Examination of the Conduct of General Jochmus regarding Ibrahim Pacha’s Retreat—Sir Robert Stopford styled by him Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces—The General’s Reports to Sir Robert Stopford—Unwillingness of the Admiral to prolong the War—Reported Destruction of the Egyptian Army—Advance upon Gaza—Colonel Alderson’s Narrative of the Skirmish of Medjdel. Whether Sir Robert Stopford, as commanding the allies by sea and land, wrote also to General Jochmus, as well as to General Michell and Captain Stewart, I am not aware. In the official correspondence laid before Parliament Sir Robert Stopford’s orders to these officers do not appear, and we only learn the fact from General Michell and Captain Stewart’s letters, but it is evident though General Jochmus commanded the army of operation he still considered himself under Sir Robert Stopford’s orders, for he writes to him officially from Jaffa, on the 13th of January, 1841 In the next paragraph he writes (remember this is to his Commander-in-Chief, who disapproved of carrying on hostilities), “Under such circumstances I considered it a most positive duty on my Here the General reckoned without his host, for there was no necessity for Ibrahim passing by D’Jenin at all. He might have kept through the extensive plains of Esdraelon, until he arrived at the defiles of Kakoun between Mount Carmel and the Naplouse range, which he must have traversed to gain the sea shore; at this point he might have been attacked advantageously. But it appears that Ibrahim had no intention of taking that route; his apparent hesitation at El Mezereib for three days was probably, as General Jochmus says, to reconnoitre the Jordan, but he had another object in view, and “The Egyptian army,” says the General, “fairly launched into the Desert Ibrahim, the reader already knows, quitted Damascus on the 29th of December, 1840; General Jochmus says he left in consequence of his military dispositions, and being blocked up within the walls of Damascus; but surely irregular troops only, without either pay or commissariat, were not capable of blocking up an army of upwards of 50,000 men, including about 8000 cavalry, known to be in splendid order, 150 pieces of artillery, together with 4000 or 5000 irregulars, for he does General Jochmus also tells the Commander-in-Chief the valour of the Imperial and Allied troops had done much in the conquest of a vast country like Syria, in a short period of glory and success. How he makes this out I am at a loss to know, for up to this time the Allied and Imperial troops had “The God of battle,” says the General, “may lead Ibrahim and his shattered forces through the desert, and bring some troops back to the banks of the Nile.” (We shall shortly see how many he brought to the banks of the Nile.) “I have taken, as in duty bound, such means as may as much as possible delay his march or diminish his chance of escape.” And again, “It is to me an agreeable duty to state to your Excellency the perfect unanimity which has actuated all the men of the Turkish and allied forces during these late and extensive operations By this dispatch one would suppose that the gallant General had been destroying the Russians, the natural foes of the Porte, and not the Egyptians, who had submitted to Turkish sway, and who ought to have been preserved instead of destroyed. What could have been the use of all this boasted destruction of human life? Syria would have been evacuated, the country would have suffered less, and humanity would not have been outraged, had not a single Turkish soldier quitted his cantonments, or at least, had they confined themselves to precautionary and defensive measures, so strongly recommended by General Michell and Captain Stewart. We now come to General Jochmus’ report of the affair of Gaza Before the General retired, a party of the enemy’s irregular horse reconnoitred his position, and were fired upon by several field-pieces planted in an open The account of this affair, by Colonel Alderson, of the Royal Engineers, one of the British officers engaged, is so graphic that it cannot fail to be highly interesting to the reader. I give it at length: “We selected an encampment at the outskirts of the village of Medjdel, but whilst the tents were being pitched, the assembly sounded, and it was understood the enemy were advancing to attack our position. “It appeared that Colonel Rose, not being able to find his servant and baggage mule, had taken the Gaza road, to ascertain if they were in advance, and in doing this fell in with one of our picquets patroling the outskirts of the village; and, whilst in their company, perceived some cavalry advancing, the main body of which appeared to consist of several hundred men, with a picquet like our own in front. Having therefore sent to inform the Commander-in-Chief of the advance of the enemy, and finding that our troops were forming, he induced the Turkish picquet to charge that of the enemy. Whilst Colonel Rose, who was gallantly leading them on, was in the act of cutting down one of the enemy, he received two slight wounds,—one in the breast and the other in the back. “By this time the whole of the Turkish force “I had, with two other officers, gone to Ascalon to ascertain if it were possible to communicate with the steamers, and finding it not so, owing to the heavy sea and thick state of the weather, was returning with them, when we heard the report of the artillery, and putting spurs to our horses, and gaining the summit of the high sandy ridge separating the sea shore from the plain of Medjdel, (or possibly those of Ascalon, the scene of the encounter of Richard Coeur-de-Leon and Saladin, at the end of the twelfth century,) perceived our regular cavalry at the caravanserai forming, and several other horsemen, apparently flying or pursuing. “We were not long in coming up with them, and found Colonel Bridgeman and Major Wilbraham encouraging the irregular cavalry to pursue and attack the flying foe. We joined them, and for upwards of an hour continued the pursuit, the regular cavalry bringing up the rear, though at a slower pace. “As it may never be my lot to witness so extraordinary a sight again, as the one which now took place, I will endeavour in a few words to explain the affair of Medjdel. The irregular cavalry, on both “There did not appear, as far as I could see, any desire to cross spears or weapons. Their dress was of the most picturesque description, from the embroidered mushalla to the simple sheepskin; nor were their arms less various,—the musket with the bayonet fixed, the lance, blunderbuss, pistol, sabre, dagger, and crease; and I confess the danger appeared to me greater from our own troops in our rear, who were firing over our heads, than from the “We returned by the Gaza road, our pursuit having been on the sandy hills, partially covered with grass, between it and the sea. “The rain fell in torrents, and we returned to as wretched an encampment as I ever remember to have witnessed. Late that night General Michell, having received no communication from General Jochmus, sent a staff officer to ask for the orders. They were, to march at daylight,—not, however, to our surprise, on the road to Gaza, but back to Jaffa, General Jochmus assigning as a reason, that the heavy rains had rendered the roads impassable for artillery. “General Michell had not been consulted, nor had any questions been asked of Colonel Bridgeman, Majors Robe and Wilbraham, or myself, as to the state of the Gaza road, although we had been nearly “If we had disapproved of the expedition in the first instance, how much greater was our mortification at having to abandon it after having come in contact with the enemy. “We learned afterwards that the Egyptian cavalry, with whom we had been engaged at Medjdel, was making its customary reconnoissance to ascertain if any movement had been made on the part of the Turks, as well as to forage: and that, in all probability, the action had been brought on by the dashing conduct of Colonel Rose in charging their advanced picquet.” |