withinne the same chirche they were mured up, and men of diverses wardes watched them nyght and day. And the forsaid John Nyauncer and his men forsuoren the kynges lond, and passyd thorugh the citee of London toward Caleys in there schertes and breches, and ich of them a crosse in there hand.
Thomas Faucon’, | John Michell, fysshmong’. | Ao. s’c’do. |
drap’, maior. | Thomas Aleyn, m’c’. | |
In this yere was Sperepoynt drawe and hanged for counterfetynge of the kynges seall. Also in this yere John Claydon skynner, and Richard Turmyne bakere, were brent in Smythfeld for heresye. And on the iiij day of March after, was the pardon of the lord Cobbeham, that is to seye Sr. John Oldcastell, proclamed. On Palme Soneday the xvj day of March was William Elys sone brought out of the Tour of London be comaundement of the kyng, and delivered to the said maire for to kepe hym in warde, and specyally in yrens, for tales that he hadde told of the kyng; and also for the peple seyde that they myghte non yren fetres no lokkes holden hym; and there he was cheyned to an yren post at the counter gate in Chepe, ayens the Standard. The grete werk of Shene was begonne.
Newe gates in London.Also the same yere was the kynges grete werk begonne at Shene; and in hys tyme was mad newe g’tes at London wall, and a newe gate, and the prevy that stod withinne the more was drawe doun and set on this syde of the wall over the comown dych that comyth out of the more. And in his tyme[97] the kyng made his vyage toward the costes of Normandye; and he rood thiderward thorughout the citee of London toward the town of Hampton, that is to weten the xviij day of Juyn, the yere of his regne the thridde begynnyng; and at Hampton he lay stille for to abiden his retenue and his stuff that longith for werre: The deth of lordes at Hampton.and in his lyenge there, the Moneday the v day of August next after were put to dethe there Sire Richard of Yorke erle of Caumbregge, the lord Scrop that tyme tresorer of Engelond, and Sr. Thomas Gray knyght, for treturye and ymagynyng of the kynges deth. And in the same yere on the morwe after seynt Laurence day, the xj day of August the Sonday, the kyng and alle his retenue schipped iij houres after noon at Portesmouth, toward the town of Harefleu in Normandye; and he landed at Kedecaux iij myle out of the town of Harefleu on oure lady even the assumpcion, the xiiij day of August. Sege of Harfleu.And the kyng began to leye his sege to the town of Harfleu the xvij day of August: and the kyng lay there at the sege fro the same xvij day of August unto the xxij day of Septembre or the town were yolden up; and his lyenge there aboughte the town there dyed many on of his retenue, that is to weten, the erle of Suffolk, the bysshop of Norwych, Courtenay, Sr. John Philip, and manye othere knyghtes and squyers, and othere comoun peple whiche were nought nombred. The yeldyng of the toun of Harfleu.
The lord Beauford capitayn.And the same xxij day of Septembre the toun of Harfleu was yolden up to the kyng, and alle the keyes of the toun brought to hym: and the kyng abode tyl the laste day of Septembre, til that he hadde mad governaunce withinne the town: and he made his Em[98] the lorde Beauford the erle of Dorset, captayn of Harfleu. And the Tuesday the firste day of Octobre the kyng toke his weye fro Harfleu toward his town of Caleys, with the noumbre of viijl fytyng men: and the Frensshmen of Fraunce broken there brigges and pyled the forthes of the water of Some and othere diverses wateres, that the kyng myghte nought passe but with moche disese til he com to the water of Swerdes; and there the kyng and his oost passyd over. And on the xxv day of Octobre was Fryday, and seynt Crispyn and Crispianiani day the lordes and the chyveteynes of Fraunce lay with a gret oost enbatailed to the noumbre of vixx ml, and wolde a stopped the kynges weye that he schulde nought a passed to his town of Caleys. The bataill of Aigincourt this day.And the kyng with his oost batailed hym ayens the Frensshmen, and manfully he faught ayens them in a feld that is called Aigincourt, and sclowe and toke of them of dukes, erles, barons, knyghtes, and cheveteyns to the noumbre of xij ml; and of the comown peple mo thanne the noumbre of iij ml, that is for to weten, the duke of Orlyons and the duke of Burbon, the erle of Vendon, the erle of Ewe and the erle of Richemond, with Sr. Bursegaunt; Mort.and there sclayn the duke of Launson, the duke of Braban and the duke of Bare, and the erle of Navers, the lord de la Brytte constable of Fraunce, and the seneschall of Henaude, with manye othere lordes, knyghtes, and squyers, and worthy men v ml and mo. Mort.And on oure syde were sclayn the duke of York, the erle of Suffolk, and Sr. Richard of Kyghle, and David Gamme squyer, with a fewe mo othere persones to the noumbre of xviij. And the xxix day of Octobre, the morwe after seynt Simondes day and Jude, the same day the newe meire schulde ryde and taken his charge at Westm’, the same day erly in the morwe comen tydynges to London while that men weren in there beddes, that the kyng hadde foughton and hadde the bataille and the feld aforseid. Alle the bellys of London were ronge for yoye.And anoon as they hadde tydynges therof, they wente to alle the chirches in the citee of London and rongon alle the belles of every chirche; and solempnely alle the prestes of every chirche, and othere men that were lettered songen Te deum Laudamus, &c. And ayens ix of the belle were warned alle the ordres of relygeous men of the citee of London, for to go a procession fro seynt Poules unto seynt Edward schryne at Westm’. And the newe maire and hise aldermen with alle the craftes of London, and the quen with alle here lordes also wente from seynt Poules unto Westm’, and offred at seynt Edwardes schryne aforeseid, or the meire tok his charge; and whanne the meire hadde taken his charge, every man come rydyng hom fro Westm’ on horsbak, and were ioyful and glad for the goode tydynges that they hadde of the kyng, and thankyd oure lord J’hu Crist, his modir seynt Marye, and seynt George, and alle the holy company of hevene, and seyde Hec est dies quam fecit d’n’s.
Nicholl Wotton, | Alan’ Ev’ard, m’c’. | Ao. iijo. |
drap’, maior. | Will’ Caumbregg, iremong’. | |
The comynge of oure kyng to Caleys.
The landyng of oure kyng at Dovorr.
In this yere began the generall counseill at Constaunce. Also in this yere, that is to say the xxviij day of Octobre, the kyng com to his town of Caleys, and was there til the xvj day of Novembre: and that same day the kyng schipped fro his town of Caleys toward Engelond, and he landed the same day at nyght at Dovorr, and com forth alle the woke after toward London: and the Fryday at nyght the kyng come to Eltham, and there he lay al that nyght; and on the morwe was Satyrday, the xxiij day of Novembre, the maire of London and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of London, reden every man in reed, with hodes reed and white, The comyng of oure kyng to London.and mette with the kyng on the Blakeheth comyng from Elthamward toward his citee of London; and ayens his comynge was ordeyned moche ryalte in London, that is to weten at London bregge, at the conduyt in Cornhill, at the gret conduyt in Chepe, and at the crosse in Chepe was mad a ryall castell, with angels and virgynes syngynge therinne; and so the kyng and hise presoners of Frensshmen reden thorugh London unto Westm’ to mete, and there the kyng abod stille. The maire and the aldermen presentyd the kyng with a ml li in too basyns of gold worth vc li.
Sigismund the emperor of Almayne com to London.And on the morwe after, it was Soneday and the xxiiij day of Novembre, the maire and alle the aldermen, with too hundred of the beste comoners of London, wente to Westm’ to the kyng, and present hym with a ml pound, in too basynes of gold worth vc li. And in this tyme the emperor of Almayne com into Engelond with viijc hors to seynt George feste; that is to wete, the firste day of Maij, at nyght, he landed at Dovorr; and on the Satyrday, the seconde day of Maij, he cam to Caunterbury and bod stylle there unto the v day of Maij: and the Thorsday, the vij day of May,[99] the maire and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of the citee, reden alle in rede gownes, and hodes white and reed, The metyng of the kyng and the emperor.and mette with the emperor on the Blakehethe; and the kyng and alle hise lordes mette with hym at seynt Thomas Wateryng, and there the kyng put hym on the right hond, and the erchebysshop on the left hond, and so they come rydynge thorugh the citee of London and forth to Westm’: The duke of Holand com to London.
The removyng of the emperor.and the xxix day of Maij the duke of Holand come to London, and he lay at the bysshopes place of Ely in Holbourne; and he abod stylle there unto the xxj day of Juyn. And the xxvj day of Juyn the emperor remeved fro Westm’ toward the castell of Ledes in Kanc’, and from the castell of Ledes unto Eltham, and from Eltham forth to Caunterbury; and he schipped out of Engelond the xvj day of August. The kyng wente to Caleys for trete with adversaries of Fraunce.And the same yere the kyng wente to Caleys for to trete wyth his adversarije of Fraunce: and the same yere the duke of Bedford, the kynges brother, was mad capitayn of the see for a quarter of a yere; and the same tyme he and his retenue took iij carykes and drowned the forthe, and a gret hulke was drowned also: and anon after, in the same yere, was taken a gret carryke at Dertemouth. And in this same yere, that is to weton on the Mighelmesse day, was Benet Wolman drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set on London bregge for tretory: and in the same yere, the viij day of Octobre, was a p’chemyn’ of Trille melle strete drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set upon London brigge for tretory: The galy halfpence were stroyd.and in the same yere weren alle the Galy half pens fordon at a parlement holden at Westm’, the whiche parlement began the xv day of March. Also in the same yere, that is for to seye in the begynnyng of the forthe yere of the reigne of kyng Herry the fyfthe, Bellu’ sup’ mare int’ I. ducem Bed’ et adv’sar’ reg’.the duke of Bedford and the erle of March, with othere certeyne lordes and there retenue, foughton with vij carykes of Jene, and with aboughte l othere vesselles, some hulkes, some barges, some galys, and some galyottes; of whom, blessyd be God, he toke iij carykes with there patrons, and drowned a gret hulke that was called the Blake hulke of Flaundres, and the remenant fledden there wey: and this was don upon oure lady day the assumpcion, the iiij yere above seid.
