- A
- Ab' o' th' Yate, 3, 18, 101
- Abram, Mr, Historian of Blackburn, 61
- Abram o' Bobs, 91
- Ale-taster of Rossendale, the, 101, 103
- Amen, Little, 99
- Animal food, 66
- Ann o' th' Kiln and Judie, 89
- Apostles' Creed, the, 77
- Aspirate, dropping the, 61, 62, 63
- Astronomer, Crabtree, the, 21
- Asylum, Whittingham Lunatic, 128
- Authors in Lancashire Dialect, 2, 5
- B
- Badger's shop, a, 123
- Bailey, Sir William, 49
- Ball, Canon, 122
- Bamford, Samuel, 112
- Barley Times, 85
- Belmont Churchwardens, 67
- Besom Ben, 3, 16
- Bill o' Jack's, 92
- Blackley, meeting at, 18
- Bobbin, Tim, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12
- Bobbins, thou'rt short o', 49
- Bocking Warp, 99
- Boring for compensation, 73
- Brandwood, witch o', 112
- Brierley Ben, 2, 5, 18, 75
- Bright, John, 47, 48
- Brooks, John, of Sunnyside, 94
- Brooks, Sam, Manchester banker, 94, 95, 96
- Bull-baiting in Rossendale, 83
- Burs-holder, 103
- C
- Chaucer, 4
- Christmas soiree, girl at, 37
- Clare, O. Leigh, Q.C., M.P., 53, 63
- Clegg, Trafford, 5
- Coal strike in Lancashire, 55
- Coger's Hall, 118
- Collier, John, 2, 3, 10, 12
- Consecrating the footpaths, 63
- Co-op. Mills, 69
- Coud an' hungry, Pioneers, Rochdale, 90
- Pooter, Owd, 64, 66
- Porritch powder, 17;
- water, 85
- Postman, Whittingham Lunatic Asylum, 128
- Potter's Memories, Louise, 35
- Power-loom breaking riots of 1826, 86
- Preston House of Correction, 23, 79
- Proverbs, Lancashire, 39
- Put a notice up, 65
- Q
- Quacks, R. J. Hampson on, 28
- Quiet sow, th', 39
- R
- Rachde Felley in London, the, 12, 13, 14
- Recognition, names of, 92
- Riding the Stang, 126
- Riggin' o' th' world, th', 11, 114
- Riots of 1826, power-loom breaking, 86
- Roberts, General, 64
- Robin o' Sceawter's feyther, 17
- Rochdale Pioneers, the, 90
- Rodger, Spanking, 99
- Rondle o' th' Nab's cat, 17
- Rossendale loom breakers, 87
- Rough and enough, 40
- S
- Sall o' Croppers, 120
- Sam, Owd, of Bury, 56
- Samson, Strong, 99
- School Inspection, humours of, 76, 77
- Scotch and Lancashire humour contrasted, 55
- Shakespeare, 4, 9
- Shackleton, Jim, and boring for compensation, 70
- Ship Canal, Manchester, 70
- Shooting or worrying th' Boers, 58
- Simeon, Happy, 99
- Sixteen eggs for a shilling, 65
- Smith, Jack, of Blackburn, 61
- Socialist, a Lancashire, 59
- Sond brid, the, 19
- Spanking Rodger, 95
- Spenser, 4
- Spindle Dick, 101
- Stalybridge man and his hat, 43
- Stang, riding the, 126
- Staton, J. T., 5
- Steam pressure, 64
- Stuart Mill, 37
- T
- Ta'en 'em as they come, 56
- Taker-in, the, 115
- Tattersall, Lord, 122
- Taylor, Gentleman, 108, 122
- Taylor, Richard, the Rossendale a
PRINTED BY TURNBULL AND SPEARS, EDINBURGH Transcriber's Note: Archaic and inconsistent punctuation and spelling retained.  |