(264) The last process in the production of yarn is that in which the rovings, obtained in the manner described, are elongated and twisted into a thread. To many persons this is known as “spinning,” although strictly speaking, that phrase is applicable to the whole range of treatment by which cotton is converted into yarn. Using the term, however, in its narrower sense, spinning may be either an intermittent or continuous operation, that is, the rovings can be twisted for a portion of the time only during which the machine is working, or for the whole of that period. Although the latter system is the most ancient, for the last century the former has been more generally pursued. It is, therefore, advisable to describe first the machine by which it is carried out. (265) This is known as the “mule,” and owing to the practical automaticity of its mechanism, as the “self-acting” mule or “self actor.” It is without exception the most interesting of the whole series of machines used in cotton manufacture, combining an intricate sequence of mechanical movements with great ingenuity. As a further consideration will show, one piece or part of the mechanism used performs work widely diverse in its character at different periods, and it is this fact which renders the mule so difficult a machine to understand. The time occupied in completing the cycle of operations which constitute mule spinning is so small that the action of the various parts must be very rapid and certain. In order to understand the description which follows, it will be advisable to define the stages or periods which succeed each other and form the entire process. (266) In order to facilitate the grasp of the subject by the reader, it will be better to describe first and briefly the essential or primary parts of the machine. These are shown in Fig. 148, which is a purely diagrammatic representation. The roving bobbins A are fitted on a skewer and placed in the frame or creel arranged at the back of the machine, being held in an almost vertical position. The roving R is guided as shown to the nip of triple lines of drawing rollers B B B. From the rollers the roving passes to the tip or point of a steel spindle H, sustained by an upper bearing or bolster O, and a footstep N. These are fixed in wooden rails which form part of a box or frame I, known as the “carriage.” The carriage is fitted at convenient distances along its length, with cross brackets, in each end of which bearings are formed for the axes of the pulleys or runners P. These rest upon the edges of oblong iron bars or “slips” Q, which are securely fastened to the floor of the room. The spindle receives a rapid rotary motion, being driven by a band M, carried tightly round a small V grooved pulley or “warve” fixed on the spindle, and a light roller K extending longitudinally of the carriage, and fastened on a shaft T. The roller—or more correctly the “tin roller”—K is suitably driven, and, it will be easily understood that the direction and velocity of H will depend upon those of K. In its passage to the spindle the roving is taken under a small guide wire D—known as the (267) The rollers B perform the same office as those used in the drawing and roving machines, namely, the attenuation and delivery of the roving. Each of the three lines revolve at different velocities, that of the front line being the superior one, with the result that roving which, as was shown, has been already considerably reduced in diameter is still further attenuated prior to being twisted. (268) The roving is wrapped round the spindle two or three times in commencing operations, being sometimes rendered adhesive by paste, and sometimes wrapped on a paper tube placed on the spindle. Being thus held at one end by the spindle, and at the other by the nip of the front rollers, the rotation of the former will necessarily further twist the partially twisted roving. On the degree of twist—that is the number of turns per inch—depends the amount of roving delivered by the rollers in a given time, as explained in paragraph 234. (269) In the roving machines the relative positions of the spindle and front rollers are fixed, but in the mule an important variation in this practice occurs. The carriage I receives by suitably arranged mechanism an alternate movement from and towards the roller B. During the period they are delivering roving it is drawn away from them until it has travelled about 63 inches, when its motion ceases. While this traverse is taking place the spindles are revolving, and twist is therefore being introduced into the roving. The cessation of the motion of the carriage is accompanied by a similar stoppage of the rollers and spindles, and there is then a number of lengths of yarn—each 63 inches—held in tension by them. This traverse of the carriage is called its “stretch” or “draw.” (270) The yarn, as thus spun, requires winding upon the spindle, so as to form the cop, but before doing this it is necessary to free two or three turns which are wrapped on the spindle between its point and the point or “nose” of the cop. This operation is called “backing off.” In order to effect it the roller K has its motion reversed for a short time, so as to give the necessary backward rotation to the spindles. The slack yarn thus produced is taken up, first, by the ascent of the counter faller, and, second, by the descent of the winding faller. The former rises sufficiently to preserve the tension of the yarn as it is freed, and the latter is drawn down so as to assume a proper position to commence winding when the operation of backing off is completed. (271) As soon as this stage is finished the inward traverse of the carriage I commences, an operation which is accompanied by the forward revolution of the spindles, which thus wrap or “wind” on to the cop the 63 inches of twisted yarn. The rollers during winding are, of course, stationary. By the time the carriage has again reached its innermost point the full length of yarn is wound, and during that period the faller has risen from the base of the upper cone of the cop to its nose. This ascent is a gradual one, and (272) It is now possible to define the various stages in the whole process of mule spinning. These are as follows:— First. The period during which roving is being delivered and twisted. During it, the rollers are revolving at a defined speed; the carriage is being drawn outwards at a constant rate; the spindles are revolving rapidly at a velocity definitely relative to that of the front roller. During this period the faller and counter faller are held in the position shown in Fig. 148, being quite clear of the yarn. Fig. 148.J.N. Second. The period during which the movements just named are stopped. The roller driving gear is detached; the mechanism by which the carriage is drawn out is stopped; the spindles are stopped because of the transfer of the driving strap to the loose pulley and the consequent cessation of the motion of the driving band; and preparation for the engagement of the faller and counter-faller with the yarn takes place. Third. This is the period of “backing-off.” During it the driving band is driven in the contrary direction to its normal one, and the spindles are reversed. The faller wire is drawn down, depressing the yarn; the yarn between the nose of the cop and spindle point is uncoiled; the counter faller rises and takes up the slack yarn; and the faller is “locked.” Fourth. During this period “winding” takes place. The rollers are stationary; the carriage is “running in” at a variable speed; the spindles are revolving in the same direction as when twisting; and the winding faller is operated so as to guide the yarn on the cop. Fifth. The carriage comes to rest; the faller and counter faller are released; the roller driving gear is re-engaged; the strap is moved on to the fast pulley and the driving band put in motion; and the drawing out gear is again engaged. With this the cycle of movements is completed, and the whole of the operations begin anew. (273) There are thus five periods, viz., 1st, twisting; 2nd, arrestation; 3rd, backing-off; 4th, winding; and 5th, re-engagement. In addition to these, when fine yarns are spun, there is sometimes a sixth period, which takes place immediately after the termination of the first as at present defined. This is a period of supplementary twisting after the rollers have stopped. This operation is sometimes known as “twisting at the head,” and will be dealt with at a later stage. (274) It is thus indicated that at various times one part of the mechanism performs different functions. The rollers revolve for the whole or part of the first period and remain stationary afterwards. The spindles revolve at a constant and maximum velocity in their normal direction during the first period, at a slower but constant velocity in the reverse direction during the third period, and at a variable speed in their normal direction during the fourth stage. The carriage makes its outward run at a regular speed during the first period, is at rest during the second and third, and makes its inward traverse at a variable speed during the fourth. The winding faller remains stationary and free from contact with the yarn until the third period, when it makes a rapid descent to the winding point, after which it first descends quickly to its lowest point, and then ascends slowly to the nose of the cop during the fourth. The counter faller remains below and out of contact with the thread during the first and second periods, and ascends during the third, remaining in contact with and sustaining the yarn until the termination of the fourth. (275) This preliminary explanation will enable the detailed description following to be more easily understood and appreciated. As there are many variations in the construction of the mule it is desirable to select one of the most widely used, and for this reason the machine constructed by Messrs. Platt Brothers and Co. has been chosen for description. Front and back perspective views of the machine are given in Figs. 149 and 150. The Parr-Curtis mule is also largely employed, and many modifications of it exist. All the root principles which are contained in the machine are, however, found in the Platt machine. That is to say, it contains mechanism founded upon certain rules which are essential to all mules, so that, although the details may be, and are, varied, the main features are identical. A detailed description of its mechanism, therefore, will enable the subject to be fully understood, but, at the close of the chapter, particulars will be given of special features in other makers’ machines. To enable the construction of the machine to be more fully grasped, a series of diagrammatic views are given of each motion separately, and the reference letters are arranged so that each part is marked with the same letter in all the views in which it occurs, although the same letter, in some cases, refers to various parts in different diagrams. Fig. 151.J.N. (276) It may be first explained that the greater number of the parts by means of which the required motion is given to the various portions of the mechanism are contained in a longitudinal framing placed in the centre of the machine, this part of the mule being called the “headstock.” At right angles to the headstock, and at each side of it, the rollers and carriages extend for the entire length of the machine. The arrangement of a “pair” of mules is clearly shown in Fig. 151, the machines being usually placed with their headstocks zig-zag to one another. The carriage of one mule is coming out while that of the one opposite to it is at the roller beam, this arrangement permitting the free movement of the workman attending to the machines, and preventing the broken threads in each machine requiring piecing at the same time. It might, perhaps, be explained that “piecing” is always effected when the carriage is making the first part of the outward run, so that some inconvenience would arise if both carriages were in that position at the same time. A special motion is sometimes fitted by which each carriage is released alternately by the movement of the carriage opposite to it. Referring now to Fig. 151, H represents the headstocks of the two mules, E the lines of rollers, F the end frames, and O the carriages. It will be noticed that the headstock divides the machine into two portions of unequal length, each of which contains its own rollers and spindles. The special object of this is to enable the mules to be placed in closer proximity than could be done if both sides were of the same length, and the headstocks were placed quite opposite to each other. (277) The rollers are in three lines, and are borne in brackets or stands fastened to longitudinal iron “roller beams,” sustained at intervals by light frames or “spring pieces.” The lower lines of rollers are finely fluted, and are made of the same superior quality of iron as those used in the roving frames. Their diameter is usually an inch, but this varies with the staple to be spun. The front line of top rollers are generally of Leigh’s loose boss type, cloth and leather covered, and are weighted by a saddle, stirrup, and lever weight. The middle and back lines are “common rollers,” also covered in the same manner. The front lines of the right and left-hand set in each mule are coupled by a short shaft, and the second and third are driven from the first. Fig. 149. Fig. 150. (278) The carriage has a rectangular frame, being built with strong longitudinal timbers, securely tied together by cross pieces. These carry, as was