Herry Barton, skynn’, | Rob’t Wydyngton, groc’. | Ao. iiijo. |
maior. | John Coventr’, drap’. | |
A parlement at Westm’.
And in this same yere was a parlement at Westm’ holden, and it began the xix day of Octobre; and at that parlement was the erle of Dorset mad duke of Excestre: A begger was drawen for disfiguryng of children.and in this same yere, on seynt Katerine even, was a begger drawen and hanged for dysmembrynge of yonge children, and he was drawen in his owne carre from the Leden halle unto Tyborne: and in this same yere was a theff sclayn, withoughte seynt Marie Spytell, that highte Robert Somerford: and the same yere held his Cristemasse at Wyndesore: and the same yere were too women hanged at Tybourne; that oon was a spycer wyf of Seynt Albons, and that other was the baillyf wyf of Vynesbury; Thomas Pedwardyn kepere of Sprottes keye was sclayn on Estreday.and the same yere was the same bally hanged: and the same yere was Thomas Petwardyn, kepere of Sprottes keye, sclayn in seynt Dunston chirche in the Est, in the hyghe chancell, on the Esterday at evesong tyme, with the lord Straunge and his men, and there was Sr. John Trussell and hise sone, and othere men of his, sore wounded; and that fray began betwen the lord Strange wyf and Sire John Trussell wyf: The bataill on the see betuen the erl of Hunt’ and the kynges adversaries.and the same yere, upon seynt Petyr day and Poule, the erle of Huntyngdon, with othere certeyn lordes and there retenue, foughten with ix carykes of Jene, the grettest that evere were seyn in this coostes, and scomfited them; of whiche, thanked be God, he toke iiij grete with there patrons, and the admirall of them alle was called the bastard of Burbon, with alle the tresoure that they alle schulde aben waged with for a quarter of a yere; and the othere carykes fledden awey. Also the same yere, the xxx day of Juyll, the The castell of Touk with the toun was yolden.
Cane was goten and manye othere townes and castelles.kyng with alle his oost seyled into Fraunce, and londed in Normandye, upon Lammes day, a litell besyde the castell of Touke; the whiche castell he toke first after he was landed, and yaf it to his brother the duke of Clarence, with alle that longith thertoo.[100] Also the same yere, that is to say anno quinto, the kyng gat Cane Beyeux, and manye othere townes and castelles and riche abbeys, longe before seynt Edward day.
Ric’ Merlawe, irmong’, | Herry Rede, armerer. | Ao. vto. |
maior. | John Gedeney, drap’. | |
In this yere the generall counseill was ended at Constaunce, and an unyte mad in Holy Chirche; and a pope chosen on seynt Martyn day, be fre eleccion and comowne assent of alle the generall counseill cristen, whiche pope was called Martinus quintus. Sr. John Oldcastell was taken in Walys.Also in this yere, on the feste of seynt Lucie the virgyne, the yere of oure lord a mlccccxvij, Sr. John Oldcastell lord of Cobbeham was taken in the march of Walys, and brought to Westm’, where he was forjugged; and he was drawe thorugh the citee of London, which in his dayes was heed of heretykes and Lollers; and he was hanged be a cheyne of iren, and was brent up the galawes and alle.[101]
Will’s Sevenok, groc’, | John Bryan. | Ao. vjto. |
maior. | Rauf Barton, skynn’. | |
The whiche John Bryan, schirreve of London,[102] fell in the water of Thamyse, the whiche was cause of his deth, and dyed on the x day of Octobre; and in his stede John Perneys was chosen for the remenaunt of the yere. The sege of Roen.Also the same yere the kyng of Engelond with his lordes beseged the citee of Roen,[103] the whiche sege dured half a yere and more; but at the laste, thorugh the grace of God, it was yolden to hym upon the day of seynt Wolstan, alle ayens there will, God wot, for nede compelled them therto for defaute of vitaill; for as it was seid there deyde withinne the town for defaute of vitaille, mo thanne xxx ml durynge the same sege. Sacr’m ducis de Burgoyne.Also in the same yere the dolphyn of Fraunce sente after the duke of Burgoyn, to whom, as men seyn, nought fully vij nyght before he was sworn un on Godes body sacred to ben good and trewe for to come and speke with hym be syde Parys, at the town of Monstreux, with certeyn persones undir sauf conduyt; and whanne he cam thedir, notwithstondyng the gret othe that was mad betuen them bothe, nother his sauf conduyt, The duk of Burgoyn was sclayn.the viscount of Burbon, as the duke kneled before the dolphyn, smot hym with an ax in the heed; and so that the forseid dolphyn and hise complices falsly and untrewly, and ayens alle manere lawe of armes, morthered the forseid duke and made an ende of hym. Frere Randolf.Also this same yere frere Randolf, a mayster of dyvynyte, that sumtyme was the quene Johanne confessor, at the excitynge of the forseid quene, be sorcerye and be nygramancie wrought for to astroyd the kyng: but, as God wolde, his falsnesse at the laste was aspyed; wherefore be comown parlement the quene forfetyd here landes.
Ric’ Whytyngton, | John Boteler, m’c’. | Ao. vij. |
m’cer, maior. | Rob’t Whytyngton, drap’. | |
The weddyng of the kyng and quene Kateryne in Fraunce.
The sege of Melau and of manye mo citees, townes and castell.
This same yere was the kyng Herry the fyfthe mad heir and regent of Fraunce, and wedded to dame Katerine the kynges doughter of Fraunce, at Troys[104] in Champayn, upon Trynyte Soneday; and anoon after he hymselfe and hise lordes, with the duke of Burgoyne and manye othere ryalles of Fraunce, wenten and leyd sege to manye diverses citees, townes and castellys, whiche weren holden with the dolphyns men and Armenakes, and wan them; but Melau sur Seyne was on of the werste that evere he leyde sege to, for ther was inne a schrewd meyne of rebelles.
Will’s Cambregge, | John Boteller, drap’. | Ao. viijo. |
groc’, maior. | John Welles, groc’. | |
The coronacion of the quene at Westm’.
This yere on Candelmasse day be the morwe the kyng come into Engelond with hys quene, and landed at Dovorr; and on the xiiij day of Fever, upon seynt Valentynes day, the kyng come to London; and the xxj day of the same monthe the quene come to London; and on the xxiij day of the same monthe sche was crowned at Westm’.[105] A parlement at Westm’.
The kyng ordeyned certeyn weyghtes for gold.Also this same yere, anoon after Estren, the kyng helde his parlement at Westm’; in whiche parlement was ordeyned, that no man after Cristemasse thanne nest folwynge schulde putten forth no proffre no gold in payment but yf it held the weyte, wherfore the most part of the peple ordeyned them balaunces and weytes. And anoon after Pentecost the kyng seiled over the see to Caleys, and passyd forth into Fraunce. The deth of the duke of Clarence.This same yere upon Estre even afore noon, that is for to say the xxij day of March, the yere of oure lord a mlccccxxj, the duke of Clarence with manye other lordes were sclayn beyounde the water of Leyre in Fraunce; and manye lordes were taken prisoners the same tyme, of the whiche the erle of Hunt’, and the erle of Somerset with hys brother, were principales. The town of Mileu was yolden.Also the same yere, betuen Cristemasse and Candelmasse, the town of Mileu’ was yolden to the kyng, and alle cheveteyns with the sowdyours were ledd to Parys in the croke of the mone they myght seyn, for of them there skaped thens but fewe on lyve.
Rob’t Chycheley, | John Weston, drap’. | Anno ixo. |
groc’, maior. | Ric’ Gosselyn, irmong’. | |
A parlement at Westm’, and a xvme and a dyme graunted.
This yere, on the thridde day of December, began the parlement at Westm’, whiche was holden be the duke of Bedforde, thanne lyftenaunte of Engelond; in whiche parlement was graunted a quynzyme and a dyme, the kyng hymself thanne lyenge at the sege of Mieux in Bry’, in Fraunce, the half of whiche xve and xme to be payd at the purification of oure lady nest folwynge, and that the kynges deputes schulde resceyve in payement swyche gold as wente; that is to seye, zif a noble were worth v s. viij d., the kyng schulde taken it to the value of vj s. viij d.; and if it were lesse than v s. viij d., thanne the persone so payenge that money schulde make good the surplus to the value of v s. viij d. to the kyng, in contentyng the kyng of the hol noble of vj s. viij d.; and in cas the noble so paied were better of value thanne v s. viij d., it was accorded that the kyng schulde paye to the awnere therof the overplus above v s. viij d.: also thanne was gret scarcete of whit moneye in Engelond, that is to seye of sylver, for every man, because of the said newe eschange, outred gold and kept sylver in as moche as they myghte. The birthe of kyng Herry the vjte.Also in the forseid monthe of Decembre, on seynt Nicholl day, the yere of oure lord a mlccccxxj, Herry the kynges sone was born at Wyndesore, whos goodfadres at the font were Herry bysshop of Wynchestre, sithe Cardynall, and John duke of Bedford, and Jacomyn duchesse of Holand was hys goodmodyr; and his goodfadir at his confirmacion was Herry Chicheley erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Mewes in Bry’ was yolden.
