Introduction 5
Methods of Destruction of the Organic Substances
By means of Nitric Acid 8
""Sulphuric Acid 9
""Nitrate of Potassa 10
""Potassa and Nitrate of Lime 12
""Potassa and Nitric Acid 12
""Chlorate of Potassa 13
""Chlorine 13
""Aqua Regia 14
Dialysis 15
Detection of Poisons, the presence of which is suspected.
Detection of Arsenic 17
Method used prior to Marsh's test 17
Marsh's test 21
Raspail's test 29
Reinsch's test 30
Detection of Antimony 30
Flandin and Danger's apparatus 32
Naquet's apparatus 34
Detection of Mercury 36
Smithson's pile 36
Flandin and Danger's apparatus 37
Detection of Phosphorus 39
Orfila's method 39
Mistcherlich's method 40
Dusart's method, as modified by Blondlot 40
Fresenius and Neubauer's method 42
Detection of Phosphorus by means of bisulphide of carbon 43
Detection of Phosphorous Acid 45
Estimation of Phosphorus 45
Detection of Acids 46
Hydrochloric Acid 46
Nitric " 47
Sulphuric Acid 47
Phosphoric " 48
Oxalic " 49
Acetic " 49
Hydrocyanic " 50
Detection of alkalies and alkaline earths 52
Detection of chlorine, bromine and iodine 54
Chlorine and Bleaching Chlorides 54
Bromine 55
Iodine 56
Detection of Metals 56
Detection of alkaloids and some ill-defined organic substances


The term Legal Chemistry is applied to that branch of the science which has for its office the solution of problems proposed in the interest of Justice. These most frequently relate to cases of poisoning. When the subject of the symptoms or anatomical lesions produced by the reception of a poison is under consideration, the services of a medical expert are resorted to; but when the presence or absence of a poison in the organs of a body, in the egesta of an invalid or elsewhere is to be demonstrated, recourse is had to the legal chemist. Investigations of this character require great practice in manipulation, and, however well the methods of analysis may be described in the works on the subject, there would be great danger of committing errors were the examination executed by an inexperienced person. The detection of poisons, although perhaps the most important, is not the only subject that may come within the province of the legal chemist; indeed, it would be somewhat difficult to define, a priori, the multitude of questions that might arise. In addition to cases of supposed poisoning, the following researches are most often required:

1. The examination of fire-arms.

2. The analysis of ashes, in cases where the destruction of a human body is suspected.

3. The detection of alteration of writings, and of falsification of coins and precious alloys.

4. The analysis of alimentary substances.

5. The examination of stains produced by blood and by the spermatic fluid.

Each of these researches justly demands a more extended consideration than the limits of this work would permit. The several subjects will be treated as briefly as possible, and at the same time, so as to convey an exact idea of the methods employed, leaving to the expert the selection of the particular one adapted to the case under investigation. We will first mention the methods used in the search for toxical substances. The poisons employed for criminal purposes are sometimes met with in a free state, either in the stomach or intestines of the deceased person, or in the bottles discovered in the room of the criminal or the victim. Under these circumstances, it is only necessary to establish their identity by means of their chemical properties, as directed in the general treatises on chemistry, or by their botanical, or zoological character, in case a vegetable or animal poison, such as cantharides, has been administered. Examinations of this class are extremely simple, the analysis of the substances found, confined to a few characteristic reactions, being a matter of no great difficulty. We will not here dwell longer upon this subject, inasmuch as the analytical methods used are identical with those employed in more complicated cases, with the sole difference that, instead of performing minute and laborious operations in order to extract the poisons from the organs in which they are contained, with a view of their subsequent identification, we proceed at once to establish their identity. The directions given in regard to complicated investigations apply, therefore, equally well to cases of a more simple nature. The detection of a poison mixed with the organic substances encountered in the stomach, or absorbed by, and intimately united with the tissues of the various organs is more difficult. If, however, other information than chemical can be obtained, indicating the poison supposed to be present, and the presence or absence of this one poison is the only thing to be determined, positive methods exist which admit of a speedy solution of the question. When, on the other hand, the chemical expert has not the advantage of extraneous information, but is simply asked,—whether the case be one of poisoning?—nothing being specified as to the nature of the poison used, the difficulty of his task is greatly increased. Up to the present time, the works on Toxicology have, it is true, given excellent special tests for the detection of particular poisons; but none have contained a reliable general method, which the chemical expert could use with the certainty of omitting nothing. Impressed with this need, we proposed, in 1859, in an inaugural dissertation then presented to the Faculty of Medicine, a general method, which, after some slight modifications, is now reproduced. The special methods which allow of the detection of various individual poisons will, however, first be indicated. In cases where the poison is mixed with organic matter, the latter must be removed as the first step in the investigation, as otherwise the reactions characteristic of the poison searched for would be obscured. When the poison itself is an organic substance, this separation is effected by processes modified according to the circumstances. If the detection or isolation of a metallic poison is to be accomplished, the most simple method consists in the destruction of the organic substances. The various methods for effecting this decomposition will now be described.


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