A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Z A., Miss, automatic writing, and crystal visions of, 276 note, 289-290. Abnormal and supernormal vital phenomena, 255-257. Accidents, apparitions at time of, 106-107, 208. Achille, case of, 359-361. Across the Plains, cited, 97. After-images— Ghosts described as, 215. Veridical, 215. Agassiz, dream intelligence exercised by, case of, 103. Ages of Faith, cited, 277 note. Agoraphobia, 34; cured by hypnotism, 136. AidÉ, Mr. Hamilton, cited, 320 note. Aksakof, Hon. Alexander, case reported by, 291-292, 405; cited, 313; quoted, 433-437. Alcohol in relation to hypnotism, 123, 135. Alexander, Helen, case of, 388-390. "Alma," case of, 211. Alternating Personalities— Addition of faculty in, 310. Memory in, 131, 310-311. "Possession" compared with, 308-309, 336. X., FÉlida, case of, 361-363. Alterations de la PersonalitÉ, cited, 362. Ambidexterity, relation of, to subliminal mentation, 68. American Journal of Psychology, cited, 33 and note, 64 note, 170 note, 265 note, 270 note. American Society for Psychical Research, see under Society for Psychical Research. Amnesia, case of, 47. AmpÈre, case of, 66, 68. AnÆsthesia— Hypnotic, 138-141. Hysterical, unconsciousness of patient in, 36-37; injury not resulting from, 37-39; patches of, 37, 124. Witches, patches on, 124. Anagrams automatically written, 264. Analgesia induced by hypnotism, 138-141. Anatomy of Sleep, cited, 416 note. AngÉlique, Soeur, 308. Animals— Apparition possibly seen by, 456, 457 note. Hypnotisability and suggestibility of, 123-124. Proximity of, sensibility to, 380. Shock, effects of, on, 123. Telepathy between, 188 note. Annales des Sciences Psychiques, cited, 284, 446. Annales MÉdico-Psychologiques, cited, 47 note1, 49 note1, 379 note, 381 note, 382 note. AnnÉe Psychologique, L', cited, 83 and note. Apparitions, see Hallucinations. Apparitions and Thought-transference, cited, 185 note2. Arago, quoted, 71. Arcanes de la vie future dÉvoilÉes, cited, 317. Archives de MÉdecine, cited, 98 note3. Archives de Nevrologie, cited, 49 note1. Arithmetical calculations done under hypnotism, 152. —— prodigies, 64-67. Art, symbolism of, 79-80. Attention, hypnotic influence on, 153. Audition— Coloured, 170 note. Defects of, removed by hypnotism, 143. HyperÆsthesia of, 270. Shell-hearing, 201. Automatic writing, see under Motor Automatism. Automatism— Definition of, 168. Motor, see Motor Automatism. Sensory, see Sensory Automatism. Automatisme Psychologique, L', cited, 48, 146 note, 308 note2; quoted, 85-86. Ayre, Captain, case of, cited, 228 note. Azam, Dr., case of patient of, quoted, 361-363. B., Madame, telepathic hypnotisation of, 382-383. —, S. H., apparition of, 210-211, 396-399. Babylonian inscriptions deciphered in dream, 366-369. Bacchus, Mrs., case of, 234. Backman, Dr., case of patient of, 211. Bacon, Francis, cited, 184, 341. Baillarger, cited, 96. Bajenoff, Rev. Basil, case attested by, 417. Barnes, Mary, case of, 49 note3. Barrett, Prof. W. F., cited, 320 note, 378, 380; S.P.R. promoted by, 9 note1. Barrows, Dr. Ira, cited, 295. Beauchamp, Sally, case of, 49, 308. Beaumis, Prof., cited, 147 note. Beecher, Sir Arthur, case of, cited, 244 note. BÉrillon, Dr. Edgar, cited, 133 note, 135 note1, 139 note, 153, 155 note, 272. Berjon, Dr., cited, 49 note1, 379 note. Bernheim, Professor, hypnotic cures by, 117; work of, 121-122; cited, 133 note, 134 note, 135 note2, 155 note, 159, 160, 166. Bertha, Sister (Bertha Foertsch), apparition seen by, 228, 420. Bertrand, Dr., work of, 119. ——, Rev. L. J., trance of, 400. BibliothÈque Diabolique, cited, 277 note, 308 note1. Bidder, Mr., case of, 66, 68. Bigge, Wm. Matthew, case of, 384-385. Biggs, Dr., cited, 146 note, 151 and note. Binet, Professor, cited, 64 note, 83, 362. Binns, Dr., cited, 416 note. Blake, William, work of, 58. Blindness, tactile hyperÆsthesia with, 271. Blyth, Mr., case of, 68. Boeteau, M., case of patient of, 47. BouffÉ, cited, 133 note. Bourdon, Dr., cited, 133 note, 134 note, 137 note1. Bourne, Ansel, case of, 45-46. ——, Canon, apparition of, 195, 197. ——, the Misses, apparition seen by, 386-387. Bourru, Dr., cited, 49 note1, 146 note. Boyle, Mr., case of, cited, 107 note. Braid, work of, 120 and note2-121; squint of, 125-126. Brain— Possession, functions in, 190, 201. Recovery of, from injury, 81-82. Spirit's action on, 305. Telepathic communications in relation to, 304-305. Brain, cited, 49 note3, 98 note1, 153 note2. Bramwell, Dr. J. Milne, cited, 49 note3, 120 note2, 123, 124 note, 126 note, 129 note, 135 note2, 137, 152, 153, 154; quoted, 41. Breuer, Dr., cited, 40-41 and note. British Medical Journal, cited, 137 note3, 139 note. Brown, George, evidence given by, 413. Browne, Miss, 285. Bruce, Dr., case of, 107-108, 237; quoted, 371-373. Buddhism, 349, 352-353. Bulletins de la SociÉtÉ de Psychologie Physiologique, cited, 382. Burot, Dr., cited, 49 note1, 146 note. Buxton, case of, 66, 67. C., Miss, dream of, 315, 445-446. CÆdmon's poem, cited, 104 note. Cahagnet, Alphonse, cases of subjects of, 299, 317-318; cited, 204. Calculating boys, 64-67. Calculations under hypnotism, 152. Campbell, General, case of, cited, 243. ——, Miss Catherine M., apparition seen by, 243, 429. Camuset, Dr., cited, 49 note1. Cataplexy produced by shock, 123. Cevennes, miracles of the, 285. Chabaneix, Paul, cited, 71 and note. Chaddock, Dr. C. G., cited, 98 note4. Character, hypnotic influence on, 133-135 and notes, 155, 381-382. Charcot, Prof.