Necessity for disobeying the Orders to return to D’Jounie—Advantageous results—Difference with Izzet Pacha—his Character—Unmolested retreat of Souliman Pacha—he should have been closely followed up—Letter from the Admiral—The Author resigns the Command—Letter to Lord Ponsonby—Unsuccessful attack on Tortosa. It is necessary in war, and I think quite justifiable, to take responsibility on oneself in unforeseen cases, running of course the risk of answering for the consequences; it is more dangerous, however, to disobey orders; but there are instances in which events may justify such disobedience; the reader will judge whether what I have related may be considered one of them. I saw clearly that the Admiral was not at all aware of the critical position in which I was placed. When I left D’Jounie it was with the intention of joining the Grand Prince, and attacking Souliman Pacha, who was encamped before Beyrout, leaving four battalions in our position, to secure it against an unforeseen attack. On my arrival on the heights of Ornagacuan, I was as much surprised to find On the morning of the 11th Izzet Pacha joined me, and shortly after I received information that On my arrival at the beach I found Souliman had decamped during the night, leaving his artillery behind, removing, however, the day before, all his tent equipage near the town, without being at all molested. Had intelligence been sent to me early on the 11th I should have had no difficulty in advancing on Souliman, and probably cutting off the greater part of his division, as well as preventing Ibrahim from retiring on Corneille and collecting his forces there; such a movement would have encouraged the advance of the mountaineers, instead of remaining in the neighbourhood of Basquinta and allowing Ibrahim and Souliman to retire quietly with a defeated army, and assemble at Zachle, a little above the plain of the Bekaa. Before I went off to the flag-ship I received the following letter from the Admiral:— “My dear Commodore, “Beyrout, Oct. 11, 1840. “Colonel Hodges is on board, and has described your splendid operations of yesterday, to the merits of which no words of mine can do justice. You have nothing to fear from Souliman Pasha; 2000 of his men came into Beyrout to-day and delivered themselves up, with their arms; more are expected. His field pieces, nearly 30, remain about four miles off, and we are going to get them in. Sir Charles Smith wants as many of your troops as you can spare, consistently with guarding your prisoners, and your security in reaching the camp. The men had better go on board the Gorgon and Hydra to be conveyed here. “I do most heartily assure you of being fully sensible of the benefit which I and the whole expedition have received from your indefatigable services, and on your rejoining the Powerful, your conscience may be perfectly satisfied on your having accomplished all that could be done. “According to the plans from Constantinople, Sidon and Tyre are to be put into a good state of security for the troops, to which Beyrout will now be added. “There is no news from England; but Lord “From all this I apprehend some negotiation is going on, which will be much assisted by our successes here. “As the capture of Beyrout was the principal object of our expedition from D’Jounie, I had no conception of your having another enterprise in hand; and therefore, after the possession of Beyrout, imagined that you had better fall back upon the camp, which has been left in a very defenceless state. “I wish you to remain at D’Jounie for the present, and am most anxious to hear from Alexandria, where it is certain some large ships will come out if possible. “No Cambridge; she left Malta on the 26th, ten days before the Confiance. “Very truly yours, “Robert Stopford.” Two battalions were sent back to the camp at D’Jounie, and the rest marched to Beyrout; and I “My Lord, “Powerful, D’Jounie, Oct. 11, 1840. “Hodges will tell your Lordship all that has passed here. We want arms very bad; Cambridge has brought none. Selim Pacha is a very good man, and a brave one. Izzet Pacha would be much better at Constantinople than here; I have no opinion of him in any one way whatever. I do hope when Lebanon is settled, something will be done for the mountaineers; Sidon, Beyrout, and Tripoli ought to be added to their territory; they ought to be free, paying a fixed tribute to the Porte. This country would then flourish, and British interests and commerce would be greatly benefited by such an arrangement. I hope your Lordship has received the various letters I have written to your Lordship, though I have no replies. “I have the honour to be, “Your Lordship’s obedient servant, “Charles Napier.” “To the Right Hon. Lord Ponsonby.” “Sir, “H.M.S. Benbow, off Ruad, September 26, 1840. “I have the honour to acquaint you that the Benbow, Carysfort, and Zebra, anchored here on Sunday last, the 20th instant. “We found the island without troops or arms of any kind, but an immense population just arrived from Tripoli, Tortosa, and other parts of the coast, at present menaced with military operations. “About 200 cavalry and two field-pieces were encamped at the watering-place on the main land, immediately opposite to the island, and I was informed that two squadrons (each of 200 men, with two field-pieces) were stationed about nine miles distant to the north and south, with orders to prevent any persons taking water, and to obstruct all communication between the inhabitants of the “My attention was now anxiously turned towards Tortosa; all information concurred in representing its great importance to the enemy’s troops, and all agreed in declaring that, could we destroy the provisions, the troops must shift their quarters, and