shown, the bolster and footstep rails. On the cross cast-iron “muntins” the bearings for the tinroller shafts are fastened. The carriages at each side of the headstock are coupled by a strong iron frame, to which they are securely fastened. This is known as the “square,” and carries some of the mechanism for giving motion to the spindles and building the cop. (279) The tin roller is generally six inches in diameter, and consists of a series of cylinders made from sheets of tinned iron, securely soldered together. In each end of the rollers so formed an iron disc is fastened, and the lengths are coupled by means of short shafts. The whole of the lengths are thus connected, and a bearing is placed at each junction, so that the tin roller is well sustained throughout. The rollers in each of the two carriages are coupled by a short shaft, extending across the square, and carried by means of pedestals, fixed to the latter. On this short length of shaft the driven tin roller pulley is secured, as will be hereafter fully described. (280) The spindle is made of steel, and is from 131/2 to 18 inches long, according to the class of material being dealt with. For coarse counts and for “twist” yarn a larger cop is made, and the spindle is of necessity longer. For 32’s twist yarn a spindle about 17 inches long is used, and its diameter varies from 3/8ths inch to less than 1/8th inch. The part between the two bearings is called the “haft,” and that above the bolster—on which the cop is wound—the “blade.” The spindle is thickest in the haft, terminating in a small foot, but the blade is tapered throughout. Great care is taken with the spindles to ensure their accuracy, and they can, therefore, be run at velocities as high as 11,000 revolutions per minute without vibration. The extra diameter of the haft ensures the necessary resistance to flexure caused by the pull of the driving band. The latter is a thin cotton cord-made of the best grades of cotton—passed tightly over the spindle warve and the tin roller. It is highly important that the bands should not be either too tight or too slack. In the one case the friction generated would be excessive and detrimental, and in the other the twist would not be fully put into the roving, which would be said to be “slack twisted.” Varying atmospheric conditions materially alter the tension of the bands, and their proper piecing is only to be mastered after long practice. The spindle is disposed in the carriage at a varying angle, to suit the material being spun. (281) The description of the general construction of the machine thus given clears the ground for the detailed explanation which follows. For convenience it will be as well to begin by describing the mode of obtaining the motion of the spindles. This is illustrated in Fig. 152, which is a diagrammatic representation of the course of the bands and driving pulleys. The mule is driven from the line shaft, or a counter shaft by means of a strap passing over the pulley A fastened upon the shaft C. The latter is termed the “rim shaft,” and upon it the loose pulley B is also placed. Free to revolve and slide upon the same shaft is the spur wheel A1, formed with a large internal cone, the exact object of which will be hereafter described. The fast pulley is about 5 inches wide, and the loose pulley 51/4 inches, the diameter being about 15 inches. Thus, when the strap is on the fast pulley it is also partially on the loose pulley, which is always revolving. At (282) Particular reference will now be made to Figs. 153 and 154, which are respectively longitudinal sections of the driving gear and back view of the same. The loose pulley B has formed upon its boss a spur pinion B1, from which, by means of a carrier wheel, the side shaft D is driven. On the other end of this shaft a pinion D1 is fixed, which gears with and constantly drives the spur wheel A1, this being the object of the overlapping of the driving strap previously referred to. The wheel A1 is formed, as shown, on its inner side with a large internal conical surface, which, at the proper moment, engages with a corresponding leather-covered surface formed on the pulley A. This engagement takes place for the purpose of backing-off, and the cone A1 is therefore known as the “backing-off cone” or “friction.” The engagement of the friction cone with the fast pulley causes it first to act as a brake, and the strap having been moved upon the loose pulley it then exerts sufficient force to revolve the backing-off cone in the contrary direction. To enable this contact to take place a ring groove is formed in the boss of the backing-off wheel, in which a claw engages, which is oscillated as afterwards described. The effect of this arrangement is that the rotation from the loose pulley B of the friction wheel A1, whilst it is engaged with the fast pulley A, causes the rim shaft to be rotated in the opposite direction to that normal to it. The direction in which the various parts revolve normally is clearly shown by the arrows. The extent of the backward movement of the rim shaft depends, of course, entirely upon the length of time during which the friction cone A1 is allowed to engage with that on the pulley A, this being regulated by the amount of yarn to be unwound. (283) The rollers E are driven from a pinion G1 fastened on the rim shaft, by means of which the shaft G is revolved, and motion is thus given to a bevel wheel loose upon the short shaft coupling the two front lines of rollers. One half of a toothed or claw clutch is formed on the boss of the wheel, the other half of which is secured to but slides upon the coupling shaft, being formed with a ring groove on its boss into which the two arms of a claw are fitted so as to engage and disengage the clutch. Fig. 152.J.N. Figs. 153 and 154.J.N. (284) On the boss of the bevel wheel is a spur wheel which, by means of the train of wheels shown, communicates the forward movement to the “back” shaft H on which are fixed the scrolls H1. On these the ropes or bands shown are wound, being attached to the carriage as shown in Fig. 152. As Fig. 155. (285) The bevel wheel on the outer end of the taking-in side shaft D gears with a similar one fixed on the upper end of the vertical shaft I, on the lower end of which is loosely placed the friction cone K. With the latter the hollow cone I1 engages, this being able to slide in a vertical direction on a disc keyed to the shaft. It is usually kept out of gear by means of a hinged forked lever, the fork of which fits in the groove shown in I1, and which is sustained at its free end so that it can be readily released to allow the sudden engagement of the friction cone. On the half cone K, at its underside, is cast a small bevel pinion; which engages with a bevel wheel K1 fixed on the shaft L, extending transversely of the headstock at the back. Spirally grooved or “scroll” pulleys L1 are fixed on the shaft L, on which ropes are wound, these being attached to the carriage square as shown in Fig. 168, page 212. An additional scroll is fitted on the shaft L, and is set at such an angle that when the rope is fully drawn off the other scrolls it is wound on the additional one. When the friction cone is in gear the ropes are wound on to the scrolls, and the carriage is drawn in. From the fact that these scrolls are employed, and that their object is to draw in the carriage, the shaft L is called the “scroll” or (286) The means just described are those which are in use on a large number of mules constructed by Messrs. Platt, and worked satisfactorily until the speed of the rim shaft was largely increased. Up to about 750 revolutions the train of gearing driving the taking-in side shaft could be used, but as the rim is now run at speeds as high as 900 revolutions it is the practice to drive the taking-in side shaft by means of a grooved pulley fastened upon it, and driven by a separate band from the counter shaft. In this way much of the strain is taken from the rim shaft, and the use of gearing obviated for the taking-in and backing-off. When this method is adopted—as is now almost generally done—there are many advantages gained, and it is the most modern practice. (287) Another method of driving, also largely employed by Messrs. Platt, is a patented system of duplex driving. This is shown in plan in Fig. 157. Instead of using one belt only, by means of which the power is transmitted, two narrower ones are employed, each of which is 23/4 inches wide. The fast pulleys A are also 23/4 inches on their face, while the loose pulleys B are 3 inches wide. The strap guide is made, as shown, double, and the distance which it has to traverse is only half that which is usual. The advantages of this arrangement are derived both from the smaller width of the belts, and the shorter distance they need moving. The diminished width causes the belt to be more pliable and less rigid, and in consequence the pressure applied is more readily responded to. The shortened traverse enables the change of the belts to be made more easily and in less time, and, in consequence of the latter fact, the time the edges of the belts are pressed upon by the guider is reduced. This reduction involves considerably less wear of the strap edges, which, alike on this account and because of their easier and less strained motion, are found to have a much longer life. The smooth action of the belts produces another effect. It enables the full speed of the rim shaft to be more readily reached, and so tends to increase the production of the machine. The makers have now constructed a large number of mules with this arrangement, and its use is steadily extending. (288) The mechanism just described is that on which depends the driving of the whole of the parts, and its mode of action can now be easily explained. Beginning with the commencement of the outward run, when the rim band is traversing in its normal direction, the rollers commencing to deliver yarn, and the spindles revolving, the position of the parts is as follows. The strap is on the fast pulley, and the rim shaft is revolving. The backing-off friction is out of gear, the necessary motion is given to the roller shaft, and as the claw clutch is engaged the front line of rollers is revolved, roving being delivered. At the same time the back shaft is driven, the clutch on it being in gear, and the carriage is drawn out. The scrolls on the back shaft are shaped so as to allow the carriage to move at a constant velocity. While the carriage is running out the rim band is giving the required revolution to the tin roller shaft, and the spindles rotate in consequence at their normal velocity. The carrier pulley on the square shown in Fig. 152 is arranged at such an angle that the rim band passes freely on to and from the pulley on the tin roller shaft. A similarly accurate setting is given to the guide pulleys (289) When the carriage reaches the termination of its outward run, or, as is commonly said, the end of its stretch, it becomes necessary, first to arrest and then to reverse its movement, these operations necessitating a complete change in the positions of the various parts. The chief agent in making these changes is the shaft M, placed parallel to but a little higher than the rim shaft. It is known as the “cam shaft,” and plays an important part in the operation of the machine. It is entirely distinct both by position and function from the rest of the mechanism, and a separate view of it and its connections is given in Fig. 156, which is a detached sectional elevation. (290) Hinged to one side of the headstock framing is the lever T—known as the “long lever”—at each end of which pins are fastened, which carry the bowls R R1. Fastened to the carriage by bolts are two horn brackets S S1, to which power of adjustment is given. The underside of the brackets is curved, and they are fixed at such a height, that, as the carriage approaches either end of its run, one of them will engage with the bowl or runner carried on a stud fixed in the end of the long lever, as shown very clearly by the dotted lines. At the outer end of the long lever, the bell crank lever Q is pivoted, and is ordinarily drawn towards the end of the long lever by a spiral spring O. In this way, when the latter has assumed a position in consequence of the pressure of the horn brackets S S1, the pressure of Q upon it prevents it from moving until a similar force is again applied. In short, the long lever is locked. (291) On the cam shaft three cam or eccentric surfaces are placed, marked respectively W Y and Z. These are shown with their connections in detached views. The cam W is compounded with the male half of the friction clutch X, and can slide along with the half clutch upon a feather key fixed in the shaft. The other half of the clutch is loose upon the shaft, and has formed upon its boss a spur pinion which, as shown in Fig. 153, engages with the teeth of the backing-off wheel A1. Thus the continuous rotation of the latter leads to a similar movement of X, and, as a consequence, the latter is always in a state of readiness to rotate the cam shaft. A spiral spring surrounds the cam shaft, being sunk into a recess in the bearing and continually pressing upon a flange formed on the sliding half of the friction clutch, thus tending to force the latter into gear. On the inner side of the flange two cam surfaces are formed, as shown at V, with which the nose of the rocking or escape lever engages. The latter is connected by a short rod to the end of the long lever, the whole attachment being very clearly indicated in the illustration. Suppose the end of the