m.html#Page_225" class="pginternal">225 n.;
De Soto at, 225.
Ayllon, Governor-licentiate, death of, 174.
Aymay, named Socorro, 171;
De Soto at, 172;
location of, 172 n.
Azores, mentioned, 122.
Bacallaos, Spanish name for Newfoundland, 343 n., 360.
Badthing, story of, 78-79.
Baegert, Father Jacob, on Indians of lower California, 346 n.
BahÍos, 108.
See also BuhÍos.
Baldwyn, Mississippi, 212 n.
Bandelier, A. F., researches on the Seven Cities, 287 n.;
on Topira, 290 n.;
on Cicuye, 355 n.
Bandelier, A. F. and Fanny, Journey of NuÑez Cabeza de Vaca, cited, 22 n., 59, 87 n., 102 n., 103 n.
Baracoa, town in Cuba, 142.
Barbacoa, a store house for maize, 165.
Barbels, native American fish, 349.
Barrionuevo, Francisco de, companion of Coronado, 292;
at Tiguex, 319;
explorations of, 339-340.
Baskett, James Newton, investigations of, 326 n.
Bastian, Francisco, drowning of, 225.
Batuco, identification of, 376 n.
BÁyamo, town in Cuba, 142, 143.
Bayou de Vue, 215 n.
Bayou Macon, 255 n.
Bears, in pueblo region, 357.
BÉjar, mentioned, 125.
Bermuda, Cabeza de Vaca at, 121.
Bernalillo, settlement on site of Tiguex, 278, 317 n.
Bidai Indians, 80 n.
Biedma, narrative of, cited, 40 n.;
referred to, 130 n.
Big Bayou Meto, 225.
Big Creek, 21, 215 n.
Bigotes, see Whiskers.
Birds, mentioned, 29-30, 272.
Biscayan Indians, 115 n.
Bison, first printed reference to, 68 n.;
described by Cicuye Indians, 311;
hunted by plains Indians, 330, 362, 363;
stampede of, 331;
Coronado's army supplied with meat of, 336;
piles of bones of, 382;
CastaÑeda's description of, 382-383.
Black Warrior River, 188 n., 189 n.
Blankets, of #Page_72" class="pginternal">72.
Campo, Andres del, Portuguese companion of Padilla, 365, 373, 385;
returns to New Spain, 385.
Canarreo shoals, 18.
Canasagua, De Soto at, 178.
Caney creek, 58 n.
Cannibalism in Culiacan, 345.
Cannouchee River, 170 n.
Cantaloupes, as food of Indians, 348.
Capachiqui, De Soto at, 165.
Capoques Indians, 54 n., 55 n., 65 n., 66 n., 87 n.
es@42841@42841-h@42841-h-0.htm.html#Page_7" class="pginternal">7;
expedition inspired by journey of Cabeza de Vaca, 8;
memoirs of George P. Winship on, 276-277;
bibliography of accounts of expedition of, 277-279;
CastaÑeda's narrative of expedition of, 276, 281-387;
testimony of companions of, 279;
expedition of, mentioned, 97 n., 284, 362 n.;
appointed governor of New Galicia, 287;
marriage of, 287;
accompanies Fray Marcos to Culiacan, 288;
makes expedition to Topira, 290;
returns to Mexico, 291;
friendship of Mendoza for, 291;
receives command from Mendoza, 275, 281, 291;
CastaÑeda's criticism of, 291, 293;
appointments confirmed by, 292;
departure of, from Compostela, 295;
receives report of Diaz, at Chiametla, 296;
at Culiacan, 297-298;
Truxillo brought before, 298;
arrives at Chichilticalli, 299;
discouragement of, 299;
reaches Cibola, 300;
letter to Mendoza, 277, 300 n.;
attacks Cibola, 300;
wounded at Cibola, 301;
mention of, 294, 302, 305, 319;
finds horn of mountain goat, 306;
joined by Arellano, 306;
sends Tovar to Tusayan, 307;
sends Cardenas to Colorado River, 308;
