A.D. 1680 TO A.D. 1700.
1680. Charleston, S. C., founded by the removal of the Carteret Colony.
1681. Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by Charles II.,—March 4.
1682. La Salle explored the Mississippi to its mouth; named Louisiana.
Delaware (the three lower counties) granted to William Penn,—Aug. 24.
Philadelphia founded by William Penn.
1684. Massachusetts' Charter declared null and void by English Court,—June 18.
1685. Accession of James II. to the throne of Great Britain,—Feb. 6.
1686. Arrival of Sir Edmund Andros, Governor of all New England,—Dec. 20.
1687. Charter of Connecticut concealed in Charter Oak at Hartford,—Oct. 31.
1689. Accession of William III. and Mary II. to the throne of Great Britain,—Feb. 13.
King William's War, between Great Britain and France,—lasted eight years.
1690. Burning of Schenectady, N. Y., by French and Indians,—Feb. 9.
Port Royal taken by the British under Phipps,—May.
1691. Massachusetts, Plymouth, Maine, and Nova Scotia united,—Gov. Phipps, Oct. 7.
Leisler and Milborne hung,—May 16.
1692. Phipps' Witchcraft Court at Salem, Mass.
(Twenty persons convicted of witchcraft and put to death.)
1694. Death of Mary II., Queen of Great Britain,—Dec. 28.
1697. Treaty of Ryswick closed King William's War; no change in territory,—Oct. 30.
1699. Captain William Kidd, the pirate, at Gardner's Bay, Long Island.

Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent use of hyphens has been retained as in the original: Goodwife/Good-wife, firebrands/fire-brands, roadside/road-side, firelight/fire-light, fireplace/fire-place, hubbub/hub-bub, seafaring/sea-faring. Other punctuation and spelling has been standardized.


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