| PERIOD VII.—AGE OF SUPERSTITION. A.D. 1680 TO A.D. 1700. | 1680. | Charleston, S. C., founded by the removal of the Carteret Colony. | 1681. | Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by Charles II.,—March 4. | 1682. | La Salle explored the Mississippi to its mouth; named Louisiana. Delaware (the three lower counties) granted to William Penn,—Aug. 24. Philadelphia founded by William Penn. | 1684. | Massachusetts' Charter declared null and void by English Court,—June 18. | 1685. | Accession of James II. to the throne of Great Britain,—Feb. 6. | 1686. | Arrival of Sir Edmund Andros, Governor of all New England,—Dec. 20. | 1687. | Charter of Connecticut concealed in Charter Oak at Hartford,—Oct. 31. | 1689. | Accession of William III. and Mary II. to the throne of Great Britain,—Feb. 13. King William's War, between Great Britain and France,—lasted eight years. | 1690. | Burning of Schenectady, N. Y., by French and Indians,—Feb. 9. Port Royal taken by the British under Phipps,—May. | 1691. | Massachusetts, Plymouth, Maine, and Nova Scotia united,—Gov. Phipps, Oct. 7. Leisler and Milborne hung,—May 16. | 1692. | Phipps' Witchcraft Court at Salem, Mass. (Twenty persons convicted of witchcraft and put to death.) | 1694. | Death of Mary II., Queen of Great Britain,—Dec. 28. | 1697. | Treaty of Ryswick closed King William's War; no change in territory,—Oct. 30. | 1699. | Captain William Kidd, the pirate, at Gardner's Bay, Long Island. | Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent use of hyphens has been retained as in the original: Goodwife/Good-wife, firebrands/fire-brands, roadside/road-side, firelight/fire-light, fireplace/fire-place, hubbub/hub-bub, seafaring/sea-faring. Other punctuation and spelling has been standardized.