- Johnston, Henry Phelps. Nathan Hale, 1776—Biography and Memorials. Yale University Press. New Haven, 1914.
- Stuart, I. W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy of the American Revolution, F. A. Brown. Hartford, 1856.
- Hull, General William. Military and Civil Life. D. Appleton & Co. New York, 1848.
- Hale, Enoch. Diary. (In Appendix to an address delivered at Groton, Connecticut, September 7, 1881, by E. E. Hale.)
- Hempstead, Stephen. “Recollections.” Missouri Republican, January 18, 1827.
- Bostwick, Elisha. Pension Papers, in Hartford Courant, December 15, 1914.