- Abakie,—an imaginary Eastern land, subject to Siegfried.
- Abalie,—an Eastern land, noted for gems and cloths.
- Alzabie,—a fabulous Moorland city, the residence of Siegfried.
- Amile,—an imaginary Eastern land, the home of mermaids.
- Araby,—a land whence came fine clothes and treasures.
- Ballian,—Ballyghan, Hagen’s chief city in Ireland.
- Daneland,—not the present Denmark, but, in the ninth century, the seat of the Danes in Friesland, near the mouth of the Scheldt.
- Dietmarsch,—a province subject to Hettel.
- Friesland,—subject to Hettel, and held in fief by Morunc and Irold.
- Galeis,—a land whose people are friendly to Herwic.
- Galicia,—Portugal, the home of Hildeburg.
- Garadie,—an indeterminate country, near Ireland.
- Givers,—a fabulous land, subject to Horant.
- Gulstred,—a place in the West.
- Hegeling,—the name of a people on the North Sea, in Holland, governed by Hettel.
- Holstein,—variously mentioned as subject to Fru-te, to Irolt, and to Ortwin.
- Icaria,—a fabulous land whose people are allies of Siegfried of Moorland.
- Ireland,—The situation seems sometimes to correspond with the modern Ireland, and sometimes to a part of Holland. There is a place in Texel, at the present day, named Eijerland.
- Iserland,—the home of one of Gu-drun’s maiden companions.
- Kampalia,—a fabulous land noted for rich clothing.
- Kampatille,—Hettel’s castle, also called Matelan.
- Karadie,—a land belonging to Siegfried of Moorland.
- Kassian,—the chief city and castle of Normandy.
- Matelan,—see Kampatille.
- Moorland,—the kingdom of Siegfried; owing to the love of the marvelous in antiquity, regarded by the poet as the land of the Moors, but probably a low country near the North Sea.
- Nifland,—“the land of fogs,” on the lower Rhine, the home of the Nibelungen,
- Normandy or Ormanie,—may be the country now known as Normandy, or is perhaps a region near the mouth of the Scheldt, where the name Ormans-kapelle occurs in an ancient map.
- Ortland,—probably Jutland, under the rule of Ortwin.
- Salme,—a fabulous country.
- Sealand,—Herwic’s kingdom, not the Danish Zealand, but probably the sea-lands of Friesland.
- Scotland,—spoken of as belonging to Norway.
- Sturmland,—subject to WÂ-te, adjoining Herwic’s kingdom.
- Waleis,—the western limit of Hettel’s kingdom, by some supposed to be Wales, but generally thought to be the country near the mouth of the river Waal in Holland.
- Wulpensand,—an island at the mouth of the Scheldt.