0187-h@40187-h-1.htm.html#Page_79" class="pginternal">79 Cattle, 155, 177, 178, 185, 188, 190, 241, 242, 243 Caucasus, 32, 80 Cauterets, 67 Celtic language, 197; race, 197, 206, 209 Celto-Slavic race, 206 Central Plateau of France, 33; of Spain, 33 Cephalic index, 202 Cetaceans, 155 Chalk, 34 Challenger expedition, 144, 145 ChamÆrops, 129 Chameleon, 161 Charcoal as fuel, 226, 227, 228 Chestnuts, 139, 193 Chile, climate of, 85 China, agriculture in, 170; climate of, 96; cultivated plants from, 174; means of communication in, 242; trees of, 78, 79 Chiroptera, 155 Cirques, 62, 63 (fig. 8), 64, 65, 66 Cistus, 129 Citron, 174 Citrus, 174, 176 Clams, 146 Climate, 82 et seq. Clyde valley, 206, 207 Coal, 34, 227-234 Cod, 148 Congo forest, 114 Conifers, of America, 136-142; of Europe, 132; of mountains, 121 Coniferous forests, 132, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142 Continental climate, 102 Continental shelf, 27, 146, minerals of, 227; people of, 204, 209, 215, 218 Gibraltar, 94, 155 Glacial shelves, 59 (fig. 6), 60 (fig. 7), 61, 122 Glaciers, 51, 57, 73 Gleditschia, 79 Gloucestershire, 226 Gnats, 161, 162 Goats, 130, 178, 179, 188 Gradin de confluence, 58 Grasshopper, 165 Grasslands, 114-120, 133 Great Britain, glaciation of, 64; minerals of, 231; people of, 202, 203, 204, 209; rainfall of, 48; structure of, 33 Great Plains, 138 Greece, cattle in, 178; people of, 205 Greenland, 238 Guide-books, 14 Gulf of Mexico, 77, 102 Gulf of St. Lawrence, 139 Gulf Stream, 148 Hamster, 158 Hanging valleys, 58, 61 Harz Mountains, 227 Heat equator, 87 Heath, 130, 192 Heather, 133 Hedgehogs, 155, 159 Highlands of Scotland, 62, 200, 211 Himalayas, 32, 33 Hinxman, L., quoted, 44 Holm oak, 127, 129 Honey locust, 79 Horse, 155, 177, 188, 244 Humber, 46 Humboldt, 197, 198, 199, 210 Ritter, 7, 8 River-capture, 42-49 Roads, 241, 242 Robinia, 79 Rocky Mountains, 102, 120, 138 Rodents, 155, 156 Rosemary, 130 Round-headed race, 206, 207 Round skulls, 202, 206 Running-water, its effect, 28, 37 et seq. Russia, minerals of, 228; people of, 209 Rye, 172, 186 Sagebrush, 138 Sahara, 23, 86, 120, 240 Saiga antelope, 154 Salmon, 149, 150 SaÔne valley, 209 Saracens, 200 Sardines, 149 Sardinia, 208 Savoy, 209 Scandinavia, barley in, 172; berries in, 185; minerals of, 228; people of, 204, 209, 210; structure of, 33; weather of, 110 (fig. 12) Scotland, glaciation of, 52, 54, 62, 71; Highlands of, 62, 200; linen industry in, 235; Neolithic man in, 203, 206 Scrub, 119, 128, 135, 137, 169, 191 Sea-cows, 155 Seals, 145 Sea-urchins, 146 Secondary period, 34, 35, 36 Seine, 224 Se
href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@40187@40187-h@40187-h-3.htm.html#Page_182" class="pginternal">182, 183, 185 Whitefish, 150 Whortleberries, 185 Wild boar, 156 Wild cat, 159 Wild horse, 166 Wild sheep, 156, 166 Willows, 136 Wine, 183, 187, 190 Winter gulf of warmth, 206 Wood anemone, 123 Woodland, 115, 116; see also Forests Wolf, 159 Wolverene, 159 Yak, 244 Yellow fever, 161 York, 232 Yorkshire, 46, 47 (fig. 5), 232 Young rivers, 30, 40, 56 Yurt, 189 Zoogeographical regions, 151-154