A. - Acetic Acid, 49, 89
- Acids, 46, 95
- Acetic, 49, 89
- Boric, 90
- Formic, 89
- Hydriodic, 90
- Hydrobromic, 90
- Hydrochloric, 46
- Hydrocyanic, 50
- Hydrofluoric, 88
- Hydrosulphuric, 91
- Nitric, 47, 88
- Oxalic, 49, 88, 89, 95
- Phosphoric, 48, 90, 95
- Phosphorous, 45
- Sulphuric, 47, 89, 95
- Aconitine, 79
- Alcoholmeter (Gay-Lussac's), 145
- Alkalies, 32, 93
- Ammonia, 50
- Baryta, 54
- Lime, 53
- Potassa, 53
- Soda, 53
- Strontia, 54
- Alkaloids, 65
- Aconitine, 79
- Aniline, 75
- Aricine, 77
- Atropine, 80
- Beberine, 76
- Brucine, 78
- Cinchonine, 78
- Codeine, 80
- Colchicine, 80
- Conine, 75
- Delphine, 78
- Digitaline, 80
- Emetine, 80
- Morphine, 80
- Narcotine, 77
- Nicotine, 75
- Papaverine, 77
- Picrotoxine, 80
- Quinine, 77
- Solanine, 79
- Strychnine, 78
- Veratrine, 77
- Alkaloids, separation of, by Stas's method, 65
- Separation of, by Otto's method, 69
- Separation of, by v. Uslar and Erdman's method, 70
- Separation of, by Rodgers & Girdwood's method, 71
- Separation of, by Prollius's method, 72
- Separation of, by Graham & Hofman's method, 73
- Separation of, by Dialysis, 74
- Alkaloids, identification of, 74
- Alloys, examination of, 112
- Alum in flour and bread, 126
- Aniline, 75
- Antimony, 30, 62, 93
- Detection of, by Flandin and Danger's method, 32
- Detection of, by Naquet's method, 34
- Aricine, 77
- Arsenic, 17, 60, 93
- Detection of, by the method used prior to Marsh's test,17
- Detection of, by Marsh's test, 21
- Detection of, by Raspail's test, 29
- Detection of, by Reinsch's test, 30
- Arsenic, estimation of, 21
- Ashes, examination of, 104
- Atropine, 80
B. - Barley meal in flour, 117
- Baryta, 54
- Barreswil's test for milk, 140
- Berberine, 76
- Bicarbonate of soda in milk, 141
- Bismuth, 62
- Blood stains, detection of, 150
- Bleaching of hair, 98
- Boric acid, 90
- Boutigny's examination of fire-arms, 100
- Bromine, 55, 90, 93, 94
- BrÜcke's test for blood stains, 152
- Brucine, 78
- Buckwheat in flour, 117, 120
C. - Cadmium, 63
- Carbonate of lime and magnesia in flour, 125
- Cerebral substances in milk, 142
- Chalk in milk, 141
- Chlorine, 54
- Chromium, 64
- Cinchonine in sulphate of quinine, 149
- Codeine, 80
- Conine, 75
- Coins, examination of, 112
- Colchicine, 80
- Copper, 62, 63
- Corn meal in flour, 117, 120
D. - Darnel in flour, 121
- Delphine, 78
- Determinative tests for poisons, 94
- Digitaline, 80
- Dusart's test for phosphorus, 40
- Dialysis, 15, 74
- Dyeing of hair, 97
E. - Emetine, 80
- Emulsion of almonds in milk, 141
F. - Fire-arms, examination of, 100
- Weapons provided with a flint, 100
- Weapons not provided with a flint, 103
- Fixed Oils, examination of, 128
- Flandin and Danger's test for antimony, 32
- Flandin and Danger's test for mercury, 37
- Food (flour and bread), 114
- Examination of the gluten, 116
- Examination of the starch, 118
- Examination of the ash, 124
- Formic acid, 89
- Fresenius & Neubauer's test for phosphorus, 42
G. - Galactoscope, 138
- Graham and Hofman's method for alkaloids, 73
- Ground bones in bread and flour, 125
- Gum arabic in milk, 141
- Gum tragacanth in milk, 141
H. - HÆmin crystals, 150
- Hair, examination of, 96
- Hempseed oil, 130
- Hoppe-Seyler's test for blood, 151
- Hydriodic acid, 90
- Hydrobromic acid, 90
- Hydrochloric acid, 46, 91
- Hydrocyanic acid, 50
- Hydrofluoric acid, 88
- Hydrosulphuric acid, 91
