- Anaesthol, 36
- Anesthesia, Complete, 11
- Depth Required by Various Cases, 43
- General Course of, 31
- Induction of, 10
- Intubation, 39
- Minor, with Ethyl-Chloride, 38
- Primary, 11
- Anesthetic, Concentrated, 24
- Ano-respiratory Reflex, 22
- Asphyxia, Post-operative, 33
- Awakening, Signs of, 16, 31
- Breath, Holding the, 22
- Breathing, Influence of Morphine on, 37
- Mechanical Obstruction to, 25
- Obstructed, 24
- Breathing-tube, 26
- Camphor-Ether Stimulation, 29
- Cardiac Collapse, 12
- Cases Requiring Superficial Anesthesia, 43
- Clogging of the Anesthesia Tubes, 42
- Cocainization of the Pharynx, 40
- Collapse, Cardiac, 12
- Color, 17
- In Intubation Anesthesia, 42
- Complete Anesthesia, 11
- Cornea, 19
- Coughing During Narcosis, 22
- Crowding, 13, 24
- Degree, Surgical, 11
- In Intubation Anesthesia, 41
- Distress, Post Operative, 34
- Ethyl-Chloride, Minor Anesthesia with, 38
- Eyelid Test, 20
- Gas Pain, 34
- Holding the Breath, 22
- Idiosyncrasy, Individual, 21
- Incision, Initial, 15
- Individual Idiosyncrasy, 21
- Induction of Anesthesia, 10
- Infusion, Venous, 29
- Initial Incision, 15
- Intubation Anesthesia, 39
- Color in, 42
- Clogging of the Tubes in, 42
- Pulse in, 42
- Respiration in, 42
- Surgical Degree, 41
- Lips, Valve Action of, 25
- Maintenance of the Surgical Plane, 16
- Mask, Schimmelbusch, 9
- Mechanical Obstruction to Breathing, 25
- Minor Anesthesia with Ethyl-Chloride,