lever to be in the position shown in the left hand view of V, the friction clutch would then be engaged, and the cam shaft would revolve until the outer cam surface on V came into contact with the end of the lever, when the sliding half clutch would be disengaged and arrested, and the motion of the cam shaft would cease. In this position the parts remain until the long lever is again moved, this time having its inner end depressed by reason of the contact of the bracket S1, and bowl R1. The nose of the escape lever is then moved off the outer cam surface into the flat or level portion of the inner (292) If it be assumed that the carriage has reached the end of its outward run, and the cam shaft has made a half revolution, three things take place. The back shaft clutch is disengaged, and the shaft ceases to revolve; the roller clutch is detached, stopping the delivery of roving; and the cam Y is moved into such a position that the strap lever can traverse so as to allow the strap to pass on to the loose pulley. (293) The back shaft clutch is controlled by the internal cam Z, in which a bowl on a pin fixed in the bell crank lever Z1, Fig. 162, page 201, to which reference will be made for this part of the subject, works. In the groove of the sliding half P of the clutch, the forked end of the lever T fits, this lever being hinged at its lower end and having a horizontal arm, the end or nose of which rests upon the horizontal limb of the rocking lever Z1. Thus, when the latter is rocked so as to make an upward movement, the lever T is raised, and causes a disengagement of the clutch P P1. The back shaft is thus freed, and all motion of the carriage ceases. (294) The rollers are disengaged by the cam W, which acts upon the cranked lever shown, the vertical arm of which is forked and fits in the groove in the loose half of the roller clutch I. When the cam is in the position shown in Fig. 156, the rollers are engaged, but when the cam shaft makes its half revolution the lever is oscillated and the clutch is detached. As previously noted, the cam course is formed in the loose half of the friction clutch X, which thus serves a double purpose. (295) The compound strap guide lever is placed almost vertically, as shown in Fig. 158, being hinged upon a pin in the headstock frame. The part G carries a short pin on which a small runner or bowl can freely revolve. While the carriage is running out, the bowl is at the point of the cam Y, but when the half revolution of the cam shaft is made it assumes a position at the base of the cam. These two positions are very clearly shown in the right hand bottom corner of Fig. 156. This allows the strap to move, in a manner more particularly described afterwards, on to the loose pulley, so that the backing off friction can be engaged. Fig. 156.J.N. Fig. 157.J.N. (296) It has thus been shown that the half revolution of the cam shaft causes the stoppage of the motion of the carriage, rollers, and spindles. This is the second stage or period, and it is at once followed by the third. Before passing on it is worth while reiterating that there is a decided advantage in the constant rotation of the loose half of the clutches X and A1, their engagement being made more rapidly and with less (297) The strap guide arrangement is shown in detail in Fig. 158. The guider is fixed at the upper end of a lever F, which is hinged, as shown, at its lower end to the heel of the lever G. F has also an arm F1, which is coupled to a horizontal limb of the lever G by the spring S. The two or compound levers are therefore constantly drawn towards each other. The lever G is secured on a short shaft, and has a second spring Q attached, which pulls it in the direction of the arrow, when it is freed by the rotation of the cam Y. A short stud bowl is fixed in G, and the pull of the spring presses it constantly against the cam. Coupled to a short arm, fixed on the shaft to which G is secured, but at the other side of the headstock, is the horizontal lever H, the outer end of which is drawn upwards by the spring P, fastened to the framing. A shoulder or recess is formed in H, which ordinarily engages with the fixed catch L, by which the strap guide lever is locked in position when the strap is on the fast pulley. On the inner end of the rim shaft a worm K is formed, which gears with a worm wheel compounded with a spur pinion, which, in turn, gears with the spur wheel shown. On the spindle of the last-named wheel a small crank O is keyed, the outer end of which has a pin, carrying a bowl, fixed in it. (298) The action of this mechanism is as follows: The revolution of the rim shaft causes the crank O, which is, at the commencement of the outward run, just clear of the nose of the lever H, to revolve. By the time the outward run is completed, the crank will have made almost a complete revolution. When the necessary twist has been put in the yarn, the crank O comes in contact with the front end of the lever H and releases the catch L. Immediately this happens the spring Q acts, and the strap guide lever oscillates, causing the strap to glide upon the loose pulley. (299) This step having been accomplished, the next operation is to engage the backing-off friction. As shown in Fig. 158, the boss of the wheel A1 is formed with a ring groove, into which a claw fastened on a short stud fits. The lever D is also fixed on the same stud, so that any movement given to it is communicated to the claw and backing-off friction. The lower end of the lever is forked and passes over a rod X extending along the side of the headstock. This rod is guided by a bracket fixed to the side of the frame, and has the two stop hoops X1 X2 fastened on it. Between the stop hoops a spiral spring, always in compression, is threaded upon the shaft, one end pressing against the lever D, and the other against the hoop X2. It will be readily understood that the compression of the spring will tend to push the lever D in the direction of the arrow, until its motion is stopped by a link connected with the slide in the arm, to which is fastened the lever H. It is essential that the engagement of the backing-off clutch should be practically simultaneous with the transferring of the strap from the fast to the loose pulley, and it is therefore desirable that the spring on X should be put in compression a little before the actual traverse of the strap. (300) This is accomplished by means of the swinging lever V shown in Fig. 162. This is hinged upon the square, and is formed, as shown, with an open mouth, at the upper part of which is an angular projection (301) When the outward run is completed, and the cam shaft begins to revolve, the lever D has sufficient pressure on it to push it over if it were free to move. Reverting again to Fig. 158, the horizontal lever H and the arm previously referred to are coupled by a small pin in the latter, which takes into a slot in the former. When, therefore, the lever H is locked, the vertical lever D cannot move, but when the unlocking of the lever H by the crank O occurs, the oscillation of the strap lever draws, by means of the arm, the lever H in the direction of the arrow. This permits the spring X to extend and push the lever D forward and so engage the backing-off friction. This movement is rapid and nearly simultaneous with the transferal of the driving strap. The mechanism is set to permit the backing-off friction to come gradually into gear for the purpose of acting as a brake, as was explained in paragraph 282. (302) The friction cones being engaged and the strap placed on the loose pulley, the rim shaft is driven in the contrary direction, thus reversing the spindles. It therefore becomes necessary to take up the yarn as it is delivered from the spindles. This is effected by means of the faller and counter faller, as indicated in paragraph 270, and the precise mode of action of these can now be described. (303) The faller arms M and U, as shown in Fig. 161 (page 205), are sickle or crescent shaped, so that they can readily pass down between the cops without touching them. The arms are keyed on the winding faller and counter faller rods B B1 at convenient intervals, and the wires are threaded through them. The latter are thus well sustained, and do not deflect to any appreciable extent, this being fatal to the effective building of the complete set of cops. The rods or shafts B B1 are borne by brackets fastened to the carriage, so that their axes are quite parallel to the centre line of the carriage. The winding faller shaft is oscillated by suitable mechanism, by which at the proper moment it is drawn downwards, while the upward movement of the counter faller is regulated from the winding faller. There is an important difference in the action of these parts. As the winding faller is to act as a guide to the yarn during winding, it is essential that it is, at the beginning of each inward run, in the correct initial position for that purpose, and that, when it has reached that position, it shall be locked. On the other hand, the function of the counter faller being merely to maintain the tension of the yarn during winding and backing-off, it is necessary that it should be free, so as to bear constantly against the underside of the threads without exercising an undue strain. The pressure thus exerted should be a little in excess of the downward pull of the whole of the threads which are being spun in the machine, but not so much in excess as to prevent the counter faller yielding a little if from any cause an extra pull is put upon the threads. In other words, the action of the winding faller is positive, while the counter faller acts as a Fig. 158.J.N. (304) The controlling mechanism is shown in Fig. 159, which is a representation of the parts affecting the counter faller. Hinged, as shown, to a bracket on the underside of the carriage is a lever J, to which are attached two chains E1 I. The former is coupled to a sector E, which is secured on the counter faller shaft or rod B1. If it is assumed that the latter is free to rotate, as it is, the pull exercised by the lever J would be sufficient to cause it to do so. But until the winding faller makes its descent so as to assume the winding position, as afterwards described, the weight of the lever J is taken by the chain I, which at its upper end is fixed to the hook shown. The latter is hinged to the bracket or lever S, the other arm. of which rests upon the counter faller rod B1, and thus limits the upward movement of the winding faller. (305) While the counter faller is being freed in the manner described the downward movement of the faller is also proceeding. Referring now to Fig. 160, which is a detailed view of the faller arrangement, the faller shaft has fixed on it an arm or backing-off finger D, to which is fastened one end of a chain E. One end of E passes round the small bowl F, and its other end is fastened to a snail or scroll G mounted on the tin roller shaft. The snail is geared by a ratchet clutch which engages only when the tin roller is revolving during backing-off, being disengaged during the whole period of spinning. The size of the snail is arranged so as to draw down the faller finger D during the period of backing off to such an extent that the faller is brought into the proper position for the commencement of winding. In dealing with the latter operation it will be shown that the faller is a little below the cop nose when winding begins, and then rapidly descends until the base of the upper cone is reached. At present it is only necessary to note this fact, as it has a somewhat important bearing on the mechanism being described. During the period of the faller descent a pull is exercised on the rod F1, by which the bowl or runner F is carried. The other end of F is hinged to the “locking” lever A, to which the curved arm or sector C is hinged at its upper end. This arm is fixed on the faller shaft, so that the oscillation of the latter, which is caused by the pull of the chain E, gradually raises the “locking” lever A. This elevation goes on until the shoulder or bracket K is high enough for its under side to slip over the small bowl fixed in the lever or slide L. The latter is at the end of a lever hinged at one end to the carriage and carrying the runner or bowl L1. This is drawn along with the carriage, and the lever is consequently called the “trail” lever. As soon as K slips on to the bowl in L the “locking” lever and faller are said to be “locked,” and are then in a position to begin winding. Fig. 160.J.N. (306) In order to render the action of backing-off more perfect, and to ensure that the slack of the yarn, as it is unwound, shall be taken up by the faller, Messrs. Platt Brothers and Company have adopted the mechanism also shown in Fig. 160. The reversal of the direction of rotation of the spindles takes place a little in advance of the downward movement of the faller, and it is therefore found that a short length of yarn is unwound before the faller presses upon it. The actual extent of the unwinding is relatively greatest when the cop is almost built. It therefore becomes necessary to expedite the action of the backing-off chain as the cops are built, so that the faller is drawn into contact with the yarn at the earliest moment. A little reflection will show that at the period when the cops are beginning to be built the faller wire has a much longer distance to travel than when they are almost finished. As will be afterwards shown, the period at which the faller is locked is gradually made earlier as building proceeds, so that a much shorter traverse of the