(207) The slivers produced on the carding engine, although, as previously noted, composed of approximately parallel fibres, are not perfectly laid in that way. If, however, they are subjected to a pull in a longitudinal direction they easily assume the parallel position. Even slivers produced on a combing machine, in which the fibres are, as has been observed, in much better order than when treated in a carding engine, are improved by being subjected to this drawing action. The net result of the process is an improvement in the strength of the resultant thread. Not only is it essential to improve the parallelisation of the fibres in the sliver, but it is equally desirable to produce a sliver of even weight and thickness. As it leaves the carding or combing machine the sliver is not so regular in weight as is requisite, and if this irregularity were allowed to go uncorrected a yarn of varying thickness would eventually be spun. It is true that the variations are not serious in amount, but they are of sufficient importance to render it desirable to correct them. Again, it is necessary to reduce these irregularities in order to facilitate future manipulation, and, generally speaking, the proper conduct of the drawing process is of prime importance to successful spinning. (208) The essential feature in a drawing machine or frame is, of course, the mechanism by which the extension or drawing of the sliver is effected. As it is necessary to pass the material continuously through the machine while reducing it to parallel order, the use of rollers becomes imperative. These are arranged in pairs, one above the other, and there are four pairs arranged in parallel lines with each other, as shown in Fig. 124. That illustration is a transverse section of the drawing frame as made by Mr. S. Brooks, Figs. 123 and 125 being respectively end and front views of the same machine. The lower rollers are borne, as shown, by brackets B fastened to a longitudinal beam C, known as the “roller beam.” They are made in sections and are coupled throughout the length of the frame, so as to form four continuous “lines,” which are driven from one end of the machine. Each set of four lower and four upper rollers constitutes a “head,” and there are usually from two to four heads in a machine. The lower rollers are made of a special class of wrought iron, very fine and clear in the grain, and are accurately turned throughout, being formed with two or three bosses to each head. They are also fluted with fine flutes in a longitudinal direction, great care being taken to ensure the flutes being smooth and quite free from anything likely to catch the cotton. The upper rollers are made of cast-iron, and are placed on the top of the lower lines, against which they are constantly pressed by means of the hooks D and weights E, the former passing over the arbors of the rollers. The arbors of the top rollers engage with grooves in the roller brackets, and the rollers are thus prevented from moving laterally, although they have freedom of vertical movement. Bars forming caps Fig. 126.J.N. (209) The rollers are driven from the end of the machine in the way shown in Fig. 123 in end elevation. They may be arranged with all their driving wheels at one end of the frame, or may be—as is the case in Messrs. Howard and Bullough’s machine—driven at both ends. That is to say, the driving of the first and fourth rollers may be effected at the gearing end of the machine, while that of the intermediate lines is obtained at the other end. It will be, perhaps, as well to say that the first line here means the back rollers, and the fourth the front. Whatever be the system of driving adopted, the front roller is always the primarily driven one, and for this course there are good reasons. The thickness of the emerging sliver is determined by the relatively superior speed of the front roller, which runs at a faster rate than any of the others. Thus it becomes an easy matter to reduce the speed of the remaining rollers, and this course is preferable to using a slow running wheel as the driver from which higher velocities are to be obtained. Figs. 123 and 124.J.N. Fig. 125. Between the driver and driven roller a series of wheels are interposed, which are used as change wheels, so as to allow of an easy adjustment of the relative speeds of the whole series. (210) The proper construction of a drawing frame turns largely upon the consideration of a number of small points. In this, as in all other machines used in the preparation of cotton, due regard must be had to the material which is being treated. Especially is this the case in drawing. The “staple” here plays an important part. If the distance between the centres of each line of rollers exceeds that of the length of the “staple” it is quite clear that no drawing worthy of the name will take place. To draw anything one end of it must be firmly held, and if the fibres could lie between two pairs of rollers without being gripped by either it is obvious they would not be drawn. Thus the distance between the centres of the rollers must be regulated to suit the material being treated, and the roller bearings are arranged to permit of that adjustment. This leads to the necessity, where very short slivers are drawn, for the reduction of the diameter of the rollers so as to permit of their being set in together more closely than could otherwise be done. Thus East Indian cotton is best dealt with by rollers of a small diameter set closely; while Sea Island