I. - Iodides, 90, 94
- Iodine, 56, 94
- Indicative tests for poisons, 36
L. - Lactodensimeter, 138
- Lactometer, 139
- Lactoscope, 138
- Lassaigne's test for writings, 107
- Lead, 57
- Legumens in flour, 117, 121, 124
- Lentils in flour, 123
- Lime, 53
- Lime in flour, 126
- Linseed meal in flour, 120
M. - Macadam's method for alkaloids, 73
- Magnesia in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Mannite in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Marchand's test for milk, 139
- Marsh's test for arsenic, 21
- Mercury, 36, 62, 93
- Detection of, by Smithson's pile, 36
- Detection of, by Flandin and Danger's method, 37
- Metals, 56
- Antimony, 30, 62, 93
- Arsenic, 17, 60, 93
- Bismuth, 62
- Cadmium, 63
- Chromium, 64
- Copper, 62, 63
- Lead, 57
- Mercury, 36, 62, 93
- Silver, 57
- Tin, 56, 61
- Zinc, 64
- Milk, examination of, 137
- Mineral substances, in flour and bread, 124
- In milk, 141
- In sulphate of quinine, 148
- Mistcherlich's test for phosphorus, 40
- Morphine, 80
N. - Naquet's test for antimony, 34
- Narcotine, 77
- Nicotine, 75
- Nitric acid, 47, 88
O. - Oatmeal in flour, 117
- Oleometer, 128
- Olive oil, 128
- Orfila's test for phosphorus, 39
- Organic matter
- Destruction of, by aqua regia, 14
- Destruction of, by chlorate of potassa, 13
- Destruction of, by chlorine, 13
- Destruction of, by nitrate of potassa, 10
- Destruction of, by nitric acid, 8
- Destruction of, by potassa and nitrate of lime, 12
- Destruction of, by potassa and nitric acid, 12
- Destruction of, by sulphuric acid, 9
- Otto's method for alkaloids, 69
- Oxalic acid, 49, 88, 89, 95
P. - Papaverine, 77
- Payen's test for vinegar, 147
- Phosphoric acid, 48, 90, 95
- Phosphorous acid, 45
- Phosphorus, 39, 95
- Detection of, by Orfila's method, 39
- Detection of, by Mistcherlich's method, 40
- Detection of, by Dusart's method, 40
- Detection of, by Fresenius and Neubauer's method, 42
- Estimation of, 45
- Picrotoxine, 80
- Plaster in flour, 126
- Poisons, detection of
- In cases where no clew exists, 85
- In cases where a clew exists, 17
- Destruction of the organic matter, 8
- Indicative tests, 86
- Determinative tests, 94
- Potato meal in flour, 118
- Potassa, 53, 93
- Prollius' method for alkaloids, 72
- Prussic acid, 50
Q. R. - Raspail's test for arsenic, 29
- Reinsch's test for arsenic, 30
- Reveil's test for vinegar, 148
- Rice meal in flour, 120
- Robin's method for spermatic stains, 160
- Rodgers and Girdwood's method for alkaloids, 71
- Rye meal in flour, 117, 120
S. - Salicine in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Sand in flour, 125
- Silver, 57
- Smithson's pile, 36
- Soda, 53, 92, 93
- Solanine, 79
- Spermatic stains, detection of, 158
- Spermatozoa, 159
- Starch in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Stearic acid in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Stas's method for alkaloids, 65
- Strychnine, 78
- Sugar in milk, 142
- Sugar in sulphate of quinine, 148
- Sulphate of copper in bread, 127
- Sulphate of quinidine in sulphate of quinine, 149
- Sulphate of quinine, examination of, 148
- Sulphuretted hydrogen, 91
- Sulphuric acid, 47, 89, 95
- Sympathetic inks, tests for, 110
T. U. - v. Uslar and Erdman's method for alkaloids, 70
V. - Veratrine, 77
- Vinegar, examination of, 147
W. - Wines, examination of, 142
- Writings, examination of, 105