— Cited, 52 note, 103 and note[3], 132 note. Hypnotic school of, 121. Stages in hypnotism, theory as to, 130. Charms, potency of, 164. Childhood, 92. Children— Education and training of, value of hypnotism in, 133 and note—134 and note. Phantasms of, 456, 457 note. Terrors of, 33-34. Chinese devil-possession, 307-309. Chloroform, influence of, on suggestibility, 122-123. Christian Science, 128, 165. Christianity, 3-4, 342, 346, 349-352. Clairvoyance— Automatic messages due to, 325. Definition of term, 6 note1; inadequacy of term, 105. Dying, of the, 233. Genius a kind of, 344. Joan of Arc, case of, 267. Medical, 380-381. Telepathy, relation to, 187. Travelling— Cases of, 205-206, 400. Dreams, likeness to, 205. Ecstasy and extension of, 337-338. Hypnotic, 163. Nature of, 204-205. Savages, among, 345. Sleep, during, 301. Claustrophobia cured by hypnotism, 136. "Clelia" case, cited, 277 note. Cobbe, Miss, cases of, cited, 233. Colburn, case of, 66, 67. Coleridge, Hartley considered as a genius, 60. ——, S. T.—inspiration of Kubla Khan, 104. Colonial animals, analogy from, 30. Comptes Rendus de la SociÉtÉ de Biologie, cited, 146 note. Condillac, cited, 71. Conley, Elizabeth, vision seen by, 315, 412-415. Consciousness— Central, in relation to minor consciousness, 30. Complexity and memory the test of, 28-30. Dogs, of, 29. Double, see Secondary Personality. Ethical and legal view of, 29. Mind, relation to, 29. Spectrum of, solar spectrum analogous to, 18-19. Subliminal, 14-16. Unreliability of, 14. Continuity— Doctrine of, 346. Evidence, in, demand for, 213. Life, of, presumptive proof of, 184. Subliminal mentation, of, 280. Contribution À l'Étude de l'hypnotisme, cited, 382 note. Coomes, Dr. M. F., cited, 146 note. Cooper, Alfred, quoted, 370. Cope, C. H., case collected by, 410-411. Cosmic and Planetary— Evolution, 342, 229-230. Surviving friends, thought for, indicated by, 239. Telekinesis by, 312-314. Telepathy from, 16, 187, 238, 304. Terrene affairs— Knowledge of present and future, evidence as to, 231-233, 292-293, 334. Memory of, evidence as to, 234-235, 412-415. Theology, knowledge of, 350. Time, relation to, 334. Welcome of friends into spirit world by, 233. Dissociation of a Personality, cited, 49 note2. Dissociation of ideas, 361. Dissolution and evolution contrasted, 254-257. Divining rod, 269, 378. Distant knowledge, avenues to, 201. Dodson, Miss L., apparition seen by, 410-411. Dorez, Dr. A., cited, 137 note1. Dowsing, 269, 378. Drawing, automatic, 273 and note. Dreams— Acuteness of senses in, 97. Babylonian inscriptions deciphered in, 366-369. Death, of, 228 note. Hallucinations, defined as, 173. Hypermnesic, 102. Hypnotic memory of, 30. Inferences drawn in, 102. Life of, concurrent with waking life, 196. Lost objects, of, 364. Memory in— Capricious nature of, 310-311. Ecmnesic periods of, 101. Hypnotic memory, relation to, 99-101. Pain, of, after operations under chloroform, 140. Scope of, as compared with that of waking memory, 102-104, 113. Supraliminally known but forgotten facts, of, 102. Supraliminally unapprehended facts, of, 102-103. Nature of, 43-44, 53. Permanent effect of certain, 97-98. Precognitive, 107-112, 371-373. Questions asked and replied to in, 278. Reasoning intelligence of, 103-104, 113-114, 365-366. Self-suggestion in, 98-99. Stevenson, R. L., of, 72-73. Storie, Mrs., case of, see Storie. Supernormal faculties exercised in, 104-112, 114, 366-375. Transitional, 231. Vision in, 172, 175-176. Visualisation in, 179. Dreams of a Spirit Seer, cited, 317 note1. Drewry, Dr., cited, 48. Driesen, Baron Basil, apparition seen by, 416-417. Drugs— Hypnotic cure of impulse to, 135. Suggestibility, relation to, 122-123. Du Magnetisme Animal, cited, 119 note. Du Prel, cited, 43 note. Dual existence in cosmic and planetary worlds, 114-115, 165-166. Dufay, Dr., cited, 152; quoted, 365. Dufour, M., hypnotic treatment by, 382 and note. Dunraven, Lord, cited, 320 note. Durand, cited, 139 note, 150 note. Dyce, Dr., case of patient of, cited, 45 note. Dynamometrical power and brain energy, 261. E., Mlle. A., case of, cited, 147 note. Ecmnesia— Nature of, 310. Temporary and permanent, 300-301. VivÉ, Louis, case of, 49. Ecstasy— Cases of, 337. Definition of, 303. Evidence for, 338. Possession merging into, 314-315. Revelations of, probably subjective, 