AND Town Office: 15, Market Street, opposite Royal Exchange, Manchester. Telephone No. 605. Manchester Royal Exchange, Tuesday and Friday, 1 to 3 p.m. No. 4 Pillar. Telegraphic Address: “Union,” Manchester. REVOLVING FLAT CARDING ENGINES (With Wilkinson’s Patent Adjustable Revolving Discs.) DRAWING FRAMES, With Patented Motions, all Positive and Instantaneous in Action. SLUBBING, INTERMEDIATE, and ROVING FRAMES, From entirely New Models. “RING” SPINNING FRAMES, For Cotton Yarns (Warp and Weft), and also for Worsted Yarn. The “RING” System has long been my Speciality, and the Frames contain many most valuable patented Inventions for increasing the production and improving the quality of the yarn. “RING” AND “FLYER” DOUBLING FRAMES, For Sewing Cottons, Mendings, Knittings, Heald Yarns, Nettings, &c.; also RING TWISTING FRAMES, fitted with Yorkshire “Trap” System, for Worsted Yarn. SAMUEL BROOKS has supplied most of the SEWING COTTON MANUFACTURERS with their Machinery, one Firm alone having over 180,000 “RING” Spindles at work. HILL & BROWN’S PATENT WINDING FRAME, With or Without Patent Stop Motion, to wind upon Paper Tubes or Bobbins without heads; will build the yarn any width, from 3/4 in. upwards, and any diameter, either Parallel or Conical. The Machine is perfectly noiseless, has no traverse motion to get out of order, and can be run at any speed at which the yarn will come off the cop or bobbin—Patent Stop Motion for winding TWO OR MORE ENDS together upon ONE SPOOL. “FLYER” SPINNING and DOUBLING FRAMES, Converted (AT REASONABLE COST) into “RING” System. RESULTS ALMOST EQUAL TO NEW FRAMES. THOUSANDS OF SPINDLES CAN BE SHOWN AT WORK SUCCESSFULLY. Sole Maker of the “AMERICAN STANDARD RING TRAVELLER,” for Spinning and Doubling, in Steel or Composition. A large and special plant has been put down for the production of these Travellers, and Customers may rely upon perfect exactness as to size and weight of each number of Traveller. Price Lists on application. Orders solicited. LOOM TEMPLES, DOFFER COMBS, ASHWORTH’S LONG COLLARS AND SHELLS, &C. All communications to be addressed to the Head Offices: SAMUEL BROOKS, Union Iron Works, WEST GORTON, MANCHESTER. Original image MAKER OF HIGH-CLASS ROPE, BELT, AND WHEEL GEARING. MAIN DRIVING DRUMS TURNED TO ANY DIAMETER OR WIDTH. Improved Metallic Pistons and Air Pump Buckets. Original image Castlefield Iron Works, MANCHESTER. ESTABLISHED 1814. Improved Roller Cotton Mixer. Improved Crighton Opener, with and without Feed Table. Patent Exhaust Crighton Openers. Patent Combined Openers and Lap Machines with or without Exhaust. Lap Machines, with Patent Leaf Extractor. Do.,do.,and Cone Regulator. Do.,do.,and Piano Motion Regulator. Derby Doublers. Grinding Machines. Proprietors by Assignment from W. Higgins & Sons and Sole Makers of
The above made with Short Collars if required. SLUBBING, INTERMEDIATE & ROVING FRAMES, with Mason’s Collars. SELF-ACTING MULES, PARR’S PRINCIPLE, FOR ALL COUNTS. See CRIGHTON’S NEW PATENT OPENER before ordering. References to the above Machines will be found in the Chapters relating to them. Original image THE OLDEST MACHINE MAKERS IN THE TRADE. PATENTEES AND MAKERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY On the Latest and Most Approved Principles FOR PREPARING, SPINNING & DOUBLING COTTON, Cotton Waste, Wool, Worsted, and Vigonia Yarns. SEE NEXT PAGE. Original image PROPRIETORS OF Double-Action