faller prior to locking takes place correspondingly. Thus, for instance, if it has to be depressed one inch before it touches the yarn at the commencement of a set of cops, the relative proportion of that distance to the whole traverse prior to locking is less than when the traverse is so much diminished at the end of a set. Thus it follows that a degree of lagging permissible at one stage is absolutely detrimental at the other. From this it may be Fig. 159.J.N. (307) It is hardly practicable to fit a motion of absolute accuracy to effect this purpose, but an approximation to it can be obtained. It is, therefore, arranged that at the beginning of a set the backing-off chain shall be slack, and during building shall be gradually tightened until at the end of it is nearly in a state of tension. The snail is proportioned so as to give a quick downward movement to the faller, and in combination with the arrangement about to be described gives very good results. Referring again to Fig. 160, attached to the snail G is a second chain, the other end of which is fastened to a lever H, hinged on the bracket shown. The other end of H rests on an inclined plate N, which slides on a bedplate fastened to the floor. The plate N is fastened to the copping plate connecting rod—afterwards referred to—which passes through a horn fastened on N. As the copping plate is moved in, H is also caused to assume the position indicated by the dotted lines, N having also moved in. The effect is that a pull is put upon the snail which gradually rotates it, and causes it to wind on (308) The various movements in connection with backing-off having thus been described, it is necessary to show how the traverse of the faller is obtained during the inward traverse of the carriage. This is shown in Fig. 161, page 205, which is a separate view of the copping or building mechanism. The faller “locking” lever A is, as has been described, raised until the shoulder R slips on to the slide L, in which position it remains until it is released at the termination of the inward run. On the underside of L a small bowl or runner L1 is carried, which rests upon the upper surface of a longitudinal, or “copping” rail P, made of a strong section. If the latter was placed in such a position that its upper surface was horizontal, it is plain that the slide L would receive no vertical motion during the period that the runner L1 was traversing it. In consequence the sickle U would remain in one position during the same time. But if the rail P is raised at one end so that its upper edge is inclined, the slide L will, during the run in of the carriage, receive a vertical traverse corresponding to the difference in the altitude of the two ends of the copping rail. That is to say, if one end of the rail was six inches from the floor line, while the other end was seven, L would ascend or descend to the extent of one inch while it was travelling from one end to the other of the rail P. The question as to whether it would ascend or descend depends entirely upon which end of the rail was highest. From this it may be inferred that by varying the angularity or profile of the copping rail any desired traverse, either regular or intermittent, could be given to the slide L. Now it was shown that the winding faller sickles are keyed on the shaft B, which is oscillated by the backing-off finger D fastened upon it. The latter being jointed to the “locking” lever A, it follows, that, as the latter is raised, the winding faller moves in an arc, which corresponds in length and direction to the length and inclination of the copping rail. (309) It is necessary when the carriage arrives at the end of its stretch to lock it in that position during the time that backing-off is taking place, and the motions of releasing the counter faller and locking the winding faller are in operation. A reference to Fig. 162 is necessary to understand this part of the mechanism. That illustration is a diagrammatic representation of the mechanism relating to locking the carriage, and the engagement and disengagement of the taking-in gear. The parts are not in their working position, but are projected so that their operation may be better understood. The actual relative position of the various motions is shown by the diagrammatic sketch in the right hand top corner of Fig. 162. Upon the carriage O a bracket O1 is fixed, which carries at its outer end a pin or catch, with which the hook at the end of the horizontal arm of the L lever S can engage. The hook readily falls over the pin in O1, as the carriage is pushed up to it near the end of its traverse. The lever S is coupled in the manner shown to the horizontal rod R, which, at its other end, is jointed to a bell crank lever U1. The rod R, on account of its function, is termed the “holding-out catch rod.” The lever U1 is in turn connected with the rod U, jointed at its upper end to the lever W, which is coupled to the horizontal arm of the lever Z1 by the connecting rod M. A connection is thus established between the cam Z on the cam shaft and the “holding-out” catch lever S. During the run out of (310) The action of the mechanism is as follows: When the carriage arrives at its outermost point the connecting rod R is unlocked, and is free to move. In this way the catch lever S can be easily raised by the bracket on the carriage O, over which it falls, and securely holds it, the slot in the rod R permitting this movement. In this position it remains during the whole period of backing-off, when in a way which is afterwards described, it is released simultaneously with the taking-in friction with which, as shown, it is connected. The locking of the carriage is the last operation requiring explanation before proceeding to deal with the movements, which, together, make up the fourth stage or period. This is the one in which the nicest problems require solution, and in which the mechanism used is the most ingenious. (311) The first step in commencing to wind is, of course, to release the carriage and draw it in. Before proceeding to show how this is effected, it will be as well to recapitulate and describe the position of the various parts. The strap is entirely upon the loose pulley; the backing-off friction clutch is in gear; the spindles are revolving in the opposite direction to that normal to them; the winding faller is drawn down and locked in a position a little below the nose of the cop; the counter faller is held just out of contact with the threads, but free to rise as soon as an inward movement of the carriage occurs; the roller and back shaft clutches are disengaged; and the upper half of the taking-in friction is out of gear with the lower, but revolving with the vertical shaft on which it slides. (312) When the chain E (Fig. 160) has sufficiently raised the faller locking lever A to permit it to lock, the swinging lever V is suddenly drawn back. An examination of the drawings, either Fig. 160 or Fig. 161, will show that so long as the face of the locking lever presses against the face of the slide no lateral movement of the former is possible. Further, the connection established between the locking lever A and the lever V, by means of the lever F1, ensures that as soon as the inward movement of the lever takes place when locking occurs, the lever V must necessarily oscillate on its pivot. This movement of the lever V causes its lower jaw to exercise a pressure upon the lever L in the contrary direction to that previously noted, and so draws the stop X1 in contact with the bottom of the backing-off lever D. This action is aided by the spring on the backing-off rod, which is free to extend, and its whole force can be exerted on the lever D. In this way D is drawn back, and the backing-off clutch is disengaged. (313) The same movement draws away the supporting piece on the vertical lever Y, and allows the upper half of the taking-in friction to fall into gear with the lower half, this action being aided by the spring Q. The slot in the end of the connecting rod M permits the upward movement of the left hand end of the lever W to be made rapidly and freely. In this way the engagement of the friction clutch is a very quick one. This upward movement of the lever W is communicated, in a manner described, to the holding out catch, which is also raised nearly simultaneously, and the carriage released. Fig. 162.J.N. (314) It is, of course, highly essential that all the three releasing motions shall be accurately “timed,” so as not to take place either before or after the proper moment. Accordingly, ample means of adjustment are provided, both on the rod X by the regulation of the stops X1 and X2; on the connecting rod M coupling the levers Z and T; and also on the holding-out rod. In this way it is possible to secure that simultaneous movement of the three parts, which is so essential for effective working. It is obvious that the backing-off friction and holding-out catch must be released before the taking-in friction gears, but the interval between these is so slight that they occur practically simultaneously. (315) The taking-in friction being in gear, the rotation of the loose pulley is, by the train of wheels shown, communicated to the “scroll” shaft, on which the taking-in scrolls are fixed. These have bands (316) The arrangements for taking-in having thus been described, it now becomes necessary to describe the operation of winding. Before doing so, it will be better to deal with the problem to be solved, and it will aid in understanding it if the construction and method of building the cop be described. For this purpose a reference to the diagrams given in Figs. 163 and 164, page 207, is necessary. The cop is built, as before explained, upon the blade or taper part of the spindle, and, when finished, is of the shape shown in Fig. 163, viz., a cylinder with conical ends. The central part of the cop, E G K F, is cylindrical, and at the top and bottom of this part are two cones. The lower cone, A E B C F D, forms what is known as the “cop bottom,” and the upper one, G H I K, the “nose,” although the latter term is more often and strictly applied to the extreme apex at the points H I. As previously stated, the yarn may be wound either upon the bare spindle, upon a short paper tube, as indicated by the thick line inside the cop bottom, or upon a similar tube the whole length of the cop. The use of paper tubes of this character is preferable, especially in cases where the cop is likely to be much handled, as it prevents it from being crushed in, and enables (317) In commencing to wind, the yarn is wrapped on the lower part of the spindle in close coils or spirals for a length of a little more than an inch. The whole of one stretch is wrapped upon this space, and when the next stretch requires winding, it is laid upon the previous layer, and so on until the double cone A E B C F D is produced. The length of the traverse of the winding faller wire, or the length of each layer vertically, is called the “chase” of the cop or faller. From this point the yarn is wound in successive layers, beginning always at a higher point, until the final traverse is obtained by which the winding is conducted upon the surface or nose represented by the letters G H I K. It was stated in paragraph 311 that the winding faller wire, when the winding faller is locked, is in a position a little below the point H I. As soon as the carriage begins to run in, the vertical movement of the winding faller locking lever begins, and is so arranged that the first movement of the wire is a rapid downward one. The effect is that the yarn is laid on the nose of the cop in coarsely-pitched descending spirals, as shown in Fig. 164, these extending downwards until the winding faller wire reaches a point opposite the base of the upper cone, in this case shown in Fig. 163 at K. From this point a slower ascent of the winding faller wire is made, so that the yarn is laid in the more finely pitched spirals shown, until the nose of the cop is reached. By this time the carriage has arrived at the roller beam, and the whole of the 63 inches of yarn has been wound. (318) When the first layer of yarn is wound, and the winding faller is assuming its position to wrap on the second, the initial point of its traverse is a little raised. In this way the yarn is gradually wound in layers, which are represented by the angular lines springing from the lines A E and D F towards the spindles. During this period the enlargement of the diameter of the cop bottom is proceeding until at the points E F the full diameter of the cop is reached. As soon as this occurs the initial point of each layer is gradually raised, and the length of the traverse is slowly diminished as the completion of building is approached, until at the termination of a cop the angle of the layers is shown by the lines G H and I K. There are thus two adjustments shown to be necessary—first, the starting point of each traverse of the winding faller requires altering; and second, its extent also needs regulation. (319) These two objects are attained by the regulation of the copping rail P, as shown in Fig. 161. The ends of this rail rest upon inclined “copping” plates Y X, which are fastened together by the rod W, and which receive, as will afterwards be described, an inward movement during the building of the cop. It was shown that the locking of the faller lever and its vertical movement leads to a corresponding movement of the faller. If, for instance, the faller locking lever fell an inch, the winding faller sector would be oscillated and the faller wire drawn upwards. The