Edited by MAJOR E. B. EVANS. Published on the 1st of each month, and chiefly noted for:— 1st.—Verbatim Reports of all Law Cases of Interest to Philatelists. 2nd.—Earliest Information on New Issues. 3rd.—Largest Stamp Journal Published: recent numbers containing from 50 to 72 pages. 4th.—Quality of its Articles; with Major Evans as Editor this can be taken for granted. 5th.—Entirely Original Articles by the leading Philatelic Writers of the day. SUBSCRIPTION—2/- per annum, or 5/- for three years. Sample Copy sent gratis and post-free on application. All Subscriptions must be prepaid, and commence with the July Number. The Prices for Back Numbers will be found in the current number of the Journal. There is no discount to the Trade. The Monthly Journal now includes the Addenda to our Current Priced Catalogue. The old method of publishing addenda quarterly has been discontinued; and in the months of March, June, September, and December a Special Number of the Journal is sent to all Subscribers, containing lists of all Stamps, etc., that have appeared since the publication of the Catalogue. In the other months there will be quoted Special Bargains, Rarities, and prominent Alterations in Prices. We therefore strongly recommend all purchasers of the Catalogue to subscribe to "The Monthly Journal"—forming, as it does, a complete continuation of the Catalogue up to date. |