
Abdul Hamid - 1
Angell, Norman - 1, 2
Antonines, Age of the - 1
Apuleius, Golden Ass of - 1
Arbuthnot, Dr. - 1
Aristotle, definition of happiness - 1
Arnold, Matthew, quoted - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Augustine, Saint - 1
Austria, Archduke Johann Salvator of - 1


Barcelona - 1, 2
Barnett, Canon, quoted - 1
Birdwood, Sir George, quoted - 1
Boer War - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
BÖrne, Ludwig, quoted - 1
Bolivar - 1
Booth, Charles - 1
Brailsford, H.N., quoted - 1
Brown, John - 1, 2, 3
Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted - 1
Browning, Robert - 1, 2, 3, 4
Buddhist Nuns - 1
Burke, Edmund - 1, 2
Burns, John - 1
Byron, as catfish - 1
quoted - 1
as rebel - 1
in Greece - 1
on the poor - 1, 2
death - 1


Cade, Jack - 1
Calvin - 1
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry - 1
Canning - 1
Canterbury, Archbishop of - 1
Carlyle, Thomas, on allurements - 1, 2
burning book - 1
on Mammon - 1
on Peterloo - 1
on landowners - 1
on heroes -
on war - 1
on Christ - 1
on invalids - 1
Chamfort - 1
Clarkson, Mr., of the Education Office - 1, 2, 3, 4
Clough, Arthur - 1
Coleridge - 1
Conway, Moncure - 1
Cooper, Thomas - 1
Cowper, William - 1
Cromwell - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Curzon, Lord - 1


Dante - 1
Danton - 1
Darwin - 1, 2
Davids, Mrs. Rhys - 1
Davitt, Michael - 1
Deborah - 1
Delany - 1, 2


Eliot, George, quoted - 1
Elliot, Ebenezer - 1
Emerson, quoted - 1
Emmet, Robert - 1, 2


Farrar, Dean - 1
Ferrer, of Barcelona - 1, 2
Finland - 1, 2, 3
France, Anatole - 1, 2
Frazer, The Golden Bough, quoted - 1
Free, Richard - 1
Futurists - 1


Garibaldi - 1, 2, 3, 4
Gaunt, Elizabeth, burnt - 1
George, Henry - 1
Germany, her conquest of England imagined - 1
Gibbon, quoted - 1
Ginnell, Lawrence, M.P. - 1
Gladstone -
foreign policy - 1
arbitration - 1
Goethe - 1
Faust, quoted - 1, 2, 3
science - 1


Hague, The, Conferences - 1, 2
Hampden, John - 1
Harmodius and Aristogeiton - 1
Hebrews, Epistle to, quoted - 1
Heine, Heinrich - 1
Henley, W.E., quoted - 1
Hobbes - 1
Hobson, J.A. - 1, 2
Hugo, Victor - 1, 2
Huxley, Thomas H. - 1


Ibsen, quoted - 1
India -
treatment of rebels - 1, 2
our government of - 1
Anglo-Indians - 1
Ireland - 1, 2, 3
Italy - 1


Jacques, M., of the West Coast - 1
James, Prof. William - 1, 2
Jameson, Sir L. Starr - 1
Joan of Arc - 1, 2, 3
Johnson, Dr., on Hell - 1
Jones, Ebenezer - 1
Jones, Ernest - 1
Judith - 1


Kant, quoted - 1
Kingsley, Charles, quoted - 1
Kipling, Rudyard, quoted or referred to - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Kossuth - 1


Landor, quoted - 1
Leopardi, quoted - 1
Linton, William James - 1
Lowell, J.R., quoted - 1
Lynch, Dr., M.P. - 1


Macaulay -
quoted - 1
in India - 1
MacDonald, J. Ramsay, M.P. - 1
Machiavelli - 1
Maeterlinck - 1
Malmberg, Mme., of Finland - 1
Malthus - 1
Mann, Tom - 1
Martineau, Harriet - 1
Marx, Karl - 1
Massey, Gerald - 1
Mazzini - 1, 2
Meredith, George, quoted - 1
Mill, John Stuart - 1, 2
Montfort, Simon de - 1
Morley, Lord -
on political offenders - 1
on books - 1
on government - 1
Morocco, Sultan of - 1
Morris, William - 1


Nash, Vaughan - 1
Nietzsche, quoted - 1, 2
Norway, the only democracy - 1


O'Neill, Shan - 1
Orth, Johann. See Archduke - 1


Paine, Tom - 1
Parnell, Charles Stuart - 1
Pater, Walter, quoted - 1
Paterson, Alexander - 1
Pope - 1
Proudhon - 1


Rienzi - 1
Rochefoucauld - 1
Roosevelt, Theodore - 1, 2
Rosebery, Lord, quoted - 1, 2
Rousseau, Jean Jacques - 1
Ruskin -
on deeds - 1
the burning book - 1
Hinksey road - 1
on Pusey - 1
Russell, Sir William - 1
Russia -
treatment of rebels - 1, 2
revolution in - 1, 2
Finland - 1
subject races - 1
our alliance with - 1
Japanese war - 1


Schiller - 1
Sharp, Cecil - 1
Shaw, George Bernard - 1, 2
Shelley - 1, 2
Smith, Sir H. Llewellyn - 1
Stead, W.T. - 1
Stephen, Sir James, quoted - 1
Stevenson, R.L., quoted - 1
Stowe, Mrs. Beecher - 1
Stubel, Milli. See Archduke - 1
Suffrage, women's - 1
penalties for demanding - 1
suffragettes - 1
in Norway - 1
subject race - 1
parallels in past - 1, 2
in conversation - 1
woman's place the home - 1
Sumner, Prof., quoted - 1
Swift, quoted - 1
Drapier's Letters - 1
indignation - 1
his lovable nature - 1
Gulliver, quoted - 1


Tell, William - 1, 2
Tennyson, quoted - 1, 2, 3
Tillett, Ben - 1
Tolstoy, the burning book - 1
death - 1
as rebel - 1
on Empires - 1
on death - 1
Tomkinson, James - 1
Tone, Wolfe - 1
Trevelyan, George M. - 1
Treves, Sir Frederick, quoted - 1
Tripoli - 1
Turkey - 1, 2, 3, 4
Twain, Mark, quoted - 1
Tyler, Wat - 1


Unwin, Mrs. Cobden, quoted - 1


Vaughan, Cardinal - 1
Victoria, Queen - 1


Walkley, A.W. - 1
Wallace, Sir William - 1, 2
Weils, H.G. - 1
Whitman, Walt, quoted - 1, 2
William the Silent - 1
Wolseley, Lord, quoted - 1
Wordsworth - 1


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