rate of the ascent of the latter is absolutely relative to the period of the descent of the locking lever. Referring now to Fig. 165, which is a small diagrammatic sketch of the copping rail and its supports, suppose the line G H to represent the top of former, O P the latter, and L the bowl at the foot of the locking lever, if L, starting from the left hand position, be supposed to travel in the direction of the arrow V, it will be seen that it will fall to the extent indicated by the space Y Z. If, on the other hand, the slides O P Fig. 165.J.N. (320) Referring again to Fig. 161, the ends of the copping rails have pins fixed in them, on which are anti-friction bowls, which run upon the edges of the copping plates. The latter are duplicated, so as to sustain the rail at each side, and thus maintain its vertical position. At one side of one of the plates Y is an ear S1, which is threaded to correspond with a square threaded screw S passing through a fixed bracket fastened to the floor. In this way the screw S is free to revolve, but cannot make any longitudinal movement. On the end of the screw S a ratchet wheel is fixed with which a pawl S2 engages, which is oscillated so as to move the wheel one tooth at convenient times. The speed of the revolution of the screw varies according to the counts being spun, the elevation of the point of locking being more quickly effected when coarse yarns are being made than when the finer varieties are produced. Whatever may be the velocity at which this elevation is accelerated, the profile of the copping plates is such that the inner end of the copping rail P is lowered at a more rapid rate during the formation of the cop bottom than at a subsequent stage. The reason of this will be easily comprehended, if the description of the mode of building the latter be borne in mind. It was then shown that the traverse of the winding faller rapidly increased in extent until the full length of the cop bottom was built. It, therefore, follows that the descent of the locking lever must be largely increased at this period at a quick rate, in order to produce the result indicated. When the outer end of the copping rail begins to descend at a rate which more nearly corresponds to that of the inner end, it gradually approaches to the horizontal, and the vertical motion of the slide, locking lever, and faller is proportionately limited. (321) The regulation of the winding faller as just described was the one which was usual until recent years. It has been found necessary, however, to obtain a more accurate regulation, so as to ensure that the faller wire shall be in its correct position when locking occurs, especially during the period between the beginning of a cop and the attainment of its full diameter. It is now customary to attach to the front end of the copping rail a loose plate Q, which is hinged at one end to the rail, and which carries at its outer extremity a pin and bowl resting upon a third inclined plate Z. By varying the profile of the plate Z, the regulation of the faller during the early part of its traverse can be accurately made and the proper position of the wire ensured. As a glance at the illustration will show, the upper edge of the copping rail is not straight, but is shaped so as to give a variable speed to the slide L in its vertical movement. The proper shaping of the copping rail gave rise to some difficulty, and it will be seen that the loose copping rail Q is shaped so as to produce the proper effect, while being much more easily adjusted. Fig. 161.J.N. (322) The actual operation of this mechanism is as follows: When the carriage is at its outermost point, and the winding faller is locked, the wire is, as previously mentioned, a little below the nose of the cop. As the inward run proceeds, the bowl first runs up the loose incline, thus raising the locking lever and depressing the winding faller wire. The distance, from the extreme outward point reached by the bowl L1 and that where the loose rail Q is hinged and the downward inclination of the copping rail begins, is so short that the initial depression of the winding faller is very rapid. This produces the coarsely pitched coils referred to in paragraph 317, and illustrated in Fig. 164. By the time the bowl L1 is at its highest point the winding faller wire is opposite the base of the upper cone. The subsequent downward inclination of the copping rail is much less acute, and the consequent descent of the faller locking lever less rapid. As a result the upward traverse of (323) The method of obtaining the traverse of the winding faller having been described, the equally important points relating to the mode of rotating the spindle during winding require to be dealt with. A little thought will show that so long as the surface upon which the yarn is wound remains small the spindles must revolve at a more rapid rate than when the surface is enlarged. As the extreme diameter of the cop bottom is enlarged the conditions of successful winding are continually changing. At the commencement of the cop the yarn is wound upon what is practically a parallel surface with a diameter of 5/16 inch and a circumference of ·98 inch. This implies that to wind the 63 inches of yarn 64·3 revolutions are required, these being made during the run up of the carriage. But as the diameter of the cop is enlarged the circumference of the conical surface becomes a variable one, and owing to its enlargement the number of revolutions required to wind the same length of yarn is fewer. This is quite clear and needs no demonstration. Thus when the cop bottom is formed the extreme range of variation is reached, and it follows that in the interval between the commencement of winding and the formation of the cop bottom each stretch must be accompanied by a diminution of the velocity of the spindle proportionate to the increase of diameter. In addition to this it is necessary to take into consideration the varying diameter of the conical surface on which winding takes place, which necessitates a greater terminal than initial velocity of the spindle. Figs. 163 and 164.J.N. (324) A further point requires elucidation. If the spindle blade were parallel, the number of revolutions necessary to wind the 63 inches of yarn properly, when the cop bottom is formed, being fixed, no further alteration would be necessary. But these conditions do not exist, and the nose of the cop is wound upon a continually diminishing diameter. It is of the utmost importance that the yarn is wound tightly at the nose during the whole of the building of the cop. The rate of the vertical traverse being practically uniform, unless an acceleration of the spindle velocity occurred, there would be slack winding during the latter part of the building of the cop. This would produce a sponginess of the nose, which, when the yarn was drawn off in the subsequent process of winding, as shown by the arrow in Fig. 164, would result in several rings or coils being pulled out in an entangled condition, thus producing waste. Technically the cop would be said to be “halched.” Illustrating this part of the subject by figures, if the diameter of the spindle at the point B, Fig. 163, be assumed to be 1/4 inch, its circumference would be ·7854 inch; while if the diameter at H be assumed to be 1/8 inch, the circumference would be only ·3927 inch. To wind, say, 10 inches of yarn in each case, would require about 12 and 25 revolutions of the spindle respectively. It is therefore clear that, if the same length is to be wound with equal tension upon the nose of the cop Fig. 166.J.N. (325) It will be shown, a little later, that the rotation of the spindles during winding is obtained by the pull of the carriage on a chain, which has its other end attached to an oscillating arm, being fastened to a drum on the carriage. To get a clear idea of the action of this part of the mechanism the two diagrams shown in Figs. 166 and 167 are given, a study of which will be profitable. In Fig. 166 the circles B C D represent three positions of the barrel or drum after it has moved in a horizontal plane in the direction of the arrow. To the drum a chain is supposed to be attached, which is held at the point A. It is, of course, understood that the barrel is mounted upon a shaft or axis so that it can freely revolve. If it be now assumed that the barrel is in the left hand of the three positions B, the chain will be wrapped completely round it. As it is moved horizontally in the direction of the arrow it is revolved, as indicated by the curved arrows, and, by the time it has reached its middle position C, has been rotated sufficiently to unwind about half a turn of the chain. A further horizontal motion to the right hand position D will complete the unwinding, and, by this time, the drum will have made one complete revolution. It will be at once seen that the rate at which the drum will be revolved will depend upon two factors—its diameter, and the speed of its horizontal traverse. If the point A at which the chain is held is stationary, and the horizontal movement uniform, then the rotation of the barrel will be constant. But if the barrel be traversed at a variable rate then its rotation will also be variable. In actual practice this uniformity does not exist, for, as was shown in paragraph 315, the taking-in scrolls vary considerably in diameter. Assuming this variation to be 1:3:1, it would follow that the rotation of the barrel would increase and diminish in the (326) The assumption that the point A is stationary was only made to illustrate the point at issue, and is not founded upon the actual facts of the case. If now it be assumed that not only the barrel but the point at which the chain is held makes a forward movement, a new set of conditions arises. In this case the unwinding of the chain during a given time will be diminished by the amount of the advance of the point A in the same period. Assuming the latter to be made at a regular rate it would be easy to calculate the extent of the unwinding. If the effect of the horizontal movement of the barrel from B to C be to unwind half of one coil of chain—say a length of 7 inches—and that in the same space of time the point A moved 3 inches, the amount unwound would be reduced to 4 inches. But this is not the actual condition of things in practice. The point moves at a variable velocity, its forward motion gradually diminishing, so that the acceleration of the rotary velocity of the barrel is greater at the end of its horizontal traverse than at the beginning. In other words, its terminal velocity is highest. (327) The point of the attachment of the chain at A is made in an oscillating arm which, during the inward run of the carriage, receives a forward movement at a speed which is controlled by the velocity of the back shaft. As the latter is, in turn, commanded by the scroll shaft during this period—see paragraph 315—it follows that the variation in the forward movement of the arm is coincident with that of the carriage. Thus the advance of the point A will always be in strict correspondence with the velocity of the carriage traverse. (328) Referring now to Fig. 167, and, assuming A B to be the arm to which the chain is fastened, and O J and H C to represent the arcs through which the point of attachment of the chain travels at different times, it will be seen that the periods of movement are well marked. In each case the arcs are of the same number of degrees, although the chord of one is shorter than that of the other. Dealing first with the inner arc, which represents the position of the point of attachment when nearer the centre, the whole period of movement is divided into equal parts. These are represented by the letters J K L M N O. Now, if vertical lines are drawn from these, until they terminate in a straight line drawn parallel to a horizontal line through the point B, a clear idea can be formed of the effect of the oscillation of the vertical arm A B. The lines terminate at J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1. It can be easily seen that the horizontal movement of the point of attachment of the chain gradually becomes less as the arm is oscillated from its most backward position B C to its most forward one B H, this diminution occurring most after the point L is reached. In the movement from J to K and K to L the horizontal traverse is about equal. It shows a decrease from L to M, a greater one from M to N, and a still greater one from N to O. The same thing happens if the chain be supposed to be attached at the point D. In this case also the decrease in the horizontal forward traverse is variable, but occurs in the same way. The periods here are marked by the letters C to H, and the extent of the forward motion by those C1 to H1. It will be noticed that the amount of the traverse is greater than that previously noted, the total space covered being respectively J1 to O1 and C1 to H1. That is to say, the point at which the chain is fastened moves forward in the same direction as (329) The application of this principle is as follows, and it can now be stated that the end of the chain is attached to a nut which slides along the arm, being actuated by the rotation of a screw upon which it fits. Remembering that an acceleration of the terminal velocity and a regulation of the revolution of the spindle is required, the demonstration just given shows that these are obtained by the removal of the nut further from the centre of oscillation. The influence of the pull of the chain upon the barrel when the nut is in the position K is much slighter, and shows less variation