
Surcharge Measurer

The accompanying illustration will give the best idea of what this is. It consists of a pair of needle-pointed spring compasses, capable, by means of an adjusting screw, of measuring with the greatest accuracy all surcharges up to 40 millimÈtres in length. In addition to the measure a millimÈtre gauge is obtained by running the head of the screw along a piece of paper, a series of lines exactly a millimÈtre apart being thus indented in the paper. For measuring surcharges on such stamps as Natal, Straits Settlements, &c., this will be found invaluable, and also in the detection of forgeries—a forgery or forged surcharge very seldom being exactly the same size as the original.

Price 7/6; post-free, 7/7; abroad, 7/11.


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