IT was a cold and frosty morning at Mr. Brown’s farm. The pumpkins were huddled together, and their frosty coats glistened in the morning sunshine. “I heard Mr. Brown talking about Thanksgiving,” said a little pumpkin. “I wonder what Thanksgiving is?” “Long ago,” began a big pumpkin, “when the first white people came to this country, it was in early winter, and these settlers could raise no food. Many of them died of hunger and cold. But the next year the settlers planted many crops, and they grew wonderfully. So they had a day to thank God for the crops they had. The day they celebrated is called Thanksgiving.” “Oh, I see,” said the little pumpkin. “I am sure Teddy was thankful he had such a nice big pumpkin to make his Jack o’ lantern out of on Hallowe’en.” “I think the cattle are thankful that they have us to eat in winter,” said a middle-sized pumpkin, trying very hard to look wise, but the November air was so delightfully chilly and crisp he had to laugh. “I’m sure Farmer Brown and his family are thankful to have such a nice pumpkin pie every Thanksgiving,” said a big pumpkin. “I never knew pumpkins were so useful,” sighed the little pumpkin sleepily. Then he turned over and went to sleep. The senior class; we just squeezed through CADILLAC Cadillac logo Millions of boys and girls of today are eager partisans of the Cadillac—anxious to grow up and have a Cadillac of their own, like Father and Mother. With thousands, the ownership of a Cadillac is a family tradition dating back to the days when Grandfather bought his first Cadillac, a quarter of a century ago. All through these 25 years Cadillac has consistently stood in the forefront of all the world’s motor cars. Eleven years ago Cadillac produced the first eight-cylinder engine—the basic foundation of Cadillac success in marketing more than 200,000 eight-cylinder Cadillac cars. Today the new 90-degree, eight-cylinder Cadillac is the ultra modern version of the motor car. Its luxury, comfort, performance and value reach heights of perfection beyond anything ever attained. Thus once again Cadillac strikes out far in advance, renewing its traditional right to this title, The Standard of the World. Northwestern Cadillac Company LA SALLE TO HARMON ON TENTHMINNEAPOLIS THE STORE of SPECIALIZATIONS Prescribes for Youth and Summer Holidays
The Dayton Company MINNEAPOLIS Invest Direct Preferred Shares Northern States Power Co. 50,000 Shareholders—15 Years of Steady Dividends Make inquiry at any of our offices MINNEAPOLISFARIBAULTST. PAULMANKATO Gainsborough POWDER PUFFS A young woman looks into a hand mirror, with an oversized Gainsborough powder puff above her Lovely women appreciate the daintiness and perfection of Gainsborough Powder Puffs. Each puff with its soft, fine texture has the rare quality of retaining exactly the right amount of powder and distributes it evenly. Gainsborough Powder Puffs retailing from 10c to 75c each, are available in various sizes and delicate colors to match your costume. Wholesale Distributors, Minneapolis Drug Company, Doerr-Andrews and Doerr Valve-in-head BUICK motor cars PENCE AUTOMOBILE CO. MINNEAPOLIS WHEN BETTER CARS ARE BUILT Compliments of Miss Minneapolis Minneapolis Milling Company Compliments of Winton Lumber Manufacturers Idaho White Pine Security BuildingMinneapolis, Minn. JOHN DEERE Arrow pointing down then rightFarm Machinery DEERE & WEBBER CO. MINNEAPOLIS JAMES C. HAZLETTWESLEY J. KELLEY JAMES C. HAZLETT AGENCY Any Kind of Insurance Anywhere First National-So Line Building FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDSMAIN 2603 ALLEN & KIDD Toledo Ave. and Lake St. ST. LOUIS PARK EDWARD J. O’BRIEN REALTOR Real Estate—Investments 232 McKnight BuildingMinneapolis, Minn. Graham’s ICES Catering for All Occasions 2441 HENNEPIN NOT ONLY NOW, BUT— For centuries one of the best protections against poverty has been a bank account, and you have every assurance of protection when you make the 26th Street State Bank Corner of Nicollet Avenue and 26th Street, your bank. Sometimes the biggest is not the best, but we are the best because we are not the biggest. Compliments of— John F. McDonald Decoration One piece or a carload MELONE-BOVEY 4 Retail Yards ~ MAIN OFFICE AND YARDS 13th Avenue South and 4th Street OCCIDENT FLOUR Costs more—worth it Barrington Hall Coffee BAKER IMPORTING CO. Decoration Minneapolis and New York Thorpe Bros. REALTORS SINCE 1885 Complete Real Estate Service Owners and Developers of The Country Club District THORPE BROS. Thorpe Bros. Building 519 Marquette Ave. In the Heart of Financial Minneapolis Compliments of North Star Woolen Manufacturers of Fine Blankets MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Advertisement for Gold Medal Foods A woman dressed for golf Of flannel and broadcloth in all the smart plain shades, also novel checks and plaids. Made with either roll sport or notched collar and hip bands of either knit wool or self material. Nothing Like a POLAR OVERJAC playing around outdoors There’s nothing like it for looks or for utility either. The jaunty lines, the natty materials, the exuberant colors—that will all appeal to you, and besides you’ll like the easy feel of it on you—the comfortable fit—the way it “gives” to your movements. Whatever your plans for this summer vacation you’ll want a Polar Overjac. It’s the handiest thing imaginable to slip into—and just the right weight to give the little extra warmth needed cooler days and evenings. For driving, golf, for “roughing it” and all the rest. Well made, expertly tailored—that accounts for a lot of its good looks. At Your Neighborhood Store Made exclusively by Wyman, Partridge and Co. MINNEAPOLIS The bank building FIRST NATIONAL BANK Minneapolis, Minnesota Compliments of DAVIS and MICHEL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 419 METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING Since 1870 A SAFE PLACE FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY 511 MARQUETTE The Oldest Savings Bank in Minnesota The following names represent purchasers of advertising space in the Tatler, who have given the space back to us for our own purposes. We are especially grateful to them for this two-fold gift, and wish hereby to acknowledge their contribution.
From the Press of the Augsburg Publishing House Transcriber's Note Obvious typographic errors (incorrect punctuation, omitted or transposed letters) have been repaired. Otherwise, however, variable spelling (including proper names, where there was no way to establish which spelling was correct) and hyphenation has been left as printed, due to the number of different contributors. Page 19 includes the phrase "if the snow smelts." This is probably a typographic error, but as it was impossible to be certain, it has been left as printed. |