
Impossibility of immediately retiring—Letter to the Admiral—His Answer—Arrival of the Emir—Advance upon the Enemy—Doubtful character of the Forces on both sides—Novelty of the Author’s situation—Battle of Boharsof—Defeat and Flight of Ibrahim—An awkward Mistake—A Green Egyptian Flag taken, and said to be lost again—Promptitude of Omar Bey—Turkish mode of Rejoicing—Second Letter of Recall—Note to the Admiral—Letter respecting the Author’s return to D’Jounie—Official Report of the Battle of Boharsof.

Our movements were however begun, and a retreat impossible, without compromising both the Prince and Omar Bey; I therefore decided on going on, and sent orders to our camp to hurry up the two remaining battalions to occupy Ornagacuan, and secure our right when we began the attack: and I ordered a battalion to cross over a deep ravine, ready to turn the enemy’s left when we attacked in front. This latter movement, from the procrastination natural to Turks, was not executed till several hours after the order was given.

As we every moment expected to hear of an attack on the enemy’s rear, the answer to the Admiral’s last letter was simple enough. I subjoin it, and the reply which he made.

“My dear Admiral,

“October 10, 1840, 2 P.M.

“Since you have given the command to Sir Charles Smith, of course I shall return to my ship. I have been too much annoyed with other people’s plans since I have had the command, to offer mine to my successor. It is no part of my character to receive him with either pique or unkindness.

“You do not seem to be at all aware of my present position. I am strongly posted. The enemy is within musket shot of me, strongly posted also. The Emir Bechir is marching in his rear, and I have two battalions ready to cross Dog River higher up to support him, so that if he advances as he writes me he is doing, we shall probably destroy Ibrahim. But I wish you to understand, that it is likely that Souliman Pacha will send more troops up here, and you have taken away from my right the marines and a Turkish battalion; they ought to be sent back, and the steam-boats, if you can spare them, should be kept in the bay, for if we defeat this army, we ought to fall instantly on Souliman; and even if we retire from here, this ought to be done. Admiral Bandeira informs me that 400 men have already been moved up to join the enemy.

“Believe me, &c.,
“(Signed)Charles Napier.

“P.S. I have just received a note from Sir Charles Smith, who, I hear, is gone to Tyre. Were I to retreat, as he says you wish me to do, the Emir Bechir and all his men would be cut to pieces.

“I hope you will send me all the marines immediately, which will render my victory certain when the Emir arrives.”

This was the Admiral’s reply:—

“My dear Commodore,

“October 10, 1840.

“The Sultan’s firman, and not I, has given the command of the Turkish troops to Sir Charles Smith.

“I have not taken away the marines from your right. It is contrary to my instructions to send them far up the country, and they have been kept in the steam boats according to the intended plan until they were wanted to secure Beyrout. I cannot, therefore, send you any marines; and as Sir Charles Smith is now commanding the troops, I have only to repeat his orders that you will fall back on D’Jounie, or come down to where the steamers are, and where they were always intended to be, for embarkation.

“You will of course apprize the Emir of your intended retreat from your present position, and not expose him to risk of being singly attacked.

“I think the Cambridge is in sight.

“Yours, &c.
(Signed)“Robert Stopford.”
“To Commodore Napier.”

I had sent to Admiral Bandeira to request he would send up his rocketeers; but this the Commander-in-Chief would not permit.

I had no idea the Emir could possibly be up, or Omar Bey be able to form a junction with him, before sunset, and I calculated to attack at dawn of day on the 11th; but we had hardly finished a scanty repast, which the kindness of Captain Henderson, of the Gorgon, furnished us with, when a firing was heard in the direction we expected the Emir to advance; and shortly after, my trusty interpreter Misk rushed into the room with the welcome news that the Emir had arrived. This intelligence set all orders that had arrived, or that might arrive, at nought. The drums beat merrily to arms, the troops were put in motion, we mounted our steeds, and in a few minutes were at the advanced posts. The battalion that had been sent across the ravine to turn the enemy’s left, notwithstanding the delay, had made considerable progress as yet unopposed; and the two battalions that were ordered up from the lines, much against the wish of Izzet Pacha, were advancing rapidly on Ornagacuan.

