Universal Brotherhood is published on the twenty-fifth day of the month preceding date of issue. Main Office: Theosophical Publishing Co., 144 Madison Avenue, New York City. London: Theosophical Book Company, 3 Vernon Place, Bloomsbury Square. W. C. Dublin: 13. Eustace Street. Cable Address: “Judge,” New York. Annual Subscription for the United States, Canada and Mexico, $2.00; 6 months $1.00; 3 months 50 cents; single copy, 20 cents. Foreign countries in the Postal Union, 9s. per annum; six months 4s. 6d.; single copy, 1s. Payable in advance. Remittances should be made by draft, check, post office order or registered letter. All remittances should be made payable and sent to Theosophical Publishing Company. Change of Address. No change of address will be made within ten days previous to mailing day. Manuscripts must be accompanied by postage for return if found unavailable. Advertising Rates, which are moderate, may be obtained on application to the publishers. Agents.—Active Agents are desired in every part of the world, to whom liberal inducements will be offered. Communications intended for the Editorial Department should be addressed “Editor, Universal Brotherhood, 144 Madison Avenue, New York City,” and should include no other matter. Those intended for the Business and Publishing Department should be addressed to “Theosophical Publishing Co., 144 Madison Avenue, New York City.” It is particularly requested that this notice be complied with. The Editors are not responsible for signed or unsigned articles in this Magazine, to which neither of their names are attached. ANNOUNCEMENT. UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD is a Magazine devoted to the promulgation of the principles of the Brotherhood of Humanity in the widest sense. It is an organ whose aim is to show that the Unity or Brotherhood of Mankind is an actual fact in nature. If this principle were better understood by the multitude or even by certain classes of Society there would be less strife and competition and more sympathy and co-operation. The demonstration of these broad ideas from the Ethical, Scientific and Practical points of view will prove that there is much agreement between these systems on this topic, and that it is an underlying ground-work by means of which all Religions and all Philosophies agree also. This magazine will endeavor to show the great similarity between the Religions of the world, in their fundamental beliefs and doctrines as also the value of studying other systems than our own. A sound basis for ethics should be found. Those who would assist the cause of Brotherhood should realize that it is of the first importance to discover as much as possible concerning the nature of man and man’s relation to the world around him. The laws that govern his physical, mental, moral and spiritual being should be studied and investigated. It is hoped that every sympathizer with the cause of brotherhood will endeavor to assist us in enlarging the circulation of this magazine. Subscribers will greatly oblige by sending us the names and addresses of individuals known to them as willing to investigate liberal ideas. All writers who are interested in the above objects are invited to contribute articles. It is in the hands of our readers to push the circulation of Universal Brotherhood to an almost unlimited extent. All profits arising from the publication of this magazine, or from the business conducted by the Theosophical Publishing Co., are devoted to propaganda of Brotherhood. All who assist us in this work are directly helping the great cause of humanity. “The Theosophical ideas of charity mean personal exertion for others; personal mercy and kindness; personal interest in the welfare of those who suffer; personal sympathy, forethought and assistance in their troubles or needs.”—H. P. Blavatsky, Key to Theosophy. “To help men and women to realize the nobility of their calling and their true position in life.”—First Object of the International Brotherhood League. Universal Brotherhood |