The newe wedercock of Poules was set up.Also in the monthe of May,[106] the yere of oure lord a mlccccxxij, and of the kyng the x yere, the citee of Mewes in Bry’, whiche longe tyme hadde be seged, was yolde to the kyng. Also the same yere, the xiij day of August, the newe wedircock was set upon Seynt Poules stepill of London: and the laste day of the same monthe of August deyde the most excellent, and most graciouse, and most doutyd prynce of Cristen chivalrye, Herry of Engelond the fyfthe, after the conquest the xe, whos boones, in the begynnyng of Novembre folwynge, were brought into Engelond, and after to London; and on the vij day of Novembre he was ryally entered at Westm’.
Will’s Waldern, | Will’ Estfeld, m’c’. | Ao. po. |
m’c’, maior. | Rob’t Tatersale, drap’. | |
This same yere upon a Wednesday the xxj day of Octobre, on the morwe be vj[107] and vij on the belle, deyde kyng Charles kyng of Fraunce the kynges aiel of Engelond, in his ostell of seynt Poule withinne Parys, whos body was worthyly entered in seynt Denys. Also the vij daye of Novembre the same yere, oure kyng Herry the fyfthe nobely was entered at Westm’. A parlement at Westm’.
The governaunce of the K. was ordeyned by parlemente.
Wm. Tailor an heretyk was brent.Also in this yere the kynges parlement was holden at Westm’, which parlement began the Moneday nest before the feste of seynt Martyn, that is to seye the ix day of Novembre, in whiche parlement was ordeyned the governaunce of the kyng, how and in what manere he schulde be governed in his tender age.[108] Also in this yere on the firste day of March Maistr’ William Taillor prest, was disgraded of his ordre of presthood; and in the morwe after he was brent in Smythefeld for certeyn poyntes of heresye.
Will’s Crowm’e, | Th’ Wandesford, m’c’. | Ao. s’c’do. |
drap’, maior. | Nicholl Jamys, groc’. | |
This yere upon Satyrday, that is to sey the xiij day of Novembre, the kyng and the quene his modir remeved from Wyndesore toward the parlement at London, the whiche began at Westm’ on the xxj day of Octobre before; and on the forsaid xiij day of Novembre at nyght, the kyng and the quene were logged at Stanes; and upon the morwe thanne beynge Soneday the kyng was born toward his modir chare, and he schriked and cryed and sprang, and wolde nought be caryed forthere; wherefore he was born ayeyne into the inne, and there he bood the Soneday al day; and on the Moneday he was born to the chare, and he beynge thanne gladde and merye chered; and at even come to Kyngeston, and there rested the nyght; and on the Tuesday he come to Kenyngton; and upon Wednesday he cam to London[109] with a glad sembland and mery chere, in his modyr barm in the chare rood thorugh London to Westm’; and on the morwe brought into the parlement. The weddyng of the kyng of Scottes.Also this same yere in the monthe of Feverer, Sire Jamys Styward kyng of Scottes spoused dame Johanne the duchesses doughter of Clarence, of hir first housbonde the erle of Somerset, at seynt Mary Overe. The bataill of Vermill.And this same yere the xvij day of August was the bataill of Vermill in Perche, betuen the duke of Bedford regent of Fraunce, and the Armynakes, with the Scottes: but thankyd be God the victorye fell to the Englyssh partye; for there were sclayn of oure adversaryes the erle of Bougham, the erle Douglas, the erle of Almar, the erle of Tonnar, the erle of Vauntedore, and the viscount Nerbon that traytourly sclewe the duke of Burgoyne knelyng before the dolphyn at Moterell, and manye mo to the noumbre of x ml and mo: but the moste vengeaunce fell upon the proude Scottes; for there wente to schep wassh of them the same day mo thanne xvijc of cote armes be a countynge of herowdes.
John Michell, fysshmong’, | Simon Seman, vynt’. | Ao. t’cio. |
maior. | John be the Wat’, goldsmyth. | |
The duk of Glouc’ and his wyf the duchesse of Holond wente over the see for take possesscion in hise landes.
This same yere[110] the duke of Gloucestre with his wyf the duchesse of Holand wenten over the see into Henauude, for to taken possession of hys wyfves herytage, where he was worschipfully receyved and taken for chif lord of the lond: but not longe after it happed so that he was fayn to retorne hom ageyn, and lefte hys lady behynde hym with all the tresour that he broughte thedyr, in a town that men callen Mouns in Henauude, the whiche was swore to hym to ben good and trewe, and to kepe the lady in sauf warde tyl he come ageyn: but at the laste they that weren in the forseid town becomen fals, and delyvered that worthy lady to the duke of Burgoyn; and he sent here to Gaunt there to ben kept, but as God wolde for here, withinne a schort tyme thens sche ascaped awey in a mannes wede, and com to a town of hire owne in Seland that is clepyd Sirixe, and fro thens into Holand that is called Tirgowe, where with helpe of here frendes that were there, sche withstood the duke of Burgoyne and al his malyce. The sege of Mauns.Also the same yere the erle of Salysbury, the erle of Suffolk, the lord of Wylughby, and the lord Scales, with there meyne leyden a sege to the citee of Mauns, the whiche citee was yolden up to them withinne schort tyme, with manye othere stronge townes and castells to the nowmbre of xxxvjti.
John Coventr’, m’c’, | Will’m Milred, m’c’. | Ao. iiijto. |
maior. | John Brokle, drap’. | |
This same yere, that is for to seye the morwe after seynt Symon day and Jude, the meire rood to Westm’, and took his charge as the custume is of the meires of London. And the same day at even and alle the nyght folwynge was strong and grete wacche: An hevynesse roos betuen the bysshop of Wynchestre and the duke of Gloucestre.and the morwe nest folwynge moche peple of the citee of London in savynge and kepynge the kynges pees, arraied in sufficient harnes to stonde with the duke of Gloucestre protector of Engelond, and be the maire of London, and in defens of the citee ageyn the bysshop of Wynchestre;[111] and the peple that to hym was withholden of the countes of Lancastre and Chestre, and of othere cuntres; but thankyd be God there was non harme don on neythir partye. The kyng was mad knyght.
Kyng Herry made manye knyghtes with his owne handes.Also the same yere John duke of Bedford made kyng Herry the vjte, his goodsone, knyght at Leyc’, upon Witsoneday. And anoon forthwith the kyng Herry dobbed alle the knyghtes whos names here folwen, that is for to sey, first, the duke of York, the sone and heire of the duke of Norfolk, the erle of Oxenford, the erle of Westmerland, the sone and heire of the erle of Northumberland, the sone and heire of the erle of Ormond, the lord Roos, Sire James Boteller, the lord Mautravers, Sr. Herry Gray of Tankervyle, Sr. William Nevyle lord of Faucomberge, Sr. George Nevyle lord of Latymer, the lord of Welles, the lord of Berkeley, the sone and heir of the lord Talbot, Sire Raf Grey of Werke, Sire Robert Veer, Sire Richard de Gray, Sire Edmond of Hungerford, Sire Robert of Segewyk was hanged [in another hand.]Wyngefeld, Sire John Botiller, Sire Reynald Cobham, Sire John Passhelewe, Sire Thomas Tunstall, Sire John Chidiok, Sire Rauf Langeford, Sire William Drury, Sire William ap Thomas, Sire Richard Carbonell, Sire Richard Wodevyll, Sire John Shardelowe, Sire Nicholl Blouket, Sire Rauf Radclyff, Sire Edmond Trafford, Sire William Cheyne, Sire William Babyngton, Sire John Juyn, and Sire Gilbert Beauchamp.
John[112] Reynwell. | Rob’t Arnold, haburdash’. | Ao. vto. |
| John Heigham, drap’. | |
This same yere aboughte Schroftyd the duke of Bedford wyth his lady passed the see to Caleys: and a litel before passyd the see to Caleys Herry bysshop of Wynchestre; The bysshop of Wynchestre was mad cardynall.and upon oure lady day the Annunciacion anno d’n’i mill’mo ccccmo xxvij, the bysshop of Wynchestre was made cardynall in seynt Marye chirche of Caleys ful solempnely, where were the same time the duke of Bedford regent of Fraunce and his duchesse; The cardynall haat.and before or the masse was begonne whiche the bysshop schulde don, the popes cosyn broughte the cardinall hat and with gret reverence sette it upon the heyghe auter, and there it stood alle the masse tyme; and whanne the bysshop hadde don the masse and was unreversed, Wille Wawe was hanged: the hedes of buttes of suete wyn were smeton out [in another hand.]thanne was don on hym an abyte in manere of a freres cope of fyn scarlet furred with pured; and thanne he there knelynge upon his knees before the heighe auter the popes bulles were reed to hym; and the firste bulle was his charge; and the seconde bulle was that he schulde have and reioyssen alle the benefices sp’uelx ant temperellx that he hath in Engelond; and whanne this was don the regent of Fraunce duke of Bedford, How the hat was seet on his heed.wente up to the heighe auter and tok the cardinall haat and sette it upon the bysshopes heed of Wynchestre, and bowed and obbeyed to the bysshop and tok hym before hym.
John Gedeney, drap’, | Rob’t Ottele, groc’. | Ao. vjto. |
maior. | Herr’ Frowyk, m’c’. | |
This same yere[113] fro the begynnyng of April into Halwemasse was so gret abundance of reyn, where thorugh nought only hey was distroied, but also moche corn, for it reyned almost every other day more or lasse.
Herry Barton, skynn’, | John Abbot. | Ao. vijo. |
maior. | Thomas Dufhous. | |
The erle of Sar’, Sr. Th’ Mountagu, at the sege of Orlyons was sclayn with schot of a gonne.