The enemy’s position was very strong, and perhaps might have been considered unassailable. I knew little of the troops I commanded; many of them were Albanians; and both parties had been endeavouring to persuade each other to come over. Our friends advised them to bring over Ibrahim, (who the day before I had seen sitting under a green flag in the second position, and saluted him); and the enemy, on the other hand, recommended that the old Commodore should be brought over to them. All this was distinctly heard at the out-posts.

I was strongly posted on a narrow range of hills, both flanks well protected; in front of my position there was a considerable descent, at the bottom of which a narrow road led round the foot of another hill to the summit, which the enemy occupied in force; their first position was commanded by a second, still higher, and that again by a third.

It was rather a new occurrence for a British Commodore to be on the top of Mount Lebanon commanding a Turkish army, and preparing to fight a battle that would decide the fate of Syria; but the very novelty was exciting to a degree. I was in my glory; standing on an eminence, surrounded by the general officers and my own staff, I fancied myself a great “Commander,” and surveying the enemy, who had not quite so brilliant an appearance as the Scottish host, although I could not exclaim with Marmion,

Oh, well, Lord Lyon, hast thou said,
Thy King from warfare to dissuade
Were but a vain essay.
For, by St. George, were that host mine,
No power, infernal or divine,
Should once my soul to rest incline,
Until I had dimmed their armour shine
In glorious battle fray!

yet I said to my friend Hodges:—“If we can get the Turks and mountaineers to mount that rugged hill, and Omar Bey attacks at the same time their rear, Ibrahim will get such a dressing as he never had before.”

The troops being now assembled just out of musket-shot, two small field-pieces opened their fire, and pitched their shot into the position where the Albanians were posted; the armed peasantry were directed to throw themselves among the rocks and work their way to the heights, and two Turkish battalions and the Arab battalion were in readiness, under cover of their fire, to advance along the winding road. The peasantry were rather shy, and required a good deal of coaxing, and occasionally a little manual persuasion, to get them forward, but, knowing the country, they took a long circuit on the enemy’s left, and advanced unseen to the heights without firing a shot; a Turkish battalion was now sent forward en tirailleur, and advanced with caution, but great gallantry, under a heavy fire, and they unexpectedly found much good cover under the rocks; a second battalion, headed by General Jochmus, was directed to advance along the road in column, but they broke into skirmishing parties; the Arab battalion was then brought up, but there was no keeping them together; they also broke into skirmishers, and the whole advanced with so much rapidity, (with the exception of some few, who I was obliged to stir up with my stick,) that I thought it best to keep my last battalion in reserve to cover their retreat in the event of disaster.

This was an anxious moment, for our success depended on the steadiness of the Turks when they came in contact with the enemy on the top of the hill, but it was soon over; the moment the hill was crowned the Turks ran in upon the Egyptians, the firing ceased, and the latter laid down their arms.

The reserve was now brought up, and the battalion which had crossed the gorge was making great progress on the enemy’s left.

The Egyptians kept up a heavy fire from their second position, and it was with some difficulty I succeeded in persuading the troops to renew the attack; but the example of Selim Pacha, General Jochmus, Lieutenants Bradley and Duncan, Mr. Pearn, Captain LouÉ, and the other Turkish officers, who all behaved well, encouraged them to storm the second position, which was carried in less than half an hour. It now became a complete rout, the enemy dispersed in all directions, leaving their baggage, ammunition, and provisions behind. Night put an end to the pursuit. Ibrahim, who commanded, escaped with a few men, leaving between 600 and 700 prisoners behind.

Our Arab battalion, seeing a Turkish force advancing, took them for the enemy, and lined a wall that had been thrown up to resist Omar Bey; he on the other hand, took them for Ibrahim’s troops, and seeing myself and several officers with them, thought we were prisoners. A sharp fire was now opened on both sides, and it was with some difficulty I put an end to the conflict, which might have been attended with serious consequences.

A green flag was taken, which General Jochmus informed me afterwards was lost, but I am disposed to think it had been improperly concealed by some one instead of being brought to head-quarters. Our loss was not more than 50 killed and wounded, that of the enemy was never ascertained; their force was from 3000 to 4000 men. The greatest praise is due to Omar Bey, who marched the moment he got his orders on Argentoun, descended unseen into the gorge of Dog River by a narrow and rugged path, where he would have been annihilated had he been discovered, and although he got no intelligence of the Prince, pushed on and commenced his attack.