or Egyptian can be drawn by larger rollers set wider apart. The principle underlying this practice has been indicated, but may be formally stated. The necessity exists for the fibre being drawn to be held at one end by one roller, while it is subjected at the other to the pull of a faster running roller. It is therefore essential that the distance between the centres of the rollers shall be such that the fibres are sufficiently drawn without being subjected to overstrain, by which a liability to rupture is incurred. (211) It is the universal practice to effect the major part of the drawing between the third and fourth rollers, the increase in speed prior to that having been comparatively small. The exact speeds at which the various lines run depend largely upon the material treated, but a common acceleration is as follows: Assuming the first or back roller to revolve at 100 times per minute, the second line would run at 125, the third at 175, and the fourth at 275. The attenuation of the sliver between the first and second line is only 25 per cent; that between the second and third 40 per cent; and between the third and fourth 57 per cent. Putting it in another way, assuming one foot of sliver to have passed through the back rollers, it would become 15 inches long after passing the second roller; 21 inches as it leaves the third roller; and 33 inches as it finally emerges from the front roller. Thus, although the percentage of increase between the third and fourth is not largely in excess of that arising between the second and third rollers, the actual increase is exactly twice as much. These proportions are approximations to those which are actually employed, but, as was said, much depends on the character of the material which is being treated. In dealing with a soft elastic fibre like Sea Island cotton, light weighting and an easy draught is possible, while, if a harsh strong fibre is subjected to the same treatment there would be little effect produced. It is therefore necessary to put additional weight upon the rollers and thus increase their grip. A severe treatment of this character, which would be fatal to a weak or fine cotton, is beneficial to the coarser varieties, which can easily be subjected to a coarser draught. All these are points which require attention in practice, and careful observation will do more than many instructions in giving the knowledge of the right course to pursue. (212) Another point requiring close attention is the preservation of absolute cleanliness. All cotton in its passage through the machines used, gives off a certain quantity of loose, short fibre, to which the name of “fly” is given. This is found all over the machine, and it adheres to the rollers in considerable quantity. Unless it is removed in some way it is apt to collect into thick pieces, or “slubs,” which attach themselves to the sliver, and thus cause thick places. These, of course, are perpetuated in every subsequent stage, and the removal of the fly, therefore, becomes of great importance. To accomplish this desirable end appliances known as “clearers” are fitted. These are flannel-covered surfaces, either flat or cylindrical, which rest upon the rollers. One common form is a plain, wooden cylinder covered with rough flannel, which is placed upon, and rests between, two of the lines of rollers, the rotation of which causes it to revolve. The rougher surface of the flannel licks up the fly from the rollers, and a periodical stripping is sufficient to keep the clearer effective. A simpler and also a common arrangement consists of a strip of flannel stretched within a cover and resting on the whole of the top rollers. A third modification is known as “Ermen’s revolving clearer,” and is an endless band of flannel passed over two rollers fixed in the cover. The lower part of the band rests upon the top rollers, and the clearer is slowly traversed, so as to remove the fly and convey it to the upper part of the case when the band is turned up. Here an oscillating comb is placed, and scrapes up the fly into small rolls, which can easily be removed periodically. A further form of clearer is made by Messrs. Dobson and Barlow. It consists of two wooden rollers sustained in a frame which is hinged at one end. One of the rollers which presses upon the back rollers is suitably driven so as to take up the fly from the first and second pair. The other roller is loose upon its spindle, which is much smaller than the bore of the roller, so that the revolution of the front rollers causes it to rotate at a speed somewhat below that of the rollers. Both of the wood cylinders are covered with flannel, and thus take up the fly with very great ease. It was found by practice that the positive driving of the back clearer effectually cleaned the first two sets of rollers, while a similar procedure with the front clearer did not lead to the same result. By allowing the latter to be frictionally driven, the rollers can be kept clean without difficulty. To strip the clearers they only require raising, when the fly can be readily removed. (213) A reference to Figs. 123 and 125 will show that extending along the frame is a shaft having a hand-wheel at the end, and a number of worms keyed on it. The latter gear into worm wheels, on the axes of which cams are fixed by which a bar—through which the weight-rods pass—is lifted. As the rods have a loop at their upper end which cannot pass through the holes in the bar, it is clear that the elevation of the latter