This same yere,[114] the iij day of Novembre, deyde the worshipfull Sire Thomas de Mountagu erle of Salisbury before Orlyons, thorugh schetyng of a gonne as he lay at the sege before the forseid cite; God have mercy on his sowle. Forthermore duryng that sege, at the begynnyng of Lenten neste folwynge, vii ml of Frensshmen and mo with many a Scot fel upon oure men as they wente thiderward with vitailes be sydes a town that is called Yamvyll, where Sr. John Styward and his brother with mo than vijc Scottes that thei were governours of, lighten a fote, and were sclayn every modir sone be Sr. John Fastolf, Sr. Thomas Rempston, and othere capitayns of oure syde, the whiche hadde nought passyng vc fytynge men with them at all withoughte chartres; but Charles of Burbon and the bastard of Orlions, with alle the Frensshmen sittynge on horsbak seynge the governaunce, trussed them and wente away. Also a lytel before Witsonday nest folwynge, was the forsayd sege broken up be the duke of Launson and his power; and alle oure lordes and capitayns of the same sege disparpled, that is to say the erle of Suffolk and his brother, the lord Talbot, and the lord Scales with many mo, the whiche sone after were taken everych on at myschief. The mordryng of a widewe be a fals Breton.Furthermore, this same yere betwen Estren and Witsontyd a fals Breton mordred a wydewe in here bed, the whiche fond hym for almasse withoughte Algate in the subbarbes of London, and bar awey alle that sche hadde, and afterward he toke socour of Holy Chirche at seynt Georges in Suthwerk; but at the laste he tok the crosse and forswore the kynges land; and as he wente hys way it happyd hym to come be the same place where he had don that cursed dede, Here women maden an ende of the Breton.and women of the same paryssh comen out with stones and canell dong, and there maden an ende of hym in the hyghe strete, so that he wente no ferthere notwithstondynge the constables and othere men also, whiche hadde hym undir governaunce to conduyt hym forward, for there was a gret companye of them, and hadde no mercy, no pyte. Also this same yere, the viij day of Novembre, the duke of Norfolk with many a gentilman squyer and yoman, tok his barge at seynt Marye Overeye betwen iiij and v of the belle ayens nyght, and purposyd to passe thorugh London bregge, where the forseid barge thorugh mysgovernaunce of steeryng, fill upon the pyles and overwhelvyd, the whiche was cause of spyllyng of many a gentilman and othere, the more ruthe was, but as God wolde, The duke of Norfolk was in perille at London bregge.the duke hymself and too or iij othere gentylmen seenge that myschief, leped upon the pyles, and so were saved thorugh helpe of them that weren above the brigge, with castyng down of ropes.
Will’m Estfeld, m’c’, mor. | Rauf Holand, drap’. | Ao. viijo. |
| Will’ Russe, jueller. | |
The coronacion of oure kyng.
The same yere, upon seynt Leonardes day, the kyng Herry the vjte, noughfully viij yere old, was crowned at Westm’;[115] at whos coronacion was mad xxxv knyghtes; and on Seynt Georges day nest folwynge, afore noon, he passyd over the see to Caleys: also the xxiij day of May, after noon ayens nyght, before the town of Compigne, The pucell de Dieu was take.there was a woman taken armed in the feld, with many othere capitayns, the whiche was called la pucelle de Dieu, a fals wyche, for thorugh here power the dolphyn and alle oure adversaries trusted holy to have conquered ayen alle Fraunce, and nevere to an had the wers in place that sche hadde ben inne, for they helden here amonges them as for a prophetesse and a worthy goddesse. A wolle pakker a heretike.Also the same yere, aboughte Candelmasse, Richard Hunden, a wolle packer, was dampned as a fals heretyk and a lollard, and brent at the Tour hill, the whiche was of so large consciens that he wolde eten fleysh on Frydays.[116]
Nicholl Wotton. | Rob’t Large, m’c’. | Ao. ixo. |
| Walt’ Chertesey. | |
This same yere aboughte Mydlenten was Sr. Thomas Baggeley, prest and vyker of Mabenden in Essex, besyde Walden, dysgraded of his presthod and dampned as for an heretyk, and afterward brent in Smythfeld. Lollardes.Also the same yere, in somer, the kyng beynge in Fraunce with alle hise temperall lordes for the most partye, the lollardes, with manye mo othere that weren enclyned to there secte, casted billes aboughte in every good town in Engelond, and purposed for to have made a rysyng and distroyed Holy Chirche and the reaume; but, thanked be Almyghty God, there falsnesse and there treson was sone aspyed and distroyed; for on William Maundevyll, sum tyme a wever of Abendon, and bailly of the town, that called hymself Jakke Sharp a lollerd was behedyd at Abyndon.Jakke Sharp of Wygemoresland in Walys, and schulde a ben chief mayster of them alle, was taken at Oxenford, and hedyd at the seid toun of Abyndon, on Tuesday in Whitson wyke, with many mo of his felas, and in many mo othere places of the reaume also.
John Welles, groc’, maior. | John Atherley. | Ao. xmo. |
| Stephan Broun. | |
Kyng Herry was crowned kyng of Fraunce.
This same yere, the xvj day of Decembre, G beynge the dominical lettre, kyng Herry the vjte was crowned kyng of Fraunce at Parys, in the chirche of Notre Dame, with gret solempnyte and rialte; and anoon after he turned ayen into Engelond, and landed at Dovorr the ix day of Feverer’, and come to London the xxj day of the same month, where he was ryally resceyved, alle the craftes rydynge ayens hym all in white.
John P’ueys, drap’. | John Olneye, m’c’. | Ao. xjmo. |
| John[117] Pattesley, jueler. | |
Soudeors were arest.
This same yere the duke of Bedford regent of Fraunce com to Caleys the Tuesday before Estre day;[118] and in the morwe after the sowdeours were arested and put into warde: and in the Estre woke the forsaid regent rood into Picardie to Tyrywe, The regent of Fraunce was wedd.
Sowdeors of Caleys were banschyd and some ded.and there the bysshop of Tyrewyn dede wedde the regent to the erles doughter of Seynt Poule; and whanne they were weddyd he com to Caleys ageyn: and the xj day of Jun, on seynt Barnabe day, were foure sowdeours of Caleys beheded; that is for to sey, John Maddeley, John Lunday, Thomas Palmere, and Thomas Talbot; and v score and x banshyd that same tyme, and before that tyme were banshyd vj score; and so on Midsomer-even after com the regent and his lady to London, that faire citee.
John Brokle, drap’, | Thom’s Chalton, m’c’. | Ao. xijmo. |
m’. | John Lynge, drap’. | |
The Lollardes of Prake were distroyed.
This same yere,[119] aboughte Whitsondtyd, the lollardes of Prage were distroyd, for at too jorneys there were sclayn of them mo thanne xxti ml with there cheveteynes; that is for to sey, P’copins, Shaphoo, and Lupus, P’sbit; and there also was taken onlyve Maister Piers clerk of Engelond, and an Englyssh heretyk and enemye to all Holy Chirche. A gret frost durynge xj wokes.Also this same yere was a gret frost and a strong, lastynge more than xj wokes, for it dured fro seynt Kateryne even unto seynt Scolastyce day the virgyne, in Feverer.
Rob’t Otle, groc’, | Th’ Bernewell, fysshmong’. | Ao. xiijo. |
m’. | Simon Eyre. | |
A trete for pees betuen Engelond and Fraunce.
This same yere[120] in hervest tyme, at the citee of Aras, there was a gret counseill and a strong, to trete for the pees betwen Engelond and Fraunce, of manye a gret lord both sp’uelx and temperelx, but as it is seyn ofte tyme that undir tretys is treson, so was it there; for The duk of Burgoyn was sworn
of whiche oth he was assoyled of a cardynall.the duke of Burgoyne that was sworn upon Godes by sacred, to be good and trewe to the kyng of Engelond and hise successores, there, of a cardinall that was callyd cardinall of Crouche, unwetynge the holy fadyr the pope, was asoyled of that othe to holde with oure adversarye the dolphyn, that hadde mordred his owne fadyr before tyme. Also this same yere the kyng of Aragon, the kyng of Navare, and the Maister of seynt James, with iij c knyghtes and squyers and mo, were taken in the see of Jauneys, upon seynt Domynyk day.
Herry Frowyk, | Thom’s Catworth. | Ao. xiiijmo. |
m’c’, m’. | Rob’t Clopton. | |
Depe and Harfleu were lost thorugh defaute.
This same yere[121] upon Alle Halwe nyght, was the toun of Depe stole and take with Armynakes: and on newe yeres tyd nest folwynge the toun of Harflieu also, for defaute of good kepynge, the whiche kyng Herry the fyfthe gette before the bataill of Agincourt, with a strong sege and a ryall, first of alle the townes of Normandye. The duke of Burgoyne with a ryall power leyde sege to Caleys:Also this same yere the ix day of Jule, the duke of Burgoyn with a ryal power leyde a sege to the town of Calys, and contynued unto the xxix day of the same monthe; and that day, blessyd be Almighty God, his male writhed, for a strong bastyll that he hadde mad upon the water syde was taken and distroied, and alle that were withinne sclayn unto the noumbre of vc men oughttake iij persones, that is for to sey, a knyght, a prest, a frere, the whiche knyght seyde that the duke of Burgoyn was nought thre men from hym in the same bastill that tyme that he was taken; and there they sette there tentes a fyre, and wenten there way, and loste there stuff.and thanne a morwe erly also the oost sette there tentes a fyre, and wente there wey with sorwe, levynge gret stuff behynden them bothe of vitailes and of other thynges also. And the seconde day of August nest folwynge, the duke of Gloucestre, with the duke of Norfolk, the erle of Warrewyk, the erle of Stafford, the erle of Hunt’, the erle of Oxonford, the erle of Devenschire, the erle of Morteyn, and the erle of Uwe, with manye othere lordes, barons, and knyghtes, squyers, and yemen, unto the noumbre of l ml and mo, passyd over the see with v hundred seyles and mo, and londed at the forseid toun of Caleys; Oure lordes wenten into Flaundres and distroyed the town of Poperyng, and manye othere townes.
