Frontispiece: William Q. Judge. | A Happy New Year, | Katherine A. Tingley. | 527 | Comrades; Greeting! | E. Aug. Neresheimer. | 528 | Alphonse de Lamartine, | Alexander Wilder, M.D. | 529 | Point Loma and its Legend, | Frank M. Pierce. | 541 | Evolution and Involution, | H.A. Freeman. | 542 | The Cycle of Life, Translated from the Polish by V.A.H. | Mary Konopnitsky. | 549 | Gods, Heroes and Men, | Amos J. Johnson. | 551 | The Philosophy of Suicide, | T. B. Wilson. | 554 | The Ethics of Sex, | Grace G. Bohn. | 558 | The Sokratic Club, | Solon. | 562 | Fragment—Omniscience, | Adhiratha. | 566 | Form or Matter, | W. E. Gates. | 568 | Students' Column, | Conducted by J. H. Fussell. | 572 | Young Folks' Department: A Christmas Story, | M. S. L. | 575 | Brotherhood Activities, | | 579 | Mrs. Katherine A. Tingley, Mr. E. A. Neresheimer, Editors. $ 2.00 PER YEAR. ISSUED MONTHLY. PER COPY 20 CENTS Entered as second class matter at New York Post-office. "Universal Brotherhood" DEVOTED TO The Brotherhood of Humanity, the Theosophical Movement, Philosophy, Science and Art. Founded in 1886 under the Title of "The Path," by WILLIAM Q. JUDGE.