nal">232, 254 Crockford’s, 94, 185, 186, 190–191, 229–232 Croker, John Wilson, 275 Crown and Anchor Tavern, 35 Cunningham, Colonel, 13 Curtis, Sir William, 302–303 Daffy Club, the, 32 Damer, Colonel, 232 Daniel’s, 9 Davies’s “Life of Garrick” quoted, 76 Defoe, Daniel, 19 Devonshire Club, the, 228–232 Devil Tavern, the, 1 Dickens and the George and Vulture, 20; - his chair, 278;
- reconciliation with Thackeray, 280
Dickens Club, the, 7 Digby, Sir Kenelm, 31 Dilettanti Society, 256, 257–263 Disraeli, Isaac, 278 Dryden, John, 24, 25, 28 Dudley, Lord, 35 Duff, Captain William, 244 Durnford, Bishop, 279 East India United Service Club, the, 254–255 Eccentric members, 198 Eclipse, the race-horse, 297–298 Edinburgh Club, the, 59 Edward VII, King, 165, 204, 205, 219 Edwards, Mr., and the introduction of coffee-houses, 18 Elections, 157 Ellice, Edward, 232 Elliot, Lettsom, 282 Essex Head, the, 8 Estcourt, Richard, 19 Etiquette at coffee-houses, 17–18 Evans’s, 31–32 “Everlasting,” the, 34 Fines, 182 Fitzgerald, George Robert, 115–118 FitzHarris, Lord, 302 Foote, Samuel, 263–267 Little-man’s Coffee-house, 12 Lloyd’s Coffee-house, 21 Locker, Frederick, 63 London Coffee-house, the, 20 Lotus Club, the, 220 Low, David, 30, 31 Lowther, Sir James, 9 Lying Club, the, 33 Macaulay, Lord, 278 M’Clean, the highwayman, 94 Macklin, Charles, 288 Mackreth, Sir Robert, 91, 129 Maison DorÉe Club, the, 206 Malcolm, Sir John, 212–213 Manning, Cardinal, 279 Marlborough Club, the, 147, 218–219 Martindale, John, 77 Mathews, Charles, 286–287 Mermaid Tavern, the, 1 Miles and Evans’s, 98 Military clubs, 240 Mills, Pemberton, 80 Mitre Tavern, 6, 8 Montagu, the Duke of, 72–74 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 270–271 Montfort, Lord, 90–91, 94 Morris, Charles, 47–50 “Mug-house clubs,” 24 Murphy, Arthur, 290 Nando’s, 3 Napoleon III, the Emperor, 82, 248–249 National Club, the, 237–238 National Liberal Club, the, 195, 236 National Sporting Club, the, 32 Naval and Military Club, the, 251–253, 256 Norfolk, Charles, eleventh Duke of, 46–50, 131–132 Northumberland, the Countess of, 77 North’s, 9 Octagon rooms at St. James’s Club, 217; |