Great Wits to Madness sure are near ally’d: And thin Partitions do their Bounds divide. Av’rice and Knav’ry sure are near ally’d; And thin Partitions do their Bounds divide. ——Who steals my Purse, steals Trash. ’Twas mine; ’tis his; and has been Slave to thousands: But he who filches from me my good Name, Robs me of that which not enriches him, But makes me poor indeed.—— Shakespeare. One Science only will one Genius fit; So vast is Art, so narrow human Wit. * The Society commenced in March 1754. † Every Member pays at the least two Guineas a Year; or one Payment of twenty Guineas for Life. Besides the Committees (which meet almost daily, and which are open to every Member) the Society, for the most Part of the Year, assemble once a Week; at which Times so many useful and curious Matters are discuss’d as render them a most rational Entertainment. And, that no Partiality may be shewn, or Benefit lost, every Member has full Liberty to throw out his Thoughts, and to propose whatever, in his Opinion, may be of Utility, and advance the Intentions of the Society. Decorative header