receives report of Cardenas, 310;
gifts to, from Cicuye Indians, 311;
sends Alvarado to Cicuye, 311;
receives message from Alvarado, 312;
departure of, for Tiguex, 313;
arrives at Tutahaco, 314;
at Tiguex, 314;
sends Alvarado to Cicuye, 315;
joined by army, 317;
demands cloth of Indians, 317-318;
gives Cardenas orders to attack Indians, 319;
orders of, concerning prisoners, 320;
besieges Tiguex, 322;
attempts of, to make peace, 323;
receives news of dea l">4, 6;
joins in report to Audiencia of EspaÑola, 8;
later years and death of, 9;
goes to find the sea, 33;
embarks in open boat, 36;
repulses Indians, 39;
loses his boat and overtakes Cabeza de Vaca, 48;
on the mainland, 54, 55;
returns to Malhado, 55;
accompanies Indians to find walnuts and meets with Cabeza de Vaca, 59-60;
escapes from slavery, 64;
escapes from the Yguazes, 65;
mentioned by Oviedo, 69, 70;
joins Cabeza de Vaca in escape from Indians, 71, 73;
mentioned, 72;
performs cures among Avavares, 78;
goes to the Maliacones, 80;
receives a hawk-bell of copper, 95;
is presented with over six hundred open hearts of deer, 108;
42841-h@42841-h-9.htm.html#Page_270" class="pginternal">270, 271.
See also Mississippi River.
Grapes, wild, found by Coronado, 334, 338.
Graves, at Tutahaco, 384.
Great plains, Spaniards lost on, 336;
description of, 362.
Great River, the, 202.
See Mississippi River and Grande River.
Greene County, Alabama, 189 n.
Grey Friars, origin of name, 385 n.
Guacay, distance of, to Daycao, 270-271;
nature of the country, 271.
Guachichules, Indians, 385.
Guachoya, De Soto reaches, 227;
cacique of, comes to him, 227;
makes an address, 228;
and assists in attack of Nilco, 231;
death of De Soto at, 233;
Spaniards leave, 236;
mentioned, 245, 248;
cacique of, plots against Moscoso, 251;
exposes plot of caciques of Nilco and Taguanate, 252;
and kills Indians of Nilco, 252;
direction of, 271.
Guadalajara, beginning of, 285 n., 287.
Guadalaxara, see Guadalajara.
Guadiana, Spanish river, 341.
Guaes, province near Quivira, 328, 328 n., 364.
Guahate, province, mentioned, 222.
Guaniguanico, storm at, 18.
Guasco, see Waco.
Guatemala, conquered by Alvarado, 380.
Guaxulle, De Soto at, 177;
mentioned, 178.
Guayaba tree, 141.
Guaycones Indians, 87.
Guaymas Indians, 108 n.
Guevara, Diego de, captures Indian village, 324.
Guevara, Juan de, appointment of son of, 292.
Guevara, Pedro de, appointed captain, 292.
Guevenes Indians, 59 n.
Gutierres, Diego, appointed captain, 292.
Gutierrez, Juan, see Xuarez, Juan, and 14 n.
Guzman, Diego de, 111.
Guzman, Francisco de, goes away with his Indian concubine, 238.
Guzman, Juan de, made captain of infantry, 164;
crosses Mississippi with infantry, 204;
sent against Indians, 231, 256;
is taken by them, 257.
Guzman, NuÑo de, position of, in New Spain, 285;
career of, 285 n.;
cruelty to natives, 285 n.;
expedition of, to the Seven Cities, 286;
Culiacan settled by, 3.
La Vaca, Bay, 58 n.
League, Spanish, 22 n.
Lee County, Arkansas, 214 n.
Lenox Library, manuscript of CastaÑeda in, 277.
Leopard, see Wildcat.
Lewis, T. Hayes, 132.
Lions, see Mountain lions.
Lisbon, 123.
