- Baptismals and Death Registers, 1704-1740, Cathedral Archives, Mobile, Alabama.
- Concessions, Louisiana Historical Society Library, Tulane Library, New Orleans. Transcripts.
- French MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1676-1869, Louisiana Historical Society Library, Tulane Library, New Orleans.
- Notes and Docquements Historiques de la Louisiane, Tulane Library, New Orleans.
- Hennepin, Louis A., Description of Louisiana, Paris 1683, edited and translated by J. G. Shea, New York 1880.
- Joutel, A journal of the last voyage performed by Monsr. De la Salle to the Gulf of Mexico to find the Mouth of the Mississippi River, Written in French by M. Joutel, a commander in the expedition. Caxton Club, London, 1896.
- Kelerec, Report of 1758, New Orleans Library.
- LePage du Pratz, Historie de la Louisiane, 3 vols Paris, 1758.
- The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, edited by R. G. Thwaites, 71 vols, Cleveland 1896-1901.
- Colonial Records of North Carolina, edited by William L. Saunders, 10 vols, Raleigh, N. C. 1896-1901.
- La Harpe, Bernard de, Journal Historique de l’Establissement des Francais a la Louisiane, Nouvelle-Orleans 1831. New Orleans Library.
- Le Gac, Charles (Director of the Company of the Indies) Memorie d’apris les Voyages sur la Louisiana, la Geographie, La situation de la Colonie Francois ou 25 Anust 1718 au 5 Mars 1721 et des moynesd de l’ameliorer, 1722. Boston Public Library.
- Blanchard, Rufus, History of Illinois, Chicago 1883.
- Breese, Sidney, The early history of Illinois, from its Discovery by the French, in 1673, until its concession to Great Britain in 1763, including the Narration of Marquette’s Discovery of the Mississippi, Chicago 1884.
- Bunner, E., History of Louisiana from its first discovery and settlement to the present time, New York 1841.
- Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 43, Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley Adjacent to the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Washington 1911.
- Speed, Thomas, The Wilderness Road. A description of the route of travel by which the pioneers and early settlers first came to Kentucky. In Filson Club Publication, No. 2, Louisville, Kentucky. 1886.
- Thwaites, Ruben Gold, Wisconsin, The Americanization of the French Settlements, American Commonwealths, Boston and New York 1908.
- B. F. French, Editor, Historical Collections of Louisiana, 5 parts, New York 1869-1875.
- B. F. French, Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, New Series, 2 vols 1869-1875.
- Gayarre, Charles, History of Louisiana, The French Dominion, 4 vols, New Orleans 1885.
- Gayarre, Charles, Histoire de la Louisiane, 2 vols, Nouvelle Orleans 1846-1847.
- Gayarre, Charles, Louisiana, Its History as a French Colony, New York, 1852.
- Hienrich, Pierre, La Louisiane sous la Compaignie des Indies, 1717-1731.
- Louisiana Conservationist, January 1957, A map drawn by Simon Le Page du Pratz of the Lower Mississippi Valley, showing the location of numerous Indian Tribes.
- Delisle’s Map, 1718, New York Public Library.
- Fleur de Lys and Calumet, by Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams.
- Analysis of Indian Village Sites from Louisiana and Mississippi. Anthropological Study No. 2. By John A. Ford.
- Cavalier in the Wilderness. By Ross Phares.
- Alexandria and Old Red River Country, by Harry and Elizabeth Eskew.
- A History of the Red River Watershed, by J. Fair Hardin.
- Northwestern Louisiana, by J. Fair Hardin.
- History of Sabine Parish, by John G. Belisle, Many, Louisiana, 1912.
- History of Louisiana, by Alcee Fortier, 4 vols.
- A History of Louisiana, by Charles Gayarre, 4 vols.
- History of Natchitoches, Louisiana, by Milton Dunn (Louisiana Historical Quarterly, 111 (January 1920) Pages 26-56).
- Our Catholic Heritage in Texas, by Carlos E. Castaneda, 7 vols.
- French Civilization and Culture in Natchitoches (Peabody College Bulletin No. 310 Nashville 1941) by Portre-Bobinski.
- Natchitoches the Up-to-Date Oldest Town in Louisiana, by Clara Mildred Smith and Portre Bobinski, New Orleans 1936.
- Natchitoches, Oldest Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase, published by The Association of Natchitoches Women, 1958. Printed by the Natchitoches Times.
- Ride the Red Earth, by Paul I. Wellman.
- A History of Louisiana, by Elizabeth Grace King and J. R. Ficklen.
- Commerce of Louisiana During the French Regime by Surry.
- History of the Caddo Indians. A Thesis by William B. Glover of the University of Texas 1932.
- The History of Louisiana Agriculture, by Williamson.
- Historical and Biographical Notes by B. F. French. Published by J. Sabine 1869.
- Pichardo’s Limits of Louisiana and Texas. 4 vols by Charles W. Hackett. Published by the University of Texas Press 1941.
- Louisiana and Florida by B. F. French.
- Discovery and Explorations of the Missisisppi, by John G. Shea, Published by Clinton Hall, New York City, 1852.
- Source Material on the History and Ethnology of the Caddo Indians, Louisiana State University Press.
- Mississippi Provincal Archives, 3 vols French Dominion by Albelt Godfrey Sanders, M.A., Millsaps College, published Jackson, Mississippi, Department of Archives of History 1932.
- Athanase DeMezieres Books 1 and 2 of the Louisiana and Texas Frontier 1768 to 1780. By Herbert Eugene Bolton. Published by The Authur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, 1914.
- The Sword was their Passport, by Harris Gaylord Warren. Published by the Louisiana State University Press. Baton Rouge, La. 1943.