317. Sleep, relation with, 116. Education and training, value of hypnotism in, 133-134 and notes, 153. Eeden, Van, cited, 133 note, 134 note, 135 note2, 139 note. Egotistical view of life, 348. Einige therapeutische Versuche mit dem Hypnotismus bei Geisteskranken, cited, 135 note. ElectricitÉ Animale, cited, 381. Elgee, Mrs., apparition seen by, 392-395. Elliotson, Dr., cited, 159 note; mesmeric hospital of, 117-118, 120. Ellis, Mrs., case of, cited, 228 note. EncyclopÆdia Britannica, cited, 125 note. End-organs— Evolution of, 144. Knowledge acquired without aid of, 169-170. Energy, ghost defined as persistent personal, 214-215. Enthusiasts, self-suggestion in relation to, 42. Environment, man's evolution a perception of, 74-76. Epilepsy— Hypnotism applied to, 46. Nerve-centres functioning in, 57. Post-epileptic states, 45-46. Erfolge des therapeutischen Hypnotismus in der Landpraxis, cited, 135 note2. Esdaile, hypnotic hospital of, at Calcutta, 52, 120; cited, 52, 139 note, 159-160, 380. Essay on the Intellectual Powers of Man, quoted, 11. État Mental des HystÉriques, L', quoted, 36. Ether, matter in relation to, 313. Étude Scientifique sur Somnambulisme, cited, 150 note. Eugenics, study of, 179. Evens, Mr., case of, cited, 228. Evil, view of discarnate spirits as to, 350-351. Evolution— By-products of, so-called, 75-76. Cosmic, 354. Dissolutive phenomena contrasted with that of, 254-257. Environment, a perception of, 74-76. Path of, 76. Perturbation masking, 257. Spiritual, 340-346. Subliminal faculties, problem of origin of, 90-91. Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D. D. Home, cited, 320 note. Experimental Study in Hypnotism, An, cited, 98 note4, 146 note. Fahnestock, Dr., cited, 163 note; quoted, 381; work of, 121. Fairman, Mrs., case of, cited, 228 note. Faith— Aims of, 342-343. Impulse given to, by spiritualistic knowledge, 341. Need for, 348. Self-suggestion in relation to, 166-167. Uncertainty as an aid to, 343. Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subject, quoted, 69. Fancher, Mollie, case of, 51 and note[1]. Faraday, cited, 263. Farez, Paul, cited, 134 note. Farler, Archdeacon, case of, 227; cited, 240. Faure, Dr., cited, 98 and note[3]. FÉrÉ, Dr., cited, 98 note1, 261 and note. Fetichism, cures in relation to, 164-165. Finney, Mrs. W. A., quoted, 438-440. Flournoy, Prof., cited, 170, 265 note1; case of patient of, discussed, 279-286. Foissac, cited, 150 note. Fontan, Prof., cited, 150 note. Forel, Dr. Auguste, cited, 135 note2; cases of, cited, 153. Forum, cited, 210 note. Fraud in connection with spiritualism, 313, 329. FrÉmont, General, apparition of, 395. Freud, Dr., cited, 40-41 and note. Fryer, Mr., cited, 155 note. Fuller, case of, 66. G., Mr. F., apparition seen by, 406-409. —, H., quoted, 408. —, K., quoted, 408. Galton, Mr., cited, 65, 96. Garrison, Mr., case of, 272. Gauss, case of, 66, 68. Genius— Aberrant manifestation, considered as, 56. Definition of, 20, 56, 60-61. Growth, analogy with, 82. Hallucinations resembling inspirations of, 178. Hypnotism and automatism in relation to, 72, 80-81. Hysteria in relation to, 41, 53. Inspirations of, 63-73, 80, 173, 179. Internal vision of, 173. Irregularities of, 76-77. Lombroso's theories as to, 56, 74. Nature of, 20, 63-64. Normal, the best type of, 57, 61-63. Origin of, 89-90. Potential in all men, 63. Scope of term, 56-57. Sensitive's faculties, relation to, 83-84. Sleep and, analogy between, 104. Socrates, case of, 83-34, 266. Stevenson, R. L., case of, 356. Subjective rather than objective effects the real test of, 60-61. Subliminal perceptions, the co-ordinated effect of, 58, 63-73, 80. Substitution of control in, 301. Telepathy and telÆsthesia, relation to, 84-85. Visual images of, 179. Geometrical patterns and subliminal mentation, 69-70. Germany, work on hypnotism in, 120. Ghosts, see Discarnate Spirits. Gibert, Dr., experiments by, 160, 185, 382-383. Gift of D. D. Home, The, cited, 319 note, 320 note. Glanvil, Richard, cited, 7 note1. Goerwitz, E. F., cited, 317 note1. Goethe, cited, 184. Goodall, Edward A., case of, 315, 448-449. Goodhart, S. P., cited, 47 note2. Goodrich-Freer, Miss, cited, 180 note; crystal-gazing experiments of, 103, 365. Gottschalk, Mr., case of, 206. Grande Hysterie chez l'Homme, La, cited, 49 note1, 379 note. Grant, Mr. Cameron, case of, cited, 221 note1, 273 note. Green, Mrs., case of, 238. Griesinger, cited, 96. Gurney, Edmund— Cases investigated by, 108, 320, 369. Cited, 5, 9 and note[1], 107 note, 111, 112, 125, 130-131, 137, 147 note, 152, 160-161, 174, 188, 189, 192, 198, 206, 207, 215, 225, 235, 238, 242, 243, 255, 260, 274-275, 396, 433. Quoted, 222-224, 397, 398, 399, 430. Guthrie, Malcolm, cited, 185 note1. Hall, Miss, case of, cited, 237. ——, Prof. Stanley, cited, 33 and note. Hallucinations— Accidents, at time of, 106-107, 208. Arrival cases, 151-155. Imagination, on, 147. Perceptive