By Alice B. Stockham, M. D. Through a long medical practice, extensive travel and many years of research, Dr. Stockham has come to know the heart of humanity. She now returns this knowledge in a message to all lovers. Love is the expression of the divine in man! Love of self, Love between man and woman, Love of child, Love of friends and comrades, and finally the love of the race, each and all are expressions of Cosmic or Universal Love. The man seeking a wife seeks her through his love nature; in this work he is directed to seek wisely. The woman, no more a child, learns that natural desires and functions should be dedicated to sacred uses. “The Lover’s World” not only contains everyday helps for everyday needs, but gives the key to life, revealing the secret of adepts and mystic orders. These, as herein presented, are no more secrets, but knowledge of faculties and functions giving power, health and happiness.
375 pages, bound in cloth, Postpaid, $1.65. R. F. FENNO & COMPANY 18 East 17th Street, >NEW YORK |