
Captain Fanshawe’s proceedings at Alexandria—Letter from Mehemet Ali to the Admiral—Official Report of Captain Fanshawe—Letter of Mehemet Ali to the Grand Vizier—English Ships again ordered to the Coast of Syria—Part of the Convention carried into effect by the Admiral.

The mode in which this new negotiation of points which he naturally considered as already settled, was received by the Pacha, will best appear from his own letter, and Captain Fanshawe’s report.

“Most Honourable Admiral Sir Robert Stopford,

“I have received the two letters which you addressed to me, the first by the channel of Hamid Bey, who had been entrusted with a despatch for my son Ibrahim Pacha, and the second by Captain Fanshawe, of your flag-ship. I am delighted with the friendship which you evince towards me, and I hasten to act in the sense which you point out in your official dispatch. I consequently address a petition to the Sublime Porte under flying seal, and in order that the contents thereof may be known to you, I add a French translation to it. I hope that my compliance will be appreciated by the Allied Powers, and in asking a continuance of your friendship, I flatter myself that your good offices will ensure me their good will.

(Signed)“Mehemet Ali.”


“H.M. Steam-vessel MegÆra, at Sea,
December 12, 1840.

“I have the honour to report to you my proceedings in the service on which you ordered me.

“I arrived off Alexandria in this vessel early on the morning of the 8th, and finding no English man-of-war off the place, proceeded into the port, and sent for Mr. Larking, Her Majesty’s Consul, whom I requested to inform Mehemet Ali that I was charged by you to make a communication to him from Her Majesty’s Government, and for which purpose I demanded an interview with him in the presence of Boghos Bey.

“At noon I went to the palace with Mr. Larking, and had an audience with Mehemet Ali: after delivering your letter to him and passing a few compliments, I read to him my extract from Lord Palmerston’s instructions, which was interpreted to him by his Dragoman, and then presented to him, expressing my hope that his compliance with what it required, would restore a good understanding between the Sultan and himself. He alluded to the recent Convention, and said he had promised all this before to Commodore Napier, if Egypt was guaranteed to him, and that he never departed from his word.

“I replied, I had no guarantee to offer; but he would perceive that, though you had not been able to ratify that Convention, you had lost no time in communicating the instructions received from your Government, and in expressing your own disposition to conciliate; and that I hoped he would merit the wish which I knew you had expressed, and take some immediate steps for the restitution of the Turkish fleet, which I regretted to observe was making no preparation for sea; that the words in my note with reference to the fleet were ‘immediate,’ and ‘without delay;’ and I was sure his giving directions for that part of it which could be most expeditiously equipped proceeding to you at Marmorice, would be regarded in a favourable light, both at London and at Constantinople.

“Mehemet Ali said earnestly, he had always wished to give the fleet up to his master; that I might pledge myself that it should be ready to deliver to me, or to any officer that might be sent by the Porte to take charge of it, and that he would send his own officers and men to assist in navigating it, if he was reinstated in Egypt; adding, ‘If I give up the fleet, what security have I, having already given orders for the evacuation of all the places referred to?’

“I told him he must look for his security in the good faith and friendly disposition of the English Government, and in the influence it might have with the Sultan and the Allied Powers. He seemed rather disposed to yield on this point, but gave no positive answer. I then stated that my time was limited; he said he had no wish for delay; the documents which I had given him should be forthwith translated, and brought again under his consideration, and that I should have his answer in French to take to you as soon as possible. I replied, I was authorized to take his final answer to Constantinople, and that I must be furnished with his written engagement to convey thither; and as I concluded it would be written in Turkish, I must have a translation of it also, that I might be satisfied it contained all that was required. This was immediately assented to, Mehemet Ali saying, he was always ready to make his submission to the Sultan, and that he would promise all that was asked, if he was allowed to remain quiet in Egypt. This ended the conference.

“In the evening, Mr. Larking and myself had an interview by appointment with Boghos Bey, who said it was Mehemet Ali’s desire to meet the views of the Allied Powers, and that he was pleased with the English mediation, but that he considered that he had already the promise of the hereditary government of Egypt, and he was afraid there would be difficulties raised at Constantinople, and that there was one Power (Russia) not so well disposed to see such a termination to the question. I told Boghos Bey, that he must be aware the Allied Powers could not regard Mehemet Ali since his deposition by the Sultan in the same light as before, and that he must make his submission; and that I was sure, if he would without delay send such part of the Turkish fleet as could be got ready to Marmorice, it must tend to conciliate all parties, and be a proof of the entire sincerity of his intentions.

