BOOK I | ARDOURS AND ENDURANCES | The Summons: | PAGE | I. | To—— | 4 | II. | The Past | 5 | III. | The Reckoning | 6 | Farewell To Place of Comfort | 7 | The Approach: | I. | In the Grass: Halt by Roadside | 12 | II. | The Day's March | 13 | III. | Nearer | 15 | Battle: | I. | Noon | 18 | II. | Night Bombardment | 19 | III. | Comrades: An Episode | 22 | IV. | Behind the Lines: Night, France | 27 | V. | At the Wars | 28 | VI. | Out of Trenches: The Barn, Twilight | 30 | VII. | Battery moving up to a New Position from Rest Camp: Dawn | 32 | VIII. | Eve of Assault: Infantry going down to Trenches | 35 | IX. | The Assault | 37 | X. | The Last Morning | 42 | XI. | Fulfilment | 44 | The Dead: | I. | The Burial in Flanders | 46 | II. | Boy | 48 | III. | Plaint of Friendship by Death Broken | 51 | IV. | By the Wood | 55 | The Aftermath: | I. | At the Ebb | 58 | II. | Alone | 60 | III. | Thanksgiving | 61 | IV. | Annihilated | 62 | V. | Shut of Night | 63 | VI. | The Full Heart | 65 | VII. | Sonnet: Our Dead | 66 | VIII. | Deliverance | 67 | | BOOK II | A FAUN'S HOLIDAY | 69 | | BOOK III | POEMS AND PHANTASIES | A Triptych: | | First Panel: The Hill | 140 | II. | Second and Centre Panel: The Tower | 146 | III. | Third Panel: The Tree | 150 | | Four Songs From "The Prince of Ormuz": | I. | The Prince of Ormuz sings to Badoura | 154 | II. | The Song of the Princess Beside the Fountain | 155 | III. | The Song of the Prince in Disguise | 156 | IV. | The Princess Badoura's Last Song to her Lover | 157 | The Gift of Song | 160 | Fragments from "Orestes": | I. | Warning Unheeded | 164 | II. | Orestes to the Furies | 167 | Black Songs: | I. | At Braydon | 170 | II. | Midday on the Edge of the Downs | 172 | III. | In Dorsetshire | 173 | Man's Anacreontic | 176 | The Blackbird | 179 | Change | 180 | Transfiguration | 181 | Plaint of Pierrot Ill-Used | 183 | Girl's Song from "The Tailor" | 188 | Last Song in an Opera | 190 | DanaË: Mystery in Eight Poems | 191 | The Ecstasy | 199 | The Water-Lily | 201 | Deem You the Roses | 202 | The Passion | 203 | Last Words | 206 |
My thanks are due to the editor of the Times and of the Nation, to the editors of the Palatine Review, and to Messrs. Blackwell, Oxford, the publishers of "Oxford Poetry, 1915," and "Oxford Poetry, 1916," for permission to reprint certain of these poems. R. M. B. N. 1917.