Once more we enter upon a new year, and the Greetings of our hearts rise spontaneously and go out to our loved ones and comrades throughout the world, to all the people of the earth, and to all creatures. We look back through twenty-three years and we see that lion-hearted pioneer H.P. Blavatsky standing alone, proclaiming her message to the world. Then a few gather around her and among them is our beloved Chief, William Q. Judge. A little later, H.P.B. leaves America for Europe and India, and the picture comes before us of W.Q. Judge meeting in New York, night after night, often alone, sometimes with but one or two. We know now what he was doing. We can see now how faithfully he tended the seed that has grown to a tree which is for the healing of the nations, and how he watched the spark that is now bursting into flame, a beacon of Truth, Light and Liberation for discouraged humanity. How small a beginning! How glorious the result even now! But could I show you the picture of a few years hence you would say it is beyond belief. But it is not. The tide has turned. The sorrow and suffering which have oppressed Humanity for ages are nearing their end, the day of hope has already dawned, the new age and the new year of Universal Brotherhood has begun. How glorious then is the opportunity of all to-day, and how great the responsibility of each one to help and not obstruct or hinder this work for humanity. Success cannot be attained without effort. The evil in the world and in man's own nature cannot be overcome without a struggle. But is it not a glorious thing to fight on and still fight? Some, perhaps, may fall, some have fallen in the struggle, but the victory is certain, and if all, when they are sore-pressed, would but remember the words of H.P.B., they would take new courage and new strength to go ever forward. "Trials you must pass through or you will not be purified." "Twenty failures are not irremediable if followed by as many undaunted struggles upward! Is it not so that mountains are climbed?" And can we not see already how glorious is the work that has been accomplished. But two short years to the end of the Century and we shall see the Sun shining gloriously. The battle is already won, the darkness is already fast disappearing before the light of day. The work of H.P.B. and W.Q.J. has spread around the world and with each New Year the note of Brotherhood resounds more clearly and the Happy New Year shall be realized. What a Greeting the Chief would, and Katherine A. Tingley. |