The kyng of Scottes leyde sege to the castell of Rokysburgh, and shamfully brak up the sege and wenten away.and the iiij day after, they passyd forth over the water of Gravelynge and comen into Flaundres, where they brenden and sclewe all that they myghte come to xj dayes durynge, in to gret harm of that cuntre, and pryncypally to the toun of Poperynge and of Belle, where Haukyns drank be note withoughte cuppe; and thanne they turned ageyn and comen hom sauf and sounde, blessyd be God of his soude. Also this same yere, the xiij day of August, the kyng of Scottes and hys wyf lyenge at the sege of the castell of Rokysburgh, with a gret power of Scottes and a gret ordinaunce brak up the sege and wente his way shamfully, and lefte his ordinaunce and his stuff behynden hym as a coward, and mo thanne vij score of his galyentires sclayn and taken at the same sege: and so myghte he wel sey, that in the crook of the mone com he thedirward, and in the wylde wanyande wente homward:
With reste and pees, A man schal best encrees. |
John Michell, fysshmong’, | Will’m Gregory, skynn’e. | Ao. xvo. |
maior. | Th’ Morstede, drap’.[122] | |
Obit’ Katerine Re’ Angl’.
A tour with too arches of London bregge fel don.
Obit’ Joh’ne regine Angl’.
the deth of the lyons.
This yere, the secunde day of Januar, deyde quene Katerine, the whiche was kyng Herry wyf the fyfthe. Also this yere, the xiiij day of Januar, fyl doun a tour of London bregge toward Suthwerk, with too arches and al that stood therupon.[123] Also this same yere, the ix day of Jull, deyde quen Jane kyng Herry the forthe wyf, that before was duchesse of Bretayne. Also this same yere deyde alle the lyons that weren in the Tour of London, the whiche was nought sen in no mannys tyme before out of mynde.
Will’m Estfeld, m’c’, | Will’m Hales, m’c’. | Ao. xvjo. |
maior. | Will’ Chapman, drap’. | |
Oweyn brak prison prevyly, which hadde wedded quen Katerine.
This same yere on Oweyn, no man of birthe nother of lyflode, brak out of Neugate ayens nyght at serchynge tyme, thorugh helpe of his prest, and wente his wey hurtynge foule his kepere; but at the laste, blessyd be God, he was taken ayeyn; the whiche Oweyn hadde prevyly wedded the quene Katerine, and hadde iij or iiijor chyldren be here, unwetyng the comoun peple tyl that sche were ded and beryed. Will’m Goodgrom was hangen.Also the same yere on William Goodgrom of London, corsour, for scleynge of a man of court in Hosyere lane be syde Smythfeld, was hangen at Tybourne.
Steph’us Broun, maior. | Nicholl Yeo, drap’. | Ao. xvijo. |
| Hugo Dyke, ser’. | |
A gret myschief fell at Baynard castell.
Another myschief fell at Bedford.
This same yere,[124] upon newe yere day after mete, at Baynard castell fyl a down sodeynly a stak of wode and killed iij or iiij men myschevesly, withoughten othere mo that were there sore hurt. Also anon after at Bedford, on the schire day, weren xviij men at onys murdred myschevously withoughte any strok, in fallynge doun hedlynge at the stayre of there Shire-hous, and manye mo foule hurt. Obit’ comit’ Warr’.Also the laste day of Aprill, at Roane in Normandye died Sr. Richard Beauchamp erle of Warwyk, there beynge lieutenaunt undir the kyng, on whos soule God have mercy! Knyghtes of the bath.Also the same yere anon after Estre, W. Estfeld of London, mercere, and Lowys John were made knyghtes of the bathe. Also the same yere was the newe cunduyt in Fletstret begonnen to make. A gret derthe of corn.Also this yere was so gret derthe of corn that men were fayn to ete rye bred and barly, the whiche nevere ett non before; and rather thanne fayle, bred mad of benes, peses, and fecches, and wel were hym that might hav ynowe therof; for a bushel of whete was worth iii s. at London, and in sum cuntre derrere; and that mad bakers lordes: but y prey God nevere let us see that day no more yf his wille be. The erle of Hunt’ with a faire meyne wente over the see into Gascoigne.Also in this same yere wente over the see the erle of Huntyngdon with a faire mene into Gascoigne and Gyan, for to defende that land fro the kynges enemyes. Also the same yere wente the duke of Norfolke, the erle of Stafford, the erchebysshop of York, and othere lordes and bysshoppes over the see to Caleys, for to trete for the pees betwen Engelond and Fraunce and betwen Engelond and Flaundres. Robert Chicheley citezein of London deyde.
Bawdes were sett on the pillory, and strompettes were led to Neugate.Also the same yere deyde a worthy citezein of London, Robert Chicheley, grocer, that yaf to xxiiij hundred men a gret dyner. Also the same yere in hervest tyme weren too baudes sett on the pillory, and iij strompettes were led to Neugate, and there were put on there hedes ray hodees, and with roddes of a cubitt of lengthe in there handes, and so they were leed be the schirreves officers to the pillory in Cornhull, and there was there charge reed, how they schulde be put out of the franchise of London citee, and no more comyn withinne the walles of the citee, but they comen in with there raye hodees on there hedes upon certeyn peyne. Also the same yere in hervest tyme were brent at the standard in Chepe diverses nettes, cappes, sadelys, and othere chaffare, for they were falsly mad and deseyvably to the peple.
Rob’t Large, m’c’, | Robt. Marchall, groc’. | Anno xviijo. |
meir. | Philip Malpas, drap’. | |
Obit’ comitisse Arundell and Huntyngdon.
This same yere[125] deyde the countesse of Arundell and of Huntyngdon, in Gascoigne. Also this yere were too bargemen hanged in Tempse beyownde seynt Katerines, for scleying of iij Flemynges and a child, beynge in a schip in Tempse of there contre, and weren homward; and there they hengen til the water hadde wasted them be ebbyng and flowyd, so the water bett upon them. Maist’ Richard was brent as a heretike.Also the same yere upon a Fryday, that is for to sey the ijde day of August, was on Maister Richard Wyche, sum tyme vicary of Depforde in the schire of Kent, brent for lollery at the Tour hill; Lowlars.and there manye of his secte and of his lord wenten and offred at the same place where he was brent, tyl manye of them were aspyed and put in prison; and for doughte that there schulde a ben a maner of arysyng of suyche mysbelevers, the maire, the schirreves, with alle the aldermen, be comown counseill and comown assent, dede ordeyne diverses wacches of diverses wardes of the citee, that a certeyn schulde wacchen a day and as manye a nyght at the same place, unto the tyme that the maire with his counseill wolde sende them discharge. Also this same yere on a Fryday, that is for to seye the xij day of August, aboughte iij of the belle at afternoon, there fill a sodeyn thondyr clap with a gret reyn and a lyghtnynge, the Ignis.whiche lyghtnynge entred in at a wynde and distroyd moche hey which was stuffed in a gret hous at the Sterre in Bredstrete; and the remenaunt of the hey was cast out and had in to Chepe, the quantyte of l cart full: and so, worschepyd be God, there was not moche more harme do, but palbrakyd sore therein and lost the hey. Ignis.Also on Fryday xiiij nyght after that, in the nyghtes tyme was a goldsmyth hous be syde the crosse in Chepe althernest the Egle brent, and al that was therinne; but it were the lesse and a part of the tannere at the Egle, and the good man of the Egle hadde moche harm as it was seyd. Also in this same yere began the parlement at Westm’ at Mighelmesse ant lasted to Cristemasse, and enyorned til after the feste to Redyng in Berkschire, and so it lasted there til Schroftyd, and there endyd; Merchaunts straungers to be oosted with Englisshmen.and at the whiche parlement was ordeyned that all marchauntes strangers schulde gon to oost with Englysshmen withinne too dayes after they be comen into the lond, in what partie of the lond soevery thei be, to selle there marchaundyse, and bye ayen withinne viij monthes after there comynge, and gon ageyn withinne the same terme; and in cas that eny of there marchaundyse leve unsold at there partynge, they to have it with them withoughten eny custom payenge; and the goodes that thei bye and selle shall yeven to there hoost for every xx s., worth, ij d., except the Estirlynges. Also at the same parlement was graunted that the kynges vitaill schulde be payed; and the town of Caleys for to be made ageyn; and the see for to be kept with the V portus of Engelond; and that every houshold of Duche peple shall paye to the kyng be yere xvj d., and every servaunt of them shall paye vj be yere. And in this yere come pardon into Engelond fro the pope of Rome, undir his lettre and seall of leed, of as moche power as he has, to every prest to assoilen every Cristeman that yevyth a part of his goodes to the sustentacion of the popes werres in strengthynge of the Cristen feith. Also in this yere was cried pees betwen Engelond and Zelond, Holond ant Freselond perpetuell. Also in this same yere was a man drawen and hanged, hedid, and quarterd, and sett up at diverses places, for he tok up bestes and all maner vitaill in the cuntre in the kynges name, and was but a thef, and so robbyd the cuntre with treson.
