Detail of the Retreat of the Egyptians—Treacherous Intentions of the Turkish Authorities—Decided Conduct of the British Officers—Guarantees exchanged—Fright of Rechid Pacha—Letter from Ibrahim to the Seraskier—The Author’s Letters to Lords Minto and Palmerston.
On the 22nd of January General Jochmus wrote to the Seraskier from Jerusalem[61] that as Ibrahim had passed to the south of the Dead Sea, with his disorganized army, there was no necessity for negociation, and that Baron Dumont corroborated the complete defeat of the Egyptians. (I suppose he means the taking of Maan, defended by twenty men, for we have had no account of any action, therefore there could not be a defeat.) The Baron appears to have been within gun-shot of Ibrahim’s columns and did not see the artillery; it was therefore concluded that the guns were buried in the Desert, but I believe it will be found that they all arrived safe at Cairo; at all events we have not heard of their having been dug up.
“The cavalry,” observes the General, “are reduced to 2500 horses and 700 dismounted horsemen, in a miserable condition, and if it had not been for the Convention”—(oh! that Convention!)—“two battalions, in the almost impracticable passes of Wadi-el-Ghor, would have been sufficient to stop the columns.” To catch a bird you must put salt on his tail,—to stop the columns they must have come through the Ghor, which, according to Col. Napier, they never did, having only crossed it to the south of the Dead Sea, on their way to Gaza.
Hassan Pacha, who commanded the division to which Colonel Napier was attached, reported that he had sent a safe conduct to Achmet Menikli Pacha, commander of the Egyptian cavalry, and that his officer conducted him to Gaza. Colonel Napier knows nothing of this, nor does Lieutenant Loring, who, after communicating with this division, set out in search of Ibrahim, of whom he could get no tidings, and returned to Gaza; therefore the safe conduct must have existed only in Hassan Pacha’s imagination, or if he did send it, it certainly never arrived; but if it was sent, more shame to the Turkish authorities, who not only meditated attacking Ibrahim, fancying his army was destroyed, but had actually given orders to that effect. This Captain Stewart ascertained from Rechid Pacha, who admitted that orders had been sent to General Jochmus to act upon Ibrahim’s line of march, and impede it as much as possible, abstaining at the same time from any direct attack. But as Ibrahim’s troops began to arrive in a very different state from that which this gentleman expected, he changed his mind and set out for Jaffa, post haste, overtook the courier with the letter, and put it into Colonel Bridgeman’s hands, who immediately protested in the council against such proceedings[62], which would compromise the honour both of Great Britain and Turkey, after the guarantees that had been exchanged between Captain Stewart, Colonels Rose and Alderson, and the Egyptian Generals[63]. This decided conduct of Colonel Bridgeman had the desired effect; promises were given that no hostile movement should be made, but every possible assistance should be afforded. These assurances were kept, but more owing to the strength of Ibrahim than to the good faith of the Turkish authorities; and as for Rechid, the officer who recommended the movement against Ibrahim, I am informed by an eye-witness, that he went into Ibrahim’s presence with fear and trembling, using the words, “Il m’assassinera,” and absolutely stooped down and kissed the hem of his garment.
On the arrival of Ibrahim Pacha he approved of the conduct of his Generals, and made the following reply to the Seraskier:—
“Your Highness,
“I am going from Syria for Egypt. Your letter has reached me; the Egyptian troops are concentrating in Gaza, and when they have their necessary supplies, they will go immediately according to your wishes.
“I have written this to you in a friendly manner and have sent it to your Highness.
Being duly informed of the arrival of Ibrahim, and how affairs were going on in Syria, I wrote as follows to Lord Minto and Viscount Palmerston:—
“My Lord, | | “Carysfort, Alexandria, February 5, 1841. |
“Ibrahim Pacha arrived at Gaza on the 31st, with the rear-guard of the Syrian army; he has brought from Syria between 20,000 and 30,000 men, including 6000 cavalry in good order.
“The Turkish authorities at Jaffa were very much disposed to find a pretence to attack him, and I believe nothing but his strong force prevented it. He has already commenced his march across the Desert, and in a week hence there will not be an Egyptian soldier in Syria.
“It was arranged that the Syrians, if any were with the army, were to return from Gaza, but I suspect Ibrahim was afraid to disorganize his army by letting them go. Captain Stewart was there, and I wrote to him to say they were not to be embarked, unless he had a suspicion that the Turks intended using them against Ibrahim; in that case, I recommended them to be disarmed, or even allowed to retire into Egypt; in fact, he was to do anything to avoid a collision, and as there are an abundance of Egyptians in Turkey, it will be an easy matter to exchange them.
“I dined with the Pacha yesterday; he is quite satisfied now his army is safe, and I am sure if the Porte will now let him alone he will improve this country much; but he is apprehensive they will demand some part of his fleet, and otherwise vex him. He looks to England to protect him, and if we do, he will become our vassal if we wish it; in fact, there is nothing we can ask in reason that he will not do. Next to Egypt being a colony of England, it is best that it should be an independent power, paying tribute to the Porte. Our commerce to India will become very extensive; and the facility of travelling become easier every day. He intends putting a lock from the canal into the Nile, to enable passengers to go from hence to Cairo without moving from the steam-boats that are to be established, and I have no doubt ere long a railroad will be made from Cairo to Suez; the distance is eighty-four miles. Four in hand may be driven across the desert at present.
“I shall remain here, (unless ordered to the contrary,) till I hear the last man is out of Syria. I think the sooner the Consuls return the better. I have not heard a word about them.
“I have, &c.,
“Charles Napier.”
“To the Right Hon. Earl Minto.”
“My Lord, | | “H.M. Steam-vessel Stromboli, Alexandria, February 6, 1841. |
“In my last communication to your Lordship, I mentioned that Ibrahim Pacha had arrived at Gaza. I was mistaken; he arrived on the 31st of January, with the rear-guard of his army, the whole consisting of between 30,000 and 40,000 men in good order. The Turkish authorities were very much disposed to interrupt them; and indeed, General Jochmus did advance on Gaza, (contrary to the opinion of General Michell,) with the intention of attacking him, but retreated rather precipitately. I have written in very strong terms to him, and have instructed Captain Stewart to protest against any attempt he may make; and by the last accounts I had from him, all is quiet. Ibrahim began to retire across the Desert on the 1st, and I apprehend by the 15th there will not be an Egyptian soldier in Syria. The Pacha has not yet received the hereditary title from the Porte, but I trust your Lordship will push the point; he has all the desire to throw himself into the arms of England.
“I dined with him a few days ago. I have had a good deal of conversation with him and Boghos Bey about abolishing the Slave Trade, and I have some hopes of carrying that point before I leave this, which will not be till after the arrival of the Liverpool on the 16th. I have made him quite understand that nothing will gain him so many friends as such a measure.
“I have, &c.,
“Charles Napier.”
“To Lord Viscount Palmerston.”