faculties, on, 142-145. Vaso-motor system, on, 145-146. Education, value in, 133-134 and notes, 153. Effluence theory, 127, 159, 160-161. Empirical development of sleep, considered as, 20. Epilepsy, applied to, 46. Faith cures in relation to, 166-167. Future of, 163. Genius and automatism in relation to, 80-81. —— —— sleep in relation to, 72. Hallucinations in relation to, 148, 178. HeterÆsthesiÆ produced by, 142, 144-145. HyperÆsthesiÆ produced by, 142-145. Hysterical hypnogenous zones, trance induced by pressure on, 124. IdÉes fixes, cured by, 34, 138. Inhibition by— Choice in exercise of faculty made possible by, 141-142. Education and training of children, value in, 133 and note—134 and note. Memory, as applied to, 137. Moral results of, 133-136. Pain, effect on, 139-141. Intellectual work done under, 152. Jealousy, influence on, 136-137. Kleptomania cured by, 134-135. Maladies cured by aid of, 120. Maniacs, in cases of, 125. Memory in— Alternations in, 131. Exactness of, 152. Post-epileptic state of, 46. Purgation of, 137. Relation to dream memory, 99-101. Secondary restored, 47. Somnambulistic memory a part of, 156. Wider scope of, than of waking memory, 130-131. Monotonous stimulation, by, 125-126. Moral training and reform by, 133-135 and notes, 155, 381-382. Morphia habit cured by, 135-136 and note[1]. Music and, 261. Mysophobia cured by, 136. Nancy school of, 158. Narcotic drugs in relation to, 122-123. Operations performed under, 120. Pain treated by, 138-141. Passes, procured by means of, 119-120, 126, 158-159. "Phobies" cured by, 136. Pioneer work in study of, 117-122. Possession externally indistinguishable from, 301. Post-hypnotic suggestions, three main types of, 219. Rapport in, 162. Red light in relation to, 261. SalpÊtriÈre school of, 121, 123, 132 note, 147 note, 308, 381. Self-suggestion in— Braid's discovery of, 120. Fahnestock's results in, 121. Nature of, 129. Neuro-muscular changes produced by, 128-129. Schemes of, 127-128, 163-165. Stimuli, external, merely signals for action of, 125. Subliminal self, defined as appeal to, 129. Sexual disorders cured by, 135. Sleep in relation to, 72, 121-122, 123. Somatic signs of, 121. Somnambulic state contrasted with, 137. Squint, convergent, produced by, 120, 125-126. Stages of— Charcot's three stages, 130; depth of, 131; Gurney's two stages, 130-131. Stigmatisation due to self-suggestion, 146 and notes. Subliminal operation in, 129-130, 132, 143, 147-149. Suggestion in— Braid's discovery, 120. Nature of, 126-127. Mode of action unknown, 159. Responsiveness to, requisite, 122-123. TelÆsthesia in relation to, 149-150. Telepathic, 158-163, 382-383. Telepathic v. physical influence, 160-161. Travelling clairvoyance under, 163. Will-power, effect on, 153-154. Hypnotism (Dr. Bramwell), cited, 120 note2, 126 note, 129 note. Hypnotisme, Double Conscience, etc., cited, 361 note. Hypnotisme et l'OrthopÉdie morale, L', cited, 134 note. Hypnotismus und seine Anwendung in der praktischen Medicin, Der, cited, 135 note2. Hyslop, Prof., cited, 333 and note. Hysteria— AnÆsthesia in— Accidents avoided in, 37, 38. Fanciful areas of, 37, 38. Organic disease unnoticed in, 39. Patches of (witch marks), 124. Sensibilities, separation of, 52. Unconscious, 36-39. Aphasia in, 52. Genius in relation to, 41, 53. HyperÆsthesia in, 52-53. Nature, of 40. Predisposition to, causes of, 40-42. Types of, 35. Visual area reduced in, 38-39. Witches, of, 5. IdÉes fixes— Disaggregation, first symptom of, 33. Enthusiasts of, 41-42. Hypnotic cure of, 34, 138. Nature of, 33-34. Identity of discarnate spirits, cases offering proofs of, 433-439. Illusions hypnagogiques, 96, 179, 182. Imagination, effect of hypnotism on, 147. Improvisation, 81, 82. Inaudi, Jacques, case of, 64 note. Incidents in my Life (D. D. Home), cited, 319 note. Inhibition— Hypnotic, see under Hypnotism. Socrates, case of, 268. Inorganic matter, spiritual influence exerted on, 312-314. Inquiry into Human Faculty, cited, 96. Insane, drawings of the, 265 note1. Inspiration the effect of subliminal uprush, 56, 65. Instauratio magna, cited, 341. Introduction of Mesmerism with sanction of Government into the Public Hospitals of India, The, cited, 139 note. Jackson, Dr. Hughlings, cited, 57. James, Prof. W., cited, 46, 48 note, 69 note3, 295 note, 327, 328 and note; quoted, 276 note, 329. Janet, Dr. Jules, cases of patients of, 36-37; experiment by, 130. ——, Dr. Pierre, cases of patients of, 359-361, 382; cited, 36-37, 34 and note[1], 38-39, 48, 101 note3, 123, 146 note, 147 note, 275, 308 note2; quoted, 36, 85-86. Jealousy cured by hypnotism, 136-137. Jeanne des Anges, Soeur, cited, 277 note. Jesus Christ, resurrection and teachings of, 351. Joan of Arc, case of, 266-268. Johnson, Miss A., cited, 174 note. ——, Samuel, 7 note1. Johnstone, Rev. J. C., quoted, 110-111. Jones, Mr. F. J., case of, cited, 228 note. Jowett, Prof., cited, 