Joh’is Paddisle, goldsmyth, | Will’ Whetenale, groc’. | Anno xixo. |
m’or. | John Sutton, goldsmyth. | |
In this same yere wente the duke of York into Normandye, with the erle of Oxenford, the erle of Ewe, Sire Richard Wodevyle, Sr. Jamys of Ormond, the lord Clynton, and many othere gentiles, with a faire retenewe of peple, and was mad regent of Fraunce for v yere, and he shippyd at Portesmouth in Hamptonshire. In this same yere, the morwe after seynt Katerine day, was a chalange in armes provyd afore the kyng, withinne lystes mad in Smythfeld, betwen Sr. Richard Wodevill, knyght of Engelond, and a knyght of Spayn, whiche knyght for his lady love shulde fyghten in certeyn poynts of armes, that is to seye, with ax, swerd, and daggere; and or thei hadde do with the polax the kyng cried, hoo.[126] Also moreover in the same yere was a fightyng at the Tothill betwen too thefes, a pelour and a defendant, and the pelour hadde the feld and victory of the defendant withinne thre strokes. Also in this yere was the duke of Orlyons delyvered out of preson, and sworn to the kyng and othere certeyn lordes that that tyme were there present, that he shulde nevere beren armes ageyn the corowne of Engelond; and also that he schulde trete for pees betwen bothe reaumes Engelond and Fraunce, and ellys he to comen ayen into Engelond and yelden hym to the kynges grace. And in this yere was wyn, salt, and whete, gret chepe in the parties of Engelond. Also in this same yere the duchesse of Gloucetre was arested and put in Holt, for she was suspecte of treson; and a clerk that was longyng to here, whiche was clepyd Roger Whiche, was taken for werchynge of sorcery ayens the kyng, and he was put into the Tour; and after, he was brought into Poules, and there he stood up on high on a scaffold ageyn Poulys crosse on a Sonday, and there he was arraied like as he schulde never the in his garnementys, and there was honged rounde aboughte hym alle hise intrumentis whiche were taken with hym, and so shewyd among all the peple; and after, he was broughte to fore the lordys, and there he was examyned; and after broughte to the Yeldehalle, and there he was regned aforen the lordes of the kynges counseill and to fore alle the juges of this land; The lady of Gloucestre.and anon after, the lady of Gloucestre afornseid was mad to apere thre sondry dayes afore the kyng and alle hise lordes spiruell and temperell; and there she was examyned of diverses poyntes of wicchecraft, of the whiche she knowleched that she hadde used thorugh the counseill of the Wicche of Eye; the whiche was brent on the even of Symond and Jude in Smythefeld.
Rob’t Clopton, | Will’m Combe, fysshmong’. | Ao. xxmo. |
drap’, mor. | Ric’us Riche, merc’. | |
In this yere[127] my lady of Gloucestre hadde confessyd here wichecraft, as it is afornseid she was yoyned be alle the spriualte assent to penaunce; to comen to London fro Westm’ on the Moneday next suynge and londe at the Temple brigge out of here barge, and there[128] she tok a taper of wax of ijlb in here hond, and wente so thorugh Fletstrete on here foot and hoodles unto Poules, and there she offred up here taper at the high auter; and on the Wednesday nest suenge she com fro Westm’, be barge, unto the Swan in Tempse strete, and there she londyd, and wente forthe on here feet thorugh Brigge strete, Groschirche strete, to the Ledenhalle, and so to Crichirche in the wyse afornseyd; and on Fryday she londed at Quen hithe, and so forth she wente into Chepe, and so to seynt Mighell in Cornhull, in the forme afornseid; and at iche of the tymes the mair with the schirreves and the craftes of London were redy at the places there she sholde londe: and after, Roger the clerk afornseyd on the Satirday, that is to sey the xviij day of Novembre, was brought to the Yeldehalle, with Sire John Hom prest, and William Wodham squyer, the whiche Sr. John and William hadden there chartres at that tyme; and the clerk was dampned, and the same day was drawe fro the Tour of London to Tiborn, and there hanged, hedyd, and quartered, and the heed sett upon London bregge; and his oo quarter at Hereford, another at Oxenford, another at York, and the fourthe at Cambregge; and the lady put in prison, and after sent to Chestre, there to byde whill she lyvyth. Also the same yere was a parlement, and it began at Cristemas and lasted til Estre; at the whiche parlement was ordeyned that the see schulde ben kept half a yere at the kynges coost, and therfore to paye an holl fyftene, and London to lene hym iij ml lib’. And that yere, the laste day of —— save on, there was a batayle in Smythfeld, withinne lystes, aforn the kyng, betwen the lord Beaufe a Arrogonere, and John Ashele squyer of the kynges hous, a chalange for spere to caste pollex and dagger at the lord aforeseyd in brekynge of his gauntelette and reysyng of his umbrary, and hadde hym at myschief redy to a popped hym in the face with his dagger, tyl the kyng cried hoo: and there the seid Asshle was mad knyght in the feld.[129] Talbot was made erle of Shrewesbery.
Gascoyn and Gyan loste.Also in this same yere come the lord Talbot out of Fraunce and was mad erle of Schrovesbury, and wente over into Fraunce ayen with iij ml men. And in this yere come tidynges unto the kyng that Gascoigne and Gyan was lost, save Burdeux and Bayon, be the Armynakes take: in the mene tyme ambassatours of the same partye of Armynackes were come unto the kyng to entrete for a mariage of the erle of Armynakes doughter to be weddyd to the kyng; but because of the same treson the seid mariage was daisshyd. Also this same yere wente a werre in foure parties of Engelond, of every coost xxiiij schippes a werre. And in that same yere com hom out of Fraunce the erle of Ewe and Sr. James of Urmond into Engelond.
John Hatherle, irmong’, | Th’ Beaumond, salt’. | Ao. xxjmo. |
maior. | Ric’us Nordon, taillor. | |
In this same yere the erle of Schrovesbery leide a sege bothe be water and be lande to Depe, and kepte it awhile til he ferde so foule with hys men that they wolde no lenger abyde with hym; and so he was fayn to hye hym thens to Roane, and so brake sege. Also in this yere the citezeins of the citee of Norwich aresyn ayens the priour of Crichyrche of the same citee, for certeyn newe customes and bondschipes that he wolde have begonne to have reysyd of the seid citee of alle the comons therinne: wherfore the comons aroos, and wolde a fryred and sautyd the priory and have distroid the prior of the place into the tyme they hadde the fals contryved evidens that weren sealed be old tyme with the comoun seall unwetynge of them, but thorugh a priour of old, and certeyn false aldermen of the same citee, that now arn dede; and the comowns kepte with strong hond the town ayens the duke of Norfolk and alle his pissounz, that wolde a comen thider for the cause afornseid. Wherfore the kyng sente thider the chief juste John Fortescu, the erle of Stafford, and the erle of Huntyngdon, and seten there in sessyons, at the whiche were manye of the citee endyted, and the priour also; and also the citee loste there libertes and fraunchises and fredoms that they hadde afore, and all the citee cesed into the kynges hand; and a knyght callyd Sr. John Clyfton mad capytayn therof: and manye of the worthy men there of the citee ben fled into othere cuntres over the see, for drede, with as moche of there goodes as they myghte have with them, and lefte there faire places stonde stille. Sr. William Bonevylle went to Burdeux.Also in this yere wente Sr. William Bonevylle, knyght, to Burdeux with viij c of goode fytynge men, to kepe the town unto the tvme a grett retenewe myght be mad and sent thider. Also in this yere deide Henry Chicheley erchebisshop of Caunterbury, in the Passion weke, and is beryed in Caunterbury; and for hym was the bisshop of Bathe, magister John Stafford chaunceler of Engelond, stalled erchebisshop of Caunterbury. And in this yere wente over the see the erle of Somerset with x ml of goode men; and he hadde over with hym gret ordinance of gonnes, brigges, scalyng laddres, and manye mo othere thinges whom J’hu spede for his mercy. And in this yere com over from Normandye the cardinall erchebisshop of Roon, chaunceler of Normandye and bysshop of Ely into Engelond, with the erle of Schrovesbury that was the lord Talbot, and my lord Facombregg, with the Tresore of Normandye and manye othere. And in this yere was lost a good town in Normandye of the lord Scales, that is called there Graundevyle, in the coost of Baas Normandye, toward the coost of Bretaigne, wyth his bastard sone therinne; and the substaunce of alle the good that the lord Scales hadde in that land was thereinne, the whiche was falsly sold be a man that he trusted most too whiles he was at Roon. Also in this yere was gret losse of shippes in the narwe see on oure party, be enemyes of Depe, Boloigne, and Bretayne. Also in this same yere was cryed that alle men that wolde aventur ony corn or vitaill to Burdeux or to Bayon, or to ony othere place of that cost on oure party, schulde gon custom fre; whiche caused moche corn and vitaill to be shipped thider. Also in this yere was a mad woman pressyd to the deth, for sche hadde spoken ungoodly and to presomptuosly unto oure liege lord the kyng at the Blak heth; and whanne she was brought aforn the juge she wolde not speke a word, for the which obstinacye she was put to the deth as y have rehersyd beforn. Also this same yere deide the bisshop Tirvyn bisshop of Ely, the —— day of Septembre, and lyth....
[Here the Chronicle in the Harleian MS. terminates: the following continuation is copied from the Cottonian MS. Julius B. I.]