We now re-assembled the troops, which was no easy matter, and returned to Ornagacuan ready to face Souliman in the morning, leaving Omar Bey with his two battalions in possession of the field of battle.

The Turks after any success are fond of discharging their arms, caring very little whether they load with ball or blank, and I verily believe I run more risk of being shot as I returned to my quarters by the Turks than I did in the attack on Ibrahim’s position.

On my arrival on the coast I found the following orders from the Admiral:


“Princess Charlotte, off Beyrout,
October 10, 1840.

“It is my positive directions, in conjunction with the opinion of Colonel Sir Charles Smith, Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish forces, by the appointment of the Sultan, and whose directions, with regard to every military movement, I am instructed to follow, that you return forthwith to the position of D’Jounie with the troops now under your command, with all due caution and circumspection.

“I have the honour to be, Sir,
“Your obedient servant,
Robert Stopford, Admiral,
“To Commodore Napier.”

I was happy to be able to send the following short letter in reply:—

“My dear Admiral,

“October 10th.

“I this afternoon attacked Ibrahim Pacha, and totally defeated him. He was driven from position to position, and Selim Pacha is still after him. I do not know how many prisoners we have made. The Turks behaved nobly.

“In haste, yours very truly,
Chas. Napier.”
“The Hon. Sir R. Stopford, G.C.B.”

Next morning I addressed the Admiral again respecting my return to D’Jounie.


“Head-quarters, October 11, 1840.

“I received your letter last night, written before the battle, desiring me to return to D’Jounie forthwith; I do not know whether that is now to be put into execution. I expect the Emir Bechir every moment; he ought to march by the mountains, and come down on Souliman; the marines ought to be landed, and we ought to collect our troops and attack Souliman instantly, and thus finish the campaign; if we do not, he will withdraw. I merely suggest this for your consideration; if I am to return to D’Jounie, if you will hoist the affirmative with guns, I shall answer with a white flag, and march forthwith, leaving the Emir on the hills to do what he thinks best.

“I have the honour to be, &c.
Chas. Napier, Commodore.

“P.S. I sent you a few lines last night by Lieut. Duncan, who is not yet returned. We have 500 prisoners, but they still keep coming in; the enemy’s troops are dispersed in all directions. Ibrahim took himself off in double quick, and I suppose is now with Souliman.”

“The Hon. Sir Robert Stopford, G.C.B.”

The following is my official report to the Admiral of the action of the 10th of October, penned, as will be seen, after my return to my ship:—


“Powerful, D’Jounie Bay,
October 13, 1840.

“After the great advantages gained by the Emir Bechir over Osman Pacha, at Merouba, it became necessary to move on Souliman Pacha, defeat him, and obtain possession of Beyrout; I in consequence directed the Emir Bechir to join me on the heights of Ornagacuan on the 9th inst., and on the 8th General Jochmus marched with four battalions, and was followed the day after by the Arab battalion, composed of Turkish and Egyptian deserters; on the 9th two steam-boats anchored in St. George’s Bay, with a Turkish and marine battalion, ready to disembark when necessary. At nine in the morning I arrived on the heights, and found that our picquets had been driven in by an enemy we did not expect in that quarter; a Turkish battalion and the mountaineers sent them back; and on reconnoitring I found to my surprise between 2000 and 3000 men in a position that appeared unassailable. No time was to be lost, as the deserters assured me they expected a reinforcement of 2000 men the next morning.

“My own position was strong, being in a long narrow range of hills; my left almost inaccessible, and my right protected by a deep gorge, at the head of which the hills on which I was posted, after a considerable descent, turned off to the right; this part of the hill the enemy occupied in force, amongst rugged, and apparently inaccessible rocks; a road considerably below the top of the mountain wound round it; above the first position there was a second, still stronger, and above that again a third. In the course of the day, I learned that the Emir Beshir had crossed Dog River, and arrived at Basquinta, in the enemy’s rear; I desired him to continue his march, and I directed Omar Bey, who had been left with four battalions in our lines, to march at night with two on Argentoun, descend into the deep gorge of the Dog River with great caution and secresy, and cross over to Bechfeya, in the rear of the enemy, and effect a junction with the Emir Beshir; this very dangerous movement (for had he been discovered in the bottom of the gorge he would have been destroyed) was executed with great skill by Omar Bey, and about two o’clock we were delighted to hear a firing in the enemy’s rear. By this time the other two Turkish battalions who were ordered from our lines were in sight, and another that I had passed over the gorge in our right was rapidly advancing on the enemy’s left.