“I then called his attention to the limit of my stay at Alexandria, and to the necessity that the written engagement I was to receive should be so worded that I could not hesitate to convey it. Boghos assured me he would use his influence to prevent any obstacle; that he was to attend a Council with Mehemet Ali directly, at which the translated copies would be discussed and the answer decided upon, which he thought would be quite satisfactory. This Council, however, I learnt was not so harmonious as Boghos Bey expected, and nothing was then decided. On the following morning (Wednesday) Mr. Larking received a summons, and had an interview with Mehemet Ali and Boghos Bey, which was more favourable; and I was informed I might expect a translation of the engagement early on the following day, and that it would contain all that was asked; but Mr. Larking did not find Mehemet Ali disposed to let any part of the fleet go first,—a point which I had requested him to urge again,—saying, they all came, and should all go together. I did not, however, receive the translations of the letters to the Vizier and yourself, which I now inclose, until ten o’clock yesterday morning, but then accompanied by a notice that Mehemet Ali was ready to receive me. On perusing the letter to the Vizier, it appeared to me to be so complete an engagement, in all points required, without any especial stipulation about Egypt, and that though the terms of submission might be somewhat equivocal, it came within the view of Lord Palmerston’s instructions, and that I could not hesitate to be the bearer of it. I therefore repaired to the palace with Mr. Larking, and had, I consider, a satisfactory interview with Mehemet Ali. I pointed out to him that I did not feel that the expressions in his letter to the Vizier, relating to the fleet, came up to the promise which he had made me the other day, and that I saw no appearance yet of preparation, and that I or some one else might return very soon to claim the fulfilment of that pledge. Mehemet Ali said he had given orders already on the subject, and repeated earnestly that the fleet should be ready to quit the port, as far as he was concerned, five days after the arrival of the officer to whom the Sultan wished it to be delivered.

“I then remarked that on the subject of Candia there might be some delay, as I understood the Pacha there had not submitted to the Sultan; and as I thought it probable the Porte might be prepared to send troops immediately to take possession of that island, I proposed that I should be the bearer of a letter to the Pacha of Candia, directing him to yield it to the Turkish authorities; to which Mehemet Ali immediately assented, and ordered one to be written. I hope these points, therefore, may be taken as an earnest of his sincerity, though I am quite of opinion, that unless the Sultan gives him the hereditary pashalic of Egypt, he will be very much disposed to fight for it—or, at any rate, to give further trouble. This letter to the Pacha of Candia being ready, I received it with those to the Vizier and yourself (all which I herewith transmit), all under flying seals, from Mehemet Ali’s hands, and took my leave of him. Boghos Bey then requested to speak with me on one or two subjects, by Mehemet Ali’s desire, which were—1st. His wish to be allowed to send some of his steam-vessels to Gaza or El-Arish to receive the sick, wounded, women and children, of Ibrahim Pacha’s army who might be entering Egypt by that route, and who would be thus spared a painful and tedious march, saying that Commodore Napier’s Treaty embraced that subject. I replied, that though you had not been able to confirm the Commodore’s Convention, you would, I was sure, for the cause of humanity, be now ready to meet Mehemet Ali’s wish, and that I would communicate with the senior officer of our ships off the port on the subject, who would allow vessels, going strictly for that purpose, to pass freely. 2ndly. That in case of any of our ships of war coming to the port, the commanders should be desired to conform rigidly to the quarantine regulations. I told him they always had, and always would do so, and reminded him of the quarantine you had passed yourself in August, and said that whatever our Consul told the captains was required by the regulations of the port would be abided by; for Mr. Larking had an idea that they might contemplate some new regulations which might affect the ships or officers to be sent down for the Turkish fleet.

“At 1 P.M. yesterday we sailed from Alexandria, and off the port communicated with Her Majesty’s ship Carysfort, and I delivered to Captain Martin two letters (copies of which I inclose) which I had thought it right to address to the senior officer of Her Majesty’s ships off Alexandria, and of which I hope you will approve; we are now proceeding to join your flag at Marmorice.

“I cannot close this report, without expressing how much I benefited by Mr. Larking’s ready and cordial assistance, and by the information I was able to obtain from him, and also from the zeal and attention of Mr. John Chumarian, the Dragoman.

“I have, &c.,
(Signed)“Arthur Fanshawe, Captain.

“P.S.—We left the Ambuscade, small French frigate, a corvette, and steam-vessel at Alexandria; the latter, I understand, was to start for France to-day; the Bourgainville, brig, sailed for Beyrout, the day of our arrival.”

