0">Capitulations, the, 241, 266 Caporetto, speech after, 30; - causes of disaster of, 32;
- anti-war demonstrations after, 34;
- national crisis following, 43;
- German calculations after, 45;
- Rapallo and, 126;
- Pact of Rome and, 126;
- Fascismo and, 135;
- discipline of war and, 350
Carabineers, xvii, 359 Caradonna, 310 Carducci, 37 Carli, 99 Carso, 28; - Italian sentiment for the, 35;
- Corridoni’s death, 48;
- insurrection against Trieste on, 118;
- commemoration ceremony, 120
Carthage, 177 Castelrosso, 280, 302 Castua, 278 Catholicism, Mussolini on, xii Cattaneo, 53 Cavallotti, 351 Cavazzoni, 252 Caviglia, General, 129 Cavour, Camille, 311; - Crimean expedition and, 351
Ceccherini, Maj.-General, xii, 310 Central America, cable to, xviii Central Empires, 9; Cervantes, 114 Cettinge, 190 Chamber of Deputies, Fascista Government and the, 313 Chiesa, 255 Child, Mr. Richard Washburn, speech at Rome by, 335 Chiusa di Verona, 185 Cicerin, Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, Russia, 44 Ciccotti, Ettore, on Italian Fascismo, ix Cinque Giornate, 28; monument of, 58; - Austrian threat to city of, 135
Cipriani, Amilcare, 5 Civil Law Codes, reformation of, xvii Class struggle, Mussolini on, 285 ClÉmenceau, 32, 40, 56; - on concessions in Asia Minor, 96
Clemente, Maj.-General Ozol, 310 Coalition Ministry, 221 Coliseum, 328 Fascio of Fighters, 92; Fascio Nazionale dei Combattenti, x Fascismo: - part of general historical development of nations, ix;
- rise of, x;
- and the Army, xii;
- “March to Rome,” xii;
- progress of, xiii;
- Mussolini summoned to form cabinet, xiii;
- official song of, xiv;
- symbol, xv;
- syndicalism of, 63, 177;
- aims and programme of, 92, 150;
- tasks of, 108 et seq.;
- patriotism of, 112;
- sincerity of, 114;
- not conservative, 115;
- Communism and, 116, 196;
- attitude of, towards Socialism, 116, 196 et seq.;
- demagogism and, 119;
- problems of foreign policy, 121 et seq., 149 et seq.;
- attitude towards the peace treaties, 124;
- demands of Italian Fascio of Fighters in matters of foreign policy, 132;
- birth of, 135;
- imperialism of, 136;
- not essentially violent, 138, 156;
- in the Socialist crisis of 1921, 139;
- attitude in the 1921 elections, 139;
- Fascista Day, 141;
- and the Monarchy, xi, 152;
- the Fascista revolution, 154;
- attitude of, towards State economic attributes, 155;
- and the bourgeoisie, 165;
- and the proletariat, 165;
- and democracy,
176–7; - and the New Provinces, 183;
- demands regarding the Upper Adige, 187;
- attitude towards the Popular Party, 201 et seq.;
- and the Vatican, 201–3;
- and Social Democrats, 203;
- military organisation of, xv, 223;
- domestic policy, 215;
- emigration and, 215;
- foreign policy, 251;
- Yugoslavian policy, 253;
- women of, 286;
- attempt to sever Mussolini from, 287;
- strength and adherents of, 316;
- associations included in, 316;
- Sardinia and, 324;
- Parliament and, 357;
- not a transitory phenomenon, 357;
- an organ of administration, 288;
- Democracy and, 351;
- Crimea expedition and, 352
Medals, 309 Mediterranean, compensation in, for loss of Sebenico, 96; - Socialists and the, 115;
- a centre of world civilisation, 122;
- Italian policy in Eastern, 125;
- Italy as leading power on the, 141–2, 150;
- Italian losses in, 211;
- Greco-Turkish affairs in Eastern, 254;
- Italian interests in Eastern, 302
Melloni, 161 Memel, 241–2, 268 Memorandum of London. See London Menotti Serrati, Giacinto, 9 Merano, commissioner of, and Upper Adige, 186 Merrheim, 94 Messina, 356 Metallurgic Consortium, Italian, 359 Metz, 53 Michael, Grand Duke, 33 Michelangelo, 114 Milan, Mussolini’s speeches at: - 25th Nov. 1914, 3;
- 25th Jan. 1915, 18;
- 8th April 1918, 49;
- 20th Oct. 1918, 52;
- 11th Nov. 1918, 58;
- 23rd March 1919, 87;
- 22nd July 1919, 92;
- 5th Feb. 1920, 67;
- 24th May 1920, 71;
- 6th Oct. 1922, 161;
- 6th Dec. 1922, 79;
- 29th March 1923, 276;
- 30th March 1923, 277
Militarism, Austro-German, 16. Militia, National, xvii, 309 Miliukoff, 33 Mincio, the, 111 Ministerial departments, reduction of, xvii Minorities and the Electoral Law, 360 Mirabello, Villa, blind ex-soldiers at, 276–7 Misiano, 129 Mohammedans, 213 Moltke, 9 Mommsen, 202 Monarchy, the, Statute Law and, 312. Montagna, Commendatore, Janina massacre and, 363 Montanara, 289 Montemaggiore as Italian boundary, 127 Montenegro, independence of, 125, 189, 191 Monte Nero, 110 Monte Santo, 28 “Mopsy,” 270 Ramanadovich, Commander, 190 154, 160, 164; greatness of victory of, 110; Austria crushed at, 135; Fascista Government, the Government of, 333 Votes for Women, 286 War Office, Fascisti demand, 174 War, revolutionary, 23 Warsaw, Italian firms and, 280 Washington Conference on Disarmament, xviii, 243; - social and pacifist Conventions of, 355
Waterloo, 5 Wells, H. G., 41 White Federation, 197 Wilna, 123 Wilson, Woodrow, 28, 52, 126, 189 Woman’s Fascista Congress, 286; Workers, General Federation of, 198 Working classes, post-war rights of, 63; - intervention and the, 69;
- Fascismo and the, 75;
- Fascista Government’s policy towards, 80
Workmen, Italian Union of, 66, 69 Yellow immigration, 121 Yugoslavia, pact of Rome, 126; - Isonzo and, 127;
- Porto Barro and the Delta, 193;
- Mohammedanism in, 213;
- the Adriatic question, 255;
- Abbazia Conference, 269;
- commercial treaty, 271, 282.
- See also Fiume;
Zagabria, 127 Zahn, 21 Zambon, Maj.-General, 310 Zankoff, 345 Zara, 53, 59; - Treaty of Rapallo, 125, 262;
- Fascismo and, 136;
- Adriatic question and, 192;
- Agreements of Sta. Margherita, 247, 260–1;
- Fascista Government and, 256–7;
- “Special zone of Zara,” 301.
- See also Yugoslavia
Zocchi, Fulvio, 9