86 note. Kant, Immanuel, cited, 6, 317 note1. Kapnist, Countess EugÉnie, apparition seen by, 240, 418-420. Kardec, Allan, cited, 283. Keulemans, Mr., case of, cited, 181, 227 note2. Kingsford, Dr. Anna, 283. Kleptomania cured by hypnotism, 134-135. KobbÉ, Major, case of, 272. Krafft, Ebing, Dr. R. von, case of patient of, 98-99; cited, 146 note. Kubla Khan, inspiration of, 104. L., Mr., case of, 186-187. —, Mrs., dream of, 445-446. Ladame, cited, 134 note, 135 note2. Ladd, Prof., cited, 70 and note. Lamartine, quoted, 71. Lang, Andrew, cited, 180 note, 232 note2, 266 note, 267 note1. Language, inadequacy of, in expressing needs of the psychical being, 77-78. Lao Tzu, religion of, 349. Lateau, Louise, case of, cited, 146 note. Leaf, Dr. Walter, cited, 328 and note. Lecky, Mr., cited, 4. LefÉbure, M., cited, 284. LemaÎtre, Prof., cited, 284. LÉonie, case of, 308, 309. Lett, Charles A. W., case reported by, 241-242. ——, Sara, apparition seen by, 242. Lewis, Mr., dream of, cited, 106. ——, H. J., quoted, 364. LiÉbeault, Dr. A. A.— Cases of patients of, 220, 291, 294. Cited, 123 note, 130, 133 note, 134 note, 135 note2, 142 note, 143 and note[1], 155 note. Hypnotic school originated by, 121. Quoted, 432-433. Life— Continuity of, presumptive proof of, 184. Dual existence in material and spiritual world, 114-116. Etherial world, a product of, 76. Nature of, human ignorance of, 187-188. Passion for, a factor in universal energy, 344. Planetary origin of, an unproven theory, 74. Light— Magnetic, 379. Red, dynamometrical power increased by, 261. Lightfoot, Mrs., case of, cited, 240. Livre des Esprits, cited, 283. Lodge, Sir Oliver, cited, 185 note1, 328 and note. Lombroso, Prof., cited, 56. Long, Geo. E., quoted, 431-432. Lourdes, miracles of, 128, 164-165. Love— Definition of, 85, 344-345. Earth-loves, persistence of, in spirit world, 350-351. Planetary conception of, 85-86. Platonic conception of, 85-89. Underlying Power of the Universe, as, 347-349. Lowest level nerve-centres, function of, 57. LuciditÉ, see Clairvoyance and TelÆsthesia. Luther, Prof., quoted, 445-446. ——, Mrs. case of, 315. Lyttelton, Hon. Mrs., 389. M., Mrs., case of, cited, 244 note. —, Marie, case of, 47. —, S., quoted, 71. Mabille, Dr., cited, 146 note. Mabire, M. Etienne, cited, 185 note1. McAlpine, Mrs., apparition seen by, 390-391. M'Kendrick, Prof., cited, 125. Macmillan's Magazine, cited, 146 note. Maginot, AdÈle, case of, 318. Magnetic sense, 379. Magnetism of the earth, 378. Magnets, sensibility to, 379. Mahomedanism, 352. Maitland, Edward, 283. Making of Religion, cited, 180 note. Maladies de la PersonnalitÉ, Les, quoted, 11-12. Mamtchitch, EugÈne, apparition seen by, 315, 400-405. ——, Sophie, apparition seen by, 404-405. Mangiamele, case of, 66, 67. Maniacs, hypnotisation of, 125. Manning, Mrs., case of, cited, 112 note. Mannors, Elisa, automatic writings by, 332-333. Marot, Dr., cited, 136 note. Martian control of HÉlÈne Smith, 284-285. Martin, Mrs., case contributed by, 387-388. Mason, Dr. R. Osgood, case of patient of, 50-51. Massive motor impulses, 272-273. Maury, M. Alfred, cited, 96. Mauvaise honte cured by hypnotism, 137. Medical clairvoyance, see under Clairvoyance. Medico-Legal Journal, cited, 48. Mediumship—a healthy faculty, 280-281; communications possibly affected by character of medium, 157 note, 381. Occult Wisdom, 339. On the so-called Divining Rod, cited, 378. Pain— Dream memory of, 140. Hypnotic suppression of, 138-141. Memory of, 140-141. Psychological entity, treated as, 140. Sense of, distinguished from temperature sense in hysteria, 52. Suggestion in removing, 140. Painting, automatic, 273. Palladia, apparitions of, 400-405. Parsons, Dr. D. J., case of, quoted, 271. ——, Dr. J. W., quoted, 272. Parry, Mrs. Gambier, quoted, 421. "Peak in Darien" cases, 233. Pelham, George, control of, 235. PennÉe, Mrs., case of, cited, 244 note. Percipient, definition of term, 9 note3. Perception— Distant, 201. Power of, 149-150. Personality— Common-sense view of, 11, 13. Co-ordination theory, 11-13, 26-27, 31. Cosmic and planetary, simultaneous development of, 114-115, 165-166. Dissociation of, 190-191, 196-197. Dual, 356-359. Hypnotic stratum of, 35, 37. Knowledge, new, not evidenced in changes of, 310, 311. Multiplex, 216. Psychological view of, 11-12. Secondary, see Secondary personality. Supraliminal life regarded as privileged case of, 169. Upbuilding of, notion of, 32. Perturbation masking evolution, 357. Pesaro, experiments of, 301. Pessimistic views of life, 348. PÉtÉtin, cited, 150 note, 381. Petrovo-Solovovo, Mr. M., case collected by, 416-417. PhÆdo, cited, 213. Phantasmogenetic centres, 177, 188, 196, 197. Phantasms— Discarnate spirits, of, see Discarnate Spirits—Apparitions. Living, of the, 193-198, 205-207, 209-210. Phantasms of the Dead from another point of view, cited, 409 note. Phantasms of the Living, cited, 5, 9, 96, 108, 112 and note, 113 note1, 160 note1, 174, 185 and note[1], 188, 195 notes, 199 and note, 200 notes, 206, 207 notes, 208, 209 and notes, 210 note1, 217 note1, 223 and note[2], 224 and note, 225, 226, 227 and note[1], 233, 234 note2, 236 and note, 237, 240, 241, 243, 272, 291; quoted, 106-107, 205-206, 370-374, 384-385, 387-388, 392-396, 420, 430. PhÊme, cited, 185. Philosophy of Mysticism, cited, 43 note. Philosophy of the Unconscious, cited, 71. Pierce, A. H., cited, 14 note. Piper, Mrs.