than when it is at D. Every inch which the nut travels outwards has an influence upon this factor, and the conditions of winding are thus accurately regulated. When the winding of the cop begins, the nut is in its lowest position, and the rotation of the barrel is then practically equal. As the nut moves away from the centre the barrel gradually rotates more slowly at the beginning of its inward movement. By the time the most outward position is reached—which, in practice, coincides with the formation of the cop bottom—the variation in the velocity has reached its greatest amount. This, it can be easily seen, is what is wanted. Referring again to Fig. 163, one revolution of the spindle when the yarn is being wound on A D would practically take up the same length as would be taken up at the top of the paper tube. But when the faller is guiding the yarn on the conical surface from E to B, one revolution of the spindle would wind on a greater length at E than it would at B. Therefore, the initial velocity requires to be less than the terminal. But when the point E has become the initial position, the conditions of winding remain thereafter constant, except in so far as is affected by the taper of the blade, and there is no further need for an outward movement of the nut. (330) The theory underlying the method of winding having thus been dealt with, the mechanism employed can be described. This is shown in Fig. 168, which is a diagram of the whole of the apparatus, and in Fig. 169, which is an enlarged view of a portion of it. The winding arm M is centered at its lower end, and has formed on it a toothed quadrant M1. The “quadrant” M oscillates on a short shaft, securely carried by the headstock framing, and receives its forward movement by means of a pinion Z, which engages with its teeth. The extent of the quadrant movement is about a quarter circle. The pinion Z is mounted on the same centre as a grooved pulley, over which a cord from the back shaft H is passed. Thus the rotation of H in either direction produces a similar movement in the pinion Z; and the effect is, that, while the back shaft is drawing the carriage out, the pinion is revolving so as to raise the arm M or cause it to make a backward oscillation. When the back shaft acts as a taking-in shaft, as described in paragraph 315, the pinion Z is revolved so as to move the arm M forward. The velocity at which the forward stroke is Fig. 167.J.N. Fig. 168.J.N. (331) The screw has fixed upon it, at its lower extremity, a small bevel pinion, gearing with a similar one placed loosely on the short shaft forming the centre for the arm. During the oscillation of the arm the pinion moves with it, and it is clear that if both remained in this position only this alternate action would occur, and no rotation of the screw would be made. If, however, the pinion on the short shaft be rotated it communicates its motion to the screw P, and thus traverses the nut. This is what takes place, and the precise method of effecting it will be described in detail at a little later period. The nut engages with the screw and originally had an eye or hook formed in it, to which the end of the winding chain or band C was fastened. The attachment is now made in a different manner, a frame A being fixed to the nut along with which it can slide. At the upper end of the frame a small drum is carried, round which the winding chain is wrapped, passing over a small bowl D at the lower end of the frame. The other end of the chain or band C is fastened to the drum or scroll X1 which is mounted on a shaft X carried in suitable bearings in the square. On the same shaft a spur wheel is geared which engages with a pinion loose upon the tin roller shaft, which it revolves by special mechanism afterwards described in detail. The use of a scroll is intended to accelerate the revolutions of the spindles during the latter part of the fallen (332) It has been previously shown that the diminishing diameter of the spindle causes it to be necessary that, as the cop is built higher upon it, a correspondingly higher rotary velocity shall be given to it, in addition to the increased terminal velocity produced in the manner described. The most usual method of doing this has been to provide at the end of the quadrant arm a bracket carrying a pin known as the “nosing peg.” The object of this device is to shorten the chain by deflecting it from a straight line about the time when the carriage nears the end of its inward run. This is equivalent to a sudden shortening of the chain, and gives a sudden acceleration to the winding drum. In some cases an automatic arrangement is fitted by which the peg is brought into contact with the chain at an earlier point every stretch, so that the acceleration of the spindle takes place sooner, as the nose of the cop is formed higher up the spindle. It is not difficult to obtain a clear notion of the action of the nose peg if a short length of string be held at one end and attached to a sliding piece at the other. If then the string be pressed down by a rod at the same point, but a little further every time, it will be seen that the sliding piece is moved to a greater extent with each depression. (333) The arrangement used in the Platt mule is shown in detail in Fig. 169. It consists of the sliding bracket A, carrying, as described, at its upper part, a small drum on which the winding chain C is fastened. On the spindle of the winding drum a ratchet wheel E is fixed, with which the detent pawls E1 engage, thus ensuring that E is held in any position assumed by it. Also fastened on the spindle of the drum is the curved sector arm F, to which a chain G is secured. By means of the guide pulleys shown the chain G is conducted over the arm or lever K, and is attached to the bracket I. The lever K is hung from its upper end, and has a projecting short arm K1 attached to it, which can move upwards in the direction of the arrow. The outer end of K1 presses against a bracket K2 attached to the quadrant, so shaped that the backward movement of the quadrant pushes the lever K back at its lower end. In the bracket I a finger I1 engaging with the copping nut is fixed. The parts having been adjusted to their proper position the slide A is at the bottom end of the quadrant M, as shown, and the curved arm F is in such a position that it has wound upon it a certain length of the chain G. The latter is a little slack at first, but as the nut moves out this is rapidly taken up until the chain G is in tension. As soon as this happens, each of the forward oscillations of the arm M leads to the chain being drawn, and causes the lower end of the lever K to be swung forward. The return movement of the quadrant leads to the bracket K2 pressing upon the arm K1, so as to push back the end of the arm or lever K. In this way the chain G is pulled and the curved arm F is drawn a little forward, thus causing the drum and ratchet wheel E to revolve. As the winding chain is wound on the barrel, every rotary movement of the latter in a forward direction takes up a little more chain and shortens its length. The amount of this shortening is not great up to the time of the completion of the cop bottom and the arrival of the slide A at the end of its traverse along the arm. The position of (334) These represent respectively the places occupied by the different portions of the mechanism immediately at the completion of the cop bottom, and at the finish of building a set of cops. The positions of the various parts connected with the slide A when winding is complete are shown also in Fig. 169, at the top end of the quadrant arm. Referring to Fig. 170, it will be noticed that the winding chain C is unwound from the large part of the scroll only, while Fig. 171 shows it almost entirely unwound from the smaller portion. As was shown, this implies a high terminal velocity of the winding scroll and spindles. (335) It has been previously mentioned that the rotation of the quadrant screw is obtained by means of the engagement of two bevel wheels, one on the foot of the screw and the other upon the spindle, forming the centre of the quadrant. It was also stated that the last-named wheel was held so as to move round the centre with the quadrant. This is effected by means of a brake spring P2 which clips the boss of the wheel and holds it. The resistance thus created causes the bevel wheel to move with the quadrant, and prevents it from rotating on its axis. The wheel is compounded with a grooved cord pulley P1, over which an endless band Q passes. The band Q fits the groove in the pulley, and is afterwards guided by the various carrier pulleys shown. Two of these, S S1, are borne by brackets fixed to the carriage, and S is formed with teeth so as to allow of the engagement of the vertical detent catch on the lever Y. If the whole of the pulleys over which the band Q passes are free to revolve, except that on the quadrant centre, the inward run of the carriage gives no motion to the cord or band. No effect is produced beyond the rotation of the carrier pulleys, and the forward stroke of the quadrant is made without any effect being produced upon the position of the nut. (336) It was shown that the gradual accretion of yarn by the cop results in the necessity for a graduation of the velocity of the spindle in winding. This takes place during the whole period of building, and it follows that the traverse of the nut must be governed during the whole period. After a layer of yarn has been wound the nut remains in the position occupied by it during the preceding inward run, until the carriage has made another outward run, and is again commencing to run in. At the commencement of the run in Fig. 169.J.N. (337) Fixed on the winding faller and counter faller shafts B B1 (Fig. 168) are two arms U U1, to which the ends of a light chain Y1 are attached. The chain passes round a runner, or pulley, placed in the outer (338) In the early stages of winding, when the winding faller is depressed to a comparatively large extent prior to being locked, the vertical position of the lever Y is naturally lower than when the winding faller is not pushed down so far. It thus occurs that, when the cop bottom is being formed, which is the stage during which the traverse of the nut is required, and the winding faller is locked at its lowest point, the clearance of the detent catch on Y and the teeth on the pulley S is least. At this period, therefore, they are most easily engaged by any depression of the counter faller. When the higher initial velocity of the spindle, produced as described in paragraph 336, causes the yarn to be put into tension and the counter faller wire depressed, an engagement of the catch and pulley teeth occurs. Figs. 170 and 171.J.N. (339) The effect is that the rotation of the toothed pulley is stopped, and the band Q is practically gripped by S and its fellow pulley S1, which are borne by the carriage. Instead, therefore, of slipping over the pulleys as before, the band is drawn along with the carriage and the remaining pulleys are caused to revolve. The force so applied is sufficient to rotate the grooved pulley P1 by overcoming the resistance of the spring clip, and the bevel wheels and quadrant screw are rotated. The nut is thus moved outwards, and the winding chain relieved as previously described. This causes a slight diminution in the speed of winding, sufficient to relieve the pressure of the threads on the counter faller wire, which rises and breaks the contact of the detent and the toothed pulley. The further movement of the nut is thus arrested. (340) The necessity for a diminution of the initial velocity of the spindle is strictly relative to the counts of yarn being spun. Some of the finer counts require a very slow traverse of the nut, and there may be practically none during several draws of the carriage. As the nut slowly rises and the locking point of the winding faller is elevated, the period of the engagement of the detent catch and the wheel S becomes (341) The motion of the winding scroll is communicated to the tin roller by means of a catch or “click” plate shown in detail in Fig. 168. On the spindle of the winding scroll X1 is a spur wheel—indicated by dotted lines—which engages with a small pinion on the tin roller shaft T. The whole of this special mechanism is shown in longitudinal section in the right hand top corner of Fig. 168. The pinion is cast in one piece with the disc V which is loose upon the shaft T. The latter has a pin fixed in it, on which the small catch or “click” V1 is hinged. The click catch is ordinarily held out of position by the bent spring W1, which surrounds the boss of a ratchet wheel T1—to which the name of the “click wheel” is given. When the “click spring” W1 is slightly oscillated in the same direction as the rotation of the ratchet wheel, it allows the click catch to fall into gear with the click wheel. As the latter is keyed upon the tin roller shaft T, the engagement with it of the catch causes the tin roller to be revolved, and thus rotates the spindles. (342) It was formerly the practice to allow the click catch to fall into gear when the disc V began to rotate upon the commencement of the inward run of the carriage. It was, however, found that the click catch engaged with the wheel earlier at one stretch than at another, and that, consequently, winding began a little more slowly than it should. The effect of such an occurrence is that a little slack yarn was produced as the carriage was running in, although winding was not taking place. Under these conditions tight winding at the nose throughout