“The Hon. Sir R. Stopford, G.C.B.”

On the 13th of December Captain Fanshawe returned from Alexandria, and after delivering the Pacha’s reply to the Admiral, proceeded to Constantinople with his answer to the Vizier, which, like a clever diplomatist, he had taken care to base on the Convention, and it does appear to me quite astonishing that so determined a man as the Pacha certainly is, and as he had shown himself, should have listened at all to the Instruction of the 14th of November, which had the material difference from that of the 15th of October, of not containing the hereditary title; the very fact of our appearing to have changed our mind in so short a period, ought to have awakened his suspicion, because he could not know that that change originated with Austria, who however, as will presently be seen, got alarmed at the rejection of the Convention, and distinctly stated that Mehemet Ali should be confirmed, and that she would have nothing to do with any attack that might be meditated on Alexandria.

“After the usual Titles.

“17 Chewal, 1256.
(Dec. 11, 1840.)

“Commodore Napier, of the British fleet, informed me by a despatch dated from before Alexandria, the 22nd of November, N.S., that the Great Allied Powers have requested the Sublime Porte to grant me the hereditary Government of Egypt, on the conditions laid down by them; that is, that I shall give up the Imperial fleet which is in the Port of Alexandria, and that the Egyptian troops shall retire from Syria, and re-enter Egypt.

“The Commodore required that diligence should be used in preparing the fleet, in order to its being delivered up, and in withdrawing the troops from Syria.

“After some correspondence and some discussions with the Commodore on this matter, these conditions were accepted, and an authentic Act, manifesting that it is expected that the favour of him who is the shadow of God should be granted, and serving as a document to both parties, was concluded and signed.

“In consequence, I wrote to my son, Ibrahim Pacha, your servant, to come immediately to Egypt with the Egyptian troops concentrated at Damascus, and with the persons in his employment, and others, and I even sent to him a person expressly for this purpose, whom I despatched in a steam-vessel procured by the Commodore.

“I have just received from Ibrahim Pacha, overland, a despatch dated the 1st of Ramazan, (October 27,) according to which, he was to set out, with all his people, from Damascus, the 3rd or 4th of Chewal (the 28th or 29th of November). Thus, it may be looked upon as certain that he commenced his march at the specified time.

“And now, in the meanwhile, I receive from the Admiral of the British fleet, his Excellency Sir Robert Stopford, an official despatch written off Cyprus, on the 6th of December, and couched in the sense mentioned below. The Admiral sent to me, at the same time, a copy of the instructions which he had received from his Excellency Lord Palmerston. I see by this communication, that it has been stipulated that I must renew my submission to the Sublime Porte, restoring the Imperial fleet, and causing Syria, Adana, Candia, the Hedjaz, and the two Holy Cities, to be evacuated by the Egyptian troops.

“I perceive that the obtaining my pardon, that my re-admission into the good graces of my Sovereign and master, to whose service I take this opportunity of dedicating my fortune and my life, and the gracious acceptance by His Imperial Majesty of my most humble submission, are the effects of the noble efforts of the high Allied Powers; and thoroughly grateful for all this, I have taken measures for restoring the Imperial fleet. People are actively employed in putting the vessels into a good state; and on the receipt of a firman, making known in what manner it shall have pleased His Imperial Majesty that the fleet shall be delivered up and despatched, I will hasten to conform myself to the sovereign will by carrying the said firman into execution.

“In like manner, as I am ready to withdraw all the Egyptian authorities who are in the Island of Candia, in the Hedjaz, and in the two Holy Cities, on the arrival of His Imperial Majesty’s firman in that respect, the above-mentioned places shall be evacuated without delay by the Egyptian authorities.

“Thus, then, when your Excellency shall, if it please God, have taken cognizance of my prompt submission, carried into effect as above, you will be pleased to lay it at the feet of the clemency of my most august and most powerful Sovereign and Master, of whom I am so proud to be the faithful and submissive servant, and to employ your good offices, in order to cause a man advanced in age, and faithful, who has grown old in his service, to experience without ceasing the effects of his sovereign clemency.

“He who can ordain, will ordain.

(L.S.)“Mehemet Ali.”

The Admiral in the mean time, in consequence of an application from General Michell, who now commanded the English force in Syria, (Sir Charles Smith having returned to England,) sent Captain Stewart, in the Benbow, and several small ships, to Beyrout, with instructions to suspend hostilities until the result of Mehemet Ali’s submission was known; and also authorized the Pacha to send steamers to Caiffa to bring away the sick and wounded; thus putting into execution a part of the rejected Convention.


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