“All being prepared to the best of my ability, I directed the armed peasantry to throw themselves among the rocks, and advance on the enemy, and two Turkish battalions and the Arab were held in readiness to march along the winding road; the peasantry were very shy, and required a great deal of coaxing to get them forward, but knowing the country they took a long circuit on the enemy’s left, and advanced unseen to the heights without firing a shot. A Turkish battalion now advanced ‘en tirailleur’ in front, which they did with caution, but great gallantry, under a very heavy fire; and as they advanced they unexpectedly found much good cover under the rocks.

“A second battalion, led by General Jochmus, was directed to advance along the road in column, but they broke into skirmishing parties; the Arab battalion was then advanced up in column, but there was no keeping them together, they also broke into skirmishers, and the whole advanced with so much rapidity that I thought it best to keep my last battalion in reserve, to cover their retreat in the event of disaster. This was an anxious time, for our success depended on the steadiness of the Turks when they came in contact with the enemy on the top of the hill; but it was soon over; the moment the hill was crowned the firing ceased, and the Egyptians laid down their arms. The reserve was now brought up, and the battalion which had crossed the gorge was making great progress on the enemy’s left; a heavy fire was kept up from the second position, and it was with some difficulty I succeeded in getting the troops to make a second attack, but the example of Selim Pacha, General Jochmus, and the Turkish officers, who all behaved well, succeeded in bringing them again to the scratch, and in less than half an hour it became a complete rout, leaving all their baggage, ammunition, and provisions in the second position. Night put an end to the pursuit. Ibrahim, who commanded, escaped with a few men, and the rest dispersed, leaving between 600 and 700 prisoners.

“A rather ludicrous scene took place on the heights, at the end of the battle: our own Arab battalion, seeing a force coming forward, took them for the enemy, and placed themselves in position under a wall (that had been thrown up to resist Omar Bey), he, on the other hand, took them for the enemy, and a sharp fire was opened on both sides; I, however, arrived in time to prevent mischief, which might have been serious.

“A green Turkish standard was taken, but General Jochmus informs me it was lost, but I am disposed to think it has been improperly concealed by some one instead of being brought to head-quarters. I have not been able to get the returns of the killed and wounded, but I believe it to be under fifty; that of the enemy, from their position, must have been less. The first effect of our forward movement, as you already know, has been the evacuation of Beyrout; the effect of our victory over Ibrahim, the entire disorganization and submission of the army of Souliman Pacha to the amount of nearly 3000 men, and the whole of the artillery and stores.

“I landed at D’Jounie on the 10th of September, with the army you did me the honour of putting under my command, consisting of 5300 Turkish troops and 1500 marines, which has from time to time been reduced to half that number; and by the 10th of October we have made about 5000 prisoners, and nearly 5000 deserters have come over; the whole of Lebanon is nearly free, Tripoli alone remains to be taken, which I am of opinion will be an easy conquest, if attacked immediately.

“It is now my pleasing duty to express to you, Sir, how much I have been satisfied with the conduct of Selim Pacha, General Jochmus, Omar Bey, and indeed all the Turkish officers. Lieut. Bradley has accompanied me on all occasions, and has been everywhere most forward, and I beg strongly to recommend him for promotion; Mr. Pearn, the master of the Powerful, and my old companion in arms in Portugal, joined me as a volunteer, as did also Lieut. Duncan, who I sent to lead the mountaineers. I am also much indebted to her Majesty’s Consul General, Lieut.-Colonel Hodges, who did me the honour of serving with me in the action. I have requested Selim Pacha to furnish me with the names of the Turkish officers who particularly distinguished themselves, and which shall be forwarded as soon as possible. In giving up the command of the army to Sir Charles Smith, I beg to return my thanks to you for the confidence you have placed in me, and to assure you that I have spared no pains to render all the service in my power to the cause of the Sultan.

“I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed)“Chas. Napier, Commodore.

“P.S.—I forgot to mention that the Emir Bechir did not come up in time, but did good service in checking the reinforcement of 2000 men that was intended to join Ibrahim.

“To Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford.”

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