A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Ain-Tunga, 129
- AÏssaouas, 201, 223
- Algiers, 3-33, 38, 40, 42, 195
- Arab Cemetery, 25
- Bois de Boulogne, 31
- Carpet school, 8
- Casbah, 5, 31
- Cathedral, 33
- Chateau Hydra, 31
- Colonne Voirol, 27
- Embroidery school, 7
- Fort des vingt-quatre heures, 33
- Jardin d’Essai, 20, 25
- Koubba, 31
- Marabout of Sidi Noumann, 27
- Moorish houses, 7
- Moorish villas, 23
- Mosque of Sidi Abder Rahman, 9
- Museum, 33
- Notre Dame d’Afrique, 31
- Penon, 12
- Tiger Gateway, 12
- Atlas Mountains, 130
- Aures Mountains, 74, 78, 83, 95, 130
- B
- Batna, 42, 93, 94, 98
- Belisarius, 109, 185
- Berbers, 78, 82
- Biskra, 42, 44, 58-89, 207, 222
- The races, 84
- Bizerta, 189
- BÔne, 46
- Bougie, 46
- Bou KorneÏne, 183, 194
- Bouzareah, 27, 28
- Bruce, 98, 103, 134
- C
- Carthage, 127, 141, 154, 173, 179-189, 199
- Aqueduct, 185
- Byrsa, 182, 189
- Cathedral, 184
- Chapel of St. Louis, 184
- Museum, 182
- Punic cisterns, 184
- Punic tombs, 186
- Roman amphitheatre, 186
- Cervantes, 32
- Charles V., 142, 173
- Chehoud el Batal, 128
- Cherchell, 30, 126
- Chotts, 207
- Claudian, 30
- Col de Sfa, 83
- Constantine, 107-115, 195
- Baths of Sidi MeÇid, 115
- Bridge of el Kantara, 108
- Casbah, 112
- Cathedral, 114
- Chemin des Touristes, 112
- Gorge of the Roumel, 110
- Mansoura, 110
- Palace of the Bey, 115
- Sidi Rached, 111
- Constantine the Great, 108
- Creuly (General), 125
- D
- DamrÉmont (General), 109
- De Bourmont (General), 30
- Dely Ibrahim, 20
- Dey of Algiers, 5, 11, 32
- Dido, 180
- Diocletian, 132
- Djebel Ahmar Kreddou, 81
- Djebel Chenoua, 29
- Djebel Djouggar, 185
- Dougga, 126-135
- Bab el Roumi, 134
- Mausoleum, 135
- Temple of Celestis, 133
- Theatre, 134
- DouÏrat, 209
- E
- El Ariana, 173
- El Bahira, 173, 174, 183
- El Biar, 17, 21, 28
- El Djem, 196-203
- El Guerrah, 40
- El Kahina, 197, 200
- El Kantara, 43-54, 67, 75, 78, 130
- Exmouth (Lord), 11
- G
- GabÈs, 207
- Gafsa, 207
- Gates of the desert, 43
- Gildon (Count), 97
- Gordian, 200
- Goums, 87
- H
- Hadrian, 185
- HÆdo, 32
- Hamilcar Barca, 181
- Hammamet, 195
- Hammam Meskoutine, 119-126, 198
- Le mariage Arabe, 122
- The hot springs, 120
- The subterranean lake, 123
- Hammam R’hira, 121
- Hammam Salahin, 83
- Hannibal, 181
- Hanno, 181
- Hercha, 195
- Himilco, 181
- Honorius, 97
- J
- Julius CÆsar, 108
- Justinian, 108
- K
- Kabylia, 18, 78
- Kairouan, 153, 207-226
- Bab Djelladin, 211
- Mosque of the Barber, 219
- Mosque of the Olives, 214
- Mosque of the Swords, 221
- Mosque of the Three Doors, 221
- Porte de Tunis, 211, 218
- Well of el Barota, 212
- Zankat Touila, 211
- Zaouia Sidi Abid el Ghariani, 220
- Khroumirie, 129
- L
- Lactantius, 188
- Laghouat, 86
- La Goulette, 173, 183, 189
- La Malga, 185
- La Marsa, 173, 188
- Lambessa, 95
- Lavigerie (Cardinal), 73, 184
- Lucius Munatius Gallus, 97
- M
- Mago, 182
- Masinissa, 108
- Matmata, 209
- Maximin, 200
- Medenine, 209
- Medjerda (River), 127, 133
- Medjez el Bab, 127, 135
- Micipsa, 107
- Mohammed, 66, 154, 156, 189, 210, 212
- Mustapha (Lower), 19, 25
- Mustapha (Upper), 5, 17, 19, 21, 27, 39
- N
- Nero, 97
- O
- Optatus (Bishop), 97
- Oran, 33
- Ouled NaÏls, 88
- P
- PerrÉgaux (General), 109
- Playfair, 134
- Pliny, 200
- Ptolemy, 96, 200
- R
- Robson (John), 24
- Ruspina, 195
- S
- Sahara, 50, 57, 61, 72, 80, 83
- St. Arcadius, 30
- St. Augustine, 97, 132, 188
- St. Cyprian, 187, 188
- St. Felicita, 187
- St. Louis of France, 183, 184, 188
- St. Marcian, 30
- St. Nemphanion, 186
- St. Perpetua, 187
- St. Vincent de Paul, 143
- Sallust, 108, 195
- San Geronimo, 32
- Sbeitla, 208
- Scipio, 179
- Sedjoumi (Lake), 173
- Sfax, 197
- Shaw, 98, 109
- Sidi Bou SaÏd, 183, 188
- Sidi Mohammed Bou Kobrin, 26
- Sidi Okba, 82, 210, 214
- Sidi Okba (village), 80
- Sophonisba, 108
- Sousse, 193-197
- StaouËli, 30
- Syphax, 107
- T
- Tacitus, 97
- Tebessa, 126
- Teboursouk, 130
- Tertullian, 188
- Testour, 128
- Tibilis, 124
- Timgad, 93-104, 134
- Arch of Trajan, 103
- Baths, 102
- Forum, 100
- Market, 101
- Museum, 99
- Salle de rÉunion, 100
- Via Decumanus Maximus, 100
- Tipaza, 30, 126
- Tomb of the Christian, 29
- Touaregs, 78, 85, 88
- Tougourt, 84, 88, 207
- Tozeur, 209
- Trajan, 97, 195
- Tunis, 11, 139-175, 195, 196
- Bab Djazira, 143, 171
- Bab Djedid, THE END
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