Grand New Variety Packets.


In order to meet the wishes of a great number of our customers, we have prepared a series of packets, as under, entirely different from one another, no stamp in any one packet being in any of the rest of the series; and the purchaser of the series of eight packets will have 1,305 extra good varieties, and no duplicates.

These packets do NOT contain any Post Cards, cut Envelopes, Fiscals, or Reprints, and are well recommended as good value, and are only a small proportion of the Catalogue value of the single stamps contained in them.

No. 70 contains 500 Stamps of Europe, all different. Price 7/6; post-free, 7/8.
No. 71 " 125 Stamps of Asia " Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 72 " 125 Stamps of Africa " Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 73 " 105 Stamps of Australia " Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 74 " 125 Stamps of West Indies " Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 75 " 125 Stamps of South America, all different. Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 76 " 100 Stamps of North America " Price 7/6 " 7/7.
No. 77 " 100 Stamps of Central America " Price 7/6 " 7/7.

The set of eight packets, containing 1,305 varieties, if all bought at one time, will be supplied at the special reduced price of 55/-. Postage abroad 2-1/2d. extra for each 125 stamps.


No. 78.—The "Queen's Portrait" Packet. 100 Stamps. Price 10s.

The Ten Shilling Packet contains 100 Unused Postage Stamps, each one bearing a likeness of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. This packet contains perfect specimens only, nearly all with original gum. This is a real bargain, but as an extra inducement to purchasers we present a specimen of a Diamond Jubilee Stamp with each packet; thus each buyer becomes a subscriber to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales' Hospital Fund.

No. 79.—The "Queen's Portrait" Packet. 100 Rare Colonials. Price £1 10s.

The Thirty Shilling Packet contains 100 rare unused Postage Stamps, each one bearing a likeness of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The stamps in this packet are entirely different from those in No. 78, and purchasers of both will thus possess two hundred distinct varieties. Most of the English Colonies are represented by carefully-selected specimens of the higher value stamps. With this packet we present the Half-crown Diamond Jubilee Stamp; thus each purchaser subscribes that sum to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales' Hospital Fund.

No. 80.—The "Picturesque" Packet. 100 Pictures. Price 12s. 6d.

Contains 100 Unused Stamps in perfect condition, each one being especially selected for beauty, quaintness, or originality of design. Among others, we mention:

Natives Paddling on the Congo River.
Native Village and Scenery in the Congo District.
A Native Village in Djibouti. The Bridge of Sighs in Kewkiang.

Zoology is Represented ByThe Elephant, the Hippopotamus, the Bird of Paradise, the Stag, the Codfish.

Three of the exquisite Portraits of Her Majesty, as depicted on the Canadian Jubilee Stamps, showing the Vignettes of the Queen in 1837 and 1897, form an appropriate addition to this choice and remarkable packet.




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