class="pginternal">59, 66, 67, 328, 329; capture of, 232, 248, 249, 346 E - Earle, General, 3
- Egyptian War Office (Intelligence Department), 105, 167, 168, 197, 291, 295, 298
- El Agia, 15, 16, 19–22
- El Etroun, 15, 23
- El Fasher, 203, 311
- El Fun, 143, 144
- El Kiyeh, 15, 22, 23
- El Obeid, 10, 220
- Elias, clerk to Neufeld, 8, 12, 14, 24–29, 35, 36, 43, 50, 66
- Elias Pasha, 4
- Emirs—
- Abd-el-Baagi, 257, 261, 264
- Ahmed Fedeel, 176, 243
- Ali Wad Saad, 91
- Makin en Nur, 37, 59
- Mohammed Hamad'na Allah, 176–179, 186
- Mohammed Hamza, 27, 37–40, 43, 44, 59
- Mohammed Taher, 88
- Nur Angara, 70, 76
- Wad Bessir, 59, 176–178, 198, 261, 265, 270
- Hamad Wad el Malek, 246
- Hamaida, 234, 237
- Hanafi, 110, 151
- Hassan Bey Hassanein, 325–331
- Hassan Hosny, 181, 209, 234
- Hassan Zecki, 174, 177, 232
- Hasseena, 4, 8–12, 25–29, 32–36, 40–46, 50–52, 68, 72, 81, 102, 103, 108, 109, 118, 135, 185–194, 195
- Hassib Allah, 59, 60
- Hicks Pasha, 88, 101, 178, 309, 310, 313, 326
- Hogal Dufa'allah, 4–14, 54, 58, 62, 78, 245, 255
- Hunter, General, 293
- Hussein Pasha Khaleefa, 308, 309
- I
- Ibrahim Pasha Fauzi, 167, 208, 77, 152–154, 160, 195
- Marriage customs, 86, 121–123, 126, 135–138, 189
- Maxwell, Colonel, 281
- Mecklenburg, Duke of, 291
- Mehkemmeh, the, 105, 110, 163
- Metemmeh, 68, 247
- Mihrab, 267
- Mimbar, 267
- Mohammad Ali Pasha, 349, 350
- Mohammad Effendi Rafai, 167
- MÖller, 68, 153, 154, 160
- Moxley, Hewett, 298
0.htm.html#p113" title="go to p. 113" class="pginternal">113, 116– 119, 143; subordinate gaolers, 123, 127– 129, 173, 174, 262; women’s prison, 125, 126 R S - Sabalooka, 243, 249, 257
- Said Abdel Wohatt, 175, 178–182, 209
- Said Gumaa, 91, 203
- Selima Wells, 11–15, 19–23, 59, 78
- Sennar, 84, 350
- Shayba (yoke), 38, 219
- Sheiks—
- Ahmed Nur ed Din, 54, 105–109, 111, 127
- Ed Din, 130, 233, 264, 271, 273, 274
- Hamad El Nil, 85, 102, 103
- Mahmoud Wad Said, 83, 90, 118, 121, 247
- Saleh Bey Wad Salem, 2–6, 11–22, 28, 31, 46–49, 55–221
- Zobheir Pasha, 176, 202
- Zoghal, 203, 310
- Zubeir, 349
This transcription is based on the first edition of this book, page scans of which are available from; search for prisonerofkhalee00neuf, for example. Original spelling and grammar are generally retained, with a few exceptions noted below. The original page numbers are shown like this: "97". ¶Illustrations have been moved from within paragraphs to between. I created the cover image by editing an image of the original, and it is in the public domain. Larger images with better resolution are provided only in the html edition, for three illustrations—the Map (p. 15), the Sketch (p. 23), and the Plans (p. 334). ¶Blank pages, numbered or not, have been removed. Footnotes have been moved from within paragraphs to between paragraphs. Ditto marks have been removed, with associated text rearranged as necessary to retain the same meaning. Page 78. In “is his prophet; and then, ‘I believe”, a right single quotation mark was added after prophet, to match the earlier left mark. Page 165 note. The double quotation marks do not seem to be balanced, but have been retained as printed. Page 294. The author refers to a translation of a letter appearing on “p. 336”. This seems to be an error, and has been corrected to point to page 338, Appendix III. Page 352. In original “to the doors of one who pretented to be the mouthpiece”, pretented is changed to pretended. |