thus leave the communication with the mountains “I therefore directed some large bags of powder, with bores and fuzees, to be prepared, and ordered the Carysfort and Zebra to anchor close off it, which they did within 500 yards. Four successive deserters from the enemy’s cavalry (each arriving on different days) stated that there were no soldiers quartered in Tortosa, but a party was regularly sent down every night to bring away sufficient provisions for their different detachments, and the last deserter, who left Tortosa so late as the night of the 24th, stated confidently that there was not then a soldier in it—that even had any come in after his departure, they could only be dismounted cavalry, with short carbines—that a sort of council of war had been held two days before, when it was resolved, that, as they had no infantry, cavalry alone could not protect it, and that they must get camels, &c., to remove the stores from it as speedily as possible: and he offered, if we could give him an axe, to land with a single boat’s crew, and break the corn store “This determined me to make an attempt either to take the town, or at least to destroy the stores, and the following plan of operations was decided upon:—The boats to rendezvous on board the Carysfort, and she and the Zebra to cannonade the walls, and especially a large built-up archway in the centre, until sufficiently opened for entrance. Lieutenant Charlewood being prepared with the necessary means for blowing up stores, buildings, &c., and accompanied by Mr. Turner, gunner of this ship, with eight steady men as pioneers, to land in the cutter, and be immediately followed by the portion of marines at present on board the Benbow, together with those of the Zebra; and 20 seamen of the Benbow, under Lieutenants Maitland, R.N., and Harrison, R.M.; and that all the boats (after the disembarkation) under the command of Lieutenant Stevens, of the Carysfort, should lie off, prepared to cover the landing party with their guns and small arms, and to re-embark them. “The space from the margin of the sea to the breach does not exceed sixteen yards. We could perceive only a few loopholes commanding that “Accordingly, yesterday, at 15 minutes past 1, P.M., the Carysfort and Zebra commenced an admirably well-directed fire, and very soon opened the archway, and showed us a large clear space within, and the boats shoved off. The beach under the town appeared so smooth and deep, and so similar to all the other parts where we had landed, that a doubt of the heavy boats being able to reach it never presented itself until they went in, when a ledge of rocks or ancient building was found to extend itself across at some distance from the shore, with such deep water inside that no man could land and keep his ammunition dry; only the light boats, of which there were but two, could pass over it. Thus the marines (in the launch, barge, and two pinnaces) were unable to land; had they done so, I feel confident that we should have completely succeeded in destroying the magazines of provisions, and have driven the enemy out of the vaults, and even from the town, although not “Becoming anxious at the delay, and seeing Lieutenant Maitland still in the breach, I hastened in my gig, and, hailing that officer, I learned from him that there was no longer any prospect of success, his ammunition being expended, and much of that of the marines wet (from the attempt to get out), and I immediately ordered all to retire, and succeeded in getting every man off, Lieutenant Charlewood even bringing his exploding apparatus away. “It is now my duty to allude to a more grateful theme—the merits of the officers and men employed. Where all did their duty, it is a difficult and somewhat delicate task to particularize; but I should “I annex a list of the boats employed, with the names of the officers commanding them, together with a return of casualties in each boat. The first cutter, being a light boat, was extremely serviceable, and much and constantly exposed. Mr. J.C. Dalrymple Hay, midshipman, and his crew, deserve every credit for their very spirited conduct. “The jolly-boat of the Carysfort (the only other light boat), commanded by Mr. W.H. Stewart, midshipman, was also very useful, and Lieutenant Maitland speaks in favourable terms of that young officer’s proceedings. “To Captain Martin and Commander James Stopford my grateful thanks are justly due; all that was done was in perfect concord with them, and from both these officers I derived the most cordial support and assistance. The precision of the fire from their ships over the boats and men during the “I have, &c., “Houston Stewart, Captain.” “To Admiral “The Benbow’s.—Launch, Mr. William King Hall, mate; Lieut. Harrison, R.M.—Killed, 3 marines, 1 seaman.—Wounded, 1 marine, (since dead).—Wounded, 4 marines, 2 seamen.—Barge,—Mr. G.F. Day, mate.—Wounded, 4 seamen.—1st Gig,—Hon. A. Cochrane, volunteer, 1st Class.—Pinnance,—Mr. A. G. West, midshipman.—Wounded, 1 seaman.—1st Cutter,—Mr. J.C.D. Hay, midshipman.—Killed, 1 seaman.—Wounded, 2 seamen.—Landing Party,—Mr. F.H. Stanfell, mate; Mr. J. F. Ross, midshipman.—Wounded, 1 seaman. Carysfort’s—Pinnance, Lieut. Stephens; Hon.—Douglas, midshipman; none killed or wounded.—Barge,—Mr. Genneys mate; Mr. Loney, second master.—Jolly-boat,—Mr. W. Houston Stewart, midshipman. Zebra’s—Pinnance, Mr. J. Simpson, mate.—Wounded, 3 marines. Return of officers and men killed and wounded, belonging to Her Majesty’s ships and vessels, in an attack by the boats of Benbow—Killed, 2 seamen; 3 royal marines.—Wounded, 9 seamen; 3 royal marines severely.—Wounded, 1 seaman; 1 royal marine, slightly. Zebra—Wounded, 2 seamen; 1 royal marine, slightly. Total killed—5.—Total wounded—17. |