- cigar boxes
- scissors, small X-Acto knife with #11 blades
- Tri-Tix rubber cement, Elmer’s glue
- black construction paper, index cards or similar weight cardboard
- paper clips
- small palette knife or spatula
- spray cans of paint, black rubber-base paint
- piece of plate glass about 12” square
In addition, you are apt to need ... - Pliobond cement (manufactured by Goodyear)
- tooling aluminum or copper (from craft or hobby shops)
- Balsa wood in ½ and 1 thick boards, or slabs of styrofoam plastic. Balsa wood from hobby shops; styrofoam from florists, ten-cent stores, or insulation companies.
- assorted twigs and dried weeds, collected in the Fall
- sawdust sifted into fine, medium, and coarse grades
- “Rit” or “Tintex” dye—greens and browns
- lichen (from model railroad shops)
- gravel and fine sand
- nut picks, leather modelling tools, dental tools, etc.
- assorted jars with lids, cans, other mixing containers
- paper mache mix (explained in text)
- model kits, novelties, souvenirs, post-cards, etc.