was practically impossible. It will be easily understood that, when the click catch is released, it may very readily be left either close to the tooth with which it has to engage or only just over the point of the preceding tooth. In the first case the engagement would take place at once, while in the second instance almost the distance of a tooth would have to be travelled by the click catch before engagement occurred. In hard twisted yarns this is especially objectionable, and its prevention is of importance. (343) To overcome the defect thus explained a hanging lever W is fitted on the tin roller shaft, and the click spring W1, instead of fitting on the boss of the disc V, fits on the inner boss of the lever W, which it clips. A slight oscillation of the lever is, therefore, at once followed by the movement of the spring, and the click catch is engaged. The tail end of the lever W comes in contact with a stop R1 on the holding-out catch rod R. When R is moved in order to release the catch it causes the lever W to move into the position shown by the dotted lines, and so oscillate the spring W1. The tail of the click spring passes between a fork formed in the click catch, and thus presses the catch in either direction, according to which side of the fork it gears with. When, therefore, the click spring is oscillated by the releasing movement of the holding-out rod acting upon the lever W, the click catch is forced hard up to the tooth with which it is engaging. The continued movement of the rod, if made, has, of course, no further effect upon the click catch, (344) The whole of the points relating to winding having been considered, the motions used in the fifth and last period require describing. When the carriage is near the completion of its inward run, the various parts are in the following position: The strap is on the loose pulley and the backing-off side shaft is being revolved either by the gearing named, or by its independent band; the back shaft clutch is disengaged and the back shaft is revolving so as to aid in drawing up the carriage; the rollers are disengaged and are not delivering roving; the taking-in friction is engaged, and the scroll bands are drawing in the carriage; the quadrant arm is completing its forward movement, and the spindles are revolving in their normal direction; the winding faller is locked and the wire is approaching the nose of the cop; and the counter faller is in contact with and sustaining the threads. As soon as the carriage arrives at the roller beam, the whole of these motions require changing, so that the different parts shall occupy the positions indicated in paragraph 286. (345) This operation is mainly the work of the cam shaft, but in part is performed by other mechanism. As soon as the carriage arrives at, or near, the end of its outward run, the horn S1 on the carriage comes in contact with the anti-friction bowl R1 in the long lever T and depresses it (see Fig. 156). This removes the nose of the releasing lever from the raised surface on V and allows the friction clutch W X to come into gear. The cam shaft immediately begins to rotate, and the three cams to act upon the various parts in the reverse way to that previously described. The rotation of the cam Z (Fig. 156) performs the two functions of disengaging the taking-in friction clutch and engaging the back shaft clutch, the motions of these always being closely related. The cam W during the same period allows the roller clutch to go into gear, and the delivery of roving again begins. The rotation of the cam Y causes it to exercise a thrust on the pin fixed in G (Fig. 158), so forcing the driving strap over on to the fast pulley, this giving renewed motion to the spindles. The same movement causes the lever H to be pushed forward until the shoulder formed in it can again engage with the fixed catch L, the spring P pulling the end of H upwards as soon as it is sufficiently far forward. The strap guider is thus again locked when the strap is on the fast pulley. By the time these engagements and disengagements have been made, the cam shaft M has made its second half revolution, and the end of the release lever again presses upon the raised surface on the cam V and detaches the friction cone W from X. The cam shaft is thus stopped and remains stationary until the end of the outward run as described in paragraph 291. (346) The whole of the parts governed by the cam shaft having thus resumed their original position, it remains to be shown how the winding and counter fallers are released, so as to be able to assume their relative positions out of contact with the yarn. The unlocking of the winding faller must be made as late as possible in the inward run, but the exact period at which it is made is affected by the height of the cop nose (347) Referring now to the release of the winding and counter fallers, it is essential that they should leave the yarn free as soon as spinning begins. For this purpose the lever J is raised by contact with the small roller W (Fig. 159), and its weight is removed from the counter faller shaft, and also from the winding faller. Still further to facilitate the descent of the counter faller, which is sometimes a little sluggish, a stop is placed in the headstock, which engages with a tail piece on the counter faller shaft when the carriage has run in. This arrangement is shown in the dotted lines at the right hand top corner of Fig. 161. The weight of the winding faller connections is, of course, sufficient to lift it quickly out of contact with the yarn. (348) The operations thus described constitute the fifth period, and at its termination the mechanism is again engaged in the work of spinning or twisting, being at the commencement of another cycle of movements. There is, however, one more piece of mechanism to refer to before the description of this machine can be brought to a close. It was seen that during the period of winding the chain was drawn off the winding scroll during the forward stroke of the quadrant arm. Referring to Fig. 172, which represents a portion of the mechanism relating to the quadrant, it will be seen by the arrows that during the outward run of the carriage, the quadrant M also makes its backward stroke. During the same period it is necessary to rewind on the winding scroll the chain C which was previously unwound, and this is effected by the cord S. S is attached at one end to a hook or staple T, fixed to the framing, and at its other end to a weighted lever U, pivoted on a bracket fixed to the floor. The cord S, in its course, passes over the two pulleys shown fixed to the carriage, and its tension is sufficient to cause the pulley on the shaft X to be rotated by the inward run of the carriage, thus winding the chain C on to the scroll. By the termination of the outward run this operation is concluded, and the chain is ready to act again efficiently as soon as winding recommences. When a “set” of cops—that is, the whole number spun on a mule—is finished, it is “doffed” or stripped from the spindles. As soon as this is completed the winding nut is wound back by hand to the bottom of the quadrant, and the copping plates are also restored manually to their original position. (349) The description thus given of the machine as made by Messrs. Platt will enable an accurate idea to be obtained of the mechanical movements which are found in the work of a mule. It is true that this special machine differs in some of its details from many of other makers, and that there are motions fitted to it which are not found in other machines. When the latter are used, however, they tend to increase the automaticity of the machine. The winding chain shortening, or, as it is more correctly called, the nosing motion, and the backing-off chain tightening motion, are of this class, both tending to an increased efficiency. The main principles in a machine of this class are embodied in the mule described, and the general explanations given will prove serviceable, whatever may be the make of mule studied. Fig. 173.J.N. (350) One of the important points of difference between this and mules of other makes is found in the position of the cam shaft. This, it was seen, is in the Platt machine placed above the axis of the rim shaft. In other cases it is placed, as shown diagramatically in Fig. 173, along the headstock of the mule, and below the centre of the long or “balanced” lever T. In this case the cam shaft K is a tubular one, and has passed through its centre the shaft M, which is suitably driven from one end. The cam shaft is fitted with a friction clutch at P, the fixed half being on the tubular shaft. The other half slides on the shaft M, being pressed up to the fixed half by the spiral spring shown. On the long lever T at the point L a pendant cam plate is hung, which surrounds the cam shaft as shown in a detached front view and section in Figs. 174 and 175, and is formed with a slot so as to permit it to rise and fall freely. The cam plate has two raised cam surfaces or courses, against which the end of a pin is pressed by the action of the spiral spring. The pin passes through the half clutch fixed on the cam shaft, and presses against the sliding half on the shaft M. Thus when the pin is on the raised part of the cam plate the clutch is detached, while if it is on the lower part the clutch is in gear. When, therefore, the inner end of the balanced lever T is depressed, the fall of the pendant plate causes the pin to come upon the lower part of the cam course, and permits the engagement of the clutch. The cam shaft thus makes a half circle turn, and effects the necessary changes for beginning spinning. This causes the end of the pin to run on to the second cam course, and by the time the half revolution is made, Fig. 172.J.N. (351) The back shaft is also engaged and detached in a different manner. It is driven from the roller shaft by a train of wheels, but the last of the train is a compound one, consisting of a large wheel with a smaller pinion. The latter gears with the back shaft wheel, and is put into or out of gear accordingly, as it is desired to revolve or stop the rotation of the back shaft. For this purpose the compound wheel is borne on a hinged lever, called commonly the Mendoza lever, which is weighted in a suitable manner. The exact origin of the word Mendoza, as applied to this lever, is difficult to define, but it probably arises from the French phrase, main douce—AnglicÈ, the soft hand. However this may be, the function of the lever is to put the pinion into and out of gear with the backing-off wheel, and to effect this, its motion is controlled by a cam or eccentric on the cam shaft. This cam works in a fork in a lever, and the rotation of the cam shaft raises or lowers the Mendoza. The object of the weight is to ensure the full engagement of the pinion and back shaft wheel, so as to obviate any jumping out of gear at the commencement of winding. There is some tendency towards this unsteadiness of driving in the early part of the outward run, and it is desirable to lock the Mendoza lever in position. Figs. 174 and 175.J.N. Fig. 176. (352) Messrs. John Hetherington and Sons employ a special device by which this difficulty is overcome. The mule, as made by them—arranged to be driven with the rim shaft transversely, instead of longitudinally, placed in the headstock—is illustrated in Fig. 176 in longitudinal elevation, and in Fig. 177 in back view. Both views show the method of driving quite clearly. On the outward end of the Mendoza weight a pin is fixed which takes into a fork formed at the upper end of a vertical lever. The fork is shaped with a shoulder or recess, below which the pin referred to can slip when desired to lock the Mendoza in position. A small ear is formed on the vertical lever, through which a set screw is passed, the point of which comes in contact with the end of a horizontal lever centred on a pin fixed in the headstock. The last named lever has a long tail extending outwards toward the carriage. When the carriage comes up to the back stops and the Mendoza lever falls, putting the driving pinion into gear with the back shaft wheel, the long tail of the horizontal lever is raised, and the effect is that the pin in the Mendoza weight passes under the shoulder of the fork in the vertical catch lever, and so firmly holds the Mendoza lever down. As the latter carries the driving wheel, the pinion is kept firmly in gear, and the effective driving of the carriage is obtained. As soon as the carriage has run out a little—by which time it has gained momentum—the horizontal lever is released, and Fig. 177. Fig. 178. (353) It was shown that to perfect the action of winding at the nose of the cop it is customary to deflect the chain by means of a nose peg. A motion based upon the principle of the deflection of the chain, but in which that object is attained in a different fashion, is shown in Fig. 178 in side elevation, and in Fig. 179.J.N. (354) In the description of the governing motion, given in paragraph 339, it was shown that the rotation of the screw in the quadrant arm is made during the inward run of the carriage. There are some objections made to this procedure on the ground of the extra tension put on the yarn in the early part of winding, which is of some moment when fine or tender yarns are being spun. In Fig. 180 a side view is given of a motion made by Messrs. Dobson and Barlow, which is designed to obviate the necessity for altering the screw during the inward run, and provide means by which it can be made during the outward run. In lieu of the ordinary grooved