Th’ Catworth. | Nich’as Wifelde. Vic’. | Ao. xxij. |
| John Norman. | |
This yere came the duke of Somerset out of Fraunce into Engelond, that had lost many of his men: and that yere the erle of Suffolk, the privey seall, Sir Robert Rose, and the kyngs secretarie went in ambassade into Fraunce to trete for peas; an peas was made for xviij monethes; and the suerte hadde of the maiden for mariage afore record of alle the rial of Fraunce, in presence of our ambassades: and so comen ageyne into England presentyng unto the kyng thes tithings, for the which in alle England and Fraunce was made grete solempnite and ioie. And this yere deide the duke of Somerset, on whose soule God have mercy. And that yere was ordeyned thurgh England that no market shuld be more upon the Sonday. Creacion Ao. xxij R’ H. vjti.And in that yere the erle of Stafford was made duke of Bukkyngham, the erle of Dorset markes of Dorset, the erle of Suffolk markes of Suffolke, and the erle of Warwike duke of Warwike.
Herry Frowik, maior. | Stephen Forster. Vic’. | Ao. xxiij. |
| Hugh Wich. | |
This yere came quene Margret into England with grete roialte of the kyngs oost, and was receyved at London the xxviij day of May in the moost goodly wise, with alle the citezeins on horsebak ridyng ayenst hir to the Blak heth in blew gownes and rede hodes; and in the cite in diverse places goodly sights ayenst hir comyng: and on the xxx day of May, that was Sonday, sche was crowned at Westm’, and iij daies after open justs for alle that wolde come. And this yere the priour of Kilmayne in Irland appeelid the erle of Ormond. And this yere came certen ambassadours out of Fraunce, undre saf condit, to treat for peas general to be hadde, which accordid not but for xij monthes after the xviij monthes afore writen, and so went home ayen. And this yere was the translacion of Seint Edwarde made holy day in alle London. Also in this yere Paulis steple was set a fire with lyghtnyng.
Symon Gyr’, maior. | John Derby. Vic’. | Ao. xxiv. |
| Geffrey Feldyng. | |
| | |
John Olney, maior. | Rob’t Horne. Vic’. | Ao. xxv. |
| Geffrey Boleyne. | |
This yere was the parliament of Bury set, for the good duk of Gloucestre, with grete treason prively wrought ayenst his comyng thider, and was logid in the hospitale, for whom was reised iijxx ml men; and as he sate at his souper, lordes of diverse degrees came to hym in the kings name, dischargyng hym of the kyngs presence and of alle other maner answeres; and so thei arestid hym of high treason, which he mekely obeied; and his men were voided from him ful hevyly departyng; and after he deceased, the certente howe God knowes: and than was the parliament fynisshed and done. Also this yere was the bataile betwene the Armurer and his man.
John Gidney, | Thomas Scot. Vic’. | Ao. xxvj. |
maior. | Will’m Habraham. | |
In this yere was an heretike brent at the Tour Hill upon Hokmonday. Also this yere were grete flodes, which drowned Stebenhith marshe, Rayneham, and other lowe places. And this yere a quarter of whete fil fro the price of ix s. to iiij s.
Steph’ Broune, | Will’m Calowe. Vic’. | Ao. xxvij. |
maior. | Will’m Marowe. | |
| | |
Th’ Chalton, maior. | Thomas Canyng. Vic’. | Ao. xxviij. |
| Will’m Hewlyn. | |
Ao. xxviij R. H. vjti.
Rebelles Jak Cade.
In this yere was Normandy lost, and the duke of Suffolk bihedid in a ship called Nicholas of the Tour. Also the comoens of Kent arose, and Jak Cade was their capitayne, callyng hymself Mortymer, by whome were ij knyghts slayne at Sevenok in Kent, that is to sey Sr. Humfrey Stafford and Sr. William Stafford, brethren, and many of theire men. Than the kyng and his hoste went to Barkhamsted; and after seint Petres day, the capitayne came ageyn to Blakheth, and so over London brige into London on Friday at after none, and bigan to riful and robbe: and on Saturday he came over the brigge ageyne, and than were the men of Essex embatailid at the Mile ende, and there was Crowmer shiref of Kent bihedid; also at the standard in Chepe was Sr. Jamys Fynes lord Saye bihedid, and the body drawen into Suthwerk; and there was bihedid Hawardyne a theef and a man queller. And on the Sonday at nyght, the lord Scalis and Mathewe Gough with theire mayny, and with men of London, wenten over the brigge to the Stulpes in Suthwerke, and faught with the capitayne and his host al that nyght til on the Moneday ix of the clok, and that was seint Thomas even, and than the capitayne fired the drawbrigge; and there was slayne Mathewe Gough and Sutton the alderman: and after that the capitayne fledde into Sussex, and thider was pursued and slayne. And after, in the same yere, Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke came out of Irland unto Westm’, with roial people, lowely bisechyng the kyng that justice and execucion of his lawes myght be hadde upon alle such persones about him and in al his realme, frome the highest degree unto the lowist, as were long tyme noisid and detectid of high treason ageinst his persone and the wele of his realme, offring hymself therto, and his service at the kings comaundement, to spend bothe his body and goodes: and yet it might not be perfourmed. Than sone after was callid a set a parliament, wherynne alle the comoens were aggreed, and rightfully electe hym as heire apparent of England, nought to procede in any other matiers till that were graunted by the lordes, whereto the kyng and lordes wold not consent nor graunte, but anon brake up the parliamente.
Rich’ Wifold, maior. | Will’m Dere. Vic’. | Ao. xxix. |
| John Middilton. | |
This yere was Burdeux lost. And this yere was Sr. Pieres de Brasil, and the bastard of Orliaunce, and Manypeny taken. And this yere was the duke of Somerset robbid at Blak freris. And this yere was the parliament at Westmynster. And this yere the stokkes was dividid bitwene fisshmongers and bochers.
Wil’ Gegory, maior. | Mathewe Philip. Vic. | Ao. xxx. |
| Christofre Water. | |
In this yere came Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke out of Walis, over Kyngston brige to the Blak heth, withe grete power, to clere hymself ageynst kyng Herry of such things as his adversaries had shewed ageynst hym. And the kyng with his lordes came ridyng thurgh London with a roial power toward the Blak heth; and there the lordes spiruel and temperell toke the matier in hand, to trete bitwixt them, to make rest and peas; wherto the seid duke at last graunted and aggreed, on the condicion that his peticions bifore askd for the wele of the kyng and of al his realme myght be graunted and hadde, and his enymys to be comytted to the Tour to abide the lawe; and so the lordes were aggreed and graunted that it shuld be, and were sworne ech to other. And furthwith the duke sent his men home ageyne, and he mekely came and submitted hymself at the Blak heth to the kyng, his adversaries there standyng present, contrary to thappointment and there othes; and so thei brought ungirt thurgh London bitwene ij bisshoppes ridyng unto his place; and after that made hym to swere at Paulis after theire entent, and put him frome his good peticions which were for the comoen wele of the realme, contrary to theire othes and aggreements made bifore in the felde.
Geffr’ Feldyng, maior. | Ric’ Alley. Vic’. | Ao. xxxj. |
| Ric Lee. | |
This yere was the parliament at Redyng. And this yere was therle of Shrowisbure and the lord Lile his sone slayne: prynce Edward the kyngs sone was borne: and upon seint Barthilues day was a man of seint Johnys arrestid, wherfore was moch to doo at the Wrastlyne.
John Norman, maior. | John Waldeyne. Vic’. | Ao. xxxij. |
| Thomas Coke. | |
This yere came the duke of Yorke to London to the parliament; and there the duke of Somerset was arrestid and ladde to the Tour, and the duke of Yorke made protectour of England. And this yere the riding to Westm’ was fordone, and goyng thider bi barge bigonne.
Steph’ Forster, maior. | John Felde. Vic’. | Ao. xxxiij. |
| Will’m Tailor. | |
In this yere the xxij day of Maij was the first bataile at Seint Albanes; and was there slayne the duke of Somerset, therle of Northumberland, the lord Clifford, and a knyght callid Sr. Barthilmeu Nantwesil, and xxv squyers, with other people, which were buried there. Also this yere Scotts leide sege to Berwik.
Will’ Marche, maior. | John Yong. Vic’. | Ao. xxxiv. |
| Thomas Holgrave. | |
This yere was a strife betwene yong men of the Mercery and Lumbardes. And this yere was seen the blasyng sterre.
Th’ Canynge, maior. | John Steward. Vic’. | Ao. xxxv. |
| Raffe Verney. | |
In this yere the lord Egremond brake out of Newegate; and anon after brake out upon the ledes diverse other prisoners. And this yere came the duke of Yorke to his place at Baynardes castel in London.
Geffrey Boleyne, | Will’m Edward. Vic’. | Ao. xxxvj. |
maior. | Thomas Reyner. | |
In this yere Sandwich was robbid and dispoilid by Frensshemen. And this yere was a grete watch in London, and al the gates kepte every nyght, and ij aldermen watchyng: and withynne a while after the kyng and lordes were accorded, and went a procession in Paulis. And this yere was bisshop Pecock abiurid, and his bokes brent at Paulis.
Tho’ Scot, maior. | Raffe Joslyn. Vic’. | Ao. xxxvij. |
| Ric’ Nedeham. | |
In this yere was affrey bitwene gentilmen of Court and men of Fletestrete; and the gentilmen were driven with archers fro the standard in Fletestrete into theire Innes, and some were slayne and some taken the xiij day of Aprile: wherfore William Tailour alderman of Fletestrete ward, with other mo, were afterward sent to Wyndisore castel, and there kepte as prisoners. And sone after, kyng Henry, the quene and lords, lete make a grete gaderyng of people northward, wherof was grete noise: than therle of Warwike came frome Caleise thurgh London, and his fader therle of Salisbury came fro Middilham toward the duke of Yorke with iij ml men; and the quene Margrete lay by the way as he come with xiiij ml of the floure of Chestreshire, Lancastreshire and Derbyshire, Comes Sar’.which set upon the seid erle of Salisbury and his compeigny at Blore heth, the xxiij day of Septembre; and there were slayne of the quenes partie the lord Awdley, with many knyghts, squiers, and other people, the seid erle holdyng his wey to Ludlowe, where he mette with the duke of Yorke and his sones therles of the Marche and Ruthland, and therle of Warwik aforseid; and toward them came kyng Henry with l ml men. And in the nyght the duke of Yorke and his sones, and therle of Salisbury with his sone, voidid into Walis; and there departid the duke of Yorke with his seconde sone therle of Ruthland into Irland; and therles of Marche, Warwik and Salisbury, bought a ship, and so gete to Caleise and there were received.