Little Red River, 216 n.
Little River, 240 n.
Little Tennessee River, 177 n.
Little Valley, settlement of, 347.
Llano River, 95 n.
Lobillo, Juan Rodriguez, at court, 135;
sent by De Soto into the country, 148;
returns with four Indian women, 149;
age_334" class="pginternal">334, 364.
Musetti, Juan Pedro, book merchant, 126.
Musical instruments of Indians, 312, 354.
Muskhogean tribes, 21 n.
NaÇacahoz, Moscoso at, 244.
Naguatex, mentioned, 238;
Indian advance at, 239;
cacique of, addresses Moscoso, 241;
found full of maize, 247;
pottery made at, 247.
Najera, birthplace of CastaÑeda, 276.
Nambe, Tewa pueblo, 359 n.
Napetaca, engagement at, between De Soto and the Indians, 158.
NaquiscoÇa, Moscoso at, 244.
Narvaez, PÁmfilo de, receives grant, 3;
sets sail, 3, 14;
failure of his expedition, 7;
size of his fleet, 14;
reaches Santo Domingo where one hundred and forty men desert, 14;
arrives at Santiago de Cuba, 15;
loses ten of his ships and sixty men in storm at Trinidad, 3-4, 15-17;
major portion of his fleet reach Trinidad and winter there, 17;
at Xagua, 17;
sights Florida, 18;
reaches the mainland, 19;
takes possession of country in the royal name, 4, 19-20;
explores inland, 20, 21;
holds conference regarding further penetration of interior, 22;
takes up march into country, with three hundred men, 4, 25;
accepts Indian allies against the Apalachees, 26-27;
takes Apalachen, 28;
departs for Aute, 31;
attacked by Indians, 31;
reaches Aute, 32;
departs from Aute, 33;
calls a council, which decides to build vessels in which to get away, 34-36;
loses ten men killed by Indians, and forty, who die of disease, 36;
leaves Bay of Horses, and meets with many privations, 37-38;
lands and is wounded by Indians, 38-39;
embarks once more and proceeds along the coast, 39-41;
reaches the Mississippi, 41;
exhibits selfishness in saving his life, 42;
fate of, narrated by Esquivel, 62;
mentioned by Oviedo, 70;
is carried out to sea, 72;
fate of his voyage foretold, 124;
his Panuco fleet, 124-125;
mentioned, 157, 63.
PÁnuco, Narvaez orders ships to find, 172.
Ruiz, GonÇalo, death of, 49.
Saabedra, Fernandarias de, appointment of, 297.
Saabedra, H. de, mayor of Culiacan, 297, 371, 372.
Sacatecas, see Zacatecas.
St. Clement's Point, landing of Narvaez at, 19 n.
St. Francis County, Arkansas, 205 n., 214 n.
St. Francis River, 213 n., 214 n.
St. Marks, seat of the Apalachee, 21 n., 30 n.
St. Marks Bay, 33 n., 37 n.
St. Marks River, 33 n.
Saline County, 236 n.
Saline River, 236 n.
Salt, made by Spaniards, 218, 238;
natural crystals of, in Arizona, 310;
lakes of, on great plains, 338, 362.
Salvidar, Juan de, companion of Coronado, 292;
explorations of, 296;
mentioned, 299;
at Tiguex, 319;
captures Indian village, 324;
escape of Indian woman from, 339.
Samaniego, Lope de, appointed army-master, 292;
death of, 295.
San Antonio Bay, 58 n.
San Antonio Cape, 143.
San Antonio River, 74 n.
San Bernardo River, 58 n.
Sanbenitos, described, 334 n., 347.
Sancti Spiritus, town in Cuba, 142, 144.
Sandia Mountains, 352.
San Gabriel de los EspaÑoles, settlement of, 340 n.
San Hieronimo de los Corazones, founding of, 301;
dispatches from, 324;
disturbance in, 326;
transferred to Suya, 301, 326.
San Ildefonso, Tewa pueblo, 359 n.
San Juan, Tewa pueblo, 340 n., 359 n.
SanlÚcar, Bay of, 139.
SanlÚcar, muster of De Soto's forces at, 139.
San LÚcar de Barrameda, port in Spain, 3, 14 n.
San Luis, island, 57 n.
San Marcos-Guadalupe River, 74 n.
San Miguel, village, 120.
San Miguel Culiacan, 113 n.
San Pedro, river in Sonora, 371 n.
Sant Anton, Cape, westernmost point of Cuba, 18 n.
Santa Clara, Tewa pueblo, h-6.htm.html#Page_178" class="pginternal">178;
hears speech of cacique of that place, 178;
sends men to see if there is gold at Chisca, 181;
hears speech of cacique of Coste, 182-183;
and speech of cacique of CoÇa, 183-184;
rests at CoÇa twenty-five days, 185;
hears speech at Tallisi, 186-187;
hears speech of cacique of TastaluÇa, 188;
distances traversed to TastaluÇa, 188-189;
wounded in encounter with Indians at Mauilla, 191;
hears that Maldonado is at Ochuse, 193;
his losses in the Florida expedition, 194;
leaves Mauilla, 194;
reaches ChicaÇa and takes some Indians, 195;
cuts off an Indian's hands for theft, 196;
repulses Indians, 197-199;
leaves ChicaÇa and sustains two more attacks made by the natives, 199-201;
sets out for Quizquiz, 202;
crosses the Mississippi, 204;
hears speeches of the cacique of Casqui, 206-207;
preaches Christianity to the Indians, 207-208;
finds many shawls and skins at Pacaha, 209;
h@42841-h-11.htm.html#Page_335" class="pginternal">335;
motive of, in misleading Spaniards, 336-337.
Turkeys in pueblo regions, 354.
Turquoises, presented to Cabeza de Vaca, 106,117;
found at Waco, 246;
collected by Estevanico, 288, 289:
how obtained by Indians, 308 n.;
gifts of, made by Indians, 308, 312;
of pueblo Indians, 350.
Tusayan, description of, by ZuÑi Indians, 307;
visited by Tovar, 307;
cotton cultivated at, 308 n.;
description of, 351;
names of pueblos of, 358 n.
Tutahaco, visit of Coronado to, 314;
problem of name of, 314 n.;
eight pueblos of, 358.
Tutelpinco, De Soto at, 225.
Tyronza River, 206 n., 208 n.
Ucita, an Indian chief, 146 n.;
town of, 146, 147;
temple thrown down, 147.
Uitachuco, burned by Indians, 161.
Ullibahali, chiefs of, approach De Soto, 185;
a fenced town, 185;
cacique of, offers tamemes to De Soto, 186.
Union County, Mississippi, 200 n.
Upanguayma Indians, 108.
"Upper Cross Timbers," 244 n.
Urine, use of, as a mordant, 354 n.
Urrea, Lope de, companion of Coronado, 293;
envoy of peace to Indians, 323.
Utinama, town, 156.
Uzachil, much food found at, 160.
Uzachil, cacique of, sends embassy to De Soto, 158;
presents him with deer, 160.
Uzela, De Soto at, 161.
Vaca, Cabeza de, see Cabeza de Vaca.
Vacapan, province crossed by Coronado, 305.
Vacas, Rio de las, 103 n.
Valdevieso, killed by Indians, 58, 64;
mentioned by Oviedo, 69.
ValenÇuela, captain, ordered by Narvaez to follow river to the sea, 26.
Valladolid, Spanish name of Braba, 340, 359.
Valley of Knaves, rebellion of Indians in, 326.
Vargas, Juan de, killed by Indians, 257.
Vargas, Luis Ramierez de, companion of Coronado, 293.
Vasconcelos, AndrÉ de, of Elvas, 137, 138;
commands a ship in De Soto's expedition, 139;
slave of, espouses cacica of Cutifachiqui, 177;

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