Knife Roller Cotton Gin, suitable for all classes of Cotton. Vertical Conical Beater Openers. Double and Single Openers, with or without Lap Machine. Double and Single Scutchers, with or without pedal motion. Grinding Machines and Grinding Rollers on our improved principle. Carding Engines on Wellman’s principle, with our patented improvements and additional motions. New Patent Comb Box. Carding Engines with revolving flats, with our improvements. McConnell & Higginson’s Patent Flat Grinding Apparatus, for grinding Revolving Flats from their working surfaces. Carding Engines, “Simplex,” with revolving flats, with our Patent Automatic Flexible Bend Adjustment, 110 flats, 44 constantly at work. Flats set to the cylinder to the two-thousandth part of an inch. Patent Adjustable Pedestal mathematically correct, for adjusting cylinder in any direction. Carding Engines, with rollers and clearers, specially adapted for waste and for coarse spinning, with or without Patent Condensers. Sliver Lap Machines and Derby Doublers. Heilmann’s Cotton Combing Machines, of 6 or 8 heads, with our improvements for various kinds of Cotton. Patent Draw Frame and Ribbon Lap Machine combined, which gives increased out-turn, causes less waste and less wear to the Combers. Drawing, Slubbing, Intermediate, Roving and Jack Frames. Patent Self-Acting Mules for spinning fine or coarse counts. Patent Self-Acting Mules for spinning Vigonia yarns. Ring Throstles and Doublers for Cotton, Silk, Combed Wool and Merino Yarns, with our patented cork-cushion flexible Spindle; also with the “Rabbeth” or other Spindle. Mule Twiners on our recently improved principle. Patent Quick Traverse Drum Winding Frames, with or without Stop Motion to each end, for making parallel or conical bobbins, or parallel bobbins with tapered ends. Improved Cop Winding Frame. Patent Gassing Frames, with or without Patent Quick Traverse Motion, for winding on to wood or paper tubes, or with Patent Tapering Motion. Cop Reels on Coleby’s principle, with our Patent: Instantaneous Stop Motion for stopping the swift when a thread breaks, or when the required length is put on the swift. SPECIAL APPLIANCES FOR COVERING ALL KINDS OF ROLLERS, CLEARERS AND FLATS. Also Makers of many other Machines and Tools. SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE For Spinning and Doubling. Will run either twist or weft way by simply changing the position of the bands. PERFECT LUBRICATION. LIGHT RUNNING. Stoppages of Spindles not required whilst Re-Oiling. No Pumping out of Dirty Oil. Oil Cups can be taken off, dirty oil removed, cups re-filled and attached whilst Spindles are in motion. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF MANY OTHER KNOWN KINDS OF SPINDLES. Particulars of Special Improvements in Cotton Preparing and Spinning Machinery, also Plans and Estimates, may be had on application to DOBSON & BARLOW, Kay Street Works, BOLTON. Original image MAKERS OF Cotton Spinning & Manufacturing Machinery Of the most modern and approved principle, and embracing all the latest patent improvements. Specialities: ANGLO-AMERICAN OPENERS and SCUTCHERS Comprise the best points of English and American Machines. These Openers and Scutchers are remarkable for CLEANING POWER without damaging Staple, and for REGULARITY and EVENNESS of LAP. NEW PATENT REVOLVING FLAT CARDING ENGINE With RIGID Bend. 110 Flats. 