
Edward Jackson, A.M., M.D.
Prof. Ophth. Univ. Colo.; Emer. Prof. Ophth. Phila. Polyclinic; Ex-Ch. Sec. Ophth. A.M.A.; Ex-Pres. Am. Acad. Med. and Am. Acad. Ophth. and Oto-Laryng.; Mem. Am. Ophth. Soc. and Honorary Mem. Chicago Ophth. Society.

John Elmer Weeks, M.D., D.Sc.
Prof. Ophth. Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., N.Y.; Ophth. Surg. N.Y. Eye and Ear Inf.; Mem. Am. Ophth. Soc.; Hon. Mem. Chicago Ophth. Soc. and Royal Hungarian Med. Soc. Budapest.

George Edmund de Schweinitz, A.M., LL.D., M.D.
Prof. Ophth. Univ. Penn.; Ophth. Surg. Univ. Hosp., Phila. Hosp., Orthop. Hosp. and Inf. for Nerv. Dis.; Consult. Ophth. Surg, Phila. Polyclinic; Honorary Member Chicago Ophth. Soc.

Robert Henry Elliot, M.D., B.S. Lond., Sc.D. Edin., F.R.C.S. Eng., Etc., Lieut.-Colonel, I.M.S.
Supt. Gov. Ophth. Hosp., Madras. India; Prof. Ophth. Med. Coll., Madras; Fellow Univ. of Madras; Honorary Member Chicago Ophthalmological Society, U.S.A.

Casey A. Wood, M.D., C.M., D.C.L.
Prof. Ophth. Univ. Ill.; Late Prof. Ophth. N. W. Univ.; Ex-Pres. Am. Acad. of Med.; Am. Acad. Ophth. and of the Chicago Ophth. Soc.; Ophthalmic Surg. St. Luke's Hosp.; Consulting Ophth. Surg. St. Luke's and Cook County Hosp.; Ex-Ch. Ophth. Sec. A.M.A.; Editor System Ophth. Therapeutics. Sys. Ophth. Operations and American Encylopedia Ophthalmology.

Francis Lane, A.B., M.D.
Pathologist and Asst. Ophthalmic Surgeon Ill. Char. Eye and Ear Inf.; Instructor in Ophth. Rush Med. Coll.; Asst, Ophth. Surg. Presbyterian Hospital.

E. V. L. Brown, M.D.
Asst. Prof. Pathology of the Eye, Univ. Chicago; Asst. Prof. Ophth. Rush Med. College; Ophth. Surg. Ill. Eye and Ear Inf. and Cook County Hosp.; Mem. Am. Ophth. Soc.

Nelson M. Black, Ph.G., M.D.
Author of The Development of the Fusion Center in the Treatment of Strabismus; Examination of the Eyes of Transportation Employes; Artificial illumination a Factor in Ocular Discomfort, etc.

Frank C. Todd, M.D.
Prof. Ophth. and Oto-Laryng., Univ. Minn.; Chairman Sec. Ophth. A.M.A. and second Vice-Pres. A.M.A.; Ophth. Surg. Univ. and Hill Crest Hospital.

Albert Eugene Bulson, Jr., B.S., M.D.
Prof. Ophth. Ind. School Med.; Ex-Ch. Sec. Ophth. A.M.A.; Ophth. Surg. St. Joseph's Hospital; Editor Jour. Ind, Slate Med. Assn.

Dedicated To
Dr. Edward Jackson
Dr. John E. Weeks
Dr. George Edmund de Schweinitz
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Henry Elliot
Honorary Members

Chicago Ophthalmological Society
In Recognition Of
Their Splendid Achievements
In the Domain of Ophthalmology


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