Wil’ Hewlyn, maior. | John Stokker. Vic’. | Ao. xxxviij. |
| John Plumer. | |
Mydsomer Northampton felde.
In this yere, about Midsomer, therles of March, Warwik and Salisbury, landed at Sandwich, gadred people in Kent, and went thurgh London to Northampton; and the kyng had taken a felde, and was slayne on his partie the duke of Bukyngham, therle of Shrowisbury, the lord Beaumont and the lord Egremond, mych peple drowned in the river, the kyng taken and brought to London, and callid a parliament; and the duke of Yorke came out of Irland, and to Westm’ the xth day of Octobre, and there made clayme to the crowne; Titulus E. reg’ iiijti.aggrement was made bitwene the kyng and him, and he was made protectour, his title allowid to be kyng after the kyngs deceas; and ayenst Cristmas went northward and was slayne at Wakefelde with other; Mortymer crosse.
Saint Albans.and at Candilmas therle of Marche discomfeited therle of Wiltshire and other at Mortymers crosse; and at Shroftide came the lordes of the North to seint Albonys, and there discomfeited therle of Warwik and his compeigny, and toke the kyng with them into the North. Therle of Warwik fledde thens Westward to therle of March: than came therle of March and therle of Warwik with moch people to London, and there the people callid him kyng; Palme Sonday felde.and he toke it upon him, and went Northwardes and faught with the lords of the North beside Sherborne, where were moch people slayne upon Palme Sonday: and he bigan to reigne the iiijth day of March.
Ao. Dn’i 1461.
Ric’ le —— maior. | John Lumbard. Vic’. | Ao. i. |
| Ric’ Flemyng. | |
In this yere the kyng Edward the iiijth was crowned at Westm’, on Sonday the xxviij day of Juyn.
Hugh Wich, maior. | George Irland. Vic’. | Ao. ijdo. |
| John Lok. | |
In this yere therle of Oxonford, and the lord Awbrey his sone, with other knyghts, were bihedid upon a new scaffold on the Tour hille.
Th’ Coke, maior. | Will’m Hampton. Vic’. | Ao. iijo. |
| Barthilmeus Jamys. | |
This yere quene Margret toke the castell of Bamburgh.
Mathewe Philip, | Thomas Muschamp. Vic. | Ao. ivto. |
maior. | Rob’t Basset. | |
In this yere was the sergeaunts fest, and the maire of London shuld have dyned there; and bicause the chief place was not kepte for him while the kyng was not there nor of his blode, he came awey with alle his compeigny of this cite, and dyned at home in his owne place.
Raffe Joslyn, maior. | John Tate. Vic. | Ao. vto. |
| John Stone. | |
This yere quene Elizabeth was crowned at Westm’ the Sonday bifore Witsonday. And this yere was first the roial, half roial, and quartern aungel, and aungellet of golde. Also this yere kyng Herry was taken in the North, and brought into the Tour of London.
Raff V’ney, maior. | Herry Waver. Vic’. | Ao. vjto. |
| Will’m Costantyne. | |
This yere the xj day of Feverer was the prynces borne, the kyngs first childe, at Westm’, and named Elizabeth, [after qwene, and maried to kyng Henry the vij.][130]
John Yong, maior. | John Brom’. Vic. | Ao. vijto. |
| Thomas Brice. | |
| John Stokton. | |
This yere the lord Scalis, Sr. Anthony Widvile, faught with the bastard of Burgoyne in Smethfeld.
Tho’s Holg’ve, maior. | Humfrey Hayford. Vic. | Ao. viij. |
| Thomas Stalbroke. | |
This yere was the lady Margret the kyngs suster maried to the duke of Burgoyne.
Wil’ Tailor, maior. | Symkyn Smyth. Vic. | Ao. ix. |
| Will’m Hariot. | |
This yere the duke of Clarence weddid therle of Warwiks doughter at Caleis: Hegcote felde.and the same yere was the lord Herbert and diverse other slayne at Hedgecote felde.
Ric’ Lee, maior | Ric’ Garden’. Vic’. | Ao. xo. |
ij tyme. | Rob’t Drope. | |
This yere the kyng discounfeited the comoens of Lyncolneshire biside Staunford; and the duke of Clarence and therle of Warwike fled into Fraunce at Eastre, and came ageyne at Mighelmas; and than king Edward fledde into Flaundres to the duke of Burgoyne; Comes Wigoon.and therle of Worcestre was biheded at Tour Hille.
John Stokton, maior. | John Crosby. Vic’. | Ao. xj. |
| John Warde. | |
This yere kyng Edward landid in the North with fewe people, and came to London on Sher Thursday, and toke his journey furth ageyne on Eastre even; and upon Eastre day met with therle of Warwik and marquys Mountague his brother at Barnet, and there slewe them with moch other people: and than was quene Margret and prynce Edward hir sone with theare compeigny, landid in the West; and kyng Edward met them at Tewkesbury; and there was the prynce slayne with many others: and while the kyng was there, came the bastard Faconbrige with shipmen and moche other people to London, and firid at London brige biside seint Katerynes and without Algate: and afterward the kyng rode into Kent with moch people, and assid the contrey at moch money for theire risyng.
Wil’ Edward, maior. | John Aleyne. Vic’. | Ao. xijo. |
| John Shelley. | |
This yere after Cristmas apperid a blasyng sterre, and contynnued v weke and more.
Will’ Hapton, | Thomas Bledlowe. Vic’. | Ao. xiijo. |
maior. | John Browne. | |
| | |
John Tate, maior. | Robert Billisdon. Vic’. | Ao. xiiijo. |
| Will’m Stokker. | |
This yere was a grete watche upon seint Petres nyght, the kyng beyng in the Chepe; and there fill affrey bitwixt men of his household and the constablis; wherfore the kyng was gretely displeasid with the cunstablis.
Robert Drape, maior. | Thomas Hille. Vic’. | Ao. xvo. |
| Edmond Shaa. | |
This yere the kyng askid of the people grete goodes of theire benevolence, to gone over the see and so passid to Caleis, and so furth into Picardie; and there upon a brige, kyng Lewes of Fraunce and he spake togider, and toke appointment bitwixt them upon certen mariages and certen money in hand, and l ml crownes of sterling money yerely to be sent to the kyng out of Fraunce, duryng theire lives and a year after, so to be paide: and the kyng retourned ageyne over into England.
Rob’t Basset, maior. | Hugh Brice. Vic. | Ao. xvjo. |
| Rob’t Colwich. | |
This yere an heretike callid Habraham was taken, which accusid diverse persones of the cite and other places, of which some were abjurid at, and did theire penaunce at Paulis.
Sr. Raff Joslyn, | Will’m Horne. Vic’. | Ao. xvijo. |
maior. | Ric’ Rason. | |
This yere the abbot of Abyndon a pardon of pleyne remission,[131] and the wallis of London were bigonne to be newe repaired.
Humfrey Hayford, | John Stokkes. Vic. | Ao. xviijo. |
maior. | —— Colet. | |
This yere the parliament was at Westm’; and the duke of Clarence was atteyntid of high treason, and afterward put to deth in the Tour of London.
Ric’ Garden’, maior. | Rob’t Hardyng. Vic’. | Ao. xix. |
| Rob’t Bifeld. | |
This yere a wex chaundler in Flete strete had bi crafte, perced a pipe of the condit withynne the grounde, and so conveied the water into his selar; wherfore he was jugid to ride thurgh the citee with a condit upon his hedde. And this yere was grete deth of people; wherfore the kynges courts were not kepte at Westm’ frome Easter to Midsomer nor in the Guyldhall from Easter to Midsomer.
Barth’ Jamys, | Thomas Ilam. Vic’. | Ao. xxo. |
maior. | John Warde. | |
This yere were the diches about the Tour newe cast, and the Tour newe repeired: and certen merchaunts of Bristowe were accusid of money makyng; and the kyng examyned them and there accuser, and there accuser forsoke that he hadde done; wherfore he sent them home, and also sent theire accuser to Bristowe, there to have his jugement. Also this yere the duches of Burgoyne came into England to see the kyng hir brother, which shewid to hir great pleasure, and so she departid ageyne. And this yere the duke of Gloucestre, and therle of Northumberland reisid grete people agein the Scottes, which fledde and wold not bide.
John Browne, | Thomas Danyel. Vic. | Ao. xxj. |
maior. | Will’m Bacon. | |
| | |
W. Hariet, maior. | Rob’t Tate. Vic. | Ao. xxij. |
| Will’m Wikyng. | |
| Ric’ Chaury. | |
This yere a quarter of whete was worth xij s. and more. Also the duke of Gloucestre, and therle of Northumberlond, with many other lordes and moch people went into Scotland unto Edenburgh, and there made proclamacons in the kyngs name of England; and in their comyng homeward the sege contynued at Berwike, unto the towne and castell were geten with grete assauts. Also about seint Laurence tide was grete enquery at Caleis, for counterfeityng of the keies of Cales.
Edmond Shaa, | Will’m White. Vic’. | Ao. xxiij. |
maior. | John Mathewe. | |
This yere the viij day of Aprile died kyng Edward.