- Abingdon, Lord, 77
- Absence, 77, 259, 261, 283
- Adventurer, the, 246
- Agar’s Plough, 280, 281
- Ainger, the Rev. A. C., 121, 127
- Ainslie, Mr. Douglas, viii, 305
- Albert, Prince, 148
- Alford, Lord, 88
- Allen, Anthony, 136
- Allestree, Provost, 14
- Angelo, Miss, 64
- Ante-Chapel, 5, 187
- Army class, 231
- Athletics, modern admiration for, 241, 242
- Atholl, Duke of, 41
- Austen Leigh, Mr. R. A., 191
- Austen Leigh, William, 225
- “Bacchus verses,” 163, 164
- Badge-giving, 38-40
- Balston, Dr., 189, 290-292
- Barnard, Dr., 21, 22, 218, 264
- Barnes Pool Bridge, 52, 205, 293
- Bayley, Emilius, 275
- Beagles, the, 283-285, 296
- “Beaks,” 298
- Bear, Johnny, 217
- Benson, Mr. A. C., 166, 270
- Benthall, E. C., K.S. (Keeper of the Wall, 1911), 266
- Bethell, Mr., 150, 207
- Betting, 323
- “Bever,” 166
- Bircham, Mr. F. T., 90
- “Bishop,” 114
- Blake-Humfrey, Mr. R. H., 261
- Blandford, Lord, 41
- Bligh, the Hon. Arthur, 219
- Block, the, anecdotes concerning, 89, 90, 92
- Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 190
- Boating song, the Eton, its history, 121, 122
- Bogle Smith, 219
- Boland, Billy, 274
- Bott, College constable, 219
- Gladstone, 57, 127, 169, 170, 233, 247, 248;
- as an Eton boy at Montem, 137
- Godolphin, Provost, 89, 173, 176
- Goodall, Dr., 26-29, 68, 72, 95, 187
- Goodford, Dr., 85, 86, 91, 117, 237, 256, 292
- Gown, changes concerning, 210, 211, 215
- Gray, 242
- Green, “Polly,” 284
- Grieve, an Eton boy burnt to death, 45
- Groves, Barney, 104
- Hale, the Rev. E., 293
- Hall, Jack, 103
- Hall, the College, 15, 140;
- remodelling of western end, architectural history, 162;
- drastic restoration in 1858, 163;
- present condition, 165
- Harcourt, the Rt. Hon. Lewis, vii, 127, 128, 201
- Harding, 80, 273
- Harris, Mr., 234
- Harrow, 240
- Hatecliffe, William, first Eton scholar (1443), 225
- Hatton, Mrs., her “sock shop,” 247
- Haverley, Jack, 254
- Hawtrey, Dr., 40, 41, 58, 65, 66, 81, 84, 87, 95, 111, 118, 143, 149, 150, 160, 255, 267, 274, 288-290;
- his monument in Chapel, 38, 41
- Noblemen’s stalls (torn down at restoration of Chapel), 175, 182
- Officers’ Training Corps, 293
- Okes, Dr., 197
- Oppidan Dinner, 259-261
- “Oppidan scholars,” 231
- “Oppidans’ Museum,” 115
- “Orders,” 313, 314
- Organ case, description of old, 176;
- its history after being discarded by Eton authorities, 177, 178
- Organ screen, modern, 184
- Pass, Charley (sock cad), 108
- Pepys, 15, 164, 172
- Phillott, 269
- Pinnacles, rebuilding of old, 189, 190
- Plumtre, Mr., 150, 173
- Poaching, 101
- Pop, 77, 119, 247-249, 297, 328
- Porson, 213, 216
- “Poser’s child,” quaint usage, 223
- “Posers,” 222, 223
- Powell, Jem, 102, 103
- Powell, well-known character at the Wall, 268
- Poyntz, Stephen, captain of Montem in 1706, lines by, 136
- Praepostors, 6, 9, 306, 307
- “Private Tutors,” 41;
- nickname for “cads,” 102
- Private Tutors, 105
- Prose, 46
- Protestant Etonian martyrs, 7, 8
- Provost’s Lodge, 160
- Punch, 149
- Rackets, 281
- Rattee, contractor for “restoration” of Chapel, 183
- “Ripping,” quaint usage, 224
- Roberts, Lord, 170
- Rosebery, Lord, vii, 127, 171, 248, 258
- Rouse, Provost, 13
- Rowing, notes upon history of, at Eton, 252-263
- Rowland’s
69-h-20.htm.html#Page_274" class="pginternal">274
- White (Dr. Hornby’s servant), 92
- White Hart (inn), 259
- Wilder, the Rev. John, 162, 165, 181, 186
- Williams’, 325
- Winchilsea, Lord, 271, 272
- Winchester, 5, 181, 240, 275, 277, 279, 280
- Windham, William, 26
- Windmill (inn), Botham’s, 142, 156
- Windsor Fair, 53-55
- Windsor races, 56
- Woodyer, Mr. (architect), 189, 191
- Wotton, Sir Henry, 10-13
- Wren, Sir Christopher, 175, 176
THE END Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. [1] See Chapter VI.