will also raise the weights. In this way the pressure on the rollers is relieved. This is of value when the frame is stopped for any prolonged period, as the maintenance of the pressure during that time results in the formation of flat places on the rollers, which are detrimental to good work. It is undesirable to put on or take off the weight suddenly, and some makers prefer to use a simple lifting appliance by which each weight can be released singly. (214) The important features in connection with the roller portion of the mechanism are—first, their perfect finish; second, the adoption of such diameters and distances as are suitable for different lengths of (215) It was pointed out in paragraph 207 that there are certain irregularities in the size of the slivers, as obtained from the carding engine. Up to the present the machine has been considered as though each sliver was treated separately, a course which would result in the delivery of a sliver longer than, but possessing the same defects as, the original one. That this must be so is apparent, unless some provision is made for the acceleration of the speed of delivery when a thin place was passing, or its retardation when a thick place occurred. It therefore becomes necessary to find a method of rectifying these defects, and it is obtained by passing several slivers through the machine simultaneously. Reference is now more particularly made to Fig. 123, which shows the mode pursued clearly. A number of full cans from the carding engine—up to eight—are placed behind each delivery, and the slivers they contain are combined and passed through the rollers together. Before passing on to consider the exact effect of this arrangement, a few words may be said as to the method of feeding the cans to the machine. As each can contains approximately the same length, it follows that, the rate of passage being the same throughout the machine, they would all become empty at practically the same time. This implies the necessity for the attendant to remove the cans and piece up the new slivers all along the frame almost simultaneously. This is practically impossible, and it is therefore highly desirable that there should be an arrangement adopted which would enable the cans to be substituted at different times along the frame. In a little but valuable work, “Progress in Cotton Carding,” the late Mr. F. A. Leigh, of Boston, U.S.A., makes the following remarks: “If there are 10 pounds (or 1,000 yards), say, in a full can, instead of putting them all up full at first, it is better to put them up at back of drawing in four sections, say:—
After that replace with the full 10 pounds (or the 1,000 yard) cans, and they will continue to empty in rotation, all full cans having the same length. The tender [minder] will know exactly where to find them.” (216) The diminution of the irregularities in the slivers is most important. The plan pursued is to pass several slivers through the same set of rollers, and deliver the combined sliver at the front of the machine. The number of slivers which are combined varies considerably according to the practice of different spinners, but is not more than eight. Now, if it be assumed that an irregularity of 40 per cent existed in one sliver, and that it was drawn simultaneously with five others in which that irregularity did not exist, the latter would be reduced to one-sixth, or 162/3 per cent. It is, however, the custom to “put up,” or feed, the slivers so obtained to another head of the machine, and subject several of them to a second or even a third drawing. Assume, therefore, that four of the partially drawn slivers were fed and again drawn. The irregularity would be reduced to 12/3 per cent, and a further drawing would again reduce it. The figures given are hypothetical, and it is not likely, of course, that only one sliver would be irregular in thickness, but the example serves to show the principle. The number of “doublings” given to the sliver is arrived at (217) The number of times the material is passed through the machine and the draught to which it is subjected varies, as was shown, with the class of cotton treated. Thus, the harsh, wiry varieties of cotton stand more drawing, but if well drawn will spin fairly well into weft, which does not receive so much twist as warp, and should be full bodied. How much any class of cotton should be doubled and drawn is a matter to be determined by practice only, and even then great variations in the course pursued will occur. The one thing which must be remembered is that as soon as an even sliver is produced further drawing is unnecessary, and only results in a diminution of the strength of the spun yarn. (218) A necessary corollary to the process of doubling slivers is the provision of means whereby the passage of all the combined slivers is ensured throughout their entire length. Assuming, for instance, that eight ends were being passed through the machine, and one of them from some cause failed, it is clear that the delivered sliver would be diminished in thickness one-eighth. Of course the attendant would rectify this at the earliest moment, but, in the interim, a large amount of the thin sliver might have been produced. In order to avoid this serious evil, it is the practice to fit all machines of this class with a detector motion, which operates on the failure of any of the ends. Referring now to Fig. 123, it will be seen that, after passing through the guide-plate F, the sliver is conducted over the end of