By Charles G. Leland. This book gives the methods of development and strengthening the latent powers of the mind and the hidden forces of the will by a simple, scientific process possible to any person of ordinary intelligence. The author’s first discovery was that Memory, whether mental, visual, or of any other kind, could, in connection with Art, be wonderfully improved, and to this in time came the consideration that the human Will, with all its mighty power and deep secrets, could be disciplined and directed, or controlled, with as great care as the memory or the mechanical faculty. In a certain sense the three are one, and the reader who will take the pains to master the details of this book will readily grasp it as a whole, and understand that its contents form a system of education, yet one from which the old as well as young may profit. Table of Contents:Attention and Interest. Self-Suggestion. Will-Development. Forethought. Will and Character. Suggestion and Instinct. Memory Culture. The Constructive Faculties. Fascination. The Subliminal Self. Paracelsus. Last Words. Popular priced American edition, bound in cloth, R. F. FENNO & COMPANY - NEW YORK Transcriber's Note: Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including some inconsistencies in hyphenation. Some minor corrections of spelling and puctuation have been made. The cover image was created by the transcriber and placed in the public domain. |