The gladsome Morning looked across the hills, Clad in his richly tinted robes; the opal dawn, Faint blushing in the East, grew clear and brighter, Till the resplendent sunrise decked the sky. It shone upon the woods—the birds awoke To chant their welcome to the god of day. It shone upon the meadows, and the flowers Ope'd their eyes, where the bright dew-tears glistened As they had wept thro' the long hours of night, Heedless of how the star-beams smiled and played; And the pale, tender moon, with pitying ray, Looked down upon their lowly, drooping heads, Now lifted gladly to the morning light, Till the warm sunshine kissed their tears away. And clouds of fragrance from their beds arose, That amorous zephyrs, as they wandered by, Wafted, like sweetest incense, to the sky! It shone upon the rivers, as they flowed Through fertile meadow-lands, so rich in loveliness; Sweet streams, that, rippling on in restful song, Took up a tone more joyous in that hour; And whispering leaves, and birds that, far and near, From grove and hedgerow, warbling clear and sweet In blending music, trembled in the air— Like matin hymns, that on Creation's wings Were upwards borne to the Creator's Throne!