the short lever G, which oscillates on a knife-edge bearing. The end over which the sliver passes is hollowed out, and is highly polished, while the other end—which is slightly heavier—is beneath a curved guide-plate, shown in section. The lever G is balanced so that the pressure of the sliver during its passage is sufficient to keep the spoon-shaped end down, while, on the breakage or failure of the sliver, the lever oscillates on its bearing. A reference to Fig. 124 will show that a shaft H, driven from the main shaft, as shown, has on it an eccentric, to which the rod I is attached. This rod is attached to a bell crank lever J, on the shaft K, which is oscillated, and thus gives a reciprocal movement to the levers L, carrying a square bar. A bell crank lever M is also placed upon the shaft H, and ordinarily engages with a snug on the stop rod N. The latter has a helical spring attached, which always tends to pull it longitudinally, and when it is released, to throw over the strap from the fast to the loose pulley. (219) Assuming now that one of the slivers has failed, its spoon lever will oscillate and its weighted end will fall. It thus comes in the path of the reciprocating bar in the lever L, which is prevented from completing its traverse. The result is that the lever M is oscillated and the stop rod N released, so that the spring named at once throws the strap on to the loose pulley and stops the machine. As the reciprocations of L are very rapid, no considerable length of the sliver can pass without causing the stoppage of the machine. The attendant is compelled to piece up the broken end, and “single” is thus prevented. (220) The sliver may, however, fail between the drawing rollers and the delivery can, and it is therefore necessary to provide a means whereby the machine can be arrested in this event also. In its passage to the can the sliver is collected by a trumpet-mouthed tube and carried over another spoon lever O, balanced and borne exactly as the lever G. The failure of the sliver is followed by the fall of the inner end of O, which comes in the path of the lever P, to which a lateral reciprocal motion is given from the shaft H, as shown. This results in the stoppage of the machine exactly as in the case of the back stop-motion. (221) After passing the detector lever, the sliver goes through another tube and is compressed by the calender rolls Q, driven as shown in Fig. 124. These give the sliver more cohesion, and slightly flatten it, after which it is treated by the coiler head R, which is of the same construction as that employed on the carding engine, and is driven by the gearing indicated in Fig. 123. Some makers provide a full can stop motion, which operates when the can gets quite filled with cotton. There is a danger, if the attendant is careless, of it becoming jammed under the coiler plate and serious damage occurring. In order to obviate this, a thin plate is fitted below the coiler plate, thus forming a sort of false bottom. This is weighted suitably for various strengths of slivers, it being desirable to press the sliver to a certain degree in order to get as great a length in each can as possible. The amount of this pressure is, of course, variable, and care must be taken not to make it too great. When the loose plate is raised it lifts a vertical stop which comes in front of a lever coupled to the front end of a lever corresponding to P, in Fig. 124, and the motion of the latter is arrested as before, with the same result. This is the arrangement used by Messrs. Platt Brothers and Co., Limited. (222) It sometimes happens that a sliver in coming out of the can will be formed into a knot, or loop, which, when it comes into the guide plates, F, cannot pass through the holes in the latter. The result is, that the sliver is broken and requires re-piecing. Now, it is desirable to prevent the breakage of the sliver when possible, and the case named is met by Mr. Brooks by the use of the motion shown in detail separately. The bar fixed in L oscillates under a catch lever S, which is balanced by the plate F, so as to be raised above the path of L. When, however, a knot occurs, the plate F is drawn inward, and the catch lever S brought in the way of the bar in L, the oscillatory movement of the latter being arrested. The machine is thus stopped, as in the cases previously named. In order to make this movement more sensitive, the plate F is balanced by the weighted lever fixed on the same rod on which F oscillates, the weight being adjustable to suit different strengths of sliver. (223) Messrs. Howard and Bullough have for some years made an application of electricity to this machine for the purposes of stop motions. Their arrangement is shown in Fig. 127, in transverse section. The machine is practically divided into two pieces, which are joined together, but have pieces of some insulating material introduced into the joint. One half of the machine thus constitutes one pole, and is connected to the battery, or dynamo, by the rod R; and the other half being the other pole, also coupled to the battery by the rod O. The sliver, as it passes to the back roller, goes between two rollers S T, which are coupled to the positive and negative poles respectively. The lower roller is fluted and is the Fig. 127.J.N. (224) It only remains to be said that the diameter of the front roller is from 1 inch to 13/8 inches, according to the work required, and the speed at which it is run, from 290 to 450 revolutions per minute. |