— Case of, 158, 189, 285, 297-300, 307, 309, 314, 315, 318, 319, 326-333, 337, 448. "George Pelham" control of, quoted, 336. Pitres, Dr., 124. Planchette, see Motor Automatism—Writing. Plants, sensibility to presence of certain, 380. Plato— Cited, 137, 213, 217, note2, 282. Love, conception of, 85, 86-89. Pre-terrene training, theory as to, 91. Plotinus, quoted, 352-355. Plutarch, cited, 267 note2. Podmore, Frank, cited, 9, 14 note, 174 note, 185 note2, 238, 244, 313 note1, 318, 409. Points de repÈre, 181, 182. Pole, W., quoted, 66. Pole-Carew, Mrs., case attested by, 388-389. Poltergeist phenomena, 246. Possession— Analogies for, 300-302, 307, 310-311. Angelic, diabolical or hostile, no evidence for, 307-310. Brain function in, 305. Cases of, 446-451. Chinese, 307, 309. Definition of term, 274, 298, 300. Demoniacal, 307-310, 359. Ecstasy, merging into, 314-315. Evidence for, 297-298. Home, D. D., case of, 318-319. Janet's treatment of, 361. Memory in, 298-299. Moses case, see Moses. Motor automatism contrasted with, 297. Nature of, 300-303, 311. Piper, Mrs., case of, see Piper. Place of, in psychical phenomena, 299-300. Pseudo-, 51, 359-361. Simulation of, in somnambulistic state, 157-158. Spirit possession— Difficulties of controlling spirit in, 335-337. Home, D. D., case of, 319. Piper, Mrs., case of, discussed, 330-333. Subliminal self, as the domination of, 315-316, 318, 324, 325. Two or more spirits, by, 298. Potolof, W., case attested by, 405. Prayer, relation of, to telepathy, 184. Precognition— Death, of, 232, 370. Dreams, in, 107-112. Telepathy from discarnate spirits, defined as, 187. Prince, Dr. Morton, case of patient of, 49 and note[2], 308. Principles of Psychology, cited, 48 note, 69 note3. Prolongeau, case of, 66, 67. Proust, Dr., case of patient of, 46-47. Proximity of plants and animals, sensibility to, 380. Prudhomme, M. Sully, quoted, 71. Psychical invasion— Cases of, 193-198, 337; where agent has no memory of circumstance, 208; where agent and percipient retain memory of, 199-200, 209; where neither agent nor percipient retain memory of, 198-199. Dreams, in, 105, 112. Dying, by, 113. Ecstasy in relation to, 314. Evidence for, 302, 337-338. Living persons, of, 112-113. Telepathy almost indistinguishable from, 294. Psychical Research, Christian evidence supported by, 352. Psychische Studien, cited, 433. Psychological Review, The, quoted, 329. Psychology, advance in, during last twenty years, 279-280. Psychology of Suggestion, cited, 47 note2. Psychorrhagic diathesis, 196-197. Psycho-ThÉrapie, cited, 133 note, 134 note, 135 note2, 139 note. Psycho-therapeutics, development of, 5. Pythagoras, 283. Quarterly Journal of Science, cited, 320 note. Quicherat, M., cited, 266, 267. R., Mr. Van, of Utica, case of, 66, 67. Ramsay, Mrs., apparition seen by, 394-395. Raphael's San Sisto, inspiration of, 173. Rarey, cited, 123. Rawson, Henry G., cited, 185 note1. Recent Experiments in Crystal Vision, cited, 180 note. Recherches Physiologiques sur l'Homme, cited, 119 note. Recherches sur l'Homme dans le Somnambulisme, cited, 157 note, 381. Record of a Haunted House, cited, 421. Red Light in hypnotism, 261. Reddell, Frances, apparition seen by, 387-388. Reed, Colonel, case of, cited, 200. ——, Mrs., case of, cited, 228 note. Regis, cited, 135 note1. Reichenbach, Baron, 379. Reid, quoted, 11. Reincarnation, doctrine of, 282-285. Religio-Philosophical Journal, cited, 51 note3, 370-371, 437 note. Religion— Ancient Sage, of, 349-50. Buddha, of, 349, 352-353. Christianity, 342, 346, 349-350. Definition of, 85, 89, 347. Ideals of, 347-348. Natural, 349-350. Old-world beliefs not adapted to modern needs, 342. Oracular, development of, 346. Science, complementary to, 25, 354; scientific methods applied to truths of, 341. Synthesis of, provisional sketch for, 347-355. Renterghem, Dr. van, hypnotic cures by, 117; cited, 133 note, 134 note, 135 note2, 139 note. Report of the International Congress of Experimental Psychology, cited, 170 note. Report on Spiritualism of the Committee of the London Dialectical Society, cited, 319 note. Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, cited, 320 note. Retrocognition and Precognition, cited, 245 note. RettÉ, M., cited, 71. Revelation, telepathy a means for continuous, 350. RÊves, Les, cited, 98, 101 note2. Revue de l'Hypnotisme, cited, 46 note, 52 note, 101 note1, 133 note, 134 note, 135 notes[1] and [2], 136 note, 137 note1, 139, 140 note1, 142 note, 146 note, 147 note, 153 note1, 155 note, 170 note, 272 note, 382. Revue de MÉdecine, cited, 101 note3. Revue Philosophique, cited, 64 note, 139 note1, 143 note2, 150 note, 152324. Martian landscapes of, 265 note1 ——, J. W., cited, 185 note1. Smyth, Sibbie (nÉe Towns), apparition seen by, 242. Snow, Herman, cited, 437 note. SociÉtÉ de Psychologie Physiologique, paper presented to, cited, 382. Society for Psychical Research— Address of Secretary, 293 note. American, Proceedings of, case from, 226 note, cited, 51 note2, 69 note1, 102 note, 243 note1, 244 note, 246 note, 295 note, 405. Census of Hallucinations undertaken by, 174 and note; Report of, see under Hallucinations. Founding of, 9 note1. Journal of— Cases quoted from, 385-386, 445, 449-451.
Cited, 51 note3, 102 note, 106 note, 107 note, 112 note, 113 note2 140 note2, 146 note, 151 note, 157 note, 185 note2, 188 note, 207 note2, 209 and note[1], 210 note1, 237, 238, 241 notes, 272, 285 note, 287 note1, 290 note, 320 note, 395, 409, 416 note. Object of, 313. Proceedings of, cited, 35 and note, 45 note3, 49 notes[2] and Test letters to be sent to, suggestions regarding, 293 note. Socrates— DÆmon of, 265-268. Science originated by, 6. Solon, quoted, 117 note. Solovovo, Michael Petrovo, quoted, 420. Somnambulism— Analogy from, for ghostly communications, 217-218. Characteristics of state of, 44. Hypnosis in relation to, 137, 156. Intellectual work done in state of, 156-157. Possession, parallelism with, 311. Secondary personality starting from, 44, 45. Sleep, relation to, 95. Spontaneous, 156. Supernormal powers evidenced in, 157 Space— Phantasmogenetic centre, modification of part into, 195, 197. Spirit attitude towards, 176. Spiritual phenomena in relation to, 22. Telepathy, relation to, 22. Speech, phantasmal, 241. Speer, Dr., cited, 24. Spirit— Conception of, 59. Existence of, postulated, 27, 91-92. Spirit drawings, 78-79. Spirit Drawings, cited, 79 note, 265 note1. Spirit guardianship, case of, 271-272. Spirit healing, 164. Spirit intervention, telepathy explained by theory of, 16-17. Spirit possession, see Possession. Spirit rapping, 262-264. Spirit Teachings, cited, 321, 323. Spiritual environment, 165-166. —— evolution, 340-346. Spiritualism— Fraud in connection with, 313, 329. Home, D. D., case of, see Home. Methods of, 8. Moses, W. S., case of, see Moses. Physical phenomena of, 313-314. Pioneer work in, 4 et seq. Piper, Mrs., case of, see Piper. Support of, by subliminal-self theory, 16-17. Stage-fright cured by hypnotism, 152. Statuvolism, or Artificial Somnambulism, cited, 121, 163 note1; quoted, 381. Stevenson, R. L.— Dreams of, 72-73, 82-83, 97. Dual personality experiences of, 356-359. Genius of, 356. Stigmatisation, 146 and notes. Stone Age, 104, 299. Storie, Mrs., case of, 108-112, 228-229, 235, 237. Stramm, Mdlle., automatic message written by, 291-292. Stubbing, Mrs. Annie S., quoted, 373. Studien Über Hysterie, cited, 41 and note[1]. Study of Fears, cited, 33 and note. Sturgis, Dr. Russell, cited, 33 note. Subconscient chez les Artistes, les Savantes et les Ecrivains, Les, cited, 71 and note. Subliminal, definition of term, 15. Subliminal power— Functioning of, referred to control centres, 57-60. Potential, in every organism, 63. Subliminal self— Control of organism by, 151, 157. Cognisance of fragment of, 15. Definition of term, 15. Dominance of, over supraliminal self, 315. Functions of, 37. Imaginative faculty of, 147-149. Methods of communication with supraliminal self, 20-21. Nerve cells controlled by, 34. Powers of, compared with supraliminal, 277-278. Suggestion in relation to, 129. Surviving self, related to, 168. Telepathy explained by theory of, 16, 17. Subliminal Self or Unconscious Cerebration, cited, 14 note. Substitution of ideas, 361. Suggestion— Attention, effect on, 153. Character, influence on, 154-155. Cures effected by, 34. Delirium tremens, suggestibility developed during recovery from, 123, 135. Dynamogenic effect of, on attention and character, 151-155. Post-hypnotic, 260-261. Responsiveness to, requisite, 122-123. Subliminal self, defined as appeal to, 129. Will-power, influence on, 153-154. Suggestion Mentale, La, cited, 263 note. Suggestions-Therapie bei krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechissinnes, Die, cited, 133 note. Suicide— Greek view of, 344. Phantasms in connection with, 200. Supernormal, definition of term, 6 note1. Survival— Continuity, theory as to, 333-334. Evidence for, 9-10; nature of, 213. Scientific method not applied to problem of, 3. Telepathy the security of, 344. Tests of, 292-293 and note. Swedenborg, Emmanuel— Case of, 299. Debt of posterity to, 339. Evidential cases of, 316. Experiential and dogmatic writings of, 317. Psychical science originated by, 6-7, 9. Teachings of, corroborative of recent investigations, 317. Symbolism, subliminal