The battalion crossed the Potomac at Shepherdstown, and passing on by Sharpsburg and Hagerstown, reached the head of Ewell’s column at Greencastle, from which point it took the advance, and under orders from Gen. Ewell marched directly to Gettysburg, where a heavy body of Pennsylvania militia was assembled to keep the rebels out of town. Company E, commanded by Lieut. H. M. Strickler, a gentleman, a gallant soldier and good officer, but above all an earnest Christian, and who is now (1870) a devoted minister of the M. E. Church South, led the advance, and charged bravely upon the enemy, who were drawn up on the left and in front, as the battalion moved forward, to the number of thirteen hundred infantry and about one hundred cavalry. The battalion did not have over two hundred and fifty men in ranks, but they came with barbarian yells and smoking pistols, in such a desperate dash, that the blue-coated troopers wheeled their horses and departed towards Harrisburg without firing a shot, while the infantry who could do so followed their example, and those who could not threw down their bright, new muskets, and begged frantically for Most of White’s men pushed on after the cavalry, who were finely mounted, but they had been on the run while the others were losing time in the camps, and were, of course, too far gone to overtake, and the battalion rallied in the town, where the citizens gave them all they wanted, and more, so that in a little while all who ever did indulge in the ardent were in a half-horse, half wild-cat condition, and each man imagined himself to be the greatest hero of the war; in fact, some were heard recounting to the horrified citizens of Gettysburg the immense execution they had done with the sabre in a hundred battles. But about five o’clock, after the “Comanches” had been in town two hours, Gen. Early came in and ordered the battalion to go on up the railroad and catch some Yankees, but after a long chase they returned without any “boys in blue,” and bivouacked that night with the citizens—about a mile from town. Next day was passed in scouting and in gathering up horses, supposed from their fat, sleek appearance, to be fit for service, but no greater mistake was ever committed, for a Southern cavalry horse, after being entirely broken down, The battalion marched to Hanover Junction, where there had been about eight hundred Yankee infantry, but who retired to their fortifications, about two miles off, as the “Comanches” advanced, nor did the latter deem it prudent to attack them; so after skirmishing with them a short time they passed by and encamped for the night, moving out the next morning, in front of Gen. Early’s division, to Little York, where they arrived about noon; and as soon as the General came up he ordered Colonel White to scout the country and destroy as much railroad as possible. Here the Colonel divided his command, sending Captain Myers with his Company off to the left of the town, several miles, to picket and scout, while with the remainder he moved forward to the Susquehanna, where he destroyed the bridge, and on his return from Wrightsville to York burned twenty-two railroad bridges. When Gen. Early was ready to march to Gettysburg again he called in his cavalry, and sent them in advance, with orders to watch carefully the left flank; and in the afternoon of the same day a strong force of the enemy appeared, and in a dash upon Company A captured one man (Thos. The weather was extremely hot, but the marching was easy, and they were in a land where abundance of everything could be obtained for men and horses, while all the floating news and rumors that reached the soldiers’ ears were of the “good time coming,” and had never a tinge of gloom to mar the brightness which flooded the future as the seeming hand of destiny lifted the veil which divided that shadowy land from the now, giving a glimpse of the glory and peace beyond; and looking back to the “auld lang syne” they said, in the language of holy writ, “the thing which hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun;” for had not America been the land of rest to the oppressed of the Old World; and had not Liberty always ground the tyrant’s power to dust beneath the tread of Freedom’s legions in this—her chosen home? and now the finger of events was tracing the same old story before the eyes of the wondering nations. This was the atmosphere in which the soldiers breathed while campaigning in Pennsylvania, and many of them expressed fears that they would not be permitted to fight the Yankees “just once more” before the war ended, but as they approached Gettysburg on Wednesday evening, July 1st, all such fears were dispelled, for there stood the army of the North in battle order, and before the Southern troops were within two miles of the place their foes came out to meet them. White’s battalion, then the only body of cavalry with the A. N. V., was sent by General Ewell to the left of his corps, and as they gained the high hills in that direction they had a full The battalion passed on, and soon met some of the Yankee skirmishers from a division of infantry on Rocky Creek, whom they captured and sent back, and in a short time Gen. Gordon marched his brigade to the support of the cavalry. About this time a battery, from the Cemetery Hill, was fiercely shelling White’s men, and as Gordon’s skirmishers appeared on the field a storm of shot and shell ploughed the ground along the line, causing part of it to falter; but the Major who commanded was a splendid officer, and brought his people up to it handsomely; once, indeed, he displayed almost more than human coolness and daring—in reforming a part of his line that had broken under the fire, and just as the Major reached it a heavy shell exploded exactly under his horse, causing both it and the rider to roll over on the ground in a cloud of dirt and smoke, all who saw it thinking that they were surely both killed, but amid the cloud the beautiful bay sprang up, with the gallant Major still in the saddle exclaiming, “Steady men, steady; no use to break; keep the line steady;” and the men were steady after that. It was a very particular business, but by passing off for Yankee scouts, which Captain Grubb could do to perfection, they got clear, taking five prisoners with them. During the remainder of the day the battalion did little but watch the flank and listen to fighting along the lines to their right, and when night came they bivouacked near a deserted farm-house on the bank of Rocky Creek. About noon, while the men were idly lying along the fields in the full blaze of the July sun, with no motion of the air to mitigate the oppressive heat, they noticed that the artillerymen were posting their cannon in a long curving line along the hills, and to all appearances meant business, although no firing was heard anywhere, but about 1 o’clock one single gun, (a long black Whitworth,) pealed out its sharp, ringing battle-note, and in an instant, from two hundred and ten guns, boomed forth a raging tempest of lightning and thunder that fairly shook the solid ground and made every man leap to his feet in bewildered excitement; but soon came the reply from the lines of Gen. Meade, where the white powder smoke, tinged with the lurid flashings, puffed from the blazing muzzles of two hundred and seventy cannon, and the great battle of Gettysburg was fairly joined. This firing continued until the veterans of Lee About 2 o’clock the Colonel marched his battalion up the turnpike towards York, and no sooner did he get clear of the infantry lines than he became aware that the enemy’s cavalry was on the ground. Gen. Stuart had not yet appeared, and all that was heard from him was that he was actively operating in Meade’s rear, destroying trains, and had even gone so far as to make a demonstration on the fortifications around Washington City. White’s people found the Yankee pickets on the pike and drove them to their reserves, which were drawn up in a body of timber running parallel with the road and separated from it by an open line of level grass fields, about three hundred yards in width, and as soon as the Colonel found that a heavy force of cavalry was here he reported it to Gen. Lee, who sent Gen. “Extra Billy” Smith with his infantry brigade to support the battalion in guarding the flank. There had always been a feeling of dislike between the Infantry and Cavalry, the former regarding the latter as the most favored branch—in not being compelled to walk—but nothing so White’s battalion moved up the turnpike, with Gen. Smith’s brigade in support, but very soon the General found that he was becoming separated from the army, while on the flank and front the enemy’s cavalry was threatening him, and fearing to be cut off if he advanced further he decided to retire, which he did, halting at a cross-road a mile back, and White and his boys had a great deal more than their hands full, but what they could do they did, and in constant dashes, first up the road in front and then out on the right, they drove back the enemy’s parties as often as they advanced. The situation was full of excitement, to which the roar of the great battle, raging at its hottest in their rear, added force; but by-and-bye long lines of cavalry were discovered marching quietly from the woods on the left, and now it did appear that the enemy was all around, for no one doubted the new force being Yankees. Making one last charge up the turnpike, in which a regiment of the enemy was driven wildly A story was told in ’62 to the effect that Gen. Lee had said he would give ten dollars for every cavalryman killed or wounded in battle with the sabre, and if he had been held to the contract now he would have been ruined, for the men appeared to use their sabres that evening from choice, and numbers on both sides fell under the bloody blades. "When night had stilled the battle’s hum" the troops bivouacked on the ground over which they had fought; but the news from the lines was discouraging, saying that General Lee had failed to take the heights; and when, an hour before day, the orders came to mount and fall back silently, for fear the enemy’s batteries would open fire again, the soldiers knew that the battle was lost, but they still trusted to the genius and generalship of their great leader to turn the defeat to their advantage in some way. The 4th of July, a dismal day of rain and gloom was passed in gathering the stragglers and wagons together, and in burying the dead, but when evening came the battalion was divided; Colonel White, with Companies B, C and E, acting as rear guard for Ewell’s Corps, which brought up the rear in the retreat, as it had led the van of the army in the advance; and Maj. Ferneyhough, with Companies A, D and F, was sent to A. P. Hill, to be advance guard for his Corps, as it held the front of the army. The whole march was full of harassing attacks by the enemy, but White fought those who followed, Major F.’s command pressed forward under A. P. Hill’s orders, driving the enemy’s pickets as they went, and whipping a force of cavalry from the town of Waynesboro’, but when the army reached Hagerstown the battalion united again, and remained with Gen. Ewell. Nothing of special interest, other than what was done by other commands, was performed by White’s battalion in the further progress of the retreat, and the history of it has been told by other pens so fully that were mine capable of the task there is nothing new to write, and when the army of General Lee, baffled, it is true, in its Northern campaign, but still in fighting trim and ready for battle, reached the South bank of the Potomac at Williamsport, the men felt that they were at home once more, and believed that the only result of the Gettysburg disaster would be to prolong the war a few more years, and indeed all hope of a speedy termination had died in the hearts of the battle-scarred soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia, when, in connection with their own defeat, they counted the bloody siege and final surrender of Vicksburg, the news of Almost as soon as he crossed the river, Colonel White reported to Gen. Stuart, and asked permission to take his battalion to Loudoun county, which that officer readily granted, and the “Comanches” marched rapidly to Castleman’s Ferry, but found the Shenandoah so high, from the heavy rains which had followed the battle, that it was impassable, and the Colonel encamped his men a short distance from the river to wait for it to fall. |