pulley on the quadrant axis, a toothed wheel U is used, with which a toothed rack R can engage under circumstances presently to be described. The rack R is carried by a sliding frame S, which is fixed upon a longitudinal rod T, extending backwards in the headstock, and carried by brackets fastened to the floor. The rack is fitted at one end with an inclined foot, and at the other with a spring, which prevents too deep an engagement of the rack and wheel. The rack passes—during its outward stroke—over a frame fastened to the headstock, in which is a screw X on which is threaded the sliding stop W. The pitch of the screw thread is varied to correspond with the thread in the quadrant arm Q, and the screw is rotated by a ratchet wheel, with which a pawl, oscillated by a finger, engages. At the point I a loose tongue is hinged, which at the end of the stroke of the frame engages with the nut W. On the winding faller (355) In beginning a set of cops the stop W is turned back to its proper position, which is determined by the size of the cop about to be spun. The frame S is then pushed forward as much as possible, and the chain is slipped on to the smaller portion of the bowl in Y. This allows the pendant O to fall a little, and its height subsequently is regulated strictly by the position of the fallers. During the outward run the horizontal arm P, which forms part of the pendant O, engages with the vertical projection on the frame S and causes it to move forward. The rack R being raised engages with the wheel U and rotates it, this movement being consequently communicated to the quadrant nut. Thus the latter is put into position for action during the next period of winding and any straining of the yarn is avoided. As the stroke of the rack is continued, the tongue I engages with the nut and causes the rack to drop out of gear with the pinion, and any further movement of the quadrant nut is avoided. It has been shown that the traverse of the latter is gradually diminished as the cop is built, and, in like manner, the inward motion of the stop W causes the engagement of the rack and pinion to be limited. This is a sort of “trip” motion very familiar to students of steam engine practice, and is well applied in this case. The slide S is drawn back into position by the engagement of the lower end of the pendant O with the finger L. A slight contact at first between these becomes a firm one by the backward movement of the finger when pressed upon by the pendant O, but it will be obvious that, if the latter is too high to move the finger L, the rack will remain untraversed until a sufficient depression of O takes place. It only remains to be said that once the nut W has been set at the beginning of winding, all that is required is for the minder to slip the loop of the chain on the right portion of the bowl in Y, and the motion acts automatically until winding is finished. (356) A somewhat similar attachment has been recently introduced in France, and is the invention of Mons. Dubs. The author is informed by a trustworthy mechanician that the motion acts perfectly throughout winding, and it may, therefore, be well to give a brief description of it. As in the motion of Messrs. Dobson and Barlow, the regulation of the nut takes place during the outward run, and it is unnecessary to again detail the reasons for this course. The chief operating part of the mechanism is the rack finger A—shown in its position when in gear—which is hinged on a vertical rod or plunger K, sustained in a frame or bearing S fastened to the carriage. Referring to Fig. 181, the whole of the apparatus moves with the carriage and is self-contained. Attached to the faller is a connecting rod or link B, which is coupled to a hinged lever O formed at its outer end with a toothed rack or quadrant finely pitched. With this rack, which has two sets of stepped teeth, two detent catches H engage. The lever O is hinged to a plunger L, which has at its lower end a screwed shank fixed to a plate F also secured in the same manner to the Fig. 180.J.N. (357) The action of this mechanism is as follows: Assuming that the inward run of the carriage is nearing completion, the lever G engages with a stop or bracket fixed to the floor, which causes D to fall out of gear with the catch E. This leaves the plate F and all its connections to the control of the chain C and the counter faller. When the faller locks it raises the rod B and the lever O, which is then held in position by the detent catches H. During the first inward run O is lifted to its highest point, which, of course, affects all the parts attached to it. Just before the end of each stretch the catches H are released, so that the whole of the subsequent regulation depends on the counter faller. As the locking point of the winding faller wire is gradually raised the elevation of the fork at the upper end of K—which by reason of the connection of the plate F with the lever O always takes place—occurs at a gradually lower point throughout building. The effect is that when D is released, as described, an elevation of the rack A takes place if needed. If not, D falls over the catch E as the carriage begins to run out and thus locks it, preventing the rack A from (358) Quite recently Messrs. Curtis, Sons and Co. have constructed a mule in which the cam shaft, as an instrument for making the “changes,” is entirely done away with. A side elevation of the mechanism for effecting this is shown in Fig. 182, and a plan of the same in Fig. 183. The back shaft clutch F is formed so that its driving half slides, this being controlled by the action of a lever L, connected, as shown, at two points to the rods R M. The taking-in friction is placed horizontally, and is controlled by the vertical lever H connected with the sliding rod R. The lever F1, by which the back shaft clutch is disengaged, is coupled by the link going across the carriage—shown in Fig. 183—to the roller clutch box, so that the engagement or disengagement of the roller clutch box is simultaneous with the attachment or detachment of the roller gear. The mechanism for actuating these parts is based upon the principle of the push and pull of spiral springs, a partial application of which was shown in the case of the backing-off rod. On the axle of the quadrant a short arm S is fixed, which is coupled with the rocking lever T, connected to the sliding boss on the rod M. Two springs M1 M2 are threaded on the shaft, and are placed respectively between the sliding boss and stop hoops fixed on the shaft. The rod M is coupled at the back to the lever L, the function of which is, as indicated, to actuate the back shaft clutch. At the front end of the rod M a catch lever Q is fixed, which detains it as the carriage is running out. When this happens, the spring M1 is compressed by the oscillation of the quadrant axle acting through the crank S and its connections, the other spring M2 being then out of compression. As soon as the end of the outward run is reached a boss on the counter faller shaft B1 comes in contact with the underside of the catch lever Q and raises it, thus freeing the rod M. The spring M1 is thus free to extend, and, acting upon the lever L, disengages the back shaft and roller clutches. This accounts for one part of the changes; and while it is taking place a catch lever O, which had previously been raised, is lowered. When the inward run of the carriage is made by the operation of the same parts the spring M2 is compressed. On the arrival of the carriage at the roller beam the lever O is tripped by a boss on the faller shaft B, allowing the spring M2 to extend and re-engage the two clutches named. (359) The taking-in or scroll shaft is operated from the rod R, which is fitted with one spring only at its back end. This is compressed by the intervention of a second lever, fastened on the same shaft on which the rocking lever T oscillates, the compression taking place during the outward run of the carriage. The spring is held in compression by a latch P, which engages with a lug on the rod R. When the carriage runs in, a boss on the faller shaft releases the latch, and the extension of the spring disengages the taking-in friction clutch. The latter is put into gear by the locking of the faller in the ordinary manner, and is held in gear until the latches O and P are tripped in the manner described. The spring R presses on Fig. 181.J.N. (360) The angle of the spindle relatively to the vertical line is such as is necessary to suit the material being spun, but there is another feature which it is necessary to mention. As the point of the spindle moves in a horizontal plane, it is obvious that the yarn will pass on to it from the rollers at an angle varying with its distance from them. That is to say, the angle formed by the yarn, in passing on to the spindle, will be more acute when the carriage is near to the rollers than it will be when it is further away. This has a little influence upon the problem of spinning, and an arrangement exhibited at the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition, applied to Messrs. Asa Lees and Co.’s mule, is shown in Fig. 184. In this case there are two carriage slips instead of only one, and these are inclined so as to compensate for the difference in angle. On one of the Figs. 182 and 183.J.N. (361) Having thus described in detail the construction and principles of the mule, it is only necessary to say a few words on the subject of its application to the spinning of the finer counts, which require specially delicate treatment. It is found necessary to fit a few special attachments which are supplementary to the ordinary mechanism employed. In dealing with fine yarns the rollers are stopped a little before the carriage has completed its outward run, and this results in the yarn being a little stretched. A more important result, however, is that if there be any unevenness in the diameter of the yarn, the twist speedily runs into the thin places, which become hardened, and do not easily elongate or draw. The thicker places remaining untwisted are, therefore, drawn down until the full twist runs into them also. This supplementary twisting Fig. 184.J.N. (362) Mr. Richard Threlfall of Bolton has devoted himself to the construction of fine spinning mules, and has produced a self-acting machine, which is capable of spinning the highest counts. With a brief description of it as made by him, the present treatment of this machine must be closed. In the Threlfall mule the roller delivery after jacking is effected by a short shaft on which is a catch box, the outer surface of which constitutes a cam course, which is revolved from the twist shaft. On this cam shaft is the first of a train of wheels, which gear up to the roller, and the first wheel has motion given to it by a ratchet and pawl, the movement of the latter being controlled by the throw of the cam. The cam can be set so as to give a whole turn to the rollers, or only one flute, and by means of changes in the train of wheels further regulation can be made. The copping rail is specially constructed, so as to enable short cops of any shape to be easily built. The fallers are arranged so as to be very sensitive in action. The action of the quadrant is aided by a special contrivance consisting of a narrow pulley placed alongside the loose (363) Such is a description of the most intricate machine in the whole range of textile mechanics, which, although threatened more than once with extinction, is yet more largely used to-day than at any previous time. On it yarn of varying qualities can be spun, either soft or hard twisted. The yarn which is used for warp purposes is more commonly known as twist, and that employed for weft is known by that name. Weft yarn, as will be shown at the end of the next chapter, is always more softly twisted than warp yarn, and the mule spindles revolve in the opposite direction to that employed when the latter is spun. About the question of twists and the system of the arrangement of draughts throughout the whole process of spinning, a few words will be said in concluding the next chapter. (364) The mule is used in a modified form to produce “doubled” warps-that is, two strands of yarn twisted together. When so employed, the machine is known as a “twiner,” and is constructed with a low creel. With the necessary alterations to suit the circumstances peculiar to the case, the machine is largely employed in certain districts. In its main features, however, it resembles the mule, and does not require a detailed description. Another modified form is used for spinning yarns made from waste, being nearly identical with the machine as employed in spinning fine worsted yarns. The student who is interested in this subject will find a description of the woollen mule in “Spinning Woollen and Worsted,” by Mr. W. S. Bright McLaren, M.A. (365) A table is appended of actual productions from Messrs. John Hetherington and Sons’ mule. These are given from 74 machines for the ordinary working week of 561/2 hours. A great variety of counts are included, all of which were being spun at the same time. An additional table is given of productions from Messrs. Platt Brothers and Co.’s mule. An explanation of the value of the hank is appended to the next chapter. Table 2. ACTUAL PRODUCTIONS IN A WORKING WEEK OF 561/2 HOURS, FROM MESSRS. JOHN HETHERINGTON AND SON’S MULES.
Note.—The production of any mule varies of course with the class of cotton used, the amount of twist required, and the length of mules; but the figures given in the tables are, in each case, figures of actual productions. |