tendency to, 202-203. SynÆsthesia, 170 and notes—171. Synthetic Society, papers read before, 350 note. Syringomyelitis, anÆsthesia of, 37. T., case of, 382. —, Mrs., case of, 373-375. cited, 234. —, Mr. and Mrs., case of, cited, 112-113. Table-tilting, 262-264, 400-401, 430-433, 438. Tactile sensibility, hyperÆsthesia of, 271. Taine, M., cited, 98 and note[2]. Taunton, Mrs., case of, 207 and note[1]. Teale Mrs., case of, cited, 228. TelÆsthesia— Cases of, 289-290. Crystal gazing or shell hearing, in, 201. Definition of term, 6 note1, 90, 105. Dreams in, 104-112, 114, 366-375. Genius, relation to, 84-85. HyperÆsthesia in relation to, 201, 202. Hypotheses explaining, 16. Parsons, Dr. D. J., case of, 271-272. Psychical invasion in relation to, 177, 199-205. Telepathy, relation to, 187. Telekinesis, 313-314. 326; case of W. S. Moses, 320-322. Telepathy— Animals, between, 188 note. Brain vibrations in, theory of, 304. Collective cases, 187, 198-199. Conception of, 303-306. Crystal-vision, gift of, accompanied by sensibility to, 181-182. Definition of, 90, 105. Discarnate spirits, relation to, 187, 350. Distance, from, 160, 185. Evidence for, 183-189, 191. Evolutive nature of, 256 and notes. Experiments to prove, 185 and notes-186. Genius, relation to, 84-85. Ghostly communications in relation to, 216-217. Hypnosis induced by, 160, 162 and note[2], 382-383. Hypotheses explaining, 16-17. Inadequacy of term, 105. Language difficulties in, 285. Latency of impacts, 223-224, 228, 291. Law, fundamental, of spiritual world, as, 31. Newnham, Rev. P. H., case of, 287-289. Prayer in relation to, 184. Precognitive, 187, 189. Prerequisite for supernormal phenomena, as the, 183. Psychical invasion indistinguishable from, in motor automatism, 294. Savages, among, 256 note1. Sleep, relation to, 116. Spiritual excursion in relation to, 177. Split personality in relation to, 190-191. Subliminal selves, between, during sleep, 315. Survival, the security for, 9, 344. Table-tilting, by, 430-433, 438. TelÆsthesia in relation to, 187. Three main types of communications in, 219-220. Time relations in, 187. Vibration theory of, 186-187. Temperature sense distinguished from pain sense, 52. Tennyson, cited, 184. Teste, cited, 381. Thaw, Dr. A. Blair, cited, 185 note1. Theology, reason for avoiding, 10. ThÉrapeutique Suggestive, cited, 123 note, 142 note, 143 note1. Thorpe, Mr. Courtenay, 206. Thought-transference, see Telepathy. Thoulet, Professor, case of, 315, 446-448. Time— Spiritual phenomena, in relation to, 22-23, 251. Subliminal mentation, in relation to, 68-69. Telepathy, in relation to, 187. TissiÉ, Dr., cited, 98; case of patient of, 101. Trance (see also Home—Moses—Piper)— Messages, generic similarity of, in different individuals, 276 note. Three main types of, 315. Transposition of senses, 149. Tuckey, Lloyd, cited, 135 note. Twins, telepathic communications between, 108-109. Unity, central, in multicellular organisms, 30-31. Use of Hypnotism in the First Degree, cited, 33 note. V., Mrs., vision of, 232. Vaso-motor system, dynamogenic hypnotic effects on, 145-146. Vennum, Miss Mary Lurancy, case of, 51. Verity, A. S., case attested by, 397, 398. ——, L. S. and E. C., apparition appearing to, 396-399. Verrall, Mrs., 181. Virgil, cited, 96 and note, 282. Vision— After-images, 171, FOOTNOTES: [101] For a true synÆsthetic or "sound-seer,"—to take the commonest form of these central repercussions of sensory shock,—there is a connection between sight and sound which is instinctive, complex, and yet for our intelligence altogether arbitrary. But sound-seeing is only a conspicuous example of synÆsthesiÆ which exist in as yet unexplored variety. When we find that there are gradated, peremptory, inexplicable associations connecting sensations of light and colour with sensations of temperature, smell, taste, muscular resistance, etc., we are led to conclude that we are dealing, not with the casual associations of childish experience, but with some reflection or irradiation of specialised sensations which must depend upon the connate structure of the brain itself. This view is consistent with the results of an EnquÊte sur l'audition colorÉe recently conducted by Professor Flournoy, from which it appears that of 213 persons presenting these associations only 48 could assign the date of their origin; and is supported by a case described in the Revue de l'Hypnotisme, December 1892, p. 185, where a man who had long exhibited a limited form of audition colorÉe developed gustation colorÉe in addition when in a low state of health. See also the "Report of the International Congress of Experimental Psychology, Second Session, London, 1892," pp. 10-20 (Williams & Norgate, London, 1892), and the American Journal of Psychology for April 1900 (vol. xi. pp. 377-404). [200] See Modern Spiritualism; a History and a Criticism, by Frank Podmore (Methuen and Co., London, 1902).