43 Working. MADE AND ON ORDER UP TO DATE 3,583. Characteristics: 1.—Rigid bend, mathematically correct at all stages of the wire. 2.—Arrangement for adjusting Flats, whereby accuracy to the thousandth part of an inch is attained. The most ordinary workman can be entrusted with this adjusting arrangement. 3.—Flats and Cylinders are covered with hardened and tempered steel wire. 4.—Quantity carded, from 900 to 1,100 lbs. per week. 5.—Fewer engines required—less oil—less power—less room—less attention required, and equal yarn made from cheaper cotton or higher priced yarn from equal priced cotton. PATENT ELECTRIC STOP-MOTION Applied to Drawing and Intermediate Frames, for preventing “Single”; patented August, 1875; applied already to 27,631 Delivery heads of drawing, and 165,027 Intermediate Spindles. Original image RING SPINNING FRAME. THE LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. This Spinning Frame has been so extensively adopted, and has attained its present high degree of perfection owing, Firstly—to its being properly made. We had the advantage of Mr. Rabbeth’s personal assistance and experience, and he furnished us with the most perfect special tools for making the spindles and rings. Secondly:—Our experience, now extending over 3,792,570 spindles—constituting us the largest makers of ring frames in the world—has enabled us to perfect the machine mechanically and to introduce improvements which have increased its production 20 per cent. in five years—extended its scope into higher counts of yarn, and enabled it to compete successfully with the Mule in spinning weft and soft yarn. Ring Weft Frames. Howard & Bullough desire to say that their Ring Spinning Weft Frame is successfully established. It is as successful for spinning Weft on Pirns (not on the bare spindle) as is their well-known Rabbeth Ring Frame for spinning Twist, and is entitled to equal confidence. References given on application, comprising leading and extensive mills where the Weft Ring has entirely displaced the mule. RING DOUBLING FRAMES. Made either on the English or Scotch system, for ordinary Doubling or for Sewing Cottons. AMERICAN STANDARD RING TRAVELLERS, for Spinning and Doubling. CAUTION.—Howard & Bullough emphatically warn the trade against the evils arising from BAD or unsuitable oil, and ILL-FITTING or BADLY BALANCED BOBBINS. HOWARD & BULLOUGH, Accrington, Lancashire. Accrington is distant from Manchester only 20 miles. Frequent trains run daily from Victoria or Salford Stations on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. July 31st, 1890. Original image Telegraphic Add. Telephone COTTON PULLING MACHINE CANAL STREET WORKS MILLWRIGHTS AND BRASS & IRON FOUNDERS TODMORDEN. Original image LORD BROTHERS Canal Street Works, TODMORDEN, ENGLAND. LORD BROTHERS are Makers of the following Machinery, off Newest Models, with all latest Improvements:— “Cotton Pulling” or “Bale Breaking” and Mixing Machines. Patent “Exhaust” Fans. Patent “Exhaust” Openers. Patent “Exhaust” Horizontal Cylinder Openers, combined with Scutchers and Lap Machines, for drawing Cotton any distance up to 1,000 feet. Patent Combined “Exhaust” VERTICAL CYLINDER Openers, with or without Scutchers and Lap Machines. Patent Openers, with Cylinders and Beaters, combined with Scutchers and Lap Machines. Patent Scutchers, with Lap Machines. Patent “Express” Cards. Patent Improved “Piano” Regulators. Patent “Revolving” Flat and Improved “Wellman” Flat Cards. Single and Double Roller and Clearer Carding Engines, with Patent Setting Arrangements for Rollers, Clearers, Grinding Rollers and Mote Knife. Drawing Frames, with Improved Quick-Stop Motions. Slubbing Frames, with Patent Steps, Short or Long Collars, Patent Cone Motion, and built to stand high speeds. Intermediate Frames, Short or Long Collars, as above. Roving Frames, with do. do. do. Fine Jack Frames, with do. do. do. Improved “High-Speed Flyer” Throstle, with Patent Steel, New Patent “Self-Lubricating,” or our Improved Ashworth’s Cast-Iron Collars. Flyer Doubling Frames, on same principle as High-Speed Throstle, for every description of Thread or Lace Yarns. Ring Spinning Frames with our Improved “Flexible” or Rabbeth Spindles. Improved Ring Doubling Frames. Winding Frames. Warping Mills. Ball-Sizing Machinery. Warp-Drying Machines. Beaming Machines. Patent Looms, Single Shuttle or Box. Looms with Patent Positive “Let-off” Motion. Patent Indigo Mills, &c., &c. MILLWRIGHTS, BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS. N.B.—LORD BROTHERS purchased the whole of the Patterns and Business of the late firm of John Elce & Co., Limited, and can execute orders for new or repairs for existing Machinery. Telephone Number 6. Telegraphic Address: “LORDS, TODMORDEN.” Original image OLDHAM. PATENT REVOLVING FLAT CARDING ENGINE. Original image ASA LEES & CO. LIMITED, SOHO IRON WORKS, OLDHAM. MANCHESTER OFFICE (Open Tuesdays and Fridays), 27, HOPWOOD AVENUE. CONSTRUCTORS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY For Preparing, Spinning, and Doubling Cotton and Wool. OPENERS.—Improved Cotton Openers, with Porcupine Cylinders. Crichton’s Openers and Patent Exhaust Openers. SCUTCHERS OR LAP MACHINES.—Single or Double, with our Patent Feed Regulator, with rope driving. OPENER AND LAP MACHINES combined. SINGLE CARDING ENGINES, with Rollers and Clearers. SINGLE REVOLVING FLAT CARDING ENGINES, with various widths of flats, and recent improvements. DOUBLE CARDING ENGINES of various Patterns, with Rollers and Clearers, or with Revolving Flats. COMPOSITE DOUBLE CARDING ENGINES, with Rollers and Clearers on first Cylinder, and Revolving Flats on Finishing Cylinder. CARDING ENGINES for Wool, Wadding, &c. Condensers, &c. DRAWING FRAMES, with Improved Front and Back Stopping Motions. With Full Can Stopping Motion, Weight Relieving Motion, and Traverse Motion, if required. SLUBBING, INTERMEDIATE & ROVING FRAMES, made from new Patterns, with recent Improvements, Ordinary or Long Spindle Collars, &c. Taylor’s Patent Cone Releasing Motion. PATENT SELF-ACTING MULES for Cotton, Coarse or Fine Counts. PATENT SELF-ACTING MULES for Wool, Shoddy, Mungo, and Cotton Waste. PATENT SELF-ACTING MULES for Worsted. PATENT SELF-ACTING TWINERS, with Improved Horizontal Brass Locking Slide with Moving Creels, or on the Mule principle, with Stationary Creels. PATENT SELF-ACTING TWINERS for Twisting or Doubling Wool, Worsted, or Mixed Yarns. FLYER THROSTLE FRAMES, for Spinning or Doubling. IMPROVED RING SPINNING AND DOUBLING FRAMES. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE:— BAERLEIN & CO., 12, Blackfriars Street, SALFORD, MANCHESTER, To whom all Communications relating to Continental Business should be addressed. Original image POWER LOOMS, Plain or Fancy, with Lifting or Revolving Boxes, for Cotton, Linen, Woollen, Worsted, Jute, Silk, and Carpets. JACQUARD DOBBIES, WITCHES, PATENT OSCILLATING TAPPETS, WOODCROFT TAPPETS, AND SHEDDING MOTIONS COTTON MULE—Front View. PATENT SELF-ACTING MULES and TWINERS, For COTTON, COTTON WASTE, WOOL, WOOLLEN WASTE, WORSTED, and SILK. CLOTH FOLDING AND MEASURING MACHINES. CHAPON’S PATENT CUP SPINNING MACHINE FOR COTTON, WOOL, AND WASTE. MANCHESTER OFFICE:—5, St. Ann’s Square. GLASGOW OFFICE:—160, Hope Street—Mr. RICHARD MURRAY, Agent. FOREIGN AGENTS:— RUSSIA.—Messrs. De Jersey and Co., Manchester; and Mr. L. Knoop., Moscow. FRANCE, BELGIUM, ITALY, BAVARIA, &c.—Messrs. Adolphus Sington & Co., Manchester. BOHEMIA and SAXONY.—Mr. W. W. Derham, Leipsic. AUSTRIA.—Messrs. M. Schoch & Co., Vienna. BADEN, WURTEMBURG and SWITZERLAND.—Messrs. M. Schoch & Co., Zurich. SPAIN, PORTUGAL and MEXICO.—Messrs. John M. Sumner & Co., Manchester. WESTPHALIA.—Messrs. S. D. Bles & Sons, Manchester; and in HOLLAND (for Cotton Machinery only). SCANDINAVIA and DENMARK.—Messrs. D. Foxwell & Son, 1, North Parade, Parsonage, Manchester. UNITED STATES.—Messrs. F. A. Leigh & Co., 35 and 36, Mason Building, Boston, Mass. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.—The Hon. N. N. Wadia, C.I.E., Tardeo, Bombay. JAPAN and the COREA.—Messrs. Mitsui & Co., 1, Crosby Square, London. SEE TWO FOLLOWING PAGES Machinery for Preparing and Spinning Vigogne and Cotton Waste or Barchant Yarns. MACHINERY FOR CARDING & SPINNING SILK WASTE. COMBING MACHINES DRAWING, SLUBBING, INTERMEDIATE, and ROVING FRAMES, COTTON MULE—PATENT WEFT RING FRAME (on Bare Spindle). RING SPINNING FRAMES (for Warp and Weft), BOYD’S PATENT STOP-MOTION TWISTERS. RING DOUBLING FRAMES, IMPROVED MACHINERY FOR PREPARING MACHINERY FOR WEAVING, SEE NEXT PAGE. Telegraphic Address: “PLATTS, OLDHAM.”Telephone No. 26. PLATT BROTHERS & CO. Ltd. INCLUDING PATENT MACARTHY ROLLER COTTON GINS, for Long or Short Stapled Cotton. IMPROVED COTTON BALE BREAKER, with and without Mixing Lattices. HARD WASTE BREAKING UP MACHINES. CRIGHTON’S OPENERS, with Improved Creeper Feeder. PATENT “EXHAUST” OPENERS, with or without Lap Machines, and with Patent Travelling Dirt Lattice applied to Dust Trunk. SCUTCHERS, with Patent Pedal Regulators. REVOLVING SELF-STRIPPING FLAT CARDING ENGINES, ROLLER & CLEARER CARDING ENGINES, Single or Double, made to any width required. SEE TWO PRECEDING PAGES. Original image JOSEPH STUBBS,MILL STREET WORKS, (PATENT STOP-MOTION DOUBLER-WINDER.) SPECIAL MACHINERY AS UNDER: WINDING FRAMES, for winding from Mule Cops, Ring and Flyer Throstle or Doubler Bobbins. HANK and PIRN WINDING FRAMES of all descriptions. QUICK TRAVERSE WINDING FRAMES. PATENT STOP-MOTION DOUBLER-WINDING FRAMES (same as above illustration). Made from new patterns. Most simple stop-motion made. GASSING FRAMES for Cotton, Worsted, and Silk Yarns, with latest improvements. REELS for MULE COPS, RING and FLYER THROSTLE or DOUBLER BOBBINS. All Reels are now made with new Patent “Bridge” Doffing Motion. This Motion consists of one piece only. No soiling with oil in doffing. YARN BUNDLING PRESSES of all descriptions. New Lifting Motion preventing breakdowns. YARN PREPARING MACHINES, WARPING MILLS, WARPING HECKS, YARN CLEARERS, &c. The above Improved Machines may be seen in operation in the Show Room at my Works, and Inspection is specially invited. Maker of ANNEALED and MALLEABLE IRON CASTINGS of superior quality. Telegrams—“Winding, Manchester.” Telephone No. 440. ESTABLISHED 1791. |