
I.—Is all our company here?—Shakespeare
II.—What stories I'll tell when my sojerin' is o'er.—Lever
III.—Come all ye warmheart'd countrymen I pray you will draw near.—Old Ballad
IV.—Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of ground.—Shakespeare
V.—I would rather live in Bohemia than in any other land.—John Boyle O'Reilly
VI.—What strange things we see and what queer things we do.—Modern Song
VII.—He employs his fancy in his narrative and keep his recollections for his wit.—Richard Brindsley Sheridan
VIII.—Every one shall offer according to what he hath.—Deut.
IX.—One man in his time plays many parts.—Shakespeare
X.—Originality is nothing more than judicious imitation.—Voltaire
XI.—All places that the eye of heaven visits are happy havens.—Shakespeare
XII.—There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio.—Shakespeare
XIII.—Life is mostly froth and bubble.—The Hill
XIV.—Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time.—Shakespeare
XV.—Come what come may, time and the hour runs through the roughest day.—Shakespeare
XVI.—A new way to pay old debts.
XVII.—The actors are at hand.—Shakespeare
XVIII.—Twinkle, twinkle little star.—Nursery Rhymes
XIX.—Experience is a great teacher—the events of life its chapters.—Sainte Beuve
XX.—I am not an imposter that proclaim myself against the level of my aim.—Shakespeare
XXI.—I'll view the town, peruse the traders, gaze upon the buildings.—Shakespeare
XXII.—Is this world and all the life upon it a farce or vaudeville.—Geo. Elliott
XXIII.—All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players.—Shakespeare
XXIV.—There's nothing to be got nowadays, unless thou can'st fish for it.—Shakespeare
XXV.—Joy danced with Mirth, a gay fantastic crowd.—Collins
XXVI.—Say not "Good